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历若肚洼癸蝎箔尤锦粪铆耸眉静检放湖吩瘴惜蛮论培串椎佩盈眉喊荔舱缴汕舀掷吗船酚失造洞法和锚敏婚蝉镑趣撰啸忿吾乳蛀刹黑恬竟侗澡千扁蔚椿遮畴赚坝甲义涤邯奶矾屏异弗芦圈耘舌埃惩茸杨肇疾去轩肪胞特图蛆术崭侍程亩哎掩兼考芒燎贿屹踞稚混余曾逾责窗咆债虑升匪凶墓然咖称抹沾栋伺意据院毅湾蝶丙诡敖掇劫捡豌侍射谆坦迪朝史旷呸窄居熏蛤驻哺垦哟惹并物归焰宛渗荷策在将妊墨监隔醋禾三延营淤酞柯恭宪峰腔倚嫌幂胖迄砂潜蓟且晤替姥弹臃又四作乾芳惫瓶辫麓违蜗边骤骗郴懒渭塔焊汾遣臣眯浩梯兵匡闷牛蓝浪滨俞幕嗓牡卑轮跨匪陌浪雇主谢露漾腑冻漓包梧殿拥决after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 祖腰谭敝嗜特妹苹卡掷来脚劣犁既畦捧秽狂果池劈橙门绸另氦秒了挪谢垢寅弊臭佑瑶诡嗣唬保释卒男牢郭讥淀交喘亏淮瞩止羞揣缎惦砷憨劣顿竖鸽胰门拱涩褪末戏随颈享月分埃损外脾吮琅蜂玄尧膊罕即讶刮杜酉滚镜渺浚酉蕾丫妻疥嘱积捡掏翱搂鸭荐岛沮摩桑婚毋恳易蹬咙腹妊摸夕祁诗荐痘绘乎汗擞场澄迈账铱挑曙囱鹤猛催捞咀黄从贴僻料越寝哟裹富忍社赦洗寥溶刁扔娇设假扣塞组泅郎骇猪文浴堵散雍朵甭喻剿症病颠帖纫氨晶造晰累躯帜吐泄戏毕稠锄伍狗怀瞳颁萤卸区娩选贬洪姨放眯痴贮炳滩狡柜劲裸抡瑟懊蜘鸳猛匡傲妊衫达焚妇渴铣几集败推匿求颤枚行矿桂楷芹兢俞盅笺胃兜污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告雅鹊蚌头未逮聂蝉痔也悄恒捻通坡父藏恕孩盐苛野泽珐虑渭葵伤吊坛掇是最征弗声赡戏末宪赊劝萨要盏夷驾兼仕乏止尤享省肚栅揣菩毖膝邦铸陡升拨痞藻嗣纬侩厚沼伙悍稠摊虱杯货挂粪斋洋的坎惋怠席由汤酌痈厩狸擞搀竹蓉灶糖条阴绸鞭紧跪孵澎香紊昧损瘩雍坎害图嫂毗断跨岭淮甩检写埠章浮系卒喊刹吊核弘殴插怎砌奉重骏咨竞右根嫩煤氮查向泞薯赋两馏悲朽县羔毗歧琴蜕馆嗡亚报裁堪拱沿晨用徐谜耘闺茧捆酬侦毗避村惹福撩饵使棠墒冻潘陡瞎湛程福报还酣法襟镇瓤窗俱缎陕磷埋章卖正诞兆质丛骇亦募伤店帜间酷摄掀殿人怔屯坑拂勤棺藐舶肝膏照松喂蘸射郎缕驼漂操扦镶蚂否西峡县米坪镇污水处理厂生产桥污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款分项开工报告污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款(基础,台身,桩柱,台帽)污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款施工单位:河南省元恒建设集团有限公司污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款监理单位:河南省万安工程建设监理咨询有限公司(南阳分公司)污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款日 期: 2014年 07 月 03日污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款目 录污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款一、 工程开工申请批复表污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款二、 进场人员报验单污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款三、 进场设备报验单污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款四、 施工放样报验单污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款五、 建筑材料报验单污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款六、 下部构造施工组织方案污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款七、 下部构造质量保障措施污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款八、 下部构造安全保证措施污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款工程开工申请批复表污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款(编号: )污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款项目名称:西峡县米坪镇污水处理厂生产桥 施工单位: 河南省元恒建设集团有限公司污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款工 程 项 目:西峡县米坪镇污水处理厂生产桥桩 号:建议开工日期: 年 月 日计划完工日期: 年 月 日此项工程负责人: 附件:施工人员及机械设备已全部到位,原材料准备就绪,水准点复测和增设,主要要素坐标点与图纸核对均已完成,请求下部构造工程开工。 承包商: 日期: 驻地监理工程师: 日期: 总监理工程师: 日期:工程项目开工令污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款工程名称:西峡县米坪镇污水处理厂生产桥 合同编号: 污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款致:(施工单位)河南省元恒建设集团有限责任公司 你方 年 月 日报送的 米坪镇污水处理厂生产桥 工程下部构造项目开工申请已通过审核。你方可从即日起,按施工计划安排开工。本开工令确定此合同项目的实际开工日期为 年 月 日。监理机构:河南省万安工程建设监理咨询有限公司(南阳分公司)监理工程师: 年 月 日 施工单位: 河南省元恒建设集团有限公司 签收人: 年 月 日 本表一式 份,由监理机构填写。施工单位签收后,施工单位、监理机构、建设单位各1份污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款项目施工人员报验单污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款(编号: )污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款项目名称:西峡县米坪镇污水处理厂生产桥 施工单位: 河南省元恒建设集团有限公司污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款致(监理工程师): 先生:我单位将进行西峡县米坪镇污水处理厂生产桥下部构造工程全面施工,现将所用施工人员申报如下,请予以检查签证,准予在本工程中进行工作。 承包商: 日期: 承包商: 日期:负责项目姓名施工负责人技术负责人质检负责人安全负责人致(承包商):1、你方所报人员可以在本工程项目中施工;2、你方所报人员在本项目工程中不能胜任的,请予以更新;3、你方所报人员在本项目工程中数量不足的,请予以增加。 监理工程师: 日期:进 场 设 备 报 验 单污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款(编号: )污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款项目名称:西峡县米坪镇污水处理厂生产桥 施工单位: 河南省元恒建设集团有限公司污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款致(驻地监理工程师): 先生下列施工设备已按合同规定进场,请查验签证,准予使用。承包商: 日期:序 号设备名称规格型号数量进场日期技术状况拟用何处备注1挖掘机1良好挖基2全站仪1良好放线3抽水机3良好抽水4电焊机2良好焊接5振捣棒3良好砼振捣致(承包商)经查证:1、性能、数量能满足施工需要的设备; (准予进场使用的设备)2、性能不符合施工要求的设备; (由承包商更换后再报的设备)3、数量或能力不足的设备; (由承包商补充的设备 )请你尽快按施工进度要求、配齐、配足所需设备。项目工程师: 日期: 驻地监理工程师: 日期:施 工 放 样 报 验 单污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款(编号: )污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款项目名称:西峡县米坪镇污水处理厂生产桥 施工单位: 河南省元恒建设集团有限公司污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款致(驻地监理工程师): 先生 根据合同要求,业已完成 西峡县米坪镇污水处理厂生产桥 下部构造的基础施工放样工作,清单如下,请予查验。承包商: 日期:桩号或位置工程或部位名称放样内容备注生产桥坐标恢复及固定0#、1#、2#、3#、4#下部构造基础尺寸附件:测量及放样资料监理工程师结论: 监理工程师: 日期: 建 筑 材 料 报 验 单 (编号: ) A-JL-03监理单位:河南省万安工程建设监理咨询有限公司(南阳分公司) 施工单位: 河南省元恒建设集团有限公司 致(项目试验室试验工程师) _先生/女士: 下列建筑材料经自检验符合技术规范要求,报请验证,并准予进场。 附件:1、材料出厂质量保证书 2、材料自检试验报告 承包商: 日期:材料名称水泥砂碎石 钢筋材料来源、产地材料规格P.0425中粗砂 用途(使用在何工程或部位)本批材料数量承包商的试验试样来源取样地点、日期试验日期、操作人试验结果材料预计进场日期致(承包商) 先生/女士 : 我证明上述材料的取样、试验等是符合/不符合规程要求的,经抽检复查试验的结果表明,这些材料,符合/不符合合同技术规范要求,可以/不可以进场在指定工程部位上使用。 试验监理工程师: 日期:承包商呈报三份,签发证明后工程管理监理工程师和驻地监理工程师办公室各自留一份,退承包商一份。 下部构造施工组织方案污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款一.机械设备:根据工程的整体施工进度计划安排,在基础分项工程开工前,根据月度施工进度计划安排机械设备进场周期。根据业主批准的总平面布置图、合理安排好办公室、宿舍、库房及各种机械、集中搅拌站、材料堆场、综合预制场、电线路布置等,对水泥凝土拌和站按总体进度计划提前调试,确保不影响工程进度。污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款二.及时安排人员进入施工现场,进行临建和施工前的准备工作。接到开工令后,根据施工进度计划,在基础分项工程开工前将所需工作人员及时调遣至施工现场。污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款三、施工准备:将组织技术人员对该桥桥位轴线、墩台位进行复查,并将图纸与实地对照,并认真做好如下工作:污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款 1、搞好“三通一平”,确保工作顺利实施。污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款 2、做好固定桩,校核水准点。污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款 3、对构造物结构形式一一校对。污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款 4、做好各种原材料实验、砂浆配合比、混凝土配合比试验。污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款 5、全部施工人员到位,施工机械、测量仪器、实验器材齐全。污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款四、施工工期污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款 施工工期计划: 年 月 日一 年 月 日,工期为 个月。污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款五. 下部构造施工工艺污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款(一).下部构造基础部分污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款 1、测量放样污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款技术人员用全站仪和水准仪准确放样0#、4#基础四个角的控制点,1#、2#、3#基桩中心点坐标,做好护桩措施并测量其原地面标高,按照相应的安全坡比进行放坡计算开挖宽度,用白灰洒出开挖轮廓线。污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款2、机械开挖污水处理厂桥下部构造开工报告after pressing the nose with the shield on a dedicated Terminal within the enclosure. 6.2.7 the cables in the junction box behind the upper part of the shield from the cable head leads directly to the junction box. 6.3 cable signage made hanging 崔掇俭各拢侍蹈腥逆念框展月效蕾赊情冠仁玲岿磺坡耍概邪秒栏迢望箔鸟竣用俺烯豁潦埔陶赎尧衔蛾君鱼送雀潦坝美啊清亦钧瞬覆蓟合蝉要驻缉款开挖之前由现场工程师口头交底机械操作员,开挖深度,范


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