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高中英语it的用法课件完整版高三英语系列语法复习高中英语it的用法课件完整版 It was a sunny day. I decided to go for a walk to the park, though it was two miles away. It was so comfortable to walk on the street. Suddenly it began to rain. I found it hard to walk there. Then I wanted to take a bus home. Unfortunately, I missed it. I got wet through when I got home. Thus it was a day that I would never forget.weatherdistancebusChecking_高中英语it的用法课件完整版【考点考点1 】Formal subjectIt was so comfortable to walk on the street.1. It is useful for you to grasp the use of it.2. It is clever of you to preview the use of it. 3.It is important that we (should) listen to teachers carefully.4.It is an honor that I have the chance to answer questions in class.5. It is said that senior three class is an excellent class .6. It is suggested that we( should )spare no effort to study in this year.7.its high time that we took measures to protect the environment from pollution / being polluted.8. Its the first time that he has made an address at the meeting. Sum up : sentence patterns : 高中英语it的用法课件完整版_is everyones _to help the children in remote areas .Itresponsibility/duty_is a traditional Chinese _ to show respect for and take good care of the old.Itvirtue走进高考高中英语it的用法课件完整版_is a _that he gave up when he was close to success._is _that we should attach great importance to honesty, both at school and in society.ItpityItnecessary/important高中英语it的用法课件完整版1.I think it important to attach great importance to honesty.2.I consider it a traditional Chinese virtue that we show respect for the old.3.I thought it fun helping the children in remote areas .n【考点考点2 】Formal object主主+think/find/feel/consider/make/find+ it +adj. (n.)+ to do /doing/ that高中英语it的用法课件完整版Situation 1: I think all of you have reflected on yourself since the last month exam. Can you say something about it using the sentence pattern? I think/find/feel/consider/make/believe+ it +adj. (n.)+ to do /doing/ that 高中英语it的用法课件完整版1. See to it that you concentrate your attention on the major subjects . 2.You may depend on it that if you study harder ,you will make much more progress.3.Dont count on it that you can win the first prize if you dont spare no effort to study.4.You should much appreciate it if other students could help you with your study.5.I like it when you can balance well between study and hobby.Sentence patterns:1see to (depend on) it that2.I like (enjoy, hate) it when3.I would appreciate it ifPair work高中英语it的用法课件完整版1see to (depend on) it that2.I like (enjoy, hate) it when3.I would appreciate it ifSituation 2:高中英语it的用法课件完整版【考点考点3】common sentence pattern1.It be . since . 1. It is (has been) three years since you came to this school.2.It is/has been two hours since he left the classroom. 3. It is / has been four days since I caught a cold. It is/ has been+时间段时间段+since主语动词过去式主语动词过去式 “自从自从以来,已多久了以来,已多久了”高中英语it的用法课件完整版2.It be . before . It was three hours before he got there. It will be three hours before we meet again. It will not be three hours before we meet again. 三个小时后我们才会再见面。要不了三个小时我们就会再见面。三个小时以后他才到达那儿。It was时间段时间段before主语主语动词过去时动词过去时“过了多久,才过了多久,才”,It will be时间段时间段before主语主语动词一般现动词一般现在时在时 “多久后,将多久后,将”, It + be (not) + long before表示表示(不不)很久很久 / 才才或或(没没)过多久就过多久就 / 高中英语it的用法课件完整版Fill in the blanks with “ it , that , when, before, since” (group work)1.Alice,did your editor make a phone call to you the next day? No, _was a fortnight _he gave me a second call.2. Its a long time _ I saw you last. Yes,and what a pity! It will be a long time _ we see each other again. 3. Did Jack come back early last night? -Yes. It was not yet eight o clock _he arrived home.4.It was after he got what he had desired _he realized it was not so important. itbeforesincebeforewhenthat高中英语it的用法课件完整版Pay attention!【考点考点4】Emphatic sentence高中英语it的用法课件完整版走进高考走进高考Please translate these sentences. (pair work)It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do that benefits our work most.2.Its not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.最能让我们的事业获益的并不是我们完成的工作量,而是我们对工作投入的热忱度。 生活的面貌不是由我们偶尔为之的事情塑造的,而是由我们持之以恒所做的事情塑造的。 高中英语it的用法课件完整版3.It is what you do rather than what you say that matters.4.It is not who is right but what is right that is of importance.5.It is not until you have lost your health thatyou know its value.重要的是你做什么而不是你说什么。 关键不在于谁是正确的,而在于什么才是正确的。 直到你失去了健康你才知道它的价值。高中英语it的用法课件完整版Was it I that/ who saw him on the street last night?Who was it that/ who saw him on the street?Who/whom was it that I saw on the street?Where was it that I saw him last night?When was it that I saw him on the street ?Do you know who it was that/ who saw him on the street?Do you know where it was that I saw him last night?I Do you know when it was that I saw him on the street?Do you know who/whom it was that I saw on the street高中英语it的用法课件完整版It is thatIs it that?When/ where/ How/ what is it that?Do you know wh-/how it is that高中英语it的用法课件完整版考点(考点(3)notuntil 的强调的强调He didnt realize the pressure of college entrance examination until he became a senior three student.It was _he became a senior three student that he _ the pressure of college entrance examination.I didnt realize how serious the situation was until I failed in this exam.It was not until _that I realized how serious the situation was.not untilrealizedI failed in the exam高中英语it的用法课件完整版直到我看到这幅图画我才明白“土豪”是啥意思了。It was not until I saw the picture that I understood what the meaning of “Tuhao” is.直到我听老师说我才知道“不作死就不会死”被收录到美国城市字典。It is not until I am told by teachers that I knew “no zuo no die” has been included in the American urban dictionary.高中英语it的用法课件完整版考点(考点(4)区分强调句型与从句)区分强调句型与从句(group work)It was in the river he often swam .It was the river he often swam.It was on Sunday the strangers came to our village.It was Sunday the strangers came to our villageIt was playing computer games cost the boy plenty of time _ he ought to have spent doing his lessons.强调句型强调句型that where 地点状语从句地点状语从句that 强调句型强调句型时间状语从句时间状语从句whenthatwhen高中英语it的用法课件完整版 考点(5) 1. whose that 2. where, that 3. which/that/-, that 4. that, which高中英语it的用法课件完整版 巩固练习 1. Who was that= who it was that 2. is 3. Not until, did he raiseIt was not until, that he raised CBBADASuch 高中英语it的用法课件完整版SummaryThe Usage of “it”基本用法基本用法形式主语形式主语形式宾语形式宾语常见句型常见句型强调句型强调句型三个句型三个句型常见用法常见用法特殊用法特殊用法两个句型两个句型四个考点四个考点三个句型三个句型高中英语it的用法课件完整版Writing进入高三近两个月的时间了,请结合以下几点谈谈你进入高三近两个月的时间了,请结合以下几点谈谈你的感受。的感受。 1.如何提高学习成绩如何提高学习成绩 2.如何合理安排生活如何合理安排生活 3.如何更好地与同学相处如何更好地与同学相处要求使用it句型至少5-6句 It is a turning point for senior three students.高中英语it的用法课件完整版


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