七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town课件2 (新版)牛津版

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七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town课件2 (新版)牛津版_第1页
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UNIT 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!INTRODUCE_ (who) is this coat? Its _(Sandy). Is this _ (you) cup? Yes, its _(I)._ (woman) Day is on March 8th. Are these postcards the _ (twin)?This is _ (he) key ring, _ (she) is over there. WhoseSandysyourmineWomenstwinshisherWORDSrow r v.划船;还可以用作n. 意为“排”。 eg: Can you row me up/across the river? 你能划船将我送到河的上游/对岸吗? Students stand hand in hand in a row. 学生们手牵手站成一排。小练习:星期日我们将参加划船比赛。 _.We shall row a race on Sunday. WORDSwork w:k n.作品,work作“著作,作品”时,多用复数形式works。 eg: There are a lot of works written by Laoshe in the library. 图书馆里有许多老舍的作品。 His tapestry is a work of art. 这张挂毯是件艺术品。 小练习:他读过许多海明威的作品。 _.He has read many of Hemingways works.EXPRESSIONS How far is it from the hotel? 北海公园离宾馆有多远? Its about 40 minutes by bus. 西蒙:乘公共汽车大约40分钟。 how far 问路程“多远”; eg: How far is it from Beijing to Guangzhou? 从北京到广州有多远?小练习:翻译句子。 动物园离这儿有多远?六千米。 _.How far is it from here to the zoo? Its 6 kilometresDIALOGUESimon: Would you like to go to Beihai Park tomorrow?西蒙:明天你愿意去北海公园吗?Neil: OK. What can we do there?尼尔:好的。我们可以在那儿做什么?Simon: We can row a boat on the lake.西蒙:我们可以在湖上划船。Neil: Thats great! What time shall we meet?尼尔:真棒! 我们什么时间见面?DIALOGUESimon: Lets meet in front of your hotel at 8:30 tomorrow morning.西蒙:我们明天早上8点30分在你的宾馆前面见面。Neil: Thats fine. How far is it from the hotel?尼尔:好的。北海公园离宾馆有多远? Simon: Its about 40 minutes by bus.西蒙:乘公共汽车大约40分钟。Neil: OK. Well have a good time there!尼尔:好的。咱们在那儿玩个痛快吧!SUMMARYwork, row, hotel, painting, ownHow far is it from the hotel? Its about 40 minutes by bus. We can row a boat on the lake.EXERCISE1. Sorry, Im late. _ tell me the bus broke down again. A. Never to B. Not C. Dont D. No 2. _ is it from the village to your farm? About 10 minutes walk. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far 3. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 Students in some junior schools can learn _(play) tennis.CDto playEXERCISE4. 根据汉语意思完成句子:教室的前面有一张讲台。 Theres a teachers desk _ the classroom.5. You must hurry up, or youll m_ the last bus.6. Would you like to go to the_ with me? Yes, Id love to. We can see many old things there.7Go to see the golden _ (宝座)in Huangji Palace.8. Jack, I hear you have your_ car. Isnt it? Yes, my dad buys it for me. in the front ofmissmuseumthronenewHOMEWORK朗读课本上提供的例句和练习,注意它们的重音。


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