高中英语人教版必修3课时作业:Unit 5 Canada—“The True North” 18 Word版含答案

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2020学年人教版英语精品资料课时作业(十八)Unit 5Canada“The True North”Section Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points.单句语法填空1The old couple have been to three continents (continent) and more than twenty countries.2The teachers chatted (chat) with McDonald about the importance of reading and school libraries yesterday evening.3Surrounded (surround) by the excited fans, the members of the band couldnt move.4Nothing serious. Your son just got slightly (slight) injured in the accident.5The hall was extremely big, measuring (measure) 200 metres long and 100 metres wide.6He was wandering in the street when he caught (catch) sight of his former boss.7When I study English, I like to put my dictionary within my reach so that I can refer to it when necessary.8Although it was a hard problem, he managed to_settle (settle) it all by himself at last.9Walking (walk) straight ahead, the students went out of the classroom one by one.10You seem to have a gift for seeing into peoples minds and none of my thoughts can escape from you.阅读理解Canada is home to many mountains, which are found in every province. The highest mountain is Mount Logan in the Yukon, and many other mountains of the Canadian Rockies reach high into the blue skies.The Rocky Mountains begin in British Columbia and snake (蜿蜒) nearly 3,000 miles to their smaller low hills in New Mexico. Many of the mountains sit within state and national parks. A large number of popular tourist attractions are among the longest of all Canadian mountains. Many people spend entire vacations seeing the Rockies. Banff National Park in Alberta is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Home to Lake Louise, the national park is on the top of many peoples dream vacations. Several of Canadas top ski places are on the peaks (山顶) of the Canadian Rockies.While the Appalachian Mountains are mainly known as a US mountain range (山脉), they dont end once they hit the Canadian border. While not the longest of the Canadian mountain ranges, the Appalachians snake nearly 2,000 miles from the Atlantic coast of Canada to Alabama. The things to do in this region are as various as the provinces themselves. Whether youre looking to experience the culture or the scenery, youll have ample chances to experience what makes Canada such an amazing place to explore.Running along the British ColumbiaYukon Territory, the Pelly Mountains set the stage for adventures. Several Yukonbased shops that sell equipment for outdoor activities bring adventurers to the Pelly Mountains for vacations. On these trips, youll find adventures that are not easy to find in the city. One day, you could float down a mountain river and then hike a mountain path. These Canadian mountains also offer a lot of fishing opportunities in the spring and summer.【文章大意】加拿大有很多有名的山脉,本文介绍了其中的一些。1What do we know about Banff National Park?AIts home to one of Canadas top ski places.BIts a popular place for taking a vacation in Canada.CIts home to the most popular part of the Rockies.DIts considered the most beautiful place in the world.解析:B推理判断题。根据第二段的.the national park is on the top of many peoples dream vacations. 可知,这个公园是人们在加拿大度假很受欢迎的去处。2What does the underlined word “ample” in Paragraph 3 mean?AEnough. BNew.CFew. DValuable.解析:A词义猜测题。根据第三段的The things to do in this region are as various as the provinces themselves.可知,阿巴拉契亚山脉有“足够的”机会让人们体验加拿大的风景和文化。3According to the text, what are you most probably advised to do in the Pelly Mountains?ATo fish there anytime you want.BTo float down a mountain river all day.CTo enjoy a quiet vacation on your own.DTo explore and have thrilling experiences.解析:D推理判断题。根据末段的the Pelly Mountains set the stage for adventures以及youll find adventures that are not easy to find in the city可知,这个地方适合探险和经历刺激的事情。.完形填空When I was in high school and college, I went to fast food restaurants pretty often. I thought it was just a fashion at that time. _1_, I was wrong. Even until today, the _2_ of fast food still remains high, _3_ among students. As we know, life is becoming more fastpaced. Most people are _4_, so they dont have much time to _5_. The invention of fast food is a _6_ to the busy life of people who dont have much time to cook.Many teenagers can _7_ fast food, even if they do not have a lot of money. _8_ enjoying a meal, they may still have some money _9_ for a movie later. Nowadays, many fast food restaurants stay _10_till late at night like McDonalds. You can eat there after working late. Besides, at fast food restaurants, you have plenty of _11_. If you dont like to choose, most fast food restaurants _12_ set meals (套餐)As the name shows, fast food is food served _13_. You can get your _14_ in just a minute. For drivers and travelers, fast food also has a(n) _15_. You can eat anytime, even in your car. Generally, managers in fast food restaurants do not _16_ how long you have been reading or meeting someone there. So they are now considered as the perfect places where friends meet.We may eat fast food once in a while to satisfy our _17_. However, we must _18_ how much fast food we eat, because eating too much fast food may _19_ our health. I hope that teenagers will realize the importance of healthy eating before it is too _20_.【文章大意】作者列举了快餐如此流行的原因,并告诫青少年少吃快餐,要健康饮食。1A.However BOtherwiseCUnluckily DFinally解析:A根据上文的I thought.以及下文的I was wrong可知,作者以为自己上高中和大学的时候流行吃快餐。“然而”,他错了。即使现在,快餐依然很流行。2A.quality BstandardCpopularity Dprice解析:C根据上文的.a fashion.Even until today.可知,即使现在,快餐的“流行程度”依然很高。3A.especially BactuallyCstrangely Dentirely解析:A根据上下文可知,即使现在,快餐的流行程度依然很高,“特别是”在学生中间很流行。4A.hardworking BlazyCbusy Dwarmhearted解析:C根据下文的.the busy life of people who dont have much time to cook.可知,现在是快节奏的生活,大多数人都很“忙”。5A.communicate BcookCstudy Dplay解析:B根据下文的.the busy life of people who dont have much time to cook.可知,大多数人没有太多时间“做饭”。6A.change BguidanceCdanger Dsolution解析:D根据语境可知,对那些没有太多时间做饭的人来说,快餐的发明解决了他们因忙碌而没时间做饭的状况。solution意为“解决方法”。7A.exchange BaffordCsell Dmake解析:B根据下文的.even if they do not have a lot of money.可知,许多青少年可以“买得起”快餐。8A.When BSinceCBefore DAfter解析:D根据下文的later可知,看电影是在吃快餐之“后”。9A.left BearnedClost Dlent解析:A根据语境可知,吃完快餐之后,还能“余留”一些钱稍后看个电影。10A.warm BcleanCclosed Dopen解析:D根据语境可知,许多快餐店像麦当劳一样“营业”至深夜。11A.time BseatsCchoices Dpackage解析:C根据下文的choose以及set meals可判断,快餐店里有很多种“选择”。12A.prefer BofferCpromise Drefuse解析:B根据语境可知,如果你不想选择,大多数快餐店都“供应”套餐。13A.fully BcheaplyCquickly Dsurprisingly解析:C根据上文的As the name shows.可知,正如它的名字所指,快餐是指上餐非常“快”。14A.card BpresentCorder Dplate解析:C根据语境可知,你可以在很短的时间内拿到自己所“点的菜肴”。15A.problem BadvantageCagreement Dability解析:B根据下文的You can eat anytime, even in your car.可知,对于司机和游客来说,快餐还有个“优点”。16A.mind BdoubtCguess Dremember解析:A根据下文的So they are now considered as the perfect places where friends meet.可知,一般来说,那儿的经理不会“在意”你在那看书或约会多久。17A.heart BcustomersCparents Dstomach解析:D根据语境可知,我们可能偶尔会满足一下自己的“胃”。18A.forget BpredictCcontrol Dignore解析:C然而,我们必须“控制”自己的食量,因为快餐对人身体不好。19A.harm BimproveCshow Dtest解析:A然而,我们必须控制自己的食量,因为快餐对人身体不好,故用harm。20A.dark BshortCserious Dlate解析:D根据语境可知,我希望他们能早早认识到健康的重要性,不然就太“晚”了。.短文改错Early in the morning, I was running slowly in the street near my home while I saw an old couple looking at a map of Xian careful. They seemed to have lost their way, so I went up to them but asked if I could give them hand. They told me that they wanted to pay a shortly visit to the Bell Tower, but didnt know how to get to there. I led them to the bus stations nearby and advised them to take Bus No. 215. They expressed thanks to me for their help. Soon the bus came and they said goodbye to me. See them get on the bus, I feel a kind of satisfaction.答案:Early in the morning, I was running slowly in the street near my home whil I saw an old couple looking at a map of Xian carefu. They seemed to have lost their way, so I went up to them bu asked if I could give them hand. They told me that they wanted to pay a shortl visit to the Bell Tower, but didnt know how to get there. I led them to the bus station nearby and advised them to take Bus No. 215. They expressed thanks to me for thei help. Soon the bus came and they said goodbye to me. Se them get on the bus, I fee a kind of satisfaction.


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