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19 届高二上期入学摸底测试英语科目试题说明: 1本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)满分 150 分,考试时间 120分钟。2将第卷的答案代表字母填(涂)在第卷的答题表(答题卡)中。 第卷(选择题,共 90 分)一、单项填空:本题共 30 小题,每小题 1 分,共 30 分。1. I wont have this kind of thing him again.A. happening toB. happened toC. taking place inD. take place in2. Theyve us $150,000 for the house. Shall we take it?A. providedB. offeredC. suppliedD. shown3. When reading, you neednt have to a dictionary every time you meet an unknown word.A. look intoB. consultC. turn toD. refer4. Dont try to cheat the taxman; youll never it.A. get out ofB. get intoC. get alongD. get away with5. We had a really good of the whole stage from where we were sitting.A. sightB. viewC. sceneD. scenery6. -Does she like shopping?-Well, she would rather spend time at home than in the street. A. read; wanderB. reading; wanderC. in reading; to wanderD. reading; to wander7. team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championship.A. No matter whatB. No matter whichC. WhateverD. Whichever8. He made up his mind to devote his life pollution happily.A. to prevent; to liveB. to prevent; from livingC. to preventing; to liveD. to preventing; living9. My interests include football, bowling and surfing the web studying my favorite subjects.A. as well asB. instead ofC. less thanD. rather than10. I have done much of the work. Could you please finish in two days?A. the restB. the otherC. anotherD. the others11. America was was first called “India” by Columbus.A. whatB. whereC. the placeD. there where12. It was she left unsaid that worried me.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. where13. It was true Alice did surprised her mother.A. thatB. whatC. that whatD. what that14. Give this to you think can do the work well.A. whoB. whomC. whoeverD. whomever15. you dont like him is none of my business.A. WhatB. WhoC. ThatD. Whether16. It was only when I read this story for a second time to appreciate its beauty.A. did I beginB. that I beganC. then I beganD. had I begun17. Its no use trying to solve problems . Talks are the only solution.A. by the way of warB. by forceC. by communicationD. by means18. Now that you have a job, you must exert (努力) yourself in you do at work.A. howeverB. no matter whatC. no matter howD. whatever19. After the earthquake, the first thing he local government did was to provide for the homeless families.A. accommodationB. equipmentC. occupationD. furniture20. Good friends as we are, I still find her difficult to understand .A. at timesB. at a timeC. at one timeD. at the time21. As a film star she was a success, but as a wife she was failure, so their marriage ended in failure.A. / ; /B. / ; aC. a ; aD. a ; /22. The old couple are now quite because their son finished the task and has come home safely.A. ease ; at easeB. at ease ; with easeC. at ease ; at easeD. easy; with ease23. -What do you think of the book?-Oh, excellent. Its worth a second time.A. readingB. being readC. to readD. to be read24. - Why were you so angry?- The shop assistant me too much for the book.A. costB. chargedC. requiredD. made25. They know the important part computers here.A. that ; playB. which ; doC. in which ; playD. in that ; do26. Parents have a duty to their children from the harmful effects of the Internet.A. hideB. preventC. stopD. Protect27. His book, which last week, should be another best seller.A. came outB. came to lifeC. came upD. came to power28. -Our school computer system broke down yesterday.-No I couldnt surf the Internet.A. doubtB. chanceC. wonderD. way29. no rain, we all went out for a walk after supper.A. There wasB. There beingC. There to beD. It being30. to the right, you will find the place you want.A. TurnB. To turnC. TurningD. Turned二、完形填空:本题共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分。“Always” and “never”, two words opposite in meaning, tend to characterize the vocabulary of black and white thinkers. Black and white thinking means seeing the world in terms of 31 . If things arent 32 , then black and white thinkers feel terrible. What a 33 way to live! In real life, situations are almost always shades of 34 , not absolute black or white. Black and white thinking 35 to exacerbate(加剧)depression, conflicts inmarriage, anxiety and many other everyday 36 . Give yourself and the ones you love a break and 37 the beauty of shades of gray.When small children are learning to use words and organize their thoughts, it is 38 for them to see and 39 their world in very black and white terms. When young children feel they are not 40 , they think they 41 be hated. When a child feels his/her parents dont pay 42 attention to him/her, that child will say, “You never pay attention to me.” Developmental psychologists 43 this primitive thinking. 44 , adults often regress ( 倒 退 ) to primitive thinking. Adults tend to regress toprimitive thinking 45 they have a hard 46 and feel frustrated by their own emotions. A regression is a slipping back from mature thinking to immature thinking.31.A. definitionsB. impressionsC. extremesD. influences32.A. beautifulB. perfectC. amazingD. lively33.A. difficultB. simpleC. singleD. noble34.A. redB. pinkC. blueD. gray35.A. appealsB. tendsC. aimsD. plans36.A. concernsB. emotionsC. problemsD. experiences37.A. discoverB. inventC. createD. design38.A. strangeB. hardC. impossibleD. normal39.A. recallB. enjoyC. informD. express40.A. protectedB. lovedC. injuredD. guidedIf you learn to 47 the gray thinking in the difficult experiences you encounter in your life, you will be 48 equipped to come out on top. Regression is not the only conclusion when you feel stressed, angry and confused. You can start to recognize when you are 49 to black and white thinking, and then make the choice to get rid of those extreme thoughts in favor of 50 living.41.A. mightB. couldC. mustD. should42.A. enoughB. littleC. pureD. positive43.A. determineB. weighC. nameD. react44.A. GraduallyB. FinallyC. UnfortunatelyD. Immediately45.A. whenB. whereC. howD. why46.A. routineB. choiceC. timeD. imagination47.A. organizeB. arrangeC. recognizeD. observe48.A. worseB. moreC. lessD. better49.A. giving awayB. giving inC. giving backD. giving out50.A. wealthyB. longC. darkD. healthy三、阅读理解:本题共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分。AIt is a question that has confused parents for decades: why do children refuse to eat greens?Now, two American experts believe they have the answer.After studying dozens of babies as they played with various objects, the researchers noted that they were far more unwilling to grasp plants than other things. They believe this is because evolution (生物进化) has biologically made children be wary of plants.Due to susceptibility (敏感性) to illness or injury in the early years of life, the body has designed an inner defence mechanism (内部保护机制) that limits a child“s contact with plants, they think. The researchers believe this is why babies in the study were afraid of grabbingplants and why children turn their noses up when faced with a plate of broad beans.The findings are published in a paper by Dr Annie E Wertz and Dr Karen Wynn, both psychologists at Yale University.They wrote,“Throughout human evolution .plants have been essential to humanexistence. Yet, for all of these benefits, plants have always caused very real dangers.” “Plants produce toxins (毒素) as defences that can be harmful, or even deadly. Someplants also employ physical defences, such as thorns and poisonous oils that can damage tissues (组织) and cause effects over the whole body.”They added,“We predicted that babies may have behavioural strategies that reduce their exposure to dangers posed by plants by minimising their physical contact with plants.”To test their theory, the researchers studied how children aged eight to 18 months old reacted when presented with a variety of objects. It took much longer for children to grab plants; objects that were faked to look like plants also caused a slow response time.For parents attempting to spoon some peas into the mouth of their child, this findingshould come as welcome relief.51What does the underlined word “wary”in the third paragraph mean? A. CuriousB. AfraidC. TiredD. Certain52. What was plants role in early human existence? A. They were important, despite dangers.B. They reacted badly to human evolution.C. They contributed to the most deaths and illnesses.D. They developed human physical defenses against dangers.53What is the best title for the text? AGive Children More Fun Things to Do BThe Survival Instinct (本能) is to Blame CWhat Kind of Things are Healthy DInfants of Eight to Eighteen Months OldBPeople who obsessively take pictures of what they are eating or cooking and post them online may be ill, according to a leading expert.Foodstagramming is a trend which involves taking pictures of your food and posting it on Instagram and Twitter. The craze has become so popular that some restaurants have stopped customers from taking photos of their meals because the flashes and moving of food disrupts other diners.Dr Valerie Taylor, chief of psychiatry at Womens College Hospital at the University of Toronto, argues that religiously documenting each meal might not only be annoying but the sign of a more sinister problem too. I see clients for whom food has become problematic, andthey struggle to go out and not have food be the key element of all social interaction: what they eat, when they ate, when they are going to eat again, Dr Taylor told The Huffington Post. Dr Taylor gave a talk at the Canadian Obesity Summit in Vancouver last week about eating disorders and the role that food plays in modern society and culture last week. She said, “The concern becomes when all they do is send pictures of food. We take pictures of things that are important to us, and for some people, the food itself becomes central and the rest - the venue,the company, etc. is background.”While Taylor argues that producing such images may signal an unhealthy obsession with food and in turn an eating disorder, others have linked the consumption of food photography to weight gain.Many have blamed the Wests obsessive preoccupation with food for their big waistlines. A 2012 study carried out by the University of Southern California found that spending a lot of time looking at delicious food online stimulated the brain and causes people to eat too much.54. What does the underlined word, “they”, in the third paragraph, probably refer to?A. Obese peopleB. CustomersC. Restaurant ownersD. Psychologists55. What can we learn from the third paragraph?A. Foodstagrammers have little time to heve breakfast, lunch and dinner. B. Foodstagrammers should pay closer attention to their eating habits.C. Foodstagrammers need to eat three full meals a day to get the right nutrition. D. Foodstagrammers might have unhealthy relationship with food.56. What might cause people to become overweight, according to the passage? A. Lacking access to healthy food.B. Spending hours in front of a computer. C. Eating large meals in restaurants.D. Being surrounded by delicious food images.CThe observations and theories he gained from travelling the globe shaped modern biology. But the very travels that inspired Charles Darwin to discover his theory of evolution may also have led to one of the many illnesses that plagued him for decades and ultimately led to his death, researchers have discovered.The British naturalists illnesses were the topic of an annual conference in the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore on Friday.In the lecture medical professors offered a modern medical diagnosis(诊断) for Darwinsillnesses. Throughout his life, Darwin sought help for multiple health problems, which included vomiting stomach acids after every meal when the symptoms were at their worst.Dr Sidney Cohen, a medical college professor studied Darwins illnesses for the conference.Based on Darwins documented symptoms ( 症 状 ) , Dr Cohen concluded that he hadsuffered from cyclic vomiting syndrome (周期性呕吐综合征)early in his life.He also believes Darwin contracted Chagas (巨食管症) disease, a illness that can lie inactive for years, during a five-year trip around the globe in his 20s.He believes Darwin also suffered due to Helicobacter pylori(幽门螺杆菌), the bacteria that cause peptic ulcer disease(消化性溃疡病) and often occurs with Chagas.The information used to evaluate Darwins case came from several sources, Mr Mackowiak said, including the naturalists own letters, in which he wrote extensively about his complaints and his worries that he had passed on his illnesses to his children.Guest speakers included Darwins great-great-granddaughter, poet Ruth Padel, who penned the book, Darwin: A Life in Poems.57. According to the research, Darwin probably died as a result of . A. his trip around the globeB. his stomachacheC. his poor dietD. his theory of evolution58. What does the underlined word, “contracted”, in the sixth paragraph mean? A. GotB. CausedC. SpreadD. recovered59. Where did the information used to evaluate Darwins case come from? A. The University of Maryland School of MedicineB. His great-great-grandmothers bookC. His childrenD. his own letters60. With how many illnesses was Darwin diagnosed by Sidney Cohen? A. FiveB. FourC. ThreeD. One阅读七选五As any parent knows, flying with kids can be a really tiring thing. 61 Here are several tips to help reduce the stress in the airport and up in the clouds. 62 Make sure they know in advance what is expected of them. Prepare them so they know their belongings are going to be put through the X-ray machine, and that they may need to walk through the metal detector to the security guard on their own. 63 Youll be hard pressed to find anything healthy to take on the plane when you get to the airport. Take little bags of crackers and cookies, or pack a few granola bars to makesure that when your child gets hungry you arent headed for a meltdown ( 崩 溃 ) . 64 After you board, ask the flight attendant to fill it with milk or water so your child isnt left thirsty between services in the air. 65 Your kids may not like the TV options on the seatback TVs, but if you have a much-loved DVD movie ready to entertain them, it could prevent your children from feeling bored and make it a much easier flight for you. You could also load up some kids movies on your smart laptop, or convert the movies you have at home using a simple program such as Kigo Video Converter.A. Some of the airport rituals(程序)that we are used to may be scary for little kids.B. Be sure to also pack an empty cup or bottle in your bag.C. Youd better bring a DVD player when you take plane with your children. D. However, if you plan in advance you can make any flight easier.E. If youre travelling with a laptop, make use of it as a DVD player.F. It is too heavy for the passengers to take some empty bottles when they take plane.G. Relying on airplane snacks and meals often wont cut it if you have a child who is particular about food.19 届高二上期入学摸底测试英语科目参考答案1-5 ABBDB6-10 BDCAA11-15 ABCCC16-20 BBDAA21-25 OBABA26-30 DACBA31-35 CBADB36-40 CADDB41-45 CACCA46-50 CCDBD51-53BAB54-56 BDD57-60 AADC61-65 DAGBE66.gathered67.strengths 68. permits69. existed70.surrounded71. delivered72. regretted73.whispered74. approach 75. preserve76impossible77. are paid78.why79. for80.happiness81. depending82.but83.because(since)84.If85. to enjoy六、短文改错I have a good partner, which name is Li Fei. We are of the same age. I knew him when I was whoseseven year old. He lives nearly my house and we often play together. We are in the same schoolyearsnearand the same basketball team, and we cooperated well when we are playing the basketball. cooperate去掉When we know each other so well, we can read each others thoughts quickly. I turn off himBecauseto when I am in trouble. And he always tries her best to help me. I am so lucky that I havehisa good partner in my life. Even if we have argument sometimes, we can fix it soon and forgetabout the pleasant thing. unpleasant七翻译86It occurred to(hit, struck) me87. would rather staythan go ( prefer to staythan go88. As years went by(passed)或者 With years going by (passing)89. Nor (Neither do I)90. However late he comes home( No matter how late he comes home)


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