瓯海中学裴军Growing up gifted

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Are you familiar with them?They are high achievers.They are all talented . with great a_achievementsPassage A The underlined word “prodigy” isclosest in meaning to “_”. A. an unusual achievement B. a highly gifted person C. a common peer D. a special gift Prodigies are two to three years b_ their peers. beyond Elizabeth has already achieved success _ her wildest dreams. A. at B. beyond C. within D. uponPassage B characteristics of child prodigies: NOTA. Being eager for informationB. Having a knowledge of some subjects C. Being creativeD. Seeking for perfectionqualityA. The music shows a rather sad quality. B. The shop sells high-quality paper.C. Quality is better than quantity.D. The quality of the service has improved a lot.Passage C True or False Prodigies are seldom content with their performances. Although prodigies find it hard to become tops they will continue their careers. Prodigies can survive only when their goals come true. The moment give up very critical Im rarely ever happy with what I do. many young musical prodigies have walked away from their careers after discovering they will not become the star of their dreams. If you cannot become someone at the very top, you are not interested in becoming a musician in an orchestra. Rarely do you see people survive, and thats the goal, to survive your gift. It is _ that survives _. the goal the gift Prodigies are seldom content with their performances. ( Seldom ) The moment prodigies find it hard to become tops they will give up their careers. ( Hardlywhen ) Prodigies can survive only when their goals come true. ( Only )RewritingSeldom are prodigies content with their performances.Hardly had prodigies found it hard to becometops when they gave up their careers.Only when their goals come true can prodigies survive. Ex. 4: proper order for the passage Growing up gifted What each passage is about What the title focuses on What each passage is aboutPassage A: Passage B:Passage C:Some information about prodigiesQualities of child prodigiesSymptoms when prodigies grow up What the title focuses onGrowing up giftedmean?What appears when grow up?More Being gifted has its strengths and weaknesses under great p_ / s_ many talented young musicians simply burn out. proper attitude towards being gifted or pressure Pascal Charbonneau is extremely g_ in chess. Despite the fact that he has all the q_ of a child prodigy, he is leading a life like most 18-year-olds. Not only _ _ finished his middle school studies _ the age of 18 but also _ _ spent much time on his hobbies.giftedqualities has he at he has Still Charbonneau can feel the burden. Talented _ prodigies are, they are under such p_ that some tend to _ _ _ their careers once they find their goals are b_ realization. As a matter of fact, the topic of prodigies being b_ out has always been under d_. as pressurewalk away from beyondburntdiscussion


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