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A STUDY ON TH匣IMAGE TRANSFER OF TRANSLATINGCH卫她SE CLASSICAL POETRY FROM TH吧PERSPECTIVE 0FFUSIoN 0F HORIZONA CASE STUDY OF XU YUAN CHONGSVERSl0Nby胁ShanUnder the Supervision of ProfessorLiQingmingA Thesis Submitted tothe Graduate School ofXian University ofTechnologyin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Master of ArtsXian,China2013独创性声明本人所呈交的学位论文是在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除特别加以标注的地方外,论文中不包含其他人的研究成果。与我一同工作的同志对本文的研究工作和成果的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并已致谢。本论文及其相关资料若有不实之处,由本人承担一切相关责任。论文作者签名:宣整 2。2 年月。日学位论文使用授权本人作为学位论文作者了解并愿意遵守学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:在导师指导下创作完成的学位论文的知识产权归西安理工大学所有,本人今后在使用或发表该论文涉及的研究内容时,会注明西安理工大学。西安理工大学拥有学位论文的如下使用权,包括:学校可以保存学位论文;可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文;可以查阅或借阅。本人授权西安理工大学对学位论文全部内容编入公开的数据库 进行检索。本学位论文全部或部分内容的公布(包括刊登)授权西安理工大学研究生学 院办理。经过学校保密办公室确定密级的涉密学位论文,按照相关保密规定执行;需要进行技术保密的学位论文,按照西安理工大学学位论文技术保密申请表内容进行保密(附 西安理工大学学位论文技术保密申请表)。保密的学位论文在解密后,适用本授权。论文作者签名:习够一导 师签名三至瞄 年王月。日摘要论文题目:从视域融合角度看中国古典诗词英译中的意象传递以许渊冲之翻译为例学科名称:外国语言学及应用语言学研究生:毋杉指导教师:李庆明教授摘要签名:壹整签名酲差圣一“阐释学”一词最早应用于希腊语之中,早期阐释学的基础就是对神旨的翻译、说明和阐释。19世纪,德国宗教哲学家施莱尔马赫对各个学科领域的阐释学思想进行了综合,形成了具有认识论色彩和普遍方法论特征的一般阐释学。19世纪后期,德国生命哲学家狄尔泰从经验、历史与人生的关系入手,对阐释学研究进行了推进。20世纪的德国哲学大师海德格尔和伽达默尔使阐释学走出认识论局限,将古典阐释学发展为系统全面的现代阐释学。伽达默尔的巨著真理与方法奠定了阐释学在当代哲学中的重要地位。现代阐释学不仅给二战以来的西方哲学带来生机与活力,尤其对文学理论研究产生了深厚的影响。作为一门关于理解和解释的科学,阐释学与翻译在本质上存在联系和共鸣。近年来,阐释学的哲学思想为翻译实践提供了新的理论动力和研究视野。中国古典诗词翻译的历史可以追溯到16世纪。丰富玄妙的意象和耐人寻味的意境是中国古典诗词的灵魂,也是翻译实践的重点和难点。诗词意象翻译是中外的翻译家和学者探究是热点话题,许渊冲作为中国当代翻译届翘楚,结合中西文化,探索翻译理论,创作出大量优质的翻译作品,为中国古典诗词的传播贡献了自己的力量。本文从阐释学的角度出发,回顾了阐释学的发展脉络,着重介绍了阐释学中的核心理论“视域融合”,并探讨了视域融合这一哲学概念和翻译的内在联系。文章进而运用具体实例分析了诗词意象的种类和特征,同时对许渊冲先生的生平和翻译思想作一介绍。本文的创新点在于将阐释学“视域融合”理论运用于诗词意象翻译之中,一方面从诗词的情感、内容和形式方面分析视域融合理论在消除语际间的异质文化方面发挥的作用,另一方面讨论了视域融合理论在满足读者审美取向和思维模式方面采用的策略。同时作者尝试对阐释学和翻译的结合提出了建议。关键词:阐释学;视域融合;意象;诗词翻译;许渊冲西安理工大学硕士学位论文basis for translationABSTRACTTitle:A STUDY ON THE IMAGE TRANSFER OF TRANSLATING CHINESE CLASSICAL POETRY FROM THE PERSPECTlVE OF FUSION OF HORIZONA CASE STUDY OF XU YUAN CHONGS VERSlONMajor:Foreign Linguistics and Applied LinguisticsName:Shan WUSignature:绁坚墨b蚣Supervisor:PrOfQingming LESignatureAbstractHermeneuticswas first used in Greece and the meaning of“hermeneutics”is declarationinterpretation or explanation about the will of GodIn the 1 9m century,German religiousphilosopherSchleiermacher startedto carryouta comprehensivestudyonhermeneuticsthoughts in all fields and formed ageneralhermeneutics withthecharacteristicsofepistemologyand methodologyInthelate1 9“century,WilelmDiltheyproposedthedevelopment of hermeneutics from the relationship between experience history and human life In the 20“1 century,Martin Heidegger and Hans Georg Gadamer turned classical hermeneutics into a systemic and comprehensive theory which we call“modem hermeneutics”Gad锄ers masterpiece Truth and Method is known as the mark of modem hermeneuticsModem hermeneutics not only brings the vitality and vigor for western philosophy,but also influences the literary studiesAs a science of the understanding and interpretation of meaning,hermeneutics has relationship and resonance with translationIn recent years,the philosophicalthoughts of hermeneutics have provided a new perspective and theoreticalpracticeThe translation history of Chinese classical poetry Can be traced back to the 1 6tIl centuryImage is the soul of Chinese classical poetry,which is also the key and difficulty in thetranslation practiceThe images in translation are hot topic for scholars home and abroadAs an outstanding representative of contemporary Chinese translators,Xu Yuanchong has combined Chinese and Western cultures for exploring translation theories,created a large number of translation works of classical Chinese poetry,and made great contributions to the extension ofChinese literature beyond national boundariesThis thesis from the perspective of hermeneuticsreviews the development of hermeneutics,introduces the core theory“fusion of horizon,iniii西安理工大学硕士学位论文hermeneutics and discusses the relationship between fusion of horizon and translationFurthermore,the author analyzes the categories and features of Chinese classical poetry image anddiscusses Xu YuanchongS life experiences and his translation theory。功e innovation of thisthesis is that the author makes an intensive study of how hermeneutics is applied to imagetranslationOn the one hand,the authors analyzes the role of fusion of horizon in the elimination of the culture difference from the aspects of fusion of emotion,fusion of content, and fusion of formOn the other hand,she explores the translation strategies from the perspective of fusion of horizon adopted in catering to the readersaesthetics value and thinking modelIn addition,the author offers some suggestions and for the combination of translation and hermeneuticsKey Words:hermeneutics;fusion of horizon;image;classical poetry;Xu YuanchongCONTENTSCoNTENTSCHAPTER oNE INTRoDUCTIoN 。1【】【Background ofthe Research 112 Significance ofthe Research 213 Structure ofthe Thesis 3CHA_PTER TWO AN OVEREW OF THE IMAGES IN CHINESE CLASSICAL POETRY AND XU YUANCHoNGS TRANSLATIoN 。521 Studies ofImage at Home and Abroad 5211 Studies ofImage atAbroad 5212 Studies of lmage at Home 622 Categories ofImages 823 Features ofImage in Classical Poetry 1024 The Introduction ofXuYuanchong and His Translation Theories 13241 Xu YuanchonS Personal Experience 13242 Xu YuanchongS Translation Theories 13CHAPTER THREE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FUSION oF HoRIZON ANDTRANSLATIoN 。1531 An Introduction to the Development ofHermeneutics 15:;2 Hermeneutics Views on Translation 。 。 17:;3 Fusion ofHorizons 19331 The Concept ofHorizon 19:;:;2 Fusion ofHorizon 20 333 The Fusion ofHorizon and Translation 21CHAPTER FOUR APPLICATION OF FUSION OF HOIUZON INTO CLASSICALPOETRY TRANSLATION 2341 Three Fusions to Meet Readers Aesthetics Value and Thinking Model 23411 Fusion ofEmotion 23412 Fusion of Content 26413 Fusion of Form 284。2 Three Ways to Eliminate the Cultural Difference in Language 29西安理工大学硕士学位论文421 Changing the Images 29422 Adding the Images 32423 Deleting the Images 3443 Difficulty in Translating Imagery 35CHAPTER FIVE CONLUSION 3751 Main Findings and Innovations 3752 Limitation ofthe Studies 3853 Suggestions for Further Studies 38BIBLOGRAPHY 41ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 45ACHIEVEMENT 47CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTIONCHAPTER oNE INTRODUCTIoN11 Background of the ResearchTranslating activity is a kind of communication which refers to the process of understanding and expressingThe essence of translation is interpretationAs an important school in modem philosophy,hermeneutics not only helps US to study the translation from a perspective of scientific and philosophic thoughts,but also provides new methods and new ideas for the theory and practice in translationThe intrinsic quality of hermeneutics is toconvey message and avoid misunderstandingAs we know,the main purpose of translation is toreproducing the meaning of original textIn this way,translation activity with its character ofcomprehension and interpretation is another appropriate interpretation of hermeneutics theoryThe study of hermeneutics in westem countries has a long historyFor instance, “hermeneuticswas first used in Greece in the 1 7m century and the meaning of“hermeneutics”is declaration,interpretation or explanationIn the 1 9也century Westem countries sought for a“general hermeneuticsand started to apply the relative theories or principles of philosophicalhermeneutics to the translation researchGerman religious philosopher Schleiermacher put study of hermeneutics to a new orientation,which was related to a system-theory ofunderstanding and explanationIn the 20th century,the German philosopher Martin Heideggerand his student Gadamer expanded hermeneutics to the complete theory ofWestern Modemhermeneutics”Although the starting point of Hermeneutics study did not focus on translation,the analysis and interpretation about literary works and the understanding of translation havesomething in commonTherefore,modem hermeneutics provide some enlightenment for translation studiesIn the 1 980s,as hermeneutics and acceptance aesthetics went into China,the point of view“translation is interpretationput forward by EvansPrichard has been accepted by manytranslation scholars in our countryHong Handing translates the book of Truth and Method from Gadamer which advances thespread of hermeneuticsMany scholars provide their personal opinions about hermeneutics and translationAccording to Zhang Yonghe,“any translation must involve fusion of horizon,which is the absolute nature of translation”with such important opinion about the relationshipbetween translation and hermeneutics(Zhang Yonghe,2006)Zhu Jianping said that“Inredefiningtranslatingfrom the perspective of philosophical hermeneutics,we should bedescriptive,dynamic and open, and take translatorsand cultural factors into consideration”(Zhu Jianping,2006)西安理工大学硕士学位论文In recent years,many scholars in China pay much attention to applying hermeneutics theory to translation activityAccording to the hermeneutics,we could find some vital theories, such as fusion of horizon,effective history and fore-understandingAt the same time,we stress the importance of translator againAbove all,hermeneutics helps US to solve translation problems from a new angleIn China,the theories of hermeneutics are still a relatively new study for translation。In a word,there have not been SO many remarkable achievements in our country,especially the hermeneutics principles translation studies on classical poetryHowever,according to these opinions from the scholars just mentioned,we Can find that hermeneutics provides US with a theoretical basis for understandingAmerican poet Robert Frost said that“Poetry is what gets lost in translation”,which indicates the loss of beautyBut the scholars at home and abroad still explore the translation strategies to present the beauty of poetryThe history of translating Chinese classical poetry into English Can be traced back to the 1 6th century,SJenyns,who was an English sinologist and poet influencing the field of translating Chinese poemsAnd the translators Can be classified into different schools according to their different translating claims and methodsAs we know, there are a lot of remarkable translators who make the classical Chinese poetry be accepted and treasured by people around the worldAnd there is no doubt that Ezra Pound and Xu Yuanchong are the most prominent representatives of them12 Significance of the ResearchChina is a kingdom of poetry and classical poetry is the magnificent gem of Chinese peopleFrom the“Book of Songs”to Tang Poems and Song Lyrics,for thousands of years, poetry with its beautiful rhythm and elegant pattern provided a huge stage for all kinds of people to express their true feelingsThere is no doubt that the Tang Poems and Song Lyricsmarked the luxuriant peak of the Chinese poetryThe most distinctive features of Chinese classical poetry are their rich images and wonderful ideograms which are different fromwestern poetryImagery should be regarded the soul of the classical poetry and its fantastic meanings should take readers infinite imaginaryReaders get at poetS expression by grasping the imagesThe images in translation are not only the hot topic for discussion but also the keyand difficulty in the translation of Chinese classical poetryThatS why the scholars and expertsat homes and abroad commit to the study of translating images to make the target languagereaders have the similar artistic enjoyment as the source language readers doIt is necessary tocarry out a research on this field2There are various systematic studies in Chinese classical poetry translation still need toexplore new theories and scientific methodsModem hermeneutics,as a relatively new field,provides some enlightenments to literary study,and also brings some inspirations to tmagetranslationHermeneutics aims at providing theoretical basis and reference in the meaning of methodology for literary studies,especially the literary translationOur cultural environment isdi圩erent f-rom the ancient culture,and literary studies need an open and broad space to form anew modewhich lays an emphasis on the importance of translationIn the historical context,the development of literature depends on a dialogue between the historical text and the understanding subject,which is realized by the fusion of horizon according to the past horizonarldthe realistic horizonIn the view of hermeneutics,the concept of“fusion”、。-foreunderstanding,andeffective historyare all related to literary studiesModernhenneneuticsexplains the problems in the development of literature with a profoundphilosophy thought and achieves the interdisciplinary research in。depthBv examining the essence of hermeneutics,we may find that there are some inherentcorrelations in tmslation and hermeneutics,especially the key concepts from hermeneuticscould shed a light on translation activityThe current study iS expected to provide some translation thoughts and methods,and to inquire into how the translator could present the aeSmetics feelings to target readersMoreover,the philosophical hermeneutics could broadent11e studv field from a new angleThis thesis will take a number of translation works of classicalimages by Xu Yuanchong for referenceThe author attempts to analyze the examples with thetheory of fusion of horizon and study the relationship between translation and hermeneuticsItis hoped that the research could come up with creatively ideas on image translation and arousemore interests from language learners in classical poetry translation13 Structure of the ThesisThis thesis is presented in five chaptersChapter One is a brief introduction to the whole thesiswhich 1eads to the context including the study purpose and study background,thesi蛐ificance of the study and the structure of the thesisChapter two sets forth the concept ofclassical images and its difficulty in translationIt will introduce the classification of imagesand discuss the embodied poetry imagesThis part also introduces Xu Yuanchong and hisworksin which the experience of his life and his important theories are dealt withChapterT11ree is a literature reviewIn this part,the author focuses on the theoretic analysisIhe aim isto introduce the baSic theories of hermeneutics and analyze the relationship between hermeneutics and translationThe main study object is focused on fusion of horizon and its application to translationChapter Four, the core of whole thesis,makes an intensive study of西安理工大学硕士学位论文how hermeneutics is applied to image translationAnd the fusion of horizon will play a vitalrole in catering to the readersaestheticsvalue and thinking model from the following aspects:fusion of emotion,fusion of content,and fusion of form the three ways to eliminate theculture difference in languageChapter Five,the concluding part,discusses the major findingsand innovations,limitations about image translation and gives suggestions for the further poetrytranslation studies4AFinke(1 989:4 1)held the point that image is“functionally equivalent tocan arouseand luxuriantCHAPTER TWO AN OVERVIEW OF THE IMAGES IN CHINESE CLASSICAL POETRY AND XUYUANCHONGS TRANSLATIONCHAPTER TWO AN OVERVIEW OF THE IMAGES IN CHINESE CLASSICAL POETRY AND XU YUANCHONGSTRANSLATIONChinese classical poetry is the most shining gem of Chinese literatureAs the essence oflanguage,poetry is rich in language features and emotional expressions,and it thus makes anideal subject of translation studyImage can be seen the soul of Chinese classical poetry,whichme readerS resonance according to the profound implicationimaginationBecause of the vital role of image,a great many of scholars and translators alla1叼und the worid devote themselves to the study of image translation,which call find out the most appropriate translation strategies to express the unique charm of Chinese classicalDoetryStarting from this chapter,we will make an overview of the image and discuss XuYuanchongS translation。21 Studies of Image at Home and AbroadIn this chapter,we focus on the theories of image,which is the essence of Chinese classical poetryImage is a very important topic in the Chinese and western research fieldIt is related to the aesthetics mental mechanism,and combined with association and perception Image is a kind of mental representation according to memory and imagination,and is caused by any sense organsImage Can be an impression or an ideaWe may also describe imagewith adj ectiveOne of the famous figures of imagism,Ezra Pound defines image as follows“Image presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time”(Hou Yan,2007:1 0)For this concept of image,there are a lot of discussion and research in China and in the west211 Studies of lmage at AbroadIn China,There is a long history of imagery studyFor the west,scholars in the early20th century placed a great emphasis on the notion of imagery,which is a relatively new topicfor westem literary circl


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