高优指导高三英语一轮复习 Module 4 Fine ArtsWestern,Chinese and Pop Arts课件 外研版必修2

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高优指导高三英语一轮复习 Module 4 Fine ArtsWestern,Chinese and Pop Arts课件 外研版必修2_第1页
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高优指导高三英语一轮复习 Module 4 Fine ArtsWestern,Chinese and Pop Arts课件 外研版必修2_第3页
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UNIT 4 FINE ARTSWESTERN,UNIT 4 FINE ARTSWESTERN,CHINESE AND POP ARTSCHINESE AND POP ARTS-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训121.observe vt.观察;看到;注意到;监视;遵守;奉行;庆祝领悟高考究考法指出下列句中observe的意思/用所给单词的适当形式填空It is everybodys duty to observe the public rules to keep our society in order and going on the right track.(2015 江苏) 遵守Fish-keeping is a widespread hobby and the keeper can observe their behaviour in the glass tank and study its entire life cycle.(2013陕西) 观察Radar is able to observe human behaviour.(2013安徽) 监控 -12-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12Do you observe Christmas in your country? 庆祝He observed a stranger hanging(hang) around the store.He was taken into hospital for observation(observe).You know,I specialise in zoology,and Im a good observer(observe).(2014广东)-13-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12-14-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12-15-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训122.adopt vt.采用;采纳;收养领悟高考究考法指出下列句中adopt的意思/用所给单词的适当形式填空In recent years,however,young upper middle-class people in London,have begun to adopt some regional accents,in order to hide their class origins.(2015 广东) 采用Mr Kern adopted the orphan as his own son.收养Before I was two,I was adopted(adopt) by an Anglo couple.(2014江苏)I appreciated the Smiths adoption(adopt) of my sister who would otherwise have starved to death.-16-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12-17-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12-18-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12选词填空(adapt/adopt)It was the culture,rather than the language,that made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.(2014福建)The new local policy would force companies to adopt energy-saving measures.-19-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.The naughty boy didnt observe the teacher perform(perform)the experiment carefully,so he didnt give the right answer.2.He adopted(adopt) my advice and decided to stay with his son in the countryside.3.Many people are still buried alive(live) after the earthquake.4.We cannot stand waiting(wait) in the sun any longer.5.I strongly dislike(like) being spoken to like that.-20-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.完成句子1.我注意到他在树下打电话。I observed him talking on the phone under the tree.2.他们决定收养她做女儿。They have decided to adopt her as their own daughter.3.这座城市天黑之后便热闹起来。The city starts to come alive after dark.4.我无法忍受人们吃饭时吸烟。I cant stand people smoking while theyre eating.5.那个男孩试图自己移动那艘船,但是失败了。The boy attempted to move the boat by himself,but failed.-21-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训121.be/get tired of 对厌烦领悟高考究考法完成句子If you are tired of wandering around the gym wasting time and becoming bored,you can attend an upbeat group fitness class.(2015 福建)假如你对于在健身房游荡感到心烦并且觉得这很浪费时间,你可以参加一个快乐向上的群体健康班。What I still cant figure out is why I never got tired,never felt better in my life.(2015 天津)我不理解的是为什么在生活中我从不会疲惫,一直感觉很好。-22-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12Every evening after supper,if not tired from work,I would spend an hour walking along the riverside.每天晚饭后,如果不是工作后疲惫不堪,我都会在河边散步一个小时。I sometimes feel tired with reading,but I will never be tired of it.我有时看书会觉得累,但我永远不会对看书感到厌倦。-23-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12-24-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12-25-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训122.take turns 轮流领悟高考究考法同义句转换/完成句子The two daughters take turns to look after their sick mother.The two daughters take turns in looking after their sick mother.The two daughters looked after their sick mother by turns.I wouldnt scold anyone for deciding to party on weekends and in turn I wouldnt expect anyone to give offence to me for focusing on my health.(2015 福建)-26-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12我不会因为决定在周末举行派对而指责任何人;反过来,我也不会期待任何人因为关注我的健康而说我的不是。I began to think that maybe my luck was on the turn.我开始想或许我的运气正在转变。It is our turn to drive the kids to school this week.这周轮到我们开车送孩子们上学了。-27-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12-28-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.介、副词填空1.I have to put off my visit to my uncle till tomorrow for an unexpected guest.2.You can tell by their words that they have different education background.3.Many people move to the suburb when they get tired of the city life.4.He was never at his best early in the morning.5.It was a long journey and they had to drive by turns.-29-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.完成句子1.我丈夫查尔斯喜欢开车,所以我很高兴当乘客。(fond)My husband Charles is fond of driving,so Im happy just to be a passenger.2.我从事了一份新工作,因为我厌倦了在花园里干活。(tired)I started a new work because I got/was tired of working in the garden.3.玛丽的目标是在大学毕业前减掉5磅肉。(aim)Mary aims to lose/aims at losing 5 pounds before she graduates from college.-30-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训4.他被认为是当时最伟大的歌唱家之一。(consider)He was considered to be one of the greatest singers at that time.5.他大学里学的古典文学,但毕业后培养了历史方面的兴趣。(interest)He studied classical literature at university,but he developed an interest in history after graduation.-31-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训From 1902 to 1904 he painted a series of pictures where the main colour was blue.从1902年到1904年,他画了主色调是蓝色的一系列的画。分析提炼究考法此处where the main colour was blue是关系副词where引导的限制性定语从句修饰前面的pictures,where相当于in which。where 除引导定语从句外,还可以引导名词性从句(宾语从句和表语从句) 和地点状语从句。-32-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训领悟考法用考点用适当的关系词填空/指出where引导的从句在句中所做的成分The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere where his employees enjoy their work.Todays parents are trying to manage their childrens lives past the point where this behavior is appropriate.Get the map;lets see where Nepal is.(2015 福建) 宾语This is where we usually think its easier to just give up.(2015 福建) 表语In Glasgow where I live,gulls are a serious problem.(2015 四川) 定语Where he once felt like giving up,he now has the determination to push further and keep on going.(2015 安徽) 地点状语-33-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训翻译句子1.他们来到了那个他们曾经工作的地方。They came to the place where they once worked.2.我不认识那个踢足球的男孩。I dont know the boy(who is) playing football.3.黑板上写的字看上去非常漂亮。The words written on the blackboard look very nice.4.我已厌倦了永远做不完的作业。I have got tired of doing endless homework.5.萨姆躺在一棵大树下,脸上盖着草帽,睡着了。Sam lay under a big tree,sleeping,with a hat over/covering his face.


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