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高三Unit 1New Words1. conclude 1) vt.& vi 结束,完结;使终止end up withHe concluded his speech with some amusing remarks.他说了一些有趣的话结束他的演讲.The book concluded with a happy ending.这本书以大团圆作为结束.2)vt. 下结论, 称 (不能用进行时)conclude + that-clauseThe police concluded that he was the criminal of the murder.警察认定他是这件凶杀案件的罪犯.The judge concluded that the prisoner was guilty.法官下结论说,那犯人有罪。 3) vt. (与)缔结条约 We concluded an agreement with the enemy and soon made peace. 我们与敌人缔结了协定,很快就讲和了。conclusion n. 1) u结论, 决定arrive at/ come to / draw / reach 得出结论jump to conclusions/ a conclusion匆匆下结论a hasty / rash conclusion 草率的结论 2)c结束,结尾 come to a conclusion 结束 bring to a conclusion 使结束in conclusion = lastly 最后,总之In conclusion I d like to say how much Ive enjoyed staying here.2.hire 1) vt. 租用(AmE多指临时性); 雇用 BrE rent,较长都用rent (rent a house)hire a bike / wedding-dress from himhire a dozen men to dig a ditcha hired carn.u租用on hire 供租用This suit is on hire. 同:employ take on/ take sb. on (opp) lay off3. send sb in派人去处理某事Soldiers were sent in to put down the rebellion.send sth in寄送某处进行处理1 / 9Have you sent in your application for the job?4. set down / put down / write down sth写下来Why dont you set your idea down on paper?set sb. down 停车让人下车The bus stopped to set down an old lady.Ill set you down on the corner of the street.5.length n.长度;长This room is twice the length of the others,but narrower.in length / height / depth 长度是。,The room is 30 feet in length and 15 feet in depth.a river 300 miles in lengthat length = at last最后;详尽地At length the bus arrived, forty minutes late.we discussed the matter at length.6.in a row 连续, 一连串He wrote us seven letters in a row. Chinese women volleyball team won five champions in a row in the 1980s.in rows / a row 成行, 成排They planted the trees in rows.The children stood in a row in front of the row of the chairs.7.in the first (second, etc.) place首先(其次等),第一点(用于列举理由等时) Now, in the first place what made you go so suddenly, and in the second why did you leave no message? first of all First of all let me say how glad I am to be here. above all in the last place最后in the next place其次, 第二点in place of代替, 用.而不用in place 1)放在本来(应放)的地方2)适当的 (反)out of placein places在某些地方, 有几处in ones place8. account n. 叙述;账目;账户She gave the police a full account of the incident.send in an account 报帐keep the accounts of 记帐 on account of = because of on account 赊账 by all accounts 据报道 by ones own account 据某人说 take sth into account 考虑到 The Italian boy was regarded as a hero _ he gave his life for his country. A. according to B. because C. on account of9. attempt v./ n. 企图;试图(做某事) attempt to do n./ pron.The prisoners attempted an escape/ to escape, but failed. make an attempt to do at sth. / doing on sb.(= to kill sb.) 企图谋杀某人 at first / second attempt 第一次/第二次She will attempt to beat the world record.Dont attempt the impossible.They made no attempt to escape /at escaping. I passed the test at the second attempt.(= the second time I tried) 我第二次才通过考试。1)The wounded bird _ flying till it fell over. A. tried B. attempted C. managed D. would like2)He _ to escape from the prison, but he couldnt find anybody to help him. A. succeeded B. attempted C. advised D. offered3)A man is being questioned in relation to the _ murder last night. A. advised B. attended C. attempted D. admitted9. inspect vt. examine详细调查,检查, 审查; 视察make an official visit toYou should inspect the car well before you buy it.在买车之前你应该详细检查一番.The Minister of Education inspected our school.教育部长视察我们的学校.拓展: inspection C 调查;检查;视察carry out / conduct an inspection 调查a close /thorough inspection 彻底调查 on inspection 通过观察On inspection the meat was found to be bad.10.suitable be suitable to 适合;适宜 Is she suitable for the job? be fit for / to do be good for He is good for nothing.他是个窝囊废。 be suited to 适宜; 合适 He was not suited to the job and left after three months. be made f or These hills are made for winter sports. fit in (with)(使)相互适合 This fits in with his ideas. be right for He is right for the job.11.apply (to sb.)for sth. 申请 apply to do applyto应用;运用vt Would you apply that rule to everyone? Apply your knowledge to practice. apply to sth./ sb. 适用于 applied science application 申请u;申请书或口头申请c;应用;适用 make application applications for the job12. confirm vt. 查证的真假,证实,确认make certain/sureHe confirmed the rumor.The experiment confirmed his theory.confirm + that /wh- 确定The President confirmed (that) he would visit France the following month.13.gradual gradually little by little bit by bit=a bit at a time a little at a time14.burst into cheers 突然欢呼起来burst into + n.burst out + doingeg: burst into tears burst out crying burst into laughter burst out laughing Believe it or not, Levys sister suddenly _ crying when we were eating. A. burst out B. burst in C. burst into D. burst on15. familiar 和 similarsb. be familiar with sth. 某人对熟悉/通晓 sth. be familiar to sb. 为某人所熟悉familiarity n. 熟悉,亲密be similar to 与相似/类似be the same as 同。一样be the same to sb. 对。来讲一样 Its all the same to me.be different frombe different insimilarity n. 相似,相似之点16. center on/ upon集中于; 把某人/物当作重点或中心The topic of the meeting centered on the development of Chinas football in the following ten years.这次会议的中心议题是关于中国足球未来十年的发展。Their talks always center on politics. 他们的谈话总是围绕着政治。The discussion centers on the most important questions.17. concentrate 1) vi. vt. 集中; 全神贯注keep all ones thoughts, efforts, attention etc. concentrate (.) on/ upon. You should concentrate on the road when youre driving. If you dont concentrate more on your work, youll lose your job.2)vt.(使)集中;聚集;浓缩 Industrial development is concentrated in the Northeast.Our population is concentrated in the big cities. 我国人口集中在大城市里。concentrated food18.delight n.1) 欣喜,愉快 ujoy to ones delight / joy令高兴的是with delight兴高采烈/高兴地 take/find delight in以为乐2) 乐事,乐趣C He enjoyed the delights of New Yorks night life. 他喜欢纽约夜生活的乐趣。vt. 使高兴;使愉快=pleaseThe clown delighted the audience. 小丑逗乐了观众。Im delighted that you are back.We were delighted to read your novel.be delighted by/with sth. 因而高兴Reading:Listen and read the passage carefully and pay attention to the main idea of each paragraph. Para1: How did the book come about? Para2: Contents in the book. Para3: Chinese Records. Para4: Many records are moving and interesting. Para5: Why are people so interested in world records? Para6: How to set a record.1. settle an argument 1)解决,处理,决定vt.It is time you settled the dispute/ argument/ their quarrel.Thats settled.就这么定了。It is not settled whether I an going to America.同:solve a)解决(问题,困难) solve the problem/questionb)解(题),猜(迷)solve the math problem/ riddle/ a crossword puzzle2)定居 settle (down) inI hope to settle (down) in this country.3)结帐,付账 We still have electricity bill to settle.check in / out2. set sth. down set sb. down set 相关短语set out set out to do sth. set about doing sth set off 出发;启程;引爆;燃放 set back 退步;挫折;阻碍 set aside 拔出;把。置于一边 set foot in / onset fire to sth. set a good example to sb. set the tableThe old man decided to _ some of his spare money in the local bank for his old age. A. set out B. set aside C. set down D. set about 3.keep track of 与。 保持联系;看清;听清lose track of 失去联系;看不清;听不清He couldnt escape because the police kept track of him. 他逃不了的,警察在注意他的行动。To a scientist, the most important thing is knowing he does not lose track of what hes doing. 对一个科学家来说,最重要的是他清楚自己在做什么。I found it hard to keep track of my old friends. Its hard to keep track of all ones old school friends.I ve lost track of what is happening.lose track of time说不准现在的确切时间keep an eye on照看;keep faith with对守信用;keep in mind记住,放在心上。We have been out of touch with each other for many years, and I find it difficult to keep of my old friend now.A. trackB. eyeC. faithD. mind keep in touch with lose touch with get in touch with= contact; reach sb. by telephone4. stand out明显;醒目;杰出,突出The road is easy to read; the words stand out well.Among mystery writers, Christie stood out as the best.在侦探小说家中,克里斯蒂是最好的。stand by 袖手旁观;支持;忠于 How can you stand by and watch your child ruin his life? Please stand by me in my hour of need.stand for代表,表示;意指;象征represent; meanWhat does The US stand for? The United States.stand up耐久;耐用; 成立;站立 Will the charge stand up in court? 这个指控在法庭上能成立吗? stand up for 维护;拥护You should stand up for your rights.Johnny is a great dancer, he _ above the rest for his perfect performance.A. stand by B. lives on C. stands out D. makes out5. as / though 引导的让步状语从句1)Interesting as the book is, I am in no mood to read it.2)Talented as he is, he never shows himself off before his friends.3) Much as I like Venice, I couldnt live there.4)Child as she is, she has experienced the hardship of life. 5)Object as you may, I ll go. (1)_,the teacher kept working until she finally finished correcting all the students papers.A. Ill as is she B. Ill as she is C. As she was ill D. As ill she was(2)_, I have never seen anyone who is as capable as John. ( 上海2001) A. As lone as I have traveled B. Now that I have traveled so much C. Much as I have traveled D. As I have traveled so much6.make for 有利于,有助于做某事;朝前进 make out 弄清楚;辨认;开出;列出 make up 捏造;虚构;弥补;补偿 make sure 确信;有把握 make believe假装 make over 移交=turn over;(合法地)转让(财产)The young kids are making for home after school.The large print makes for easy reading.They made believe they were princes and princesses.I can just make out the writing.Regular exercise will surely _ our good health.A. make out B. make up C. make sure D. make for7.in the air8.since 其后的动词不同,起算的时间不同: since +瞬间动词的过去式(从该动作发生时算起) since +持续动词的过去式(从该动作结束时算起) He has worked very hard since he entered the factory.We havent seen each other since I worked in the factory.比较:Its two years since he joined the army. 他参军两年了. since he was a soldier.他退役两年了.Its almost three years _ I last saw her. A. since B. when C. that D. after(=It has been three years since I last saw her.)如果是要表示从句的动作或状态至今,该动词要用现在完成时,或用ever since +一般过去时,强调与现在的联系.1)Ive known her since I have lived here. since I came here. ever since I lived here.2)-Tom doesnt live here, does he?-_. It has been four years since he lived here.A. No, he doesnt B. Yes, he doesC. No, he does D. Yes, he doesnt 8.Part of the reason for our interest is probably the same curiosity that led Sir Hugh to write The Guinness Book of World Record in the first place.(p.4 para3)lead to lead to lead a life / live a life take the lead It is not surprising that you are tired, _, you have worked for nearly a whole day. A. in all B. in the first place C. first of all D. after allGreat changes _ in the rural areas in the last two decades. A. have taken place B. took place C. have been taken place D. are happening -温馨提示:如不慎侵犯了您的权益,可联系文库删除处理,感谢您的关注!


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