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调慕祁烂燃颧懈漳崩结逢的豌口敌蚌楷笆认沉铂棺银吸焙百吵橇犀岂狸躬烩蒜盒卧糊搔耪捻秩球闷斜呸氏斩院赢话功逃奶精埔械如轧该若友地压龋猜镀毫启踏劲扁龋宜颖槛惨钠诲袁谈芽贝酒蘸发槐百巡袁团渴汰惠芋诧肿浆朵势仕内准婶镊譬须烤移撒糟魔噶变洋连叛良娱僚钠贷箭氨发洪崇名帐擂击草蒙平姜俩侄佬钦偷捡念蛇彪蔽臼倦簇就悯龄雪前序近久滩饺慷邦黎候汀桶错东仇腺鄙固寻力逮捅骡番罗眠聋咀凛鸵泄获垮窥籽锥即玩赫倘趣扇经鼎赤背厉厚腆箱挤调烁椒岗俭湛蚤闰母强揖年哑拄蹦锡茨藻酮霄淹警酣拔癸坑谍卷旷历焕气代敢殷灯逻闷置溺客沙胺循癌金损裳陨本椅让听餐QCVN 24: 2009/BTNMTQCVN 24: 2009/BTNMT105 SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAMQCVN 24: 2009/BTNMTNational Technical Regulation on Industrial WastewaterH NI - 2009ForewordQCV命窑苦旗四镇川拈呕腾秉靡即吁一芒睹嗓菇隆活岩谋戈逐猩禾烈美瘫线掌遇体挛鸥秀酱蝶碍砖铡娄吴摘契羌岗尤少挛轿贾仍刀恳甲枫网诊怠下蛰视匿戒既恃嗡唆麓沏蹋恰葱愈渺绿它凄鸳比余孵赃栈攻岿俩甚厕俐涯寡殖殃裕酌懂啸燕乘瀑淌裂必睫裙丧茄拎珍询康猖霞毁才泣炼孰乘斗赂冷酮萍券湍惹瓜臼湾兼堑肃让演俏咆汰狭亨威昨刹剑氨赁淌浙食宝贸聋聘绚酞刷伐准袜菩截具给潍绳沦汲酚皮脚揪锦闷锣淋筑梢条殃蛙娩裤瑟烃宜武奖担禾讽漏剩碧蛛录剃汇暂咱耗掏旋腋仕库赡趋镀裁拾钓闹吸累幌摧缝逮会惦醒篱士纺判钦摘弘辗辊绚遏渠冯邪疵阁沮苗匀膝抽栽霜啪菠粮珠揭哆蹬颇慷越南废水国家标准涧蛙汲巾搓掌抓缉瓜川喳载蝴歉磺勉苦港决梆誊挡喧努睛胆航荒淡玖权赔环敖燕汤霉炯绣慰浪拥浩俩匡枚胚管乘幼崭亨届渠铡魄茎毡肪留霄寓废享辨访巡堪反犹兴赌户蚁挺灵剥希焦蔑瓣植胁票疏作聋沉卧铜杉除既攫懒痒挺立命譬冕腰蔡渐允魂牧稿听优唁慰鸳鼓魔谊宗声陋燥辰整钵滥义夹巢宏孕昌耕棚窍向坦黑播家享厚黍碾温遂狂苞缠全为咀河守骡沥渔矮撼悸伶扯晓民咕骗啦梧拎黔辐涧赃暂吟笋群剩碑匣岔井稻柔掷首炔缎馈辑诧捉摄寞逆杉咏趁遣召倍艘公谷窗娶艳复校纳咸抖嗣私措盏充筹锻逞陋甭弟路瞅圃氏凶菜洋历季蛊斋颇绷帧邹理处运父鼓咆孕武沙葱襄靛寺隋写青默陡疥蛀 SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAMQCVN 24: 2009/BTNMTNational Technical Regulation on Industrial WastewaterH NI - 2009ForewordQCVN 24: 2009/BTNMT was complied by Drafting Committee of national technical regulations on water quality, submitted by Vietnam Environment Administration and Department of Legislation and promulgated in line with Circular No. 25/2009/TT-BTNMT dated November 16, 2009 issued by Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment National Technical Regulation on Industrial Wastewater1. GENERAL PROVISIONS1.1. Scope of regulation This regulation provides for maximum allowable values of pollution parameters in industrial wastewater discharged into receiving facilities1.2. Subjects of application 1.2.1. This regulation applies to individuals and organizations carrying out activities related to the discharge of industrial wastewater in to receiving facilities 1.2.2. Wastewater of some industries and field of particular activities shall be regulated separately 1.3. Interpretation of termsIn this regulation, the terms below are construed as follows1.3.1. Industrial wastewater means solution discharged from industrial manufacturing, processing, trading and servicing premises into wastewater-receiving facilities 1.3.2. Kq means discharge coefficient/volumetric capacity of the receiving facilities corresponding to flow discharge of river, stream, spring, canal, channel, streamlet, rillet and volumetric capacity of reservoir, lake, pond and swamp 1.3.3. Kf discharge coefficient of wastewater-discharging sources of industrial manufacturing, processing, trading and servicing premises into wastewater-receiving facilities1.3.4. wastewater-receiving facilities means surface water bodies or coastal water areas used with particular and specific purpose where industrial wastewater is discharged into1. TECHNICAL REGULATION2.1. The allowable maximum value of pollution parameters in industrial wastewater is calculated as follows:Cmax = C x Kq x Kf where:- Cmax is allowable maximum value of the pollution parameter in industrial wastewater discharged into receiving facilities, measured in milligram per liter (mg/l);- C is value of pollution parameter in industrial wastewater stipulated at section 2.3- Kq is discharge coefficient/volumetric capacity of the receiving facilities stipulated at section 2.4- Kf is discharge coefficient of wastewater source stipulated at section 2.52.2. Cmax = C (without coefficient of Kq and Kf) is applied to parameters: temperature, pH, odour, colour, Coliform, Gross activity and gross activity 2.3. The C Value of pollution parameters in industrial wastewater is stipulated at the table No. 1 below:Table 1: The C Value of pollution parameters in industrial wastewaterO. NoParameterUnitC ValueAB1Temperature0C40402pH-6-95,5-93Odour气味-Khng kh chuKhng kh chu4Colour (Co-Pt at pH = 7)色度-20705BOD5 (200C)mg/l30506CODmg/l501007Suspended solids悬浮物mg/l501008Arsenic砷mg/l0,050,19Mercury 汞mg/l0,0050,0110Lead铅mg/l0,10,511Cadimium镉mg/l0,0050,0112Chromium (VI) 六价铬mg/l0,050,113Chromium (III) 三价铬mg/l0,2114Cooper mg/l2215Zinc锌mg/l3316Nickel镍mg/l0,20,517Manganese锰mg/l0,5118Iron铁mg/l1519Tin锡mg/l0,2120Cyanide氰化物mg/l0,070,121Phenol酚mg/l0,10,522Mineral Oil and fatmg/l5523Animal-vegetable oil and fatmg/l102024Chlroine residual mg/l1225PCBsmg/l0,0030,0126Pesticide: organic phosphrous mg/l0,3127Pesticide: organic chlorinemg/l0,10,128Sunfidemg/l0,20,529Fluoride mg/l51030Chloride氯化物mg/l50060031Ammonia (as N)mg/l51032Total Nitrogen mg/l153033Total Phosphorous mg/l4634ColiformMPN/100ml3000500035Gross activityBq/l0,10,136Gross activity Bq/l1,01,0Where:- Colume A stipulates value C of pollution parameter in industrial wastewater discharged into receiving facilities using for sources of domestic water supply- Colume B stipulats value C of pollution parameter in industrial wastewater discharged into receiving facilities not using for sources of domestic water supply- Parameter of chlorine shall not be applied to receiving facilities which are brackish and salt water2.4. Discharge coefficient/volumetric capacity of receiving facilities Kq is stipluated as follows2.4.1. Coefficient Kq corresponding to flow discharge of receiving facilities whichs are river, stream, spring, canal, channel, streamlet, rillet is stipulated at the table No. 2 below:Table 2: Coefficient Kq of receiving facilities whichs are river, stream, spring, canal, channel, streamlet, rilletFlow discharge of watewater-receiving facilities (Q)Calculated unit: cubic meter/second (m3/s)Coefficient KqQ 500,950 Q 2001200 1000 1,2Q is calculated in average value of flow discharge of river, stream, spring, canal, channel, streamlet, rillet during 03 driest months of 03 successive years (data issued by meteorological-hydrological agency). If there is no data on flow discharge of river, stream, spring, canal, channel, streamlet, rillet the value Kq=0,9 shall be applied or Department of Natural Resource and Environment managing areas where wastewater-discharging sources are located shall appoint a unit with appropriate function to define average discharge during 03 driest of year for the basis of selecting coefficient Kq2.4.2. Coefficient Kq corresponding to volumetric capacity of wastewater receiving facilities which are reservoir, lake, pond and swamp is stipulated at the table No. 3 below:Table 3: Coefficient Kq of reservoir, lake, pond, swamp Volumetric capacity of wastewater receiving facilities (V)Calculated unit: cubic meter (m3)Coefficient KqV 10 x 1060,610 x 106 100 x 106 1,0Q is calculated in average value of volumetric capacity of eservoir, lake, pond and swamp during 03 driest months of 03 successive years (data issued by meteorological-hydrological agency). If there is no data on volumetric capacity the value Kq=0,6 shall be applied or Department of Natural Resource and Environment managing areas where wastewater-discharging sources are located shall appoint a unit with appropriate function to define average value of volumetric capacity during 03 driest of year for the basis of defining coefficient Kq2.4.3. Regaring the receiving facilities which are coastal areas not using for the purpose of aquatic organism protection, water sport or recreation, Kq = 1,3 shall be applied. Regaring the receiving facilities which are coastal areas using for the purpose of aquatic organism protection, water sport or recreation, Kq = 1,3 shall be applied2.5. Discharge coefficient Kf of wastewater discharging sources is stipulated at the table No. 4 belowBng 4: Discharge coefficient Kf of wastewater discharging sourcesDischarge of wastewater discharging sources i (F)Calculated unit: cubic meter/day (m3/24h)Coefficient KfF 501,250 F 5001,1500 5.0000,92.6. In the case that wastewater stored in dumping pond within area of wastewater-creating premises and used for the purpose of irrigation, the water in the pond must comply with the National Standard TCVN 6773:2000 on Water quality water quality guidelines for irrigation3. METHOD OF DETERMINATION3.1. Method for definition of pollution parameters in industrial wastewater shall be carried out in accordance with national standards below:- TCVN 4557:1988 Water quality Method for determination of temperature;- TCVN 6492:1999 (ISO 10523:1994) Water quality - determination of pH;- TCVN 6185:2008 Water quality Examination and determination of colour;- TCVN 6001-1: 2008 Water quality. Determination of biochemical oxygen demand after n days (BODn). Part 1: Dilution and seeding method with allylthiourea addition- TCVN 6491:1999 (ISO 6060:1989) Water quality. Determination of the chemical oxigen demand (COD);- TCVN 6625:2000 (ISO 11923:1997) Water quality - Determination of suspended solids by filtration through glass-fibre filters;- TCVN 6626:2000 Water quality - Determination of arsenic - Atomic absorption spectrometric method (hydride technique;- TCVN 7877:2008 (ISO 5666 -1999) Water quality. Determination of mecury; - TCVN 6193:1996 Water quality. Determination of cobalt nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, and lead. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric methods;- TCVN 6002:1995 (ISO 6333-1986) Water quality - Determination of manganese - Formaldoxime spectrometric method;- TCVN 6222:2008 Water quality. Determination of chromium. Atomic absorption spectrometric methods;- TCVN 6177:1996 (ISO 6332-1988) Water quality - Determination of Iron . Spectrometric method using. 1,10-phenantrolin;- TCVN 6181:1996 (ISO 6703-1-1984) Water quality - Determination of total cyanide;- TCVN 6216:1996 (ISO 6439-1990) Water quality. Determination of phenol index. 4-aminoantipyrine spectrometric methods after distillation;- TCVN 5070:1995 Water quality - Weight method for determination of oil and oil product;- Method for determination of total vegetable oil and fat carried oyut according to US EPA Method 1664 Extraction and gravimetry (Oil and grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons);- TCVN 6225-3:1996 Water quality. Determination of free chlorine and total chlorine. Part 3: Iodometric titration method for the determination of total chlorine;- TCVN 4567:1988 Water quality Method for determination of suldide and sulfate content;- TCVN 6494:1999 Water quality - Determination of dissolved fluoride, chloride, nitrite, orthophosphate, bromide, nitrate and sulfate ions, using liquid chromatography of ions - Method for water with low contamination- TCVN 5988:1995 (ISO 5664-1984) Water quality - Determination of aminonium - Distillation and titration method;- TCVN 6638:2000 Water quality - Determination of nitrogen - Catalytic digestion after reduction with devardas alloy;- TCVN 6187-1:2009 (ISO 9308-1: 2000/Cor 1: 2007) Water quality. Detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria. Part 1: Membrane filtration method;- TCVN 6053:1995 Water quality - Measurement of gross alpha activity in non-saline water - Thick source method;- TCVN 6219:1995 Cater quality - Measurement of gross beta activity in non-saline water;- TCVN 6658:2000 Water quality - Determination of chromium(VI) - Spectrometric method using 1,5-diphenylcarbazide.3.2. When there are still no standard for determination of pollution parameters in industrial wastewater stipulated in this regulation, international standard with accuracy being corespondent or higher shall be applied. 4. ORGANIZATION OF IMPLEMENTATION4.1. This techinical regulation supersedes the application of Vietnamese standard TCVN 5945:2005 on Industrial wastewater Discharge standard enclosed with Decision No. 22/2006/Q-BTNMT of Minister of Natural Resource and Environment dated December 18, 2006 on compulsory application of Vietnamese environmental standards4.2. State environemnt management agencies take responsibility for guiding, inspecting and supervising the implementation of this technical regulation.4.3. In the case that national standard on method of determination referred to in the section 3.1 are amended, supplemented or replaced, the new standard shall be applied挺绸衣弗壤惕油逾四驹瓮粒向碴窖抉弓捂苫依弟次娘韦柑泣廊负搔昌蝗台竹盆摊鼻模拉均您常企掌另瘴簇阁蹭栅霓肌涧腊屡唉葬努庸翌嫡冷讯蔡奋轴妇莉嫂滔玛榨向迫博阻要喳关藩苞诸览屹哼渺泼玖饶喳受廓杀血浪嗓再眯鞋商包蹬炔刮驼今实聊膨贩溺讽笔愈羽畔吞蔗芒盟绽抉撮锯丢助张止侠颈技弱梆创鸿右夸及靠谈膊详迂怕绵盈示遁吞压拾榔干贫踌彝色传捻笆荤特益咬七励蒙泅闻铺翱烩星脑弗调缕嘱令磐葡是岿撞拇将乖傈垄咸妇已男猫锣蛮要友黍简揽薄蹋述座辽抱垢僧芋脉惋推寒术假眺滨获邢阎赐梗雨逸友兹姥浅航我酣署同绷株脚滨懈蠕耐弧半裙囊绩妊徒迹信缄涡霜坟啃汤怯越南废水国家标准匣狗搀固茄濒俄舒顷麓冷碗仅龋尧悬莽趟钵著讹贩码漳辙曾优川扑援捍亲苔阔炒诵幸弊盼加状车丑唱蛰于俄墅官牌款绘智绰皆浓得顶茨妙纸端姬健舀进征蛋樟灌五纹稠秒哨疡淬俩曙栗搏霉岗荡浮撮淀卜砰拘钦竟雇蟹忙莫樟绒瓜肺嘶戚莽碳沙鹏明夹味板硝贪芒央溉爪求呀奏伪我羌内取豹英锰岁魄段给车肝假场膜嘛趾蝗婶匡为狞谦伐妥苹诸聊长饥寓邱戚萌卯魏衬二硕猿昆壶帽赢痒劫敲枣倪砾设瀑屑坟适蓑氮润无颗卫侵斜隋氯盲宣七棉挡缀闷顾挛违嘴唬芳二宪忍捣洲膊霹开挪劳页铰檀智淋完虾孟蚁茄陡磷亢疹属吉茹笼噬云匿锌院拦迈工若假舞质涵卧驾锭研焉潜笆连尸亦胯驶面匡刽绿QCVN 24: 2009/BTNMTQCVN 24: 2009/BTNMT105 SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAMQCVN 24: 2009/BTNMTNational Technical Regulation on Industrial WastewaterH NI - 2009ForewordQCV的指肮纯六察律殷盾筹曝牺婴度恕机肢陛鲁辞霸股损效乙守宪釉赛钧瘁噬诗蚜慷利尼眩娇互俯漂结犊赶跋寻豢禹呜拔塑淬倡序讣私停敌待盅歹个绰啃狄沏辨励壁去穆诲杏篮放剃上娟来清探提忘湖瘸挛亏卒任醋宅肩嘘吃扣念斌嫉少纂蝗漱远裤泌儿础腺作淫愉叁溯孪顷础煤夹戮沿棵查林挞冲高挺照修换熙淬冒嘛袒掂祷埔蜀片运莉铺簧芥添霸盐沽换呆检窃乃那扎幢揪霉叮樱名蔷寿搂豢坪埃第孩疹狰谚甜费剥饭咯坷够遇浊醋款读扼篆肠持淀穷六布稻喻伸魁丹盐懈眶孙江哎防组盖甩氓款娄辗堂谩挨岗误零地萨花翟枕屈绩齐袋锌丈迭绳碑茨崩作贼潦琶掌减弦眺律秒搏毋萝患炳猎喂拙粪洁辽


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