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Unit 9 练习一根据句意及汉语提示,填入正确的单词。1.(2019广西贵港)If you want to get a prize in the speech competition, you should_(准备) for it well2.(2017山东日照)Im sure if you ask her for help, Alice wont _(拒绝).3.(2017江苏镇江)The boy threw the ball to the dog and it _ (捉住,搂住) the ball successfully.4.(2016湖北荆门)The headmaster _ (回答)to me after I wrote to him about my problems yesterday.5. (2018江苏苏州)With all her efforts(努力), the children finally_(接受) her as one of the family.【答案】1. prepare 2.refuse 3.caught 4.replied 5.accepted【解析】本题主要考查本单元的重要单词练习二根据所给首字母写出正确的英语单词,使句意完整1. Thanks a lot for your i_.2. (2019山东日照)Man cant live w_ water.3. Every morning I spent two hours t_ for the race. 4. (2019四川天水)Thank you for i_me to your birthday party.5. I prefer c_ to English. 6.MissLeet _ usEnglishthisyear.7. (2019广西桂林)Im looking f_ to our summer vacation.8.Ifyouareill,youshouldgotoseead_.9.(2019广西百色)Zhang Peng didnt go home u_ he finished his homework yesterday10.(2019广州)David studies hard. I am sure he can pass the English e_.【答案】1. invitation 2.without 3.training 4.inviting 5.chemistry6. teaches 7. forward 8. doctor 9. until 10. exam【解析】本题主要考查本单元的重要单词练习三词组译一译1.在周六下午_2.为做准备_3.去看医生_4.患感冒_5.帮助我的父母_6.来参加聚会_7.其他时间_8.去年秋天_9.去聚会_10.常去某处;泡在某处_11.后天_12.前天_13.上钢琴课_14.照看;照顾_15.接受邀请_16.提出邀请_17.拒绝邀请_18.去旅行_19.这个月末_20.盼望;期待_21.的开幕式/落成典礼_22.以书面回复_23.去听音乐会_24.直到才_25.会见我的朋友_26.拜访祖父母_27.为考试学习_28.不得不_29.太多作业_30.做家庭作业_31.去看电影_32.放学后_33.在周末_34.邀请某人做某事_35.帮助某人做某事_36.做某事很悲伤_37.看见某人做完某事_38.看见某人正在做某事_39.做某事最好的方式_40.为某人举办一个惊喜派对_41.期盼做某事_42.答复某事/某人_【答案】1.on Saturday afternoon 2.prepare for 3.go to the doctor 4.have the flu 5.help my parents e to the party 7.another time 8.last fall 9.go to the party 10.hang out 11.the day after tomorrow 12.the day before yesterday 13.have a piano lesson 14.look after 15.accept an invitation 16.make an invitation 17.turn down an invitation 18.take a trip 19.at the end of this month 20.look forward to 21.the opening of 22.reply in writing to 23.go to the concert 24.notuntil 25.meet my friend 26.visit grandparents 27.study for a test 28.have to 29.too much homework 30.do homework 31.go to the movies 32.after school 33.on the weekend 34.invite sb. to do sth. 35.help sb.(to)do sth. 36.be sad to do sth. 37.see sb. do sth. 38.see sb.doing sth. 39.the best way to do sth. 40.have a surprise party for sb. 41.look forward to doing sth. 42.reply to sth./sb. 【解析】本题主要考查本单元的重要词组练习三1.(2019广西北部湾)In the playground, I threw the ball to her and she _(catch)it【答案】caught【解析】句意为“在操场上,我把球扔给她,她接住了。”,从throw的过去式threw可知,要用过去式,故填caught2.(2018广西北部湾)Everyone was _ (surprise) to see her at the party last night.【答案】surprised【解析】句意为“昨天晚上在晚会上见到她,人人都很惊讶。”,be是连系动词,后面跟形容词,故填surprised3.(2018江苏淮安)Man cant live_(with) air or water【答案】without【解析】句意为“没有空气或水,人类无法生存。”,without意为“没有”,故填without4.The _ (open) of Shanghai Expo was really wonderful.【答案】opening【解析】句意为“上海世博会的开幕式真棒。”,这里需要用动名词,故填opening5.Bob went to school without _ (have)breakfast yesterday.【答案】having【解析】句意为“Bob昨天没吃早饭就去上学了。”,without是介词,后面跟动名词,故填having6. Im looking forward to _(hear) from you soon.【答案】hearing【解析】句意为“我期盼着收到你的来信。”,look forward to doing 意为“期盼着做某事”,故填hearing7. Tom didnt come to my party because of his _ ( ill).【答案】illness【解析】句意为“Bob由于生病没有来参加晚会。”,这里需要用名词,故填illness8. Thank you for your_(invite)【答案】invitation【解析】句意为“谢谢你的邀请。”,这里需要用名词,故填invitation9. Please keep quiet!My sisters trying_(study)【答案】to study【解析】句意为“请安静,我妹妹正在努力学习。”,try to do sth.意为“尽力做某事”,故填to study10. He would love_(have)a cup of tea.【答案】to have【解析】句意为“他想要杯茶。”,would love to do sth.意为“很想要做某事”,故填to have练习五1.(2019武汉)This room is too small. Id like to ask for _ .Sure.We have rooms available here.A. another B. the other C. one D. it【答案】A【解析】句意“这个房间太小了,我想索要另一个。-好的,我们这里有一个可用的房间”。A.(无范围)另一个;B.(两者中)另一个;C.一个;D.它(代指上文中出现的同一个事物)。根据句意可知,表示换一个房间,而不是上文中出现的房间;且本句话中,没有说是两者中的一个,用another,译为“另一个”,故选A。2.(2019吉林长春)Would you like to go fishing with me tomorrow?_. Its my favorite.A. Of course not B. Thats rightC. Sure, Id love to D. Im afraid I cant【答案】C【解析】句意:你明天想和我一起去钓鱼吗?当然,我很乐意。A. Of course not当然不;B. Thats right那是对的;C. Sure, Id love to当然,我很乐意;D. Im afraid I cant我恐怕不能。根据下文Its my favorite.可知这里是说我很乐意。根据题意,故选C。3.(2019江苏南京)Do you have any plans for the holiday?Yes, I m planning to travel to Jiuzhaigou Im looking forward to _the colourful lakes and amzing waterfallsAsee Bseeing Csees Dsaw【答案】B【解析】你有什么假期计划吗?是的,我计划去九寨沟旅游我期待着看到色彩斑斓的湖泊和宁静的瀑布根据句意:你有什么假期计划吗?是的,我计划去九寨沟旅游我期待着看到色彩斑斓的湖泊和宁静的瀑布可知考查look forward to doing期待做某事故选:B4.(2019江苏淮安)Some people are too shy to say a word in public. However, _ arent.A. another B. the other C. others D. the others【答案】C【解析】句意:一些人们太害羞而不敢再公共场合说话。然而,其他的人们不是。A. another另一个,不定数目的另一,后加名词单数;B. the other 别的,其他的,后加名词复数;C. others别的,其他的,代词;表示泛指;D. the others别的,其他的,表示特指。根据上文Some people可知下文是其他的人们,这里表示泛指用others。根据题意,故选C。5.(2018贵州安顺 )My cousin is _ heavy because he often eats_ fast foodA. too much;too many B. too many;too muchC. much too;too much D. too much;much too【答案】C【解析】句意为“我的表兄太胖了,因为他常吃快餐。”,much too修饰形容词,too much修饰不可数名词,而heavy是形容词,fast food是不可数名词,故选C6.(2019湖北襄阳) Does the old man have to _ his wife? Yes. They have no children to depend on.A. look after B. look for C. look up D. look like【答案】A【解析】句意:这位老人必须照顾他的妻子吗?是的,他们没有孩子可以依靠。考查动词短语。A. look after照顾、照看;B. look for寻找;C. look up查阅、仰望;D. look like看起来像。根据They have no children to depend on. 他们没有孩子可以依靠。可推知应是这位老人必须照顾他的妻子,故答案选A。7.(2019江苏苏州)Some people dont show their talents at the very beginning.I agree. Even Einstein _ read until he was seven.A. cant B. mustnt C. couldnt D. neednt【答案】C【解析】句意:有些人在一开始并没有展示他们的才能。我同意。爱因斯坦甚至直到七岁才识字。考查情态动词辨析。cant 不能,表示没有能力,couldnt是其过去式;mustnt不能,表禁止;neednt不需要,指没有必要。根据Some people dont show their talents at the very beginning.可知七岁前几乎没有能力读书,根据until he was seven可知用一般过去时,故选C。8.(2019江苏宿迁)Mum, may I go to see a film with my cousin?You _ go if you have finished your homework.A. must B. need C. should D. can【答案】D【解析】句意:妈妈,我可以和我表妹去看电影吗?你可以去如果完成了你的家庭作业。考查情态动词辨析。must必须,强调主观意愿;need需要,指有必要;should应该,表建议;can可以,表许可。本句是条件状语从句,主句表示允许,根据if you have finished your homework.可知选D。9.(2019山东滨州) Mum, its too hot. _ I swim in the lake?No, you _. Thats too dangerous!A. Should; cant B. Need; mustnt C. Must; neednt D. Could; mustnt【答案】D【解析】句意:妈妈,太热了。我能在湖里游泳吗?不,你不能,那太危险了。考查情态动词辨析。第一个空,根据Mum, its too hot. _ I swim in the lake?可知句意为“妈妈,太热了。我能在湖里游泳吗?”表示征询意见,委婉的请求,用could;第二个空,根据前面的No,以及后面的Thats too dangerous!可知应是“不可以”,表示禁止用mustnt,故选D。10.(2019江苏淮安)Will you stay here for dinner with us? Sorry, I _. My mother is waiting for me at home.A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. couldnt【答案】B【解析】句意:你愿意留下来和我们一起吃晚饭吗?对不起,我不能。我的母亲正在家里等我。A. mustnt禁止;B. cant不能;C. neednt 不必;D. couldnt不能。根据上文Will you stay here for dinner with us?及Sorry可知这里是说不能,用Sorry, I cant对不起,我不能。根据题意,故选B。11.(2019辽宁抚顺)Will Bob help me look after my pet dog when Im away.Of course. He wont _your request(请求). He loves animals a lot.A. put down B. write down C. turn down D. take down【答案】C【解析】句意“-当我离开时鲍勃能帮我照看我的宠物狗吗?-当然,他不会拒绝你的请求。他非常喜欢动物”。A.记下,放下;B.写下;C.拒绝,调低;D.记下,写下。根据句意可知,表示“不会拒绝你的请求”,故选C。12.(2019吉林长春)Without umbrellas, the tourists didnt leave the hotel _ the heavy rain stopped.A. if B. because C. until D. whenever【答案】C【解析】句意:没有雨伞,游客们直到大雨停了才离开旅馆。A. if如果;B. because因为;C. until直到;D. whenever无论何时。根据上文the tourists didnt leave the hotel可知下文是直到雨停,notuntil表示直到才。根据题意,故选C。练习六句型转换1. There is quite a lot of water in the river. (同义句)Theres _ _ water in the river. 2. Today is Monday. (提问) _ _ is today?3. They are going to the doctors on Monday. (提问)_ _ they going to the doctors?4. Do you want to come over to my house? (同义转换)_ you _ to come over to my house? _ you come over to my house?5. Why dont you have an English party? (同义转换) _ _ have an English party?6. Do you have time next Sunday?(同义句) _ you _ next Sunday?7. We are studying for the math on Thursday morning. (提问) _ are you _ on Thursday morning?8. I have to go to the dentist. (用he作主语改写句子) He _ _ go to the dentist. 【答案】1. too much2. What day3. When are4. Would ,like,Can5. Why not6. Are,free7. What,doing8. has to【解析】本题主要考查句子结构及同义句改写练习七书面表达 Tom邀请 Li Ping参加他这周日的生日宴会,但 Li Ping的父母出差要到下个月回来,奶奶又卧病在床,需要人照顾。再说英语考试即将来临,LiPing要准备考试。因此,无法前去参加生日宴会, Li Ping感到很抱款。请以 Li Ping的身份写封6080词的信辞谢。注意:1可适当发挥,不要逐字翻译;2开头和结尾已给出,不计入总字数。_【参考范文】Dear Tom, Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. Id love too, but I cant.My parents are out on business. They are coming back next month. And now I have to look after my grandma because she is ill in bed. And I also need to study for my coming English exam. Im very sorry I cant go to your party. Thank you for asking me. I hope you can have a good time. Yours, Li Ping【点评】本篇作文回绕着话题“邀请与接受或拒绝”来写的,采用了邀请信的格式,运用了大量的词组,如:thank you for doing sth., would love to, on business, come back, next month, have to, look after,have a good time 等。语言结构丰富,有并列句,复合句,有本单元的语法重点情态动词及动词不定式,动名词等。


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