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马渠九年制学校七年级英语助学案系列 unit 9课题Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. (period 1)课型新授主备何月娟审核刘等平班级姓名时间助学目标知识与技能:1.学习本节重点词汇:favotite,subject,science,P.E,math,Chinese,music,geography,history.2.掌握重点句型:-Whats your favorite subject? -My favorite subject is 过程与方法: 利用对话,以小组合作的形式与他人交流,训练口语及交际能力。情感态度与价值观:情感态度与价值观:同学们应懂得学好每门课都很重要。重点掌握本节重点词汇。难点掌握句型 -Whats your favorite subject? -My favorite subject is 学习过程学(教)记录【自助学习】(我尝试自学)一、翻译词汇我最喜欢的科目_ 自然科学_音乐_ 有趣的_困难的_ 令人轻松的_二、连词组句 (请注意大小写和标点符号)。1)favorite, what, your, is, subject_2)subject, his, I, favorite, physical education, think, is_3)favorite, green and blue, mothers, is, my, color_ 【互助探究】(我参与互研)Whats ones favorite?1)这个句型可以用来询问某人的“最爱”。如:a. Whats Sams favorite subject? Sam 最喜欢的科目是什么? His favorite subject is art.他最喜欢的科目是艺术。b. Whats Jacks favorite sports? Jack最喜欢的运动是什么? His favorite sports is basketball. 他最喜欢的运动是篮球。2) favoritefavorite既可以做形容词,意思是“ ”,也可以做名词,表示 。如:My favorite food is chicken. (形容词)我最喜欢的食品是鸡肉。Apples are my favorite.(名词)苹果是我的最爱。【求助交流】(我愿意分享)favorite与like .best可以进行句型转换。favorite是形容词,“ ”,只做 。例如:like .best意为“ ”,是动词短语。例如:My favorite food is chicken. = I like chicken best.(同义句)【补助练兵】(我能用新知)1.句型转换1)My favorite subject is biology.(就划线部分提问)_2)I have lunch at twelve oclock. (就划线部分提问)_3)I have English on Wednesday.(变成否定句)_4)Bai Jie likes history very much.(变成一般疑问句)_【共助反馈】(我能够达标)根据首字母填空。1) My favorite s_ is PE, because I like both sports and the PE teacher.2)His favorite t_is Miss White because she teaches well.3)Her favorite school d_is Friday because she has music.4)Our favorite m_ are comedies because they are very interesting. 5)Their favorite c_is green because its the color of life.6) Whats your favorite m_jazz, pop or rock?7)Steves favorite n_is EIGHT because it means to get rich.8)My mothers favorite v_are carrots, but I have them. I like tomatoes better.【续助反思】(我收获新知)课题Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.(period 2)课型新授主备何月娟审核刘等平班级姓名时间助学目标知识与技能:1.学习识记本节新单词:why,because,who,Mrs,teacher.2.掌握本节的基础知识:why,who引导的特殊疑问句和because的用法。过程与方法: 利用对话,以小组合作的形式与他人交流,训练口语及交际能力。情感态度与价值观:学会表达自己的喜好。重点掌握why,who引导的特殊疑问句的用法难点能够通过练习熟练表达对学科的好恶,并能讲清原因。学习过程学(教)记录【自助学习】(我尝试自学)用what,who,why填空。 1.A: _ do you like history?B: Because its interesting.2.A: _ likes math? B:Eric does.3. A:_ is your favorite subject?B :My favorite subject isP.E.4.A: _ is your science teacher?B:My science teacher is Mr. Chen.【互助探究】(我参与互研)1. Why do you like art? Because its fun. why是疑问副词,意为“为什么”,用来询问_。because是连词,意思是_,其后接原因。如: Why does he like math? 他为什么喜欢数学? Because he thinks its interesting. 因为他觉得有趣。2.学习3b,根据答语写出句子。1)_?Because history is interesting. 2)_ ?Science and math.3)_ ?His Chinese class is on Monday.4)_? Marys favorite subject is art【求助交流】(我愿意分享)Its Tuesday November11th. 今天是11月11日,星期二。句中的it用来指代日期和星期- today? 今天几号?-Its November 11th. 今天是11月11日。- today? 今天星期几?-Its Sunday. 星期日。英语中日期的正确表述顺序:星期,月,日,年。例如:Its Saturday December 13th, 2005.今天是2005年12月13日星期六。【补助练兵】(我能用新知)句型转换1There are ten people in the room. (对划线部分提问)_ _ people are there in the room?2He likes English and math. (改一般疑问句)_3I have some books in my backpack. (改否定句)_4Does your father like sport? (做肯定回答)_ 5The little boy goes to school at 7: 30(对划线部分提问)_6. My son likes swimming because its funny. (对划线部分提问)_ _your son _swimming?【共助反馈】(我能够达标)翻译句子1)你通常几点起床?_ do you usually _ _? 2)你爸爸最喜欢什么颜色。_ is your fathers favorite _? 3)你周末看电视吗?_ you _ TV _ weekends? 4)我最喜欢的学科是科学。My favorite _ _ science.【续助反思】(我收获新知)课题Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.(period 3)课型新授主备何月娟审核刘等平班级姓名时间助学目标知识与技能:1.掌握本节表示星期的词汇。2. 掌握句型:-When do you have math?/When is the class? -Its on Monday.过程与方法: 利用对话,以小组合作的形式与他人交流,训练口语及交际能力。情感态度与价值观:培养学生对每门功课的兴趣重点掌握重点句型-When do you have math?/When is the class? -Its on Monday.难点阅读部分需多加训练学习过程学(教)记录【自助学习】(我尝试自学)找亲戚,将A栏与B栏匹配A B( )1. How are you? A. Yes, please.( )2. Lets play soccer ball. B. That sounds good.( )3. Can I help you? C. No, I dont.( )4. Your T-shirt is very nice. D. Fine, thanks.( )5. Happy New Year! E. Yes, I can.( )6. How old are you? F. No, they are my uncle and aunt.( )7. Do you have a tennis racket? G. Thank you.( )8. Can you play chess? H. The same to you.( )9. Are these your parents? I. I dont know.( )10. Does Gina like hamburgers? J. Fifteen【互助探究】(我参与互研)知识总结:对星期几提问,都用 ? 可以有以下几种问法: What day is it today? It is Sunday. What day is today? Today is Sunday. What day of the week is it today? It is Sunday. 用法: a. 英美人的习惯: Sunday is the first day of a week. 星期天是一周的第一天。 Saturday is the last day of a week. 星期六是一周的最后一天。【求助交流】(我愿意分享)表示“ ”或者“在星期几的上午,下午,晚上等”时,前面用 。如: Sunday afternoon. 在星期天的下午。【补助练兵】(我能用新知)翻译1.语文 _ 2.数学 _ 3.英语 _ 4.科学 _5.历史 _6.生物 _7.体育 _ 8.美术 _9.音乐 _ 10.信息技术_【共助反馈】(我能够达标)单项选择。( )1._ does he like science? Because its interesting.A. What B. Why C. When D. Where( )2.Whats Toms favorite city?_ favorite city is New York.A. Its B. Its C. His D. He( )3._ does your music teacher come? At nine oclockA . When B. What C . Who D. Why( )4.I like math _its difficult for me.A. but B. and C. or D. Because( )5._ does he have P.E ? He has P.E. at 3:00 in the afternoon .A. When. B. What C. Where D. Why( )6.We have politics _ Tuesday.A. on B. in C. at D. /( )7.Where does he live? He _in Beijing.A. lives B. live C. is living D. to live( )8.Do you like music? _A. Yes, it does. B. No, it isnt.C. Yes, because its relaxing. D. No, I do.【续助反思】(我收获新知)课题Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.(period 4)课型新授主备何月娟审核刘等平班级姓名时间助学目标知识与技能:1.复习本单元的重点词汇和短语。 2.use的用法。过程与方法: 利用对话,以小组合作的形式与他人交流,训练口语及交际能力。情感态度与价值观:培养学生养成严格要求自己的学习习惯。重点复习重点句型-Whats your favorite subject? -My favorite subject is -When do you have math?/When is the class? -Its on Monday.难点训练学生对所学知识的应用能力。学习过程学(教)记录【自助学习】(我尝试自学)一、根据句意及汉语提示,写出单词。1. Im very _(忙的) today. So I cant go to the movie with you.2. After running, we are _(疲惫的).3. Shanghai is a big _(城市) in China. 4. Our teacher is _(严格的) in her work.5. We have art only on _(星期三).6. I dont like _(科学). Its too difficult.7. My favorite _(学科) are Chinese and math.二、按要求写出下列单词1. teach (名词) _2. city (复数) _3.twelve (序数词) _ 4. real (副词) _5.hour (同音词) _ 6.wish (三单) _【互助探究】(我参与互研)1.信的格式2.学习3a,熟读短文,给赵杰写封信,讲讲你喜欢的科目 3. Im really busy today. busy adj. 忙的;繁忙的常用结构有:(1)be busy with sth. She is busy with some important work. 她现在忙于一些重要的工作。(2)be busy (in)doing sth. 忙于做某事The girl is busy watering the flowers. 这个女孩正忙着浇花。【求助交流】(我愿意分享)请根据括号内的要求改写下列句子,每空一词。1.My favorite subject is science.(就划线部分提问)_ _your favorite subject?2.He is really busy today.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ really busy today?3.I like P.E. best.(改写同义句)_ _ subje ct is P.E.4.He likes art because its fun. (就划线部分提问)_ does he _ art?5.My science teacher is Mr Green._ _ your science teacher? (就划线部分提问)【补助练兵】(我能用新知)单项选择。1. Miss Ling teaches _ Chinese. We like _ class very much.A. me; hisB. me; herC. us; herD. us; his2. When do you have math? We have math _Monday.A. inB. onC. atD. for3. P.E. is my favorite subject _ its interesting.A. forB. butC. becauseD. and4. I have sports _ two hours every day.A. forB. on C. atD. In5. Science is very difficult _ interesting.A. andB. butC. orD. so【续助反思】(我收获新知)101


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