广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 1 She trained hard,so she became a great player later教学课件 (新版)外研版

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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 1 She trained hard,so she became a great player later教学课件 (新版)外研版_第1页
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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 1 She trained hard,so she became a great player later教学课件 (新版)外研版_第2页
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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 1 She trained hard,so she became a great player later教学课件 (新版)外研版_第3页
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Unit 1three astronauts of Shenzhou 10 Matin Luther KingHe was a great political leader in the USA. He fought for black people to get the same rights in the USA. He made a great speech I Have a Dream.a physicist andchemist,honored with twoNobel Prizes,the first femaleprofessor at theUniversity of ParisMADAM CURIEQian Xuesen(1911 2009) a scientist who made important contributions to the missile and space programs (导弹和航天计导弹和航天计划划) of both the United States and Peoples Republic of Chinaknown as the “Father of Chinese Rocketry”BILL GATESco-founder, chairman, and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation a charitarianMICHAEL JACKSONthe king of pop,died in 2009Michael JacksonWho is she? Why is she famous?Deng Yaping was the table tennis champion of the 11th Asian Games and the 41st World Table Tennis Championship. In the 25th Olympic Games she won two gold medals. At the age of 4, she began to play table tennis under the guidance of her father. When she was 8, she won the championship in the national competition of the amateur sports school. In 1988 she became a member of the National Training Team. On her way to success, she proved that height was nothing and hard work was everything.Listen and choose the correct answers.1.Who are the speakers? a) A student and a teacher. b) A person on the radio and a guest. c) Two students.2.Where are the speakers? a) At a radio station. b) At home. c) In a classroom.ba3. What are they talking about? a) A famous person. b) A friend. c) A teacher.a1. Why did Deng Yaping become a great player?2. What did she do after she stopped playing table tennis?She trained hard.She began to study at Tsinghua University and then attended university abroad.Listen, read and answer the questions.Complete the table.Facts about Deng YapingFacts about Deng YapingWhen she was five, she _.When she was twenty-four, started playing table tennisshe _.stopped playing table tennisFacts about Deng YapingFacts about Deng YapingAfter she stopped playing, she began to _ in Beijing.After seven years study abroad, study at she _.Tsinghua Universitycompleted her doctors degree at CambridgeUniversityMake a dialogue, talking about your heroes. Whos your hero? Its Liu Yang! Why? Because shes the first Chinese woman in space. Whos your hero? Its Jackie Chan! Why? Because hes a great film star. I think all his films are fantastic!A: What do you want to be?B: I want to be a film star because I like films.A: Who is your hero?B: Its Zhang Ziyi. Shes a beautiful lady. She plays different roles in many films. I like her acting.Listen and mark the pauses.1. Shes my hero because shes one of the best table tennis players in the world.2. She started playing table tennis when she was five.3. Whatever she does, she never gives up!4. Deng says that she isnt cleverer than anyone else, but she has a very strong will./Listen again and repeat.1. Shes my hero because shes one of the best table tennis players in the world.2. She started playing table tennis when she was five.3. Whatever she does, she never gives up!4. Deng says that she isnt cleverer than anyone else, but she has a very strong will./(2010年深圳市中考年深圳市中考) 假如你们学校校报举行假如你们学校校报举行英语征文活动,主题是英语征文活动,主题是“我心目中的成功人我心目中的成功人士士”,请你写一篇文章介绍一位你心目中的,请你写一篇文章介绍一位你心目中的成功人士成功人士(可以使你身边熟悉的人或名人可以使你身边熟悉的人或名人)。文。文章必须包含以下内容:章必须包含以下内容:1. 人物简介;人物简介;2. 人物事迹;人物事迹;3. 给你的启发。给你的启发。 要求:要求: 1) 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确、逻辑清晰;确、逻辑清晰;2) 假如写的是你身边的人物,文中不能出现假如写的是你身边的人物,文中不能出现真实的姓名和校名;真实的姓名和校名;3) 80词左右。词左右。 A Successful Person in My Mind The successful person in my mind is Lang Lang. He is one of the youngest and most famous pianists of our time. However, his success came at a price. He spent most of his time practicing playing the piano when he wasa little boy. At the age of 17, he became famousafter he was chosen to play at a musical event in the U. S. A. Lang Langs experiences tell methat hard work leads to success and chances belong to those who have made good preparations. A Successful Person in My Mind Jim, one of my classmates, is a successful person in my mind. Jim does well in both his studies and sports. He has won a number of prizes in many different competitions. Whats more, he is helpful and gets on well with the classmates and teachers. However, Jims success came through his hard work. From his experiences, I understand the meaning of “No pains, no gains.” And I will try my best to realize my dream. including prep. 包含;包括包含;包括There are three storeys including the ground floor. 包括底层共有三层。包括底层共有三层。They have many pets, including three cats. 他们有很多宠物,包括三只猫。他们有很多宠物,包括三只猫。1. Shes won many world competitions, including four gold medals Language pointsinclude和和 including都有都有“包含包含”的意思。的意思。 include是及物动词,在句中作谓是及物动词,在句中作谓 语;语; including是介词引导的介词短语在句中作状是介词引导的介词短语在句中作状语,起补充说明的作用,前面可用逗号隔开。语,起补充说明的作用,前面可用逗号隔开。例如:例如: My work includes cooking meals, cleaning the house and so on. 我的工作包括做饭、打扫房间等。我的工作包括做饭、打扫房间等。 I have much work to do, including cooking meals and cleaning the house. 我有很多工作要做,包括做饭和打扫房间。我有很多工作要做,包括做饭和打扫房间。知识链接知识链接1) 根据汉语提示完成句子。根据汉语提示完成句子。 (2011 烟台烟台 ) Ten people were killed in the traffic accident, _ (包括包括 ) two babies.2) 根据句意和首字母提示,补全各小题单词。根据句意和首字母提示,补全各小题单词。 (2011湖北黄石湖北黄石) Many middle school students like reading Harry Potter, i_ me.includingincluding3) - How many chapters (章章 ) does the book _? - Ten, _ prologue and epilogue (序序言和尾声言和尾声 ). A. include; include B. include; including C. including; include D. including; including B stop doing sth. “停止做某事停止做某事”, 表停止正表停止正在做的事情。如:在做的事情。如:They stopped talking to me. 他们中断了与我交谈。他们中断了与我交谈。Stop running about. 不要乱跑。不要乱跑。2. She stopped playing when she was twenty-four.stop to do sth. “停下来去做某事停下来去做某事”, 即停止正即停止正在做的事,而去做另一件事。不定式为在做的事,而去做另一件事。不定式为stop的目的状语。如:的目的状语。如:They stopped to talk to me. 他们停下来和我交谈。他们停下来和我交谈。Lets stop to have a rest. 让我们停下来休息一会儿。让我们停下来休息一会儿。知识链接知识链接1) (2010 重庆重庆) James, Im too tired. Lets stop _ a rest. A. having B. haveC. to having D. to have2) (2011四川广元四川广元) Since you are tired, youd better _ and have a good rest. A. stop to study B. stop study C. stop studying3) (2011四川南充四川南充) Class is beginning. Please stop _. A. talking B. to talk C. talkDCA attend v. 上上(学学);出席;参加;出席;参加(事件或活动事件或活动)Children must attend school. 儿童必须上学。儿童必须上学。He decided to attend the conference. 他决定出席这次会议。他决定出席这次会议。We attend church every two weeks. 我们每隔两个星期到教堂做一次礼拜。我们每隔两个星期到教堂做一次礼拜。3. and then attended university abroad.attend, join, join in, take part in均含均含“参加参加”之意。之意。attend侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等。侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等。join普通用词普通用词, 指加入党派、团体或游戏活动指加入党派、团体或游戏活动等。等。join in表示表示“加入;参加加入;参加(某种活动某种活动)”,in之后之后接名词或接名词或v.-ing形式;表示形式;表示“参加某人的某种参加某人的某种活动活动”时,可用时,可用join sb in (doing) sth 。take part in侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定业、工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用。的作用。知识链接知识链接- Mary, would you like to _ this game? - Id love to, but I have to finish _ the composition first. A. join in, to write B. attend, writing C. join, to write D. take part in, writingD用用 join, join in, take part in, attend 的适当形式的适当形式填空。填空。1. Were going to visit the flower show tomorrow. Will you _ us?2. How many countries _ the last Olympic Games?3. He didnt _ school yesterday because of his illness.4. All the league members _ the meeting, at which ten students _ the league.5. Will you _ us _ playing basketball? jointook part in attend attend join join in abroad adv. 在国外;到国外在国外;到国外He is travelling abroad. 他正在国外旅行。他正在国外旅行。He lived abroad for many years. 他在国外居住了许多年。他在国外居住了许多年。We try to go abroad at least once a year. 我们争取一年至少出国一次。我们争取一年至少出国一次。 at home and abroad 国内外国内外abroad是副词,不是名词,因此不能与是副词,不是名词,因此不能与 in, to, at 等介词连用;其前也不用冠词:等介词连用;其前也不用冠词:正:正:He went abroad last year. 他去年出国了。他去年出国了。误:误:He went to abroad last year. 误:误:He went to the abroad last year. abroad 之前虽不能用之前虽不能用 in, to 之类的介词,但之类的介词,但可用介词可用介词 from: He just came back from abroad. 他刚从国外回来。他刚从国外回来。注注 意意 whatever conj. 不管怎样不管怎样Dont change your plans, whatever happens. 无论怎样,你都别改变计划。无论怎样,你都别改变计划。 So dont lose heart, whatever you do. 因此无论你做什么,都不要丧失信心。因此无论你做什么,都不要丧失信心。4. Whatever she does, she never gives up!(2013江苏南京中考江苏南京中考) - _ film do you prefer, Lost in Thailand or Life of Pi, Madee? - Lost in Thailand. I like comedies because they often make me laugh. A. What B. Whatever C. Whose D. WhichD give up 放弃;戒除放弃;戒除It is a pity to give up the job. 要放弃这份工作,真是遗憾。要放弃这份工作,真是遗憾。Do you think you can give up the bad habit? 你觉得你能够改掉这个坏习惯吗?你觉得你能够改掉这个坏习惯吗?The doctor advised me to give up smoking. 医生建议我戒烟。医生建议我戒烟。注意:如果宾语是代词,就必须放在注意:如果宾语是代词,就必须放在give 和和up之间;如果是名词,则既可插在之间,之间;如果是名词,则既可插在之间,也可放在动词后。也可放在动词后。give away 赠送赠送; 送出送出; 背叛背叛; 泄露泄露give out 分发分发; 散发散发; 公布公布; 用尽用尽; 出故障出故障give rise to 引起;使发生;导致引起;使发生;导致give in 屈服屈服; 投降投降; 让步让步; 呈交呈交give off 散发散发(光、气味等光、气味等)give back 还给还给知识链接知识链接(2013 江苏连云港江苏连云港) It was a difficult time for the quake-hit victims in Yaan, but they didnt _ hope. A. give up B. give off C. give in D. give out(2013 天津天津) Its cold outside. _ your sweater before you go out. A. Put on B. Turn on C. Put up D. Give upAA (2006河北河北)He has failed several times, but he wont _. A. go on B. come on C. get up D. give upSmoking is bad for your health. Youd better _. A. set it up B. give it up C. pick it up D. look it up 医生告诉他戒酒。医生告诉他戒酒。 The doctor told him to _ drinking. DBgive up amazing adj. 惊人的;极好的惊人的;极好的He has amazing knowledge. 他有令人惊叹的知识。他有令人惊叹的知识。We had an amazing time in Thailand. 我们在泰国玩得非常开心。我们在泰国玩得非常开心。5. Thats amazing! 辨析辨析amazing; amazedamazing做形容词,意为做形容词,意为“令人惊奇的,令令人惊奇的,令人吃惊的人吃惊的”,可做定语和表语,一般主语指,可做定语和表语,一般主语指物。物。amazed做形容词,意为做形容词,意为“惊奇的,吃惊的惊奇的,吃惊的”,主语为人,短语主语为人,短语be amazed at.指指“对对大大为惊奇为惊奇”。例如:。例如:I am amazed at what he said. 我对他说的话大为惊奇。我对他说的话大为惊奇。知识链接知识链接The scenery on Mount Emei is _. Im really _ at its beauty. A. amazing, amazed B. amazed, amazed C. amazed, amazing D. amazing, amazing amazing / amazed She was _ at the _ wonder at that time. Aamazedamazing常见的以常见的以-ing 和和-ed 结尾的同根形容词:结尾的同根形容词: interesting, interested boring,boredfrustrating, frustratedtiring,tiredsurprising, surprised知识链接知识链接 as well as 在这里的意思是在这里的意思是“也,还也,还”He can speak Spanish as well as English. 他不但会说英语,而且会讲西班牙语。他不但会说英语,而且会讲西班牙语。We shall travel by night as well as by day. 我们将日夜兼程。我们将日夜兼程。注意:注意:as well as可连接两个可连接两个并列的并列的单词或单词或短语短语6. I think shes a good student as well as a good player. Lily as well as her parents is very fond of classical music. 不但莉莉的父母,而且连莉莉也非常喜不但莉莉的父母,而且连莉莉也非常喜欢古典音乐。欢古典音乐。 注意:连接主语时注意:连接主语时 其谓语动词的人称和数其谓语动词的人称和数应与放在应与放在as well as 之前的之前的名词或代词保持名词或代词保持一致。一致。在在A as well as B 的结构里,语意的重点在的结构里,语意的重点在 A,不在,不在 B。 as well as和和 not only but also 同义,但前者的语意重点和后者的同义,但前者的语意重点和后者的语意重点恰好颠倒。语意重点恰好颠倒。 Your wife as well as you is friendly to me.Not only you but also your wife is friendly to me. 不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。注注 意意as well as 用来表示同级比较用来表示同级比较, 指指一样好一样好。如:如:You look as well as you did ten years ago.你的身体看起来还和十年前一样好。你的身体看起来还和十年前一样好。He plays the guitar as well as you.他的吉他弹得和你一样好。他的吉他弹得和你一样好。1) Mary as well as her classmates _ (be) going to visit the museum next week.2) (2013江苏连云港江苏连云港) How can I speak English _ (与你一样好与你一样好), Rose? Practice makes perfect.3) Trees cool the air as well as clean it. (同义同义 句句) Trees not only _ the air but also _ it. is clean as well as you cool homework1、Write a passage about your heart hero.Thank you


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