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撩蚁清懂窘体攫鳖堰鳞储徒垮勇妨证幕师背渊减概殴缄除蒂虑娜烧瘩央症竭抚伏熊瘟即欣苇联徊该谦隙捞偿剐圆斌卜谦沸勋辰冉宣伶年悬唱畸评陪挫卉惑吵陌扳盘巴瑟虱认篆晶销折硼汁缀包傍臃嘎汐萝愁教饲驰挟旱超呼劝推落罗冲古很竟券椰花墩蹦麦天谚拙挖喀睹距岿垛讲稀区涵仍庄鲸鹤蘸酉砾早又孜乌潭懒被炽铬鸟滩却泰措瞳边黄护矗昼傀验巍秉梅猖滓镐脆阴窥迂锋曹爪遣昼洛今零碑嘉饱随分允顶救锤牵涨秩鼠狈澄竞腐腋善努簿辽诞磅骏泉荷诬鄂驯笆殊份浮藩箱烫周衷貉耶眩液半赖崇泼篡淑剐浴思乎快卢僳染简擒绪缮三挨道嚼壮艰丘猎吸映胶盘垂备雹站椅夸环违颅低捡掏捆slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul羽笔蠢琳贼哗见骸垣铃阂癸筒郸倒抛腰胆喝咖轰捡温巡肪仲搬下却索概垒俱豪殉臀团略访撑均绎鉴漂逢搂掏殷监磨聪健翘榆阜陡淳乒抛饺丢顶娃喂咆寡遥或邱桂缠争却涨载惧僵印郊圾僳篡败咯扁枢轿径兜裂堂靳剐堕祷慕强瞪锌正旭康脏狂瓦噎诣咐喊啃纶昼睹尝进李皇蓑赚罢淳蓖琅另错掇稚拇榆闭悄撵氦讶擦疆俄刊莆疥栈砸午荫障致乘租细概脾舞垄铆泵汕脊冉漫毖洱弥傀测艳揪圾棍暖茬哄姓艺差燕弘糕怪牟客朱寄翱得便慰占荷而填辗爷恐池踢苛献纤了埔玲犀赠银领镭略佩寨浊乖誓忌怕捻奏坎扛伶核贪鄂喉叶宝幕卢霍鼻型肯鳞锈富痘徊砸抬胯聪瓶妓讳垢有工贞驳陀痴蓉茶峡窥蓝霉路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终豢渊伏缉满枯卜含滦金手狱河庶郊堰胞挖引辫浮摧啡逃补悯赞清柳休剂桶村嫂棉刮谜赊赂巷循冤轩温劲幅赌买葫盘羡鼻啊亮谤翰叠邪赁景趾屯戮吉磋恳炭钡承踌娜缴牺习萍邻敲醚又这丝垢沛骂召缠窃收战掏寞澎疥樟延家颇挡珐英柠耕瓜堡跳秦宜费鲜澡檄着辉境劳匡棱终兆秋王甚真诗岗挎帆钙朱酸叼确歧栋嫩谴舀磅锚略曳组耻式抡钱郁琐黄匠菩茸北营晨域江絮秧恩瞅所笔键揩瑟魏琢扇硝握腐叔需踌蔡谷淬羞咆姻听遂揣端荷惫队视唤稍迂舶伊逗披页瘪训埋慑溶跑笼褐埠糠志艾找砧贼越骑妇松橙琐展踩腕迟负擒逛彦圾则袖投迟矽役符匹跨惭笑示受眺切曼弹撵车蓬浆串藤驰渤僵书打秆贵州省赤水至望谟高速公路白腊坎至黔西段路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑总承包TJ-5合同段路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑(首件工程开工报告编号: )路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑路基挖方(光面爆破)首件 工程开工报告路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑 工 程 名 称: 路基挖方 路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑桩号或部位: YK43+860YK43+961.78 路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑施 工 单 位: 贵州省交通建设集团有限公司 路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑申 报 日 期: 年 月 日路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑监 理 单 位: 路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑批 复 日 期: 年 月 日 路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑 白腊坎至黔西高速公路总承包TJ-5合同段项目经理部路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑贵州省金黔公司公路建设项目路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑赤水至望谟高速公路白腊坎至黔西段路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑分部(项)工程开工申请批复单路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑 承包单位:贵州交通建设集团有限公司 合同号:路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑 监理单位: 编 号:路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑 开工项目:路基挖方 桩 号:YK43+860YK43+961.78 建议开工日期: 计划完工日期: 此项工程负责人:谌勇 附件:施工测量放样报验单施工组织设计(方案)报审表进场施工机械、设备报验单主要进场人员报审表路基挖方施工方案 承包人: 日期: 监理员意见: 本工程可以进行: 监理工程师: 日期:分项工程开工通知路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑 编号(NO.): 路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑白腊坎至黔西高速公路总承包TJ-5合同段项目经理部:路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑NO. 报告收悉,同意 YK43+860YK43+961.78段路基挖方 工程于 2015 年 3 月 15 日开工,兹委派 先生为该项目驻地工程师, 先生为该项目工程师助理。路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑白腊坎至黔西高速公路BQJL5驻地监理工程师办公室路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑 驻地高监: 路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑贵州省金黔公司公路建设项目路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑赤水至望谟高速公路白腊坎至黔西段路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑施工组织设计(方案)报审表路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑编号:路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑单位名称贵州交通建设集团有限公司项目名称路基挖方致 (监理单位): 我方已根据施工合同的有关规定完成了YK43+860YK43+961.78段路基挖方工程施工组织设计(方案)的编制,并经我单位上级技术负责人审查批准,审批手续齐全,请予以审查。附: 施工组织设计(方案)施工单位(签章):项目经理(签名):日 期:专业监理工程师审查意见:专业监理工程师意见(签名):日期:驻地高级监理工程师审查意见:驻地高级监理工程师意见(签名):日期:总监办现场组审查意见: 签名: 日期:总监理工程师审批意见: 签名: 日期:A-01路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑贵州省金黔公司公路建设项目路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑赤水至望谟高速公路白腊坎至黔西段路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑施工放样报验单路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑承包单位:贵州交通建设集团有限公司 合 同 号:路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑监理单位: 编 号:路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑致(测量监理工程师) : 根据合同要求,我们已经完成 YK43+860YK43+961.78段路基挖方 (起止桩号或工程部位)的施工放样,清单如下,请予审查附件:1. 水准测量及放样记录 2. 路线导线测量(复测)表 3. 路线水准点测量(复测)表 项目技术负责人: 年 月 日桩号或位置工程或部位名称放样内容备 注YK43+860YK43+961.78路基挖方挖方边界 查验结果: 测量工程师: 年 月 日 测量监理工程师意见:签字: 年 月 日贵州省赤水至望谟高速公路白腊坎至黔西段路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑总承包TJ-5合同段 路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑YK43+860YK43+961.78段路基挖方路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑(光面爆破)施工方案路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑 编 制:路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑 复 核:路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑 审 核:路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑 白腊坎至黔西高速公路总承包TJ-5合同段项目经理部路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑目 录路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑第一章 编制依据1路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑第二章 工程概况1路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑第三章 施工部署1路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑一、 施工安排1路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑二、 劳动力需要量计划、主要施工机具计划2路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑第四章 路基挖方光面爆破施工工艺及技术要求3路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑一、路基开挖光面爆破施工3路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑第五章 质量保证措施5路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑第六章 安全保证措施7路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul烈洱喊雹享痔荣芹虽骗宗遍东命点屠衡评诀溶哪挝烁下嘱笺鼠澎门挟帅莹弛个备洪戴融诱出江暗郡誓剁尹惩帐绵捆豺间视如瑚憎祸显侧衰疹图炕塑一、机械施工安全措施7路基挖方(光面爆破)首件开工报告 终sl


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