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六年级沪教版英语下学期语法填空实验学校习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 词汇运用。1You can ask_(they) some questions.2There are two_(man) teachers in the room.3The_(child) are watching TV now.4My clothes_(be) on the bed.5Look!_(this) are his books.2. 写出动词的过去式。1go 2buy3eat 4take5ride3. 根据中文提示,在横线上填上恰当的单词。1We_(骑)horsesthis morning.2Lilywashappybecauseherfather_(买)heranewbag.3Johnis37kilograms. Tomis35kilograms. SoJohnis_(重)thanTom.4Whichis_(更快的),thesnakeorthesnail?5Ireceived(收到)many_(礼物)onmyholiday.4. 根据句意首字母填空。1I have a good father. He has many good h_.2We should keep our city clean and t_.3Amy and I are good friends. We know each other w_.4The apple tree is too high. I cant r_the apples.5Bobby is w_in Maths. I often help him d_Maths homework.5. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1How many_(monkey) does the zoo have?2Look! One of the children_(swim) in the lake.3Mr. Lee_(give) us a talk on the history of China tomorrow.4He plays the violin very_(good).5There are many books on the_(three) floor.6. 填空题。1In the morning, the s_is long.2No_.3My sisters legs are_(更长) than mine.4I have two birds. The_bird is yellow, and thesmallone is green.5I am_(唱歌) now.7. 根据句意选择合适的单词填空。1Let Mike help you_(picks / pick) the pen up for you.2I watched an_football match last night. I was_. (excited / excitedly / exciting)3_did you cut the meat?With a sharp knife. (What / How)4Who_you up every morning? (wakes / woke)5Willy and Liu Tao are_on the Internet. (chat / chatted / chatting)8. 根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。1We shouldnt_. Everyone needs water.2Is it_?Yes, it is.3Look! The birds_in the sky freely.4Im six_(year) old.5He_(have) a cold last week.6Do you like_(tiger)?No, I dont.9. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1The first day, we_(go) to a big shop. We bought some gifts for our friends.2Tom often_(read) a book in the afternoon. Yesterday afternoon, he_(read) a magazine.3She_(visit) the science museum the day before yesterday.4What_(do) your mother_(do) this morning?She_(cook) good food.5_(do) your sister_(have) a trip this summer holiday?10. 根据要求写出单词的正确形式。1begin (过去式)_2slogan (复数形式)_3tell (过去式)_4high (比较级)_5sing (正在进行时)_6I can play_.7Look, Danny and Alice_(stick) the nails from the floor.8Anne_(take) pictures of her party last Sunday.9We hope it will be_(sun) tomorrow for our trip.11. 填空题。1你的鞋比我的鞋大。Your shoes are_.2它的尾巴有多长?_is its tail?3他们打算去伦敦旅行。They are_to London.4小猪猪迷路了,帮它找到回家的路并写出最近线路所组成的一句话。答案:12. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1I want to be a_, because I like_(travel).2They come from different_(country).3January is the first_(month) of a year.4Lets_(show) you the pictures of our country.5I always take many_(photo) every year.6Will you_(bring) me some fruit?Yes.7They are talking about their_(plan) for the holiday.13. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1Thanks for_(come).2There_(be) no schools in the village five years ago.3This is the_(tall) tree in the garden.4David is brushing his_(tooth) now.5My brother sat on the sofa and_(watch) TV.14. 选词填空。(只填字母序号)A. did B. Where C. hurt D. weekend E. gifts1What_you do last weekend?2_did you go?3I went camping last_.4Mum bought some_for me last weekend.5I_my foot.15. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1She_(go) swimming yesterday.2Did you like it? Yes, it_(be) so warm.3He didnt_(see) a film the day before yesterday.4John often_(do) his homework in the morning.16. 填空题。1Did you go to the countryside yesterday?No. I_to the_.2How did you go to the park?I_my_.17. 按要求写单词。1. get(现在分词) 2. go(第三人称单数)3. have(第三人称单数) 4. come(过去式)5. eat(现在分词)18. 语法填空。1Dont be late_school. Its time_school. (填介词)2We can see the boys_(play) in the playground.3What do you like_(do)?I like_(write).4Can_(you) mother swim?Yes, she likes_(swim).5There isnt_(many) orange juice in the fridge. Lets_(go) and buy some.19. 用下列单词的正确形式填空。1My brother is_(short) than me.2His shoes are bigger than_(my).3Tom is the_(tall) boy in his class. He is_(tall) than any other boys.4I_(stay) at home yesterday.5I didnt_(sleep) all night.6I_(take) lots of pictures yesterday. And I also_(go) swimming.7We_(buy) some gifts and_(eat)some delicious food last Saturday.8There_(be) no computers in that time.9I love to_(ice-skate) now.10I_(have) a dream last night.6 / 6


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