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作者:傲世天鹰第A部分 第三人称的应用(用he改写句子)1. I am busy. He is busy.【一般现在时】2. I am learning English. He is learning English.【现在进行时】3. I have a new book. He has a new book.【一般现在时】4. I live in the country. He lives in the country.【一般现在时】5. I shall see you tomorrow. He will see you tomorrow.【一般将来时】 英语中第一人称用shall,第二、三人称用will;美语中均用will。6. I can understand you. He can understand you.【情态动词can】7. I must write a letter. He must write a letter.【情态动词must】8. I may come next week. He may come next week.【情态动词may】9. I do a lot of work every day. He does a lot of work every day. 【一般现在时】10. I did a lot of work yesterday. He did a lot of work yesterday. 【一般过去时】11. I played football yesterday. He played football yesterday. 【一般过去时】12. I bought a new coat last week. He bought a new coat last week. 【一般过去时】13. I have had a letter from Tom. He has had a letter from Tom. 【现在完成时】14. I was busy this morning. He was busy this morning. 【一般过去时】15. I could play football very well when I was younger. He could play football very well when he was younger.【一般过去时】16. I always try to get up early. He always tries to get up early. 【一般现在时】17. I might see you next week. He might see you next week. 【情态动词might】18. I always enjoy a good film. He always enjoys a good film. 【一般现在时】19. I had finished my work before you came. He had finished his work before you came.【过去完成时】20. I watch television every night. He watches television every night. 【一般现在时】第B部分 用a,some或any填空单数可数名词前用a;some用于肯定句和希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中;any用于否定句和疑问句中。1. There are some books on the desk.2. I drank a glass of beer.3. Do you want any butter?4. There arent any people in the street.5. Tom has just bought a new car.6. We have some apple trees in our garden.7. Can I have a bar of chocolate, please? 【类似a piece of】8. There isnt any bread in that tin.9. Is there any ink in that bottle?10. Are there any eggs in that basket?第C部分 many和much的辨别many用于可数名词复数形式前;much用于不可数名词前。1. I havent any butter. I havent got much butter.2. You havent any cigarettes. You havent got many cigarettes.3. We havent any milk. We havent got much milk.4. She hasnt any biscuits. She hasnt got many biscuits.5. They havent any stationery. They havent got much stationery. stationery为不可数名词,意为“文具,信纸”。第D部分 一般过去时1. He buys a new car every year. He bought a new car last year.2. She airs the room every day. She aired it this morning.3. He often loses his pen. He lost his pen this morning.4. He always listens to the news. He listened to the news yesterday.5. She empties this basket every day. She emptied it yesterday.第E部分 句型转换(改为一般疑问句、用特殊疑问词提问、改为否定句)6更多免费学习资源欢迎加入“e学苑QQ群”:1018430661. He bought a new car.Did he buy a new car?What did he buy?He didnt buy a new car.2. She can come tomorrow.Can she come tomorrow?When will she come?She cant come tomorrow.3. They were here yesterday.Were they here yesterday? When were they here? They werent here yesterday.4. He must leave early.Must he leave early?Why must he leave early?He neednt leave early.5. He gave you a pen.Did he give you a pen?What did he give you?He didnt give you a pen.6. He lives next door.Does he live next door?Where does he live?He doesnt live next door.7. You know him well.Do you know him well?How well do you know him?You dont know him well.8. He has found his pen.Has he found his pen?What has he found?He hasnt found his pen.9. You saw that film.Did you see that film?When did you see that film?You didnt see that film.10. He arrived at two oclock.Did he arrive at two oclock?When did he arrive?He didnt arrive at two oclock.第F部分 形容词与副词的应用1. He read the phrase slowly. (slow)2. He worked lazily. (lazy)3. He cut himself badly. (bad)4. He worked carefully. (careful)5. The door opened suddenly. (sudden)第G部分 一般将来时的缩写形式1. He will arrive tomorrow morning. Hell arrive tomorrow morning.2. She will come this evening. Shell come this evening.3. I shall see you the day after tomorrow. Ill see you the day after tomorrow.4. He will not believe me. He wont believe me.5. We shall not remain here. We shant remain here.第H部分 名词性物主代词的应用1. These things belong to my husband. They are his.2. This coat belongs to me. It is mine.3. These shoes belong to my wife. They are hers.4. These pens belong to Tom and Betty. The pens are theirs.5. This suitcase belongs to you. It is yours.第I部分 形容词比较级的应用1. It is cool today, but it was cooler yesterday.2. It is wet today, but it was wetter yesterday.3. Hes late again today, but he was later yesterday.4. This test is easy, but that one is easier.5. This book is expensive, but that one is more expensive.6. This bookcase is large, but that one is larger.7. That film was interesting, but the other one was more interesting.8. Betty is pretty, but Jane is prettier.9. Miss Green is beautiful, but Miss White is more beautiful.10. Tom is intelligent, but Bill is more intelligent.第J部分 用表示时间的词或短语填空The date today is Monday, March 5th.1. I saw him yesterday. (Sunday, March 4th)2. I shall see him tomorrow. (Tuesday, March 6th)3. I shall see him today. (Monday, March 5th)4. I shall see him this afternoon. (Monday, March 5th afternoon)5. I shall see him the day after tomorrow. (Wednesday, March 7th)6. I saw him the day before yesterday. (Saturday, March 3rd)7. I saw him last night. (Sunday, March 4th night)8. I shall see him tomorrow morning. (Tuesday, March 6th morning)9. I shall see him this morning. (Monday, March 5th morning)10. I saw him yesterday afternoon. (Sunday, March 4th afternoon)第K部分 表示时间的词汇之前介词的选择on用于特定时间前(如:星期几;周末;特定某天的上、下午或晚上)in用于较长时间前(如:一天中的早、午、晚;周;月;月份;年;世纪)at用于具体时刻(如:点钟、黎明、黄昏、午夜)1. He is going to telephone at five oclock.2. My birthday is on May 21st.3. It is always cold in February.4. My father was there in 1984.5. He is going to arrive on Tuesday.第L部分 地点介词的应用across 指在物体表面横穿,强调从一端到另一端(如过河、过桥、过马路)over 指在物体正上方过去,并且不与物体接触through 指(从立体空间中)穿过、通过between 指在物体之间穿过off 指从物体上掉下、脱落along 指沿着、顺着in 指在里面;指在范围内on 指在上面;指与相连,与接壤,紧挨着to 指前往;指在旁边,不紧挨着,之间有一定空间或其他物体under 指在下面into 指到里,到内部;指进入某种状态out of 指在外,从向外,离开;指脱离某种状态1. The aeroplane is flying over the village.2. The ship is going across the bridge.3. The boy is swimming across the river.4. Two cats are running on the wall.5. My books are on the shelf.6. The bottle of milk is in the refrigerator.7. The boy is jumping off the branch.8. Mary is sitting between her mother and her father.9. It is 9 oclock. The children are going into class.10. It is 4 oclock. The children are coming out of class.第M部分 用who或which填空1. Which hat did you buy?2. Who broke this plate?3. Which bus did you catch?4. Who is knocking at the door?5. Which of the two books do you want?第N部分 定语从句(who,whom,which)1. This is the car. The mechanic repaired it yesterday. This is the car which the mechanic repaired yesterday.2. He is the man. I invited him to the party. He is the man whom I invited to the party.3. These are the things. I bought them yesterday. These are the things which I bought yesterday.4. He is the man. He came here last week. He is the man who came here last week.5. He is the policeman. He caught the thieves. He is the policeman who caught the thieves.6. She is the nurse. She looked after me. She is the nurse who looked after me.7. She is the woman. I met her yesterday. She is the woman whom I met yesterday.8. I am the person. I wrote to you. I am the person who wrote to you.9. They are the people. I saw them yesterday. They are the people whom I saw yesterday.10. They are the trees. We cut them down yesterday. They are the trees which we cut down yesterday.第O部分 名词的复数形式1. I can see some spoons, but I cant see any knives. (knife)2. I can see some hammers, but I cant see any boxes. (box)3. I can see some cupboards, but I cant see any shelves. (shelf)4. I can see Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown, but I cant see their wives. (wife)5. I can see some cups, but I cant see any dishes. (dish)第P部分 阅读理解Last week, I took my four-year-old daughter, Sally, to a childrens party. We travelled by train. Sally has never travelled by train before. She sat near the window and asked a lot of questions. Suddenly, a middle-aged lady came into our compartment and sat opposite Sally. “Hello, little girl,” she said. Sally did not answer, but looked at her curiously. The lady took out her powder compact. She then began to make up her face.“Why are you doing that?” Sally asked.“To make myself beautiful,” the lady answered. She put away her compact and smiled kindly.“But you are still ugly,” Sally said.回答以下问题:1. Did you take Sally to the park? No, I didnt. I took her to a party.2. Did you take Sally to a childrens party. Yes, I did.3. Where did Sally sit? She sat near the window.4. Who came into your compartment? A lady.5. Was the lady young or was she middle-aged? She was middle-aged.6. Where did the lady sit? She sat opposite Sally.7. Did she say “Hello” to Sally, or did Sally say “Hello” to her? She said “Hello” to Sally.8. Why did the lady make up her face? To make herself beautiful.9. Did Sally think the lady was beautiful? No, she didnt.10. What did Sally say to the lady? She said she was still ugly.1、动词be与have现在时与过去时的基本用法。2、现在进行时:能够识别并懂得如何构成: 主语+be(am,is,are)+v.ing3、一般现在时:能够识别;懂得在动词第三人称单数上添加-s、-es或-ies后缀。4、一般过去时:能够识别并会运用常见的规则动词与不规则动词的一般过去时形式。5、过去进行时:能够识别:主语+be的过去式(was、were)+v.ing6、现在完成时(一般):能够识别:主语+have/has+done(过去分词)7、过去完成时:能够识别:主语+had+done(过去分词)8、将来时:能够识别并运用going to、shall与will构成的将来时。9、情态动词:can,may与must的基本用法;能够识别could,might与would的形式。10、能够用do/does/did等助动词造疑问句与否定句;能运用疑问代词(what、who、which、whose等)与副词(when、where、how、why等)。11、能够回答以助动词与疑问词开头的问句。12、副词:能够用-ly与-ily后缀组成副词;能够识别well、hard、fast等特例。13、冠词:定冠词与不定冠词。懂得a/an/the的基本用法;some、any、no、much、many、a lot of接可数、不可数名词的用法。14、名词:能够用-s、-es、-ves后缀组成名词复数形式;会用常见的不规则复数形式:men、women、children、teeth、feet等。15、代词:人称代词、所有格代词、反身代词;所有格符号“”加s(s)。16、形容词:基本用法;规则的比较级;不规则的比较级good、bad、much、many、little等。17、介词:常见的时间、地点、方位介词的用法。18、关系代词:能够识别并使用who/whom,which/that。19、this/that;these/those。20、省略形式:its、Im、youre、hes、shes、theyre、isnt、arent、wasnt、werent、dont、doesnt、didnt、wont、shant、cant等。21、There is/it is;there are/they are。22、祈使句。23、一周七天的名称、日期、季节、数字、时辰(昨天、今天、明天等)。24、报时。


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