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食品类合同翻译词汇Power of Attorney委托书Exclusive Agent指定经销商Principal /Main Vendor 主供应商Commercial Trade Deal & Service Terms 商业交易及服务条款 知悉并认可We have acknowledged and accepted受委托人在执行和处理上述事项的过程中,签署的有关文件、协议,委托人均予以承认。We will accept and agreed the necessary Documents and agreements to accomplish the purposes for the aforesaid affair signed Principle/Main Vendor. 本授权书于本商业条款有效期起始日生效。The Power of Attorney shall be executive upon the effective date of the Commercial Trade Deal&Service Terms.签字盖章Signature & stamp主购货协议Master Purchase Agreement年度商业服务条款 有效期起始 签约日期 卜蜂莲花连锁超市 联系人 全国所有门店 独家或指定代理商 一般代理商 贸易商 /进口商 年度合作目标Commercial Trade Deal & Service Terms Effective Period start fromSigned dateLotus Supermarket Chain Store Co., Ltd. Contact personNation-all storesSole or Exclusive AgentGeneral AgentTrading/ ImportedYearly Cooperated Target甲方年度预计目标总销售额(含税)Yearly expected sales amount (with vat)甲方年度预计目标总利润额(含税) Yearly expected profit amount (with vat)付款条件付款期原则上不超过 60 天 订单、送货条款订货周期 交货时间(不超过收到订单后) 交货地点:Payment ConditionPayment TermsIn Principle payment days not exceeding 60 DaysPurchase Order, Delivery ConditionsOrder cycle timesDelivery Lead Time (Not later than days after P.O. receiving)Port of Delivery以上各项,甲方有权根据实际经营需要不时调整变更,以实际订单为准。Buyer should be entitled to adjust the above-mentioned per requirement. 供应商将要缺货时,应提前七日通知甲方。 If the goods will sell out, the Vendor shall notice Party A 7 days in advance.商品退换 Goods Returnable 供应商同意支付以下折扣和服务费用并承担相应之税额Vendor agrees to pay for following Discount & Allowance on activities or services provided andbear the tax. 商品采购交易条件 目标含税净进货额 基本返利率Trade DiscountTarget Net Purchase with VATBase Rebate %额外返利率 年终目标返利Additional Rebate %End of year Target rebate %以上返利以含税净进口货额为基数(扣除退货)计算Above Rebate is Calculated based on total net purchase with VA T. 主供应商确定,其指定经销商之信息如下: Main Vendor acknowledge that the exclusive agents information is as bellow.产地 备注 附件 D Appendix D 乙方应提交之证照清单 经年检的营业执照 组织机构代码证 国税、地税税务登记证副本 增值税纳税人资格证书 银行开户许可证 商品条码证复印件Product OriginRemarkParty B s Licenses and Documents ChecklistBusiness LicenseCompany Code LicenseTax Registration Certificate Copy (Local and State) Certificate of Vat Payer Bank Account LicenseBar code License法定代表人签名的授权书复印件 Power of Attorney Signed by The Legal Representative of Party B with Company Chop商标注册证或许可使用文件 Trademark 与生产商代理凭证 品牌授权经营许可证明 入境货物检验检疫证明 原产国 /地区证明Trademark Registration Certificate or User License onAgency Contract With Manufacturera Authorization Letter of Brand Agent Inspection and Quarantine License Original Country or Region Certificate国内经销商代理商登记注册信息 中文标签 进口单据等其他有关文件 工业产品生产许可证 卫生消毒备案凭证Chinese LabelImport Documents and Any Other Relevant DocumentsProduction Permit of ManufacturerSanitary Record Voucher强制性产品认证证书( CCC 证书) China Compulsory Certificate当年合格检验报告 卫生消毒许可批件 农药登记证 卫生许可证 日用百货 国产Latest Test ReportSanitary Permit Approval DocumentsAgricultural Chemicals Registration CertificateSanitary Permit of ManufacturerGeneral Merchandise


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