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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上四年级下英语期中质量调研试卷 Part II Reading and WritingI. Copy the sentences correctly.10%lets go into the post office and have a look ok_II. Read and judge.10%()1. purse nurse()2.noon too()3.deer where()4.sea head()5.voice boyIII. Look and write.10%1. What are you doing?-We are c_ with our parents.2. The Chens are having a h_ on the beach.3. The mouse is happy, but the cat is very a_.4. Ella comes. She s_ the tree.5. P_ the tree and the hill, please.6. In summer, I like to eat w_. Its crunchy.IV. Fill in the blanks.10%1.-What_Sam_(eat)?-It_(eat) bones.2. -How _the apples_(feel)?-They are smooth.3. The Fangs_(be) on the beach. They _(have) a holiday.4. Here_(come) a blind man.5. I like playing all _(this) sports. They are all my _(hobby).V. Choice.10%()1.This book isnt thin. Its _.A. bigB. fatC. thick()2. Taste these_. A. strawberryB. strawberriesC. strawberrys()3.I want _ a bicycle here.A. rideB. ridingC. to ride()4. Grandmas telling_ a fairy tale.A. weB. ourC. us()5.Enjoy_ in the class.A. youB. yourC. yourself()6.-Do you like apple juice or lemon juice?-_.A. I like apple juice.B. Yes, I do.C. No, I dont.()7.This new pair of swimming goggles_ new and nice.A. areB. isC. has()8.-Sorry, we dont have_ here. Would you like_ watermelon juice?A. some, anyB. any, someC. any , any()9.Peter_exercise every day, so he is_.A. does, fatB. does, strongC. doesnt do, strong()10._ your brother often_ warm-up exercises before swimming?A. Does, doesB. do, doC. Does, doVI. Rewrite the following sentences.10%1. Those are Kittys grapes.(对划线部分提问)_ grapes_ those?2. Put your hand in the bag. (改为否定句)_ _ your hand in the bag.3. Are those green grapes sour?(改为肯定句)_ _ _ _sour.4. Danny plays volleyball on Sundays. (改为一般疑问句, 并做肯定回答)_ Danny _ volleyball on Sunday? Yes, he _.5. I like apple juice. I dont like melon juice.(合并成一句)I like apple juice, _I dont like melon juice.VII. Reading comprehension.30%Passage A Read and write10%1. At _, the sun is high in the sky. The trees shadow grows short.2. It is a kind of fruit. Its smooth. Its red and small. Its very sweet. It is a_.3. Touch the desk. Its _ and smooth.4. These _are very afraid of the cats.5. Look at these animals. Theyre strong. They have long noses. They are_.Passage B Read and answer10%Look at the picture. The sun is behind the mountain. It is red. There are many green trees on the mountain. But now they are golden under the sun. The mountains shadow is black and long. In front of the mountain, there is a blue lake. We can see some boats on it. Beside the lake, there is a small house. A white rabbit is outside the house. It is eating the grass. What a nice picture it is!()1. In the picture, the sun is_ the mountain.A. besideB. behindC. in front of()2. The mountains shadow is _.A. longB. shortC. small()3. We can see some_ on the lake.A. birdsB. ducksC. boats()4. The white rabbit is_ the house.A. outsideB. insideC. in()5. The picture is_.A. redB. beautifulC. goldenPassage C Read and answer10%Sam goes to the zoo with his friends. The zoo has four new baby tigers. They are very small and cute. There are three female(雌的) tigers and a male(雄的)tiger. One female tiger is white just like the mother tiger.Sam wants to have one of them as his pet. He asks his dad, “Can I have a tiger as a pet?” “NO.” Sams dad says. “You can have a cat but not a tiger.”The zoo is asking people to name(取名) the baby tigers. Sam has been thinking about the names for the baby tigers. “Snowy, Sammy”1. How many tigers are there in this passage(文章)?_2. What color is the mother tiger?_3. Does Sam want to have a pet?_4. What does Sam want as a pet?_5. Can Sam have a pet?_VIII. Writing.10%小贴士:你在业余时间做些什么?是做运动还是学习?与朋友玩耍还是做功课?其请你把这些写下来。In my spare time_专心-专注-专业


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