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.冠词冠词分为不定冠词(a, an),定冠词(the),和零冠词。I. 不定冠词的用法:1指一类人或事,相当于 a kind ofA plane is a machine that can fly.2第一次提及某人某物,非特指A boy is waiting for you.3表示 “每一 ”相当于 every , oneWe study eight hours a day.4表示 “相同 ”相当于 the sameWe are nearly of an age.5用于人名前, 表示不认识此人或与某名人有A Mr. Smith came to visit you when you were out类似性质的人或事That boy is rather a Lei Feng.6用于固定词组中A couple of, a bit, once upon a time, in a hurry, have awalk, many a time7用于 quite, rather, many, half, what, such之后This room is rather a big one.8用于 so(as, too, how)+ 形容词之后She is as clever a girl as you can wish to meet.II. 定冠词的用法:1表示某一类人或物The horse is a useful animal.2用于世上独一无二的事物名词前the universe, the moon, the Pacific Ocean3表示说话双方都了解的或上文提到过的人或事Would you mind opening the door?4用于乐器前面play the violin, play the guitar5用于形容词和分词前表示一类人the reach, the living, the wounded6表示 “一家人 ”或 “夫妇 ”the Greens, the Wangs7用于序数词和形容词副词比较级最高级前He is the taller of the two children.8用于党派等以及江河湖海,山川群岛的名词前the United States, the Communist Party of China,the French9用于表示发明物的单数名词前The compass was invented in China.10在逢十的复数数词之前,指世纪的某个年代in the 1990 s11用于表示单位的名词前I hired the car by the hour.12用于方位名词,身体部位名词,及表示时间的He patted me on the shoulder.词组前III. 零冠词的用法:1专有名词,物质名词,抽象名词,人名地名等名Beijing University, Jack, China, love, air词前2名词前有 this, my, whose, some, no, each, everyI want this book, not that one. /Whose purse is等限制this?3季节,月份,星期,节假日,一日三餐前March, Sunday, National Day, spring4表示职位,身份,头衔的名词前Lincoln was made President of America.5学科,语言,球类,棋类名词前He likes playing football/chess.6与 by 连用表示交通工具的名词前by train, by air, by land7以 and 连接的两个相对的名词并用时husband and wife, knife and fork, day and night页脚.8表示泛指的复数名词前Horses are useful animals.冠词重点知识归纳及讲解(一)概说1冠词是一种虚词,不能独立担任一个成分,只能附着在一个名词上,帮助说明其词义。英语中有两个冠词:1 )定冠词the2 )不定冠词a/an定冠词 the 通常读作 ,在元音前读作i ,特别强调或单念时读作i: 。不定冠词在元音音素开始的单词前用an 这个形式,读作n ;在其他情况下则使用a,读作 。2 冠词的基本意义不定冠词a/an 与数词 one 同源,表示 “一个 ”的意思,用在可数名词单数前。例如:She is a nurse.她是个护士。He is an Englishman, with an Irish wife.他是一位英国人,有一个爱尔兰妻子。定冠词the ,与 this 同源,有 “这(那)个 ”的意思,但比较弱,表示一(几)个特定的人或东西,有时可译作 “这个(些) ”或 “那个(些) ”。例如:That s the book you want.这就是你要的那本书。Who s the young man over there?那边那个年轻人是谁?但在很多情况下,“这 ”或 “那”这类词在译文中并不出现。例如:Put it on the table.把它放在桌上。Shut the door, please.请把门关上。3 特指和泛指一般来说,名词有特指和泛指两种情况,请比较下面的句子:A gentleman is asking to see you.有位先生要求见你。 (泛指)Ask the gentleman to come in.请那位先生进来。 (特指)在特指时一般前面要加定冠词,而泛指时则有三种情况:1 )在可数名词单数前加不定冠词。例如:She sent me a postcard她寄给我一明信片。2 )在可数名词复数前可不加冠词,可使用some, any这类词。例如:These are new words.这些是生词。She sent me some flowers.她送给我一些花。3 )在不可数名词前多不加什么,有时也可加some, any等。例如:It s lovely weather.天气真好。Do you want any sugar in your tea?你茶里要放点糖吗?Give us some help.给我们一些帮助。页脚.(二)不定冠词的基本用法1 泛指某一类人或事物中的一个,代表某一类别(不一定译为“一 ”)如:His father is a doctor.他父亲是医生。2 代表某一类人或事物,相当于any ( + 名词)(不必译为 “一”,但必须用a,表示类别)如:A horse is a useful animal.马是有用的动物。3 指某人或某物(不是指某一类),但不具体说明何人或何物(一般译为“一 ”)如:This book was written by a worker.这本书是一位工人写的。4 表示数量,有“一 ”的意思,但数的概念没有one 强烈(一般译为“一 ”)如:Wait a moment.等一下。5 表示单位,相当于“每 ”的意思如:We have three meals a day.我们每日吃三餐。6 用于某此固定词组中例如:a few, a little, a bit (of), a lot of等。(三)定冠词的基本用法1 特指某(些)人或某(些)事物如:Give me the book.把那本书给我。2 指谈话双方都知道的人或事物如:Where is the doctor?医生在哪儿?3 再次提到上文提到过的人或事物如:I bought a dictionary yesterday. The dictionary is at home.昨天我买了一本词典。词典在家里。4 用在大家所熟悉的、世界上独一无二的事物如:The earth is bigger than the moon, but smaller than the sun.地球比月亮大,但比太阳小。5 用在序数词和形容词最高级前如:Mr Wang teaches the first class.王先生上第一节课。Of all the stars the sun is the nearest to the earth.在所有的恒星中,太阳离地球最近。6 用在单数可数名词,表示某一类人或事物如: The horse is a useful animal.马是有用的动物。7 与下列专有名词连用1 )在江、河、湖、海、群岛、山脉的名称前如:the Changjiang River, the Great Lake2 )在姓氏的复数名词前,表示夫妇二人或全家人如:The Greens are sitting at the breakfast table.格林一家人正围坐在早餐桌旁。8 和某些形容词连用,表示一类人如:the old老人the young年轻人the rich富人the poor穷人the sick 病人the dead死人页脚.9 在一些习惯说法中the east (west, south, north)in the morning (afternoon, evening)on the left (right)in the endgo to the cinema(四)不用冠词的几种情况(零冠词)1 在专有名词,抽象名词和物质名词前不用冠词如:Have you ever been to Shanghai?你到过上海吗?We love science.我们爱好科学。2 在表示一类人或事物的复数名词前不用冠词如:Girls can be scientists.女孩子可以当科学家。3 在季节、月份、星期、一日三餐的名称前不用冠词如: It is hot in summer. 夏天天气热。It s Tuesday, August the 22nd.今天是八月二十二日,星期三。Have you had breakfast?你吃过早饭没有?4 称呼语或表示头衔,职务的名词前不用冠词如:What s the matter with you, Mike?怎么啦,迈克?He is headmaster of our school.他是我们学校的校长。5 学科和球类运动的名称前不用冠词如: We study English. 我们学习英语。Do you like to play football?你喜欢踢足球吗?6 名词前已有用作定语的this, that my, your, some, any, no, whose, every, each等代词时,不用冠词如:That is her bike. 那是她的自行车。Each student in his class studies hard.这个班的每个学生都努力学习。7 在某些固定词组的名词前不用冠词如:at home, at night, after school, by bus, in bed, in town, in front of, go to school, go to bed等。(五)用与不用冠词的差异in hospital 住院 /in the hospital 在医院里go to sea 出海 /go to the sea 去海边on earth究竟 /on the earth在地球上,在世上take place 发生 /take the place(of) 代替at table 进餐 /at the table在桌子旁by sea 乘船 /by the sea 在海边in future从今以后,将来 /in the future未来on horseback 骑着马 /on the horseback在马背上two of us我们当中的两人 /the two of us我们两人 (共计两人 )next year 明年 /the next year 第二年in front of 在(外部的 )前面 /in the front of在 (部的 )前面go to school(church)上学 (做礼拜 )/go to the school(church)到学校 (教堂 )去out of question 毫无疑问 /out of the question不可能的,办不到的a teacher and writer 一位教师兼作家 (一个人 )/a teacher and a writer 一位教师和一位作家 (两个人 )随堂监测A 组I.单项选择:1. 上学A. go to schoolB. go to the schoolC. go to a school页脚.2.住院A, in the hospitalB. in a hospitalC. in hospital3.此刻A. at the momentB. at a momentC. at moment4.在课堂上A. in classB. in a classC. in the class5.在地球上A. on earthB. on an earthC. on the earth6.步行A. on footB. on the footC. on feet7.吃饭A. at a tableB. at the tableC. at table8.乘公共汽车 A. take busB. by busC. by the bus9.在家A. at the homeB. at a homeC. at home10.在工作A. at workB. at the workC. at works11.跳高A. jump highB. high jumpC. the high jump12.坐飞机A. by airB. by the airC. on air13.乘火车A. by the trainB. by trainC. on train14.在校学习A. in the schoolB. in schoolC. in schools15.睡觉A. go to bedB. go to the bedC. go to a bed16.感冒A. have a coldB. have the coldC. have cold17.乘船A. by shipB. on shipC. by a ship18.玩得痛快A. have good timesB. have a good timeC. have good times19.事实上A. in the factB. in factsC. in fact21.从早到晚 A. from morning to the evening B. from morning to evening C. from a morning to an evening随堂监测 B 组选择填空1.There is _ old woman in the car.A. /B. theC. aD. an2.Shanghai is in _ east of China.A. /B. anC. theD. a3.Bill is _ English teacher. He likes playing _ football.A. a, theB. an, theC. a, /D./,/4.The museum is quite far. It will take you half _ hour to go there by _ bus.A. an, /B. an, aC. a, /D./,/5.The story is _ interesting. That means it is _ interesting story.A. an, theB. the, a.C. /, anD. /, a6.Let s go for _ walk, shall we?A. aB. anC. theD. /7.This is _ interesting story-book and it is also _ useful one.A. a, aB. an, anC. an, aD. a, an8._ woman over there is _ popular teacher in our school.A. A, anB. The, aC. The , theD. A, the9.They passed our school _ day before yesterday.A. anB. oneC. aD. the10. Australia is _ English-speaking country.页脚.A. aB. anC. theD. /11.Don tplay _ basketball here. It s dangerous.A. aB. anC. /D. the12.This is _ apple. Its _ big apple.A. an, aB. a, theC. a, anD. an, the13. - Have you seen _ bag? I left it here just now.- Is it _ one on the chair near the door?A. a, aB. the, theC. a, theD. the, a14.I have _ blue coat.A. aB. anC. theD. some15.This is _ orange. _ orange is on the table.A. a, TheB. an, TheC. an, AnD. the, An16.Have you had _ breakfast?A. aB. anC. theD. /17.He wondered when the doctor could finish _ operation.A. aB. anC. theD. any18.After _ supper, he stayed at home and played _ violin.A. the, theB. /, theC. /, aD./,/19.There is _ apple on the plate.A. aB. anC. theD. /20.He said that he got _ “C”in the test.A. aB. anC. theD. /21._ new bridge has been built over _ Huangpu River.A. The, aB.A,/C. A, theD. An, an22.English is _ useful language in _ world.A. an, theB. a, theC. the, theD. an, an23.In the word “cariage ”_“r ”is lost.A. theB. anC. aD. /24.With the help of his teacher he studied hard and got _“A”in the test.A. aB. anC. theD. one25.I have two dogs. _ black one is two years old and _ yellow one is three years old.A. A, aB. The, aC. The, theD. A. the26.Li Dan can play _ piano very well.A. /B. aC. anD. the27.What _ interesting film it is! I like _ film very much.A. a, theB. a, aC. an, theD. The, /28._ tall man over there is our _ English teacher.A. A, theB. The, aC. A, anD. The, /同步练习页脚.1.There is _ apple on the desk.a. ab .thec. and./2.The girl under _ tree is my sister.a. ab .thec .and./3.Mary is from _ USA.a. ab. thec. and./4.He met _ friend of his on the road.a. ab .thec .and./5.Mr Black will go back to England_.a .by airb .by a planec. by trainsd. at a train6.Yesterday i went towork onfoot.a. / , /b ./ , thec .the , / d. the , the7.There is“h ”in the word “hour ”, but“h ”doesn tmake a sound.a. a, ab. a, thec. the , and .an. the8.Im going to see my mother. She is ill _.a. in hospitalb. in the hospitalc. in a hospitald. at a hospital9. We have three mealsday. we have breakfast at 6: 30 inmorning every day.a. the , the , theb. the , / , thec. a, /, thed .a , the , the10. This isfilm i ve told you about several times. Its great. i ve never seemore moving one.a. a, ab. the , thec. the , ad. a , the11. Tina, could you please playpiano for me while i m singing ? With pleasure.a .ab. anc. thed. /12.Iwant to try again. please give methird chance again.a .ab. thec. and. /13. What s the matter with you? I caughtbad cold and had to stay inbed.a. a; /b. a; thec. a; ad. the; the14.sun is shining brightly.a. ab. anc. thed. /15. Swimming isin summer.a. a great funb. great func. great funsd. great a fun小学定冠词和不定冠词练习题1.在空格填上 a 或 an1._ear2._actor3. _hen4._toy5. _university6. _elephant页脚.7. _hat8._umbrella9._rabbit10._idea11._hour12_ honest boy13._interesting book14._easy question15._orange dress16_apple pie17_X-ray machine18._ice cream2.用 a,an,the 或 “/”填空1._Washington is _capital of _United States of America.2.There is”A”on his paper.3. I ate _apple .Its _red apple. 4._tall man over there is my boss.5._earth moves aroundsun.6.No news is _good news.7.Have you visitedGreat Wall?8.They often playfootball after school.9.Children needlove andattention.10.Are there any birds insky?11.student in the third row istallest in our class.12.Did you havebreakfast this morning?13.Mr.White will go toTokyo byair.14.Byway,do you knowold woman in glasses?3.选择填空1.Mom tells her little daughterold story every night.A. aB. /C. anD. the2.computer on the table is Susans.A. AB. AnC. The D. /3.There ismap of the world onwall.map is mine.A. a, a, AB. a, the, TheC. the, the, TheD. the, the, A4.Whites live onfloor.A. /, threeB. A, thirdC. The, thirdD.The, the third5.Spring comes afterwinter.A./,/B.The, /C.The, theD.A, the6.I boughtshoes yesterday.shoes are very beautiful.A. a, TheB. a pair of, TheC. the, TheD. a pair, The pair7.He wassoldier in the Second World War.A. aB. anC. theD. /8.She can playand.A. the tennis, the guitarB. tennis, guitarC. the tennis, guitarD. tennis, the guitar9.I can seemoon andclouds in the sky.A. the, a B. a, aC. the, /D. the, the页脚.10.“c”is in “cat.”“s”is in “sat.”A. An, An B. An, A C. A, AD. A, An11.Tiananmen Square is inBeijing.A./,/B. A, / C. The, /D. /, the12. Can you tell menearest bookshop? Go straight and turn right at_third crossing, and you will see it.A. the, aB. the, theC. a, theD. the, /页脚


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