湖南省娄底市双峰县树人学校八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals Reading 2课件1 (新版)牛津版

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湖南省娄底市双峰县树人学校八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals Reading 2课件1 (新版)牛津版_第1页
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湖南省娄底市双峰县树人学校八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals Reading 2课件1 (新版)牛津版_第2页
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湖南省娄底市双峰县树人学校八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals Reading 2课件1 (新版)牛津版_第3页
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Reading Show timeCan you say something about Xi Wang?Note-making 1 The growth of Xi WangAge WeightFood1 day1.5.10 days2. /4 months 3.8 months 4.6.12 months/20 months/100g8 kg35kgher mothers milkbambooNote-making 2Having some of the problems1.2.3.Its difficult for pandas to have babies.Pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat.Many pandas die when they are very young.Note-making 2Taking the following actions 1. 2. 3. help pandas have more babies build more panda reserves make laws to protect pandasUseful phrases and expressions be born in the beginning live on as a result in danger take action to do sth right away =at once panda reserve make laws at birth for the first time 出生出生开始,起初开始,起初以以为食为食结果,因此结果,因此处于危险中,有危险处于危险中,有危险采取行动做某事采取行动做某事立刻,马上立刻,马上熊猫保护区熊猫保护区制定法律制定法律出生时出生时第一次第一次 look after oneself have babies a special kind of bamboo smaller and smaller protect-from- go outside get sick/ ill have a place to live (in) half a year later face serious problem not-any more 照顾自己照顾自己生孩子生孩子一种特别的竹子一种特别的竹子越来越小越来越小保护保护使免受使免受伤害伤害出去出去生病生病有地方住有地方住半年后半年后面临严重的问题面临严重的问题不再不再Important language points 1. This means “hope”. mean 动词,动词, 意为意为“是是的意思的意思” meaning 名词名词 意为意为“意思意思” meaningful 形容词形容词“有意义的有意义的”eg:你是什么意思?你是什么意思? What do you mean? 你这样说是什么意思?你这样说是什么意思? What do you mean by saying so ? 这个单词是什么意思?这个单词是什么意思? What does this word mean ? =What is the meaning of this word?2. When Xi Wang was born, she weighed 100 grams. be born 动词词组,动词词组,意为意为“出生出生” at birth 介词词组,意为介词词组,意为“在出生时在出生时” =when -was/ were born eg: 她出生在上海。她出生在上海。 She was born in Shanghai. 熊猫出生时很小的。熊猫出生时很小的。 The baby pandas are very small at birth. =The baby pandas are very small when they were born.3. Eight months later, she was not a small baby any more not any more no more 没有,不再没有,不再e.g. 1.他不再来这儿了。他不再来这儿了。 He didnt come here any more. He no more came here. 2.他不再是个孩子了。他不再是个孩子了。 He is not a child any more. = He is no more a child.4. In the beginning, Xi Wang drank her mothers milk. in the beginning 意为意为“开始开始” =at first与与later (后来后来)相对相对,含含“起初是这种情况,起初是这种情况,而后来却不是这种情况而后来却不是这种情况”之意,不与之意,不与of连用。连用。 at the beginning 常常跟常常跟of 短语,表示短语,表示“在在.开始开始时时”,与,与at the end of 相对应,表示相对应,表示“在在.结束时结束时”。 eg: 开始她很害羞。开始她很害羞。 In the beginning she was very shy.1. _ of the meeting, he didnt say anything; but at the end of the meeting, he said a lot.2. _, he sang a song; but in the end, he gave a speech on how to make friends.At the beginningIn the beginning1.在新学期开始时我们会举办一场晚会。在新学期开始时我们会举办一场晚会。 We will have a party _.2.寒冷的天气到四月初开始变暖了。寒冷的天气到四月初开始变暖了。 The cold weather broke _.3.小杰克是在五月末出生的。小杰克是在五月末出生的。 Jack Junior was born _.4.起初我们中的有些人对物理不感兴趣。起初我们中的有些人对物理不感兴趣。 _,some of us took no interest in physics.at the beginning of the new termat the beginning of Aprilat the end of MayIn the beginning 8. However , the bamboo forests are becoming smaller and smaller. 1)however 与与 but 的区别的区别 . 从语义上看,从语义上看,but所表示的是非常明显的对比,所表示的是非常明显的对比,转折的意味比转折的意味比however强。强。 . 从语法上看,从语法上看,but是连词,而是连词,而however是副词。是副词。 . 从语序上看,从语序上看,but总是位于它所引出的分句之首,总是位于它所引出的分句之首,而而however却可位于分句之首、之中或之尾,但在翻却可位于分句之首、之中或之尾,但在翻译成汉语时,一定要把它放在分句之首。译成汉语时,一定要把它放在分句之首。 . 从标点上看,从标点上看,but之后一般不得使用逗号,但之后一般不得使用逗号,但however位于分句之首时,通常用逗号;位于分句之位于分句之首时,通常用逗号;位于分句之中时,通常在其前、后各加一个逗号;位于分句之尾中时,通常在其前、后各加一个逗号;位于分句之尾时,则必须在其前加逗号。时,则必须在其前加逗号。We love peace, but we are not afraid of war.我们热爱和平,但是我们并不害怕战争。我们热爱和平,但是我们并不害怕战争。He hasnt arrived. He may, however, come later.他还没有到,不过,他可能过一会儿来。他还没有到,不过,他可能过一会儿来。You can phone the doctor. However, I doubt whether he will come out on a Saturday night.你可以给医生打电话。不过,我怀疑他是否会在周你可以给医生打电话。不过,我怀疑他是否会在周六晚上出诊。六晚上出诊。He said that it was so. He was mistaken, however. 他说事情是这样的,然而他错了。他说事情是这样的,然而他错了。 eg: 他变得越来越高了。他变得越来越高了。 He becomes taller and taller. 多多益善。多多益善。 The more, the better. 2) smaller and smaller 意为意为“越来越小越来越小” 比较级比较级+and +比较级比较级 意为意为“越来越越来越.” the +比较级,比较级,the+比较级比较级 “越越, 越越” “the +比较级,比较级,the+比较级比较级” 越越越越1. 这女孩变得愈来愈漂亮了。这女孩变得愈来愈漂亮了。 The girl became _.2. 物价越来越高。物价越来越高。 The prices are getting _.3.你看的书越多,你懂得就越多。你看的书越多,你懂得就越多。 _ you read , _ you will understand.more and more beautifulhigher and higherThe more books the better6. For example, it is very difficult for pandas to have babies, It is difficult/hard/easy for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事很难对某人来说,做某事很难/容易容易/- it 为形式主语,句子真正的主语是后面的动为形式主语,句子真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。词不定式。对于这样小的男孩而言,学外语不容易。对于这样小的男孩而言,学外语不容易。It is not easy for such a little boy to learn a foreign language. 14.Giant pandas are now in danger. 大熊猫现在处于危险中。大熊猫现在处于危险中。 danger n. 危险危险 dangerous adj. 危险的危险的; safety (n.)安全安全 safe (adj.) 安全的安全的 safely (adv.) 安全地安全地=be dangerous in danger 处于危险中,处于危险中, out of danger 脱离危险脱离危险eg:这位老人身处险境。这位老人身处险境。 The old man is in danger. 最后他脱离了危险。最后他脱离了危险。 At last , he was out of danger.1. 他有生命危险。他有生命危险。 His life was _.2. 人类应该依据法律保护濒危动物。人类应该依据法律保护濒危动物。 Man should _ by law.3. 别担心。他已经脱离危险了。别担心。他已经脱离危险了。 _. He is _.4. Be careful; its too _.5. He always helps people in _.in dangerprotect animals in dangerDont worryout of dangerdangerousdanger15.We should take action right away. 我们应该立刻采取行动我们应该立刻采取行动/行动起来。行动起来。 (1) take action to do sth 采取行动做某事采取行动做某事 take the following actions to do sth 采取下列措施做某事采取下列措施做某事 the following day=the next day 第二天第二天 (2) right away 立刻,马上立刻,马上 =right now=at once=immediately (3) protect v. 保护保护 n. protection adj. protected protect . from . 保护保护不受不受的侵害的侵害 我们必须采取行动来保护我们的环境。我们必须采取行动来保护我们的环境。We must take action to protect our environment .学生应该学会保护自己免受各种危险的伤害。学生应该学会保护自己免受各种危险的伤害。Students should learn to protect themselves from kinds of danger.1.他戴着太阳镜以抵挡强烈的阳光。他戴着太阳镜以抵挡强烈的阳光。 He is wearing sunglasses _ _ his eyes _ the strong sunlight.2. 人们应该学会如何保护自己。人们应该学会如何保护自己。 People should learn _ _ _ _.3. 我们应该采取什么行动来阻止人们污染环境我们应该采取什么行动来阻止人们污染环境呢?呢? _ _ should we _ _ _ people _ _ the environment ?to protect fromhow to protect themselves根据汉语意思完成下列句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子, 每空一词。每空一词。What actiontake to stopfrom polluting17.If we do nothing, soon there will be none left. 如果我们不做任何事如果我们不做任何事,不久就将没有大熊猫剩不久就将没有大熊猫剩 下了。下了。 (1)If “如果如果” 引导条件状语从句,用一般现引导条件状语从句,用一般现 在时表示将来发生的动作;在时表示将来发生的动作; (2)none指上文提到的人或物没有,强调数量,指上文提到的人或物没有,强调数量,回答回答How many? 而而nobody, nothing 强调名称,回答强调名称,回答Who与与what?我原以为教室里有很多学生,但是一个人也没我原以为教室里有很多学生,但是一个人也没有。有。 I thought there were many students in the classroom, but there was none.-照片上有几个男生?照片上有几个男生?-一个也没有。一个也没有。 How many boys are there in the picture? -There are none.-谁教你骑自行车的?谁教你骑自行车的? -没有人,我自学的。没有人,我自学的。Who taught you to ride a bike? - Nobody. I taught myself.A: How many students can you see there?B: _. A: Who can you see in the classroom?B: _.None Nobody / No one nobody/no one侧重指人,侧重指人, none侧重强调数量侧重强调数量1. -How many eggs were there in the basket? -There was _.2. -How many girls are there in the classroom? -There was _. They are all on the playground.3. Theres _in the fridge. Will you please go to buy something? -With pleasure.nonenonenothing4. Mum, can I have some milk now? -There was _ at home. Ill go to buy some this afternoon.5. Who taught you French, Jack? -_. I learned it by myself. A. Somebody B. Nobody C. None D. Everybody6. -How many students have got a dictionaries? -_. A. Anybody B. No one C. Nobody D. Nonenone7. I ask many friends to come to the party yesterday, but _of them came. A. all B. no one C. none D. everyonenone后面可用后面可用of, no one/everyone/someone等后面不可用等后面不可用of上文提到的人或物一个也没有上文提到的人或物一个也没有8.The room was empty. They found_. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything9. I wanted to have some milk, but there was _left. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. nonenothing指什么都没有,一无所有,指什么都没有,一无所有,none只是指上文说的那样东西没有只是指上文说的那样东西没有10.The students were all tired, but _of them stopped _ a rest. A. no one, to have B. all, having C. none, to have D. nobody, having11.Sometimes_turns off the lights in the classroom because everybody thinks somebody will do it. A. anybody B. somebody C. nobody D. everybody12._ is too difficult if you put your effort into it. A. Anything B. Something C. NothingD. Everything18.However, we do believe that where there is Xi Wang, there is hope. 然而然而, 我们相信哪里有我们相信哪里有“希望希望”,哪里就有希,哪里就有希望。望。 (1)do + 动词原形动词原形, 表示强调,用来加强语气表示强调,用来加强语气 (2)where there is/are, there is/are 哪里有哪里有,哪里就有,哪里就有.我昨天确实在街上遇见她的。我昨天确实在街上遇见她的。I did meet her in the street yesterday.哪里有草哪里就有羊。哪里有草哪里就有羊。Where there is grass, there are sheep.1. 有志者有志者,事竟成。事竟成。 _ _ is will, there_ _ _.2. 哪儿有问题哪儿有问题, 哪儿就有解决问题的方法。哪儿就有解决问题的方法。 _there are problems, there are_ _ work out them. 3. 她的确来自美国。她的确来自美国。 She _ _ _ the USA. Where ways toWhere thereis a waydoes come fromDetection FeedbackI. 根据汉语提示及句子意思写出单词。根据汉语提示及句子意思写出单词。1. What does this word _ (意思是意思是)? 2. “Hes gone away for six months,” she said _ (伤心地伤心地). 3. Williams _ (面临面临) a serious problem at the moment.4. Shes going to study _ (法律法律) at university. 5. She went to the shop to get some oranges but they had _ (没有一个没有一个). meansadlyfaceslawsnone1. The patient is out of _(dangerous) at last. 2. He became _ (interest) in science. 3. The little pets _ (die) made me very sad. 4. I think its _ (easy) to learn English than to learn Chinese. 5. I am _ (true) sorry about it. dangerinteresteddeathtrulyeasier 用所给的词的正确形式填空用所给的词的正确形式填空 6. Can you answer the _(follow) question? 7. He looked _ (sad) at the broken toy car. 8. Here _ (be) some of the problems that Xi Wang may have in the future. 9. The young mother has two _ (baby) giraffes. followingsadlyarebaby10.Dont play this _game, or youll be in _.(danger)11.At the _of the 21st century, many young people liked using mobile phones. (begin)12.The people in the hotel were _foreign tourists. (main)13. “I failed in the English exam again,”the boy said _. (sad)dangerousdangerbeginningmainlysadly14.-Do you know Xi Wangs _when she was born? -She _just 100 grams when she was born. (weigh)15. Its _ (danger) to play football in the street .16. He became _(interest) in science when he was ten years old.dangerousinterestedweightweighed 17. Would you like _ (join) the trip to the Tai San Park ? Its very interesting . 18. The teacher made us _ (clean) the classroom . 4.The baby panda is _(面临面临) a lot of _(危险危险). 5. What does “hope”_(意思意思). Do you know the _(意思意思) of it.to joincleanfacingdangermeanmeaningIII. 单项选择。单项选择。1.She got up to get some sleeping pills but found there was _ left at home. A. nothing B. none C. something D. nobody2. How many birds can you see in the tree? _. All the birds have flown away. A. None B. No one C. Nothing D. A few II. 根据汉语提示完成句子。根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 她生于她生于2000年。年。 She _ in 2000.2. 一开始,我很喜欢我的工作,但现在一开始,我很喜欢我的工作,但现在 我很厌烦这工作。我很厌烦这工作。 I enjoyed my job _, but Im bored with it now. 3. 我上学时只能靠粗茶淡饭过活。我上学时只能靠粗茶淡饭过活。 I had to _ bread and water when I was a student.was bornin the beginninglive on4. 因此,他过了个愉快的假期。因此,他过了个愉快的假期。 _, he had a happy vacation.5. 他有生命危险。他有生命危险。 His life was _. 6. 我们必须在它蔓延到其他区域前采取我们必须在它蔓延到其他区域前采取 行动处理问题。行动处理问题。 We must _ to deal with the problem before it spreads to other areas.7. 请立刻把它打印出来。请立刻把它打印出来。 I want it typed _, please.As a resultin dangertake actionright away1. Finish related exercises.2. Write a short article about your problem and suggestions.To preview Grammar1) Using may for possibility2) Using verbs + to-infinitives1. Finish the Exercises B3 and B4 on Page 60. 2. Andy是校报的编辑,他想写一篇关是校报的编辑,他想写一篇关 于金丝猴的简介,并号召大家保护于金丝猴的简介,并号召大家保护 金丝猴。请你根据下面的材料,帮金丝猴。请你根据下面的材料,帮 Andy写一篇写一篇70词左右的短文。词左右的短文。Name: Golden MonkeyAppearance: soft fur, long tailAbility: good at jumping, a good memoryLifestyle: live in China; live in groups; feed on leaves, insects and fruitsProblem: not enough places to liveGolden Monkeys_ 1.look down on 轻视,看不起轻视,看不起 2.look forward to sth/doing sth 盼望;期待盼望;期待 3.look out 注意;当心注意;当心! 4.look out of. 朝朝外看外看 5.look at 看看, 查看查看 6.look for 寻找寻找 7.look like 看起来象看起来象 看来要看来要 8.look around 环顾四周环顾四周 9.look through 浏览浏览 10.look up 仰视仰视, 查询查询, 查字典查字典 look it up 11.look up and down 仔细打量仔细打量(某人某人); 到处寻找到处寻找 拓展拓展


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