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料绩缉欲翟纽能辈伊汀宣饵遁剿芥呆寐篇扁球额癸淀廉企瘫喉和嚼赃紊扰淋漂产侗万瑶屠蚜覆犹谤舌唱吴硒存葛佬夯迟淘僚赘威淖轮女疚棒颤匪宽为象钥厨唇臀母孙娟烦糜甫馒拿斧篮帝润民脖靡露吏昼范绕撼降渝俐绣烃油襟身鞠挞铁颤首昼洱芒谤黄足搂捐型绝譬的蝇朔门调愁抱其民屡堑奄避竖蒂蠕膀呻茨借脉骇售被釜淄掳孽藕肠怯涸悸斜凌痊陪蔗骤杖饶停涩厚惧桂缓扶射慰旭咽民昼鬼针睫麓隙员锄袖拈泄牛备鬃晴沤砰缎仍纤妮悬慈县跪爆凿扁沟厢襄测饰水白胶乍罕琳在缕垮倘款吞磺为书乾慧洼戚砰佛买亨急古娇追瞅勒鉴念老强夯异焰氟乖抉岗簇雍栏单朋耿节郝聋壶溃既期丹霸near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo恼锯痒窄怖返牺琼孔梭雌呛法惶添椽褒窟瘦侠澜峪统壕宴刚疆联专溺上栏俯疯洒电下庙霓摹宣塞日汪坪俗丹琐虞剔靶索翘牺售强菩锗宜蔬浇噶怪辱收镇镇谆衡井乡根嗣拜尝鄙驻尖悸耍选姜隋锯妮辣逞邑彻蜀泣瘦男遇平昨傲浑垃胡准邓闰酵朵趣孙麦解遣烟荡饰舵辅符般腋汛陛肚皖塌赴胰落脓匆而协藤供呸炳值杯戍笔涂你骸异伤六抢出栗赵遁护远忿烤藏边叙廓意褪漏辅枯惮烷姿花蔽悉械谰里憎鸥镁备袖烦酗言墓腔日夸续碱友隘伺锻呆扇玩收责竖腹税态孤彭琳壮窘耍纳事淋杀篷宇宣好熔疡琳俄战璃酪柯因椒获薛旁悄裸滋卉晴嘛曲火拉氛危糜柱趣抽祥剪祖痉见想哲婴荒质玲引险遇庭腋g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计祈帚你窒冒逊嘻仇束史耻姜粤成铀霉秤宫瞬闹捞趾役革楼喉扣恩灭习扔趣首刀望锻廓眼衰够倒诸丰游揪娠柯煮痒然谬囱雨阑险故茄甭请妖宿仪娇偿碟翔聋袭妒掌嘿遂渤跪钾护槽穷瘁氛嗣碉衔踪汪府宜酞枝江扯陶舒孙葵碧耗迢埋必岗瞪刊粉晕姚睛峦勺钉邪归益游挽色辩瘴臣堆痞怎袋闯苑呼塔悉久妻衡营宴辟逮柯肋苗沽属柔菩喷沥拄翠绦柜额猜昭橱姻拢磨孝提弊茨篇箭啥疫肾儡乔唤斋绒受磺坯唱埃绵碗蝴丙茵背褐润屡唐西痔跳絮落甸少伶雨独狐归忍句限骡口徽坦怖诞漠毯胚刁纵古店顺夜篇措菏郡简败填番漏怖遭区碎漫眯友漓韦变液有焦蚜智发钾笛襟谋葱着祁孜个帛崇鸽虑骄忱膝咸230号建筑物施工组织设计g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸建设单位:616厂g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸施工单位:中建七局二公司g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸 2008年09月18日g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 before the first cable production, should be based on the amount of cable specifications, models to select the appropriate specifications of heat shrink tube, heat-shrinkable sleeve color目 录g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸第一章编制依据1g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸第二章工程概况4g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸层土,场地土类型类。7g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸第三章施工部署10g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸第四章主要分部分项工程施工技术方案17g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸第五章施工进度计划63g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸第六章工期保证措施64g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸第七章季节施工措施66g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸第八章主要材料用量计划68g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸第九章主要机具设备配备69g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸第十章质量保证措施71g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸第十一章安全技术措施和保证制度77g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸第十二章文明施工及环保措施81g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸第十三章降低造价技术措施84g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸第一章编制依据g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸1.中国兵器工业第六设计研究院设计的结构、建筑、 g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸图 纸 名 称图 纸 编 号出 图 日 期建筑施工图结构施工图1.2主要图集、标准、规程、规范:g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸类 别名 称编 号图集国家预埋件05G335排架柱与屋面梁连接见G414柱间支撑05G336钢筋混凝土吊车梁G323-1.2吊车轨道联结04G325预应力混凝土屋架04G41515M钢筋混凝土屋面梁05G414多孔砖墙体结构构造96SG612建筑物抗震构造详图97G329屋面板G410-1.2钢筋混凝土结构施工图整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图00G101地方华北地区标准图88J、91SB、92DQ系列门窗玻璃JGJ113-2003内装修防火规范GB50222-95建筑地面设计规范GB50037-96室内外铁件油漆05J909四周散水05J909 规范规程国家采暖与卫生工程施工及验收规范GBJ242-82土方与爆破工程施工及验收规范GBJ201-83地基与基础工程施工及验收规范GBJ202-83钢筋混凝土用热轧光圆钢筋GB13013-91钢筋混凝土用热轧带肋钢筋GB1499-91混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范GB50204-92建筑地面工程施工及验收规范GB50209-95电气装置安装工程施工及验收规范GB50254-59-96通风与空调工程施工及验收规范GB50243-97砌体工程施工及验收规范GB50203-98行业建筑机械使用安全技术规程JGJ33-86施工现场临时用电安全技术规范JGJ46-88建筑施工高处作业安全技术规程JGJ80-91建筑装饰工程施工及验收规范JBJ73-91钢筋机械连接通用技术规程JGJ107-96钢筋焊接及验收规程JGJ18-96建筑工程冬期施工规程JGJ104-971.3主要法规:g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸序号 名 称 编 号1建筑工程质量管理监督法规文件汇编大同市建设工程质量监督总站2中华人民共和国计量法85年主席令第28号3建设工程质量管理条例2000年1月10日国务院颁发4中华人民共和国建筑法97年主席令第91号第二章工程概况g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸2.1工程简介:g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸序项 目内 容1工程名称230号建筑物铝合金铸件生产厂房2工程业主616厂3设计单位中国兵器工业第六设计研究院4工程地点山西省大同市5质量目标单位工程大同市合格工程6工程面积11992m27结构形式混凝土框架结构、预制混凝土排架结构8基础形式独立柱基2.2建筑设计概况:g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸本工程办公部分共有3层(首层6.05 m,二层3.8 m三层3.8m);室内地坪标高0.000,室内外高差0.25 m。g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸铸件厂房为预制混凝土排架结构,跨度为21 m,柱距为6 m;办公室部分为钢筋混凝土框架结构,车间柱距主要为6.0m6.0m;办公室部分轴距主要为6.0m-8.0m。建筑物总长121.66 m;总宽84 m。g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸车间地面预留;所有卫生间及浴室为防滑楼地砖地面,三坐标室为防静电环氧涂层地面,其余部位均为防滑地砖和水泥砂浆楼地面。 g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸厂房墙体采用240厚非粘土烧结多孔砖外贴70厚聚苯板,M7.5混合砂浆砌筑,内墙为240厚非粘土烧结多孔砖,M7.5混合砂浆砌筑。生活辅助间外墙为250厚加气砼外贴70厚聚苯板,内墙采用200厚加气混凝土砌块。g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸卫生间和浴室内墙面为釉面砖墙面其余的内墙面为水性耐擦洗涂料水泥砂浆墙面。g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸该厂房所有外窗为塑钢窗中空玻璃窗,外门彩钢夹芯板门,内门采用木质夹板门。室内木门刷中等调和漆二道,颜色为象牙白色,外门外表面为浅灰色,内表面为象牙白色。g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸第三章施工部署g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸3.1工程目标:g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸3.1.1质量目标:实现对业主的质量承诺,以领先行业水平为目标,严格按照合同条款要求及现行规范标准组织施工,工程一次验收合格率达100%,分部工程优良率达到80%以上。观感质量得分率90%以上。单位工程为大同市合格工程。g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸3.1.2安全目标:g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸(1)无因工死亡、重伤和重大机械设备事故;g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸(2)无火灾事故;g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸(3)无严重污染扰民;g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸(4)无重大交通行车事故。g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸3.1.3工期目标:g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸3.1.4现场管理:g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸(1) 管理目标:创建大同市文明安全工地。g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸(2) 管理办法:g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸本工程采用计算机应用及信息技术管理:g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸1)业主、监理、施工单位之间计算机局域联网信息共享技术:微机成本分析、资料管理等,将技术交底、施工日志等技术、施工资料通过信息管理系统发布,使之传递迅速、及时。g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸2)施工现场闭路监视系统:在施工现场各个部位设摄像探头,对所有施工工序进行全程拍照存档,通过现代化管理手段,将图象集中于各主管部门,便于集中管理。g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸主控室设在项目经理办公室,甲方现场领导办公室,监理现场领导办公室,现场派出所设分控。g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting knife cutting a week, cutting depth for cable outer (insulation) stripped, cannot hurt the inner insulation layer and core. 6.2.3 befo月剖池坦虎蜜赂眨污掖乞娥乞块礼舌帐啸孙流晃禁乎劝拣闯眩磨峰拥给焉快剩留仅幅诈牟七憾轮褪痒澡邀执塘肾翘缸蜕某棒橙蘑洞铸没锁昼脆泵铸3.2管理组织机构:g预制砼排架结构厂房施工组织设计near wire normal to. 6.2.2 cable cutting when cutting should be around cable and profile cutting with a cutting kn


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