北京市昌平一中高中英语 Unit 8 Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic课件 北师大版必修3

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北京市昌平一中高中英语 Unit 8 Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic课件 北师大版必修3_第1页
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北京市昌平一中高中英语 Unit 8 Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic课件 北师大版必修3_第2页
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北京市昌平一中高中英语 Unit 8 Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic课件 北师大版必修3_第3页
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M3 Unit8 Adventure Lesson4 说课Unit 8 Lesson 4Unit 8 Lesson 4Journey to the AntarcticPeriod 1Common sense Quiz1. In which polar season should you go?2. Which equipment should you take?summersledgemotorbikehorsedogfirewaterfoodRadio 无线电发射器无线电发射器down jacket 羽绒服羽绒服Jeans 牛仔裤牛仔裤swimsuittentCompass 指南针指南针3. What difficulties will you face?4. What will you see there?stormcoldnessrun out of fresh water 淡水淡水run out of foodequipment break downsand stormlonelinessfire break outfrostbite冻伤冻伤penguinpolar beartreesflowerswhalesealicebergskyscraperEskimo爱斯基摩人爱斯基摩人sledgehopelesscheerfuldistantcarry onwithinwithout hope happy insideequipment used for moving on snowfar away continue n.adj.adj.adj.phr.v.prep.Use the Reading Strategies to work out the meaning of the words from the text.Self-studyanxiouslybreak downshockedambitionexhaustedrun out ofstop functioningextremely surprisedworriedlyextremely tiredhave nothing left/use upsth.you want to achieveadv.phr. v.adj.n.adj.phr. v.Use the Reading Strategies to work out the meaning of the words from the text.Self-studyAs early as 3,000 years ago, many explorers went further south in search of the mysterious land- the unknown land on the South Pole. When it came to the beginning of the 1820s, more explorers joined the expedition and discovered the continent on the South Pole, which is actually a narrow island on the north of the present-day Antarctica. By the beginning of the twentieth century, more and more explorers had rushed to the amazing land, among whom there were two explorers who gave us quite a deep impression.BackgroundLook at the pictures on P28 & the title .THE RACE TO THE POLEA competition to see who is the fastestRead the passage and check your prediction. 1st Readingcheck the predictionTASK2 WORK OUT THE STRUCTURE OF THE PASSAGE AND SUMMARIZE ITS MAIN IDEA. The passage totally has _ paragraphs with 62 lines. It consists of _ parts. Part 1 is from Para_ to Para_, introducing us their _; Part 2 is from Para _to Para _, telling us their_; Part 3 is from Para_ to Para _ describing their _; Part 4 is _, regarding that Captain Scott and his men as _104 1 2preparation34reaching5 9returnPara 10heroesParts of the textMain ideaBoth Scott and Amundsen _ their journey to the Antarctic. Amundsen won _.Scott and his men suffered a worst _ _in the history of .Scott and his men _heroes for their _.Part 1Para 1-2Part 2Para 3-4Part 3Para 5-9Part 4Para 10 were in preparation forthe race to the Pole return journey exploration was regarded as extraordinary courageTask1:Sequencing: put the events into the correct order.A. Captain Oats had great difficulty walking and then died.B. On his way, Scott received a message from Amundsen.C. Scott wrote a letter to his wife telling her their story.D. Two sledges of Scotts team broke down. E. Amundsen left a Norwegian flag and then returned.F. Scott and his team were out of food. G. Captain Scotts courage moved the whole world.BDEFACG2nd Reading: read for detailed information. RacePreparationPreparationDuring the journeyDuring the journey The resultThe resultThe return journeyScotts teamAmundsens team2nd Reading: read for detailed information. preparation_ to ScottOrganised _Waited for _During the journeyHe had _and all his men _.He made _ progress.The resultHe reached _ And _.AMUNDSENS TEAMSent a letterfood basesspringteams of dogs pulling the sledges were on skisrapidthe Pole on 14 Decemberput a Norwegian flag there2nd Reading: read for detailed information. preparationOn 1 June,1910, _ from AmundsenOrganised _Waited for _During the journeyOn 1 Nov._He had problems:_ _ _The resultHe reached _ The return journeyThe men _The weather conditions _They carried _Disasters came: _ _ _ _ SCOTTS TEAMReceived a letterfood basesspringScott lefthis two sledges broke downthe horses had difficulties with snow and coldthe Pole on 17 Januarywere exhausted and were running out of food left London to begin the journeypushed the sledges themselveswere terrible20 kilos of rocks Edgar had a terrible disease and diedOates had difficulty in walking and diedThe terrible storm startedScott died2nd Reading3rd Reading read for understanding. Read Scotts team again and analyze his feelings.ProcessFeelingsPreparationDuring the journeyThe result: arrive The return journey anxiousshockedsadhopelessbravesadpityDo you still think Scotts team losers ?Racewinnerwinner loser loserPreparationPreparationDuring the journeyDuring the journey The result:First to arriveThe resultThe return journeyScotts teamAmundsens teamHe had failed to win the race to the Pole, but the extraordinary courage shown by Captain Scott and his men made them into heroes.Why do we call them heroes?They devote to the exploreLong for the AntarcticInsist on although failedOvercome the difficultiesDevote to the science (Option 1) : Retell the process of the journey. According to the story, only two people on Scotts team survived the expedition. Now they are to write a biography telling the world what they experienced and how they felt during the exploration. Suppose you are one of them. Tell us your biography. Try to use some of the new words or phrases in the text. REFERENCE QUESTIONS: 1. When did your team led by Captain Scott start the journey to the Antarctic ? 2. What happened to your sledges and horses on the way to the Antarctic? 3. What trouble did you experience on the way to the destination? 4. Why did you feel shocked when your team finally arrived in the Antarctic? 5. How did you feel when your companions lost their lives? 6. When you came back from the expedition, how did the people in your country and even the whole world think of you and your team? Optional question: 7. What do you want to say to those who love exploring the world? ( Option 2) : Analyze who is the winner Analyze who is the winner of the race to the Antarctic based on the following table and represent your reasons why you think he was the winner.Roald Amundsen and his menCaptain Scott and his teamPreparationHow was the preparation work? How was the preparation work?During the journeysledges .the men were sledges the horses. The return journeyNothing special mentioned.lost and had to face/ run out ofand the men were.resultThe first to start off and the first to arrive in the destination.The last to arrive. Only two survived.Read the text and take down useful expressions. Write down the reason who is the winner.Read Scotts diary and understand his feelings.“Well, we have now lost the goal of our ambition and must face 800 miles of hard pushing- and goodbye to most of our dreams.”How did Scott feel while writing the diary?How did Scott feel while writing the diary?Scott was sad.Yes, they lost their ambition. “we are very cheerful, but what each man feels in his heart I can only guess. Putting on our shoes in the morning is getting slower and slower.”Were they really cheerful? Why?Were they really cheerful? Why?butNo, they were not cheerful.They realized their hopeless situation.Read Scotts diary and understand his feelings. “ He said, “ He said, Im just going outside Im just going outside and I may be some and I may be some time. time. we knew we knew that poor Oates was walking to his that poor Oates was walking to his death death we knew we knew that it was the act of the that it was the act of the bravebrave man man and an English gentleman. We all hope to meet the end and an English gentleman. We all hope to meet the end with a similar spirit, and certainly the end is not far. with a similar spirit, and certainly the end is not far. ” ”How do you understand “English gentlemen”?How do you understand “English gentlemen”?“English gentlemen” have the quality of bravery.Read Scotts diary and understand his feelings. “I “I couldcould tell you tell you lots and lots lots and lots about this about this journey. What stories you could have for journey. What stories you could have for the boy but the boy but what a price to paywhat a price to pay.” .”What can we feel from the sentences in the What can we feel from the sentences in the diary?diary?He wrote a letter full of sadness.Read Scotts diary and understand his feelings. “We are getting weaker and weaker and “We are getting weaker and weaker and the end cant be far. the end cant be far. It seems a pityIt seems a pity, but I , but I dont think I can write more.”dont think I can write more.”What can we feel from the sentences in the What can we feel from the sentences in the diary?diary?He thought it was a pity.Read Scotts diary and understand his feelings. WHY DID AMUNDSEN SUCCEED? Amundsen succeeded because he made rapid progress and because he had teams of dogs pulling the sledges and his men were on skis. WHY DID SCOTTS TEAM FAIL? Scott failed because he and his men had to push the sledges themselves when the motor sledges broke down and the horses had difficulties with the snow and the cold.Scotts team collected rocks ,which proved the Antarctic had once been covered by plants on their return journey.


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