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Model 1 Unit1 lesson1 A perfect Day?重点单词1.认为,猜想 vt.2. 轻松的,放松的 adj.3.充满压力的,紧张的adj.4.抱怨,投诉 vi.5.转换,转变 vt.6.轻便的, 手提式的 adj.7.遥远的 adj.8. 急迫的,紧急的 adj.9.厌烦的,不感兴趣的adj.10.事情 n.11.个人的,私人的 adj12.此外,而且 adv./prep.13.正常的,一般的 adj.14.paperwork n.16.lifestyle n.15.immediately adv.单句语法填空 (在空白处填入合适的单词或括号内单词的正 确形式)1. When I wake up I don?t get up(immediate).2. I watch more films and I usually switch the TV at abouttwo O?clock.3. I sit on the stone wall the dog walks round in a circle.4. I couldn?t live this lifestyle a good wife.5. We haven?t got much money, we are happy.6. I am always the first person (get) to the office.7. The mornings are always very busy and the afternoons are even(busy).8. Every minute of the day is filled with(urgency) matters.9. I usually find some time to do my own paperwork and answersome(person) e-mails.10. I look at some documents I bring back from the office.11. I get to bed around midnight my wife and children arealready asleep.12. I get(bore) if there is nothing to do.13. At nine thirty, there is a good play on BBC2, I switch onand watch it.14. I often watch another old film- they(show) some goodones at the moment.15. I have a number of complaints the hotel rooms.Brian Blake_1_(call) a couch potato is 43 years old. In the morning, He doesn?t get up_2(immediate). And he turns on theTV and watches the Children ?s programs and old movies_3_about 10:30. In the afternoon, He always takes his portable TV andwatches the TV_4 walking the dog. At night, He watches TVseries or sports and the news again. He switches_5 the TVuntil about 2:00 a.m.Bob Black6_ is 36 years old, is called a workaholic. In themorning, he wakes up about five minutes before the alarmclock_7(go) off. He spends less than 15minutes_8(wash), getting changed and having breakfast. Inthe afternoon, He is even_9(busy). Meeting and phone callstakes up a large part of the day. At night, by around 8:00, he usuallydoes his own paperwork and answers some_10(person)E-mails At 10:00, he usually looks at some documents for the next day?s work.答案:一 .单词过关1. suppose2. relaxing3. stressful 4. complain5. switch 6. portable 7. remote 8. urgent 9. bored 10. matter 11. personal 12.besides 13. normally 14.日常 文书工作 15. 立刻,马上16.生活方式二单句语法填空1. immediately 2. off 3. while 4. without 5. but 6. to get 7. busier 8. urgent 9. personal 10. that 11.when 12. bored 13. if 14. are showing 15. about 三课文语法填空1. called 2. immediately 3. until 4. while5. off 6.who 7. goes 8. washing 9. busier 10. personalLesson 4 一 单词过关 1.拥挤的 adj.3. 否则,另外 adv.City and Country2. 附近的 adj.4. 预报,预测 n.5. 人群,一伙人 n.7. 距离 n.9. 简单的 adj.11. 尤其,特别 adv.14. interested adj. 二单句语法填空6. 疾病 n.8. 检查,核对 v.10. 不幸 adv.12. accountant n.15. chance n.1. That is people call the underground in London.2. It is so(crowd) that I can?t find anywhere to sit.3. I spend all morning(check) numbers.4. I work for a French company so I think(study) will help mein my job.5. I go to cinema almost every weekend.6. We like to go walking there are no shops, crowds or thetube.7. I usually get up at four O? clock every morning it?s stilldark.8. We don?t have the same work hours office workers in thecity have.9. I have to make sure they are free of (sick).10. Right now I am studying Chinese by(distant) learning.11. (fortunate), my wife isn?t as fond as them as I am.12. My son and daughter love to ride on London ?s red buses andthey(especial) love to go on the tube.13. Debbie is an(account) in a large company.14. I am very(interest) in China and it ?s my dream to see theGreat wall one day.15. My wife loves hiking in the clothes shops I like all thecrowds and the noise.Debbie works for a large company in London. Every day it_1_(take) her about 50 minutes on “the tube”. She spends all morning_2_(check) numbers and has a simple lunch, then returns to her work. In the evening, she_3_(do) exercise in the gym and has French classes. _4_ weekends, she goes to_5_ cinema or drives to the countryside for a relax with her friends. She likes places6_ are nice, quite and far away fromthe city.Paul is a _7(farm) and lives in a small village in thenorth of England. He gets up very early_8 works on the farmafter having a big breakfast. He has many things to look after all day without the same work hours that office workers in the city have. In the evening, he likes to play with his children or study Chinese by9_(distant) learning because it?s his dream to see veryoften. His family go to London to take a weekend break_10he is not too busy. He likes all the crowds and the noise in the city, and his children love to ride on London ?s buses.答案:一 .单词过关1. crowded 2. nearby3. otherwise 4. forecastLesson1 Performance2.使失望 vt.4.不清楚的 adj.6.表演,做 vt.8.有创造力的,创造性的 adj.10.气愤,愤怒 n.5. crowd 6. sickness 7. distance 8. check 9. simple10.unfortunately11. especially12.会计师13.感兴趣的14. 机会,可能性二单句语法填空1. what 2. crowded3. checking4. studying5. the6. where 7. when8. that9. sickness 10.distance11.unfortunately12. especially13. accountant 14. interested 15. and三课文语法填空1. takes 2. checking 3. does 4. on 5. the 6. that 7. farmer 8. and9. distance10. whenUnit5 Rhythm 一 重点单词 1.效果,作用 n. 3.非凡的,特别的 adj. 5.表演,演奏 n.7. 极端地,非常地 adv.9. 强大的,有力的 adj.13.使人印象深刻 vt.14.表演者 n.15.明显地,显然地 adv.16.气氛,氛围 n.17.出色的,杰出的 adj.单句语法填空1. Candian singer and song writer is used to (be) in the public eye.2. Her most famous album Jagged Little Pill, came out in 1995she was only twenty-one.3. Since then she (make) several more albums and she hascontinued giving great performances on stage.4. It was Morissette ?s first performance in English her song“Uninvited ”won this year?s Grammy Award for the best rock song.5. Although it was an (extreme) cold night, the audiencecould still enjoy the concert.6. She also played a few songs such as “ Everyth in gBut ” tells the story of someone looking for love in the wrong places.7. Her singing was fullfeeling 8. The first part of the song was filled with anger,the last partexpressed love and joy.9. Although the concert hall was cold and the sound system caused a few problems, the audience could still enjoy the concert.10. The(气氛) inside the concert hall was extremely exciting.11. Everyone agreed that they were(great) impressed byMorissette?s brilliant music and singing.12. She was a true performer,(sing) a well-known song“Heartache”.13. I watched and listened, I know that I was seeing theperformance of a real superstar.Alanisa true performerCanadian singer and song writer, Alanis Morissette is used to_1_ (be) in the public eye. Her most famous album Jagged Little Pill_2_(come) out in 1995 when she was only twenty-one years old. Since then she_3(make) several more albums andshe has continued giving great performances on stage.Last Thursday night, hundreds of fans went to England to her_4( perform). Alanis has a strong_5_(basic) inEngland and the concert hall was full of her fans. Alanis sang many songs from her new album “Jagged Little Pill ”and played some songs from her new album. She also gave creative and_6(power) performance in another song “Utopia ”, the first part of the song was filled with anger,_7_ the last part expressed love and joy. The audience could still enjoy the concert despite the problemscaused by the sound system. Many long-time fans sang along_8_nearly every song, everyone_9(impress) by her brilliantmusic and singing.Alanis showed_10_ she was a true performance.答案 : 一.重点单词1. effect 2. disappoint3. extraordinary4. unclear5.performance 6. perform7. extremely8. creative9.powerful10. anger11. system 12.audience13.impress 14. performer15. obviously 16. atmosphere17.brilliant二单句语法填空1. being 2. when 3.has made 4. since 5. extremely6. which 7. of8. while 9. Although 10. atmosphere11. greatly 12.singing 三课文语法填空13. While1. being 2. came3. has made 4. performance 5. base6.powerful 7. while 8. to9. was impressed 10. thatLesson 3Experiment in folk重点单词1.标题,题目 n.3.出,离开 vt.5.收拾(行李) , 打包 vt.2.目的地 n.4.历史的 adj.6. 浸 vt.7.百万富翁 n.8. 古典的 adj.9. 身份,特征 n.10. 重新发现 v.11. 外貌,外表 n.12. 使改变形态 v.二单句语法填空1. The famous classical pianist, Kong xiang dong(surprise)his fans last week.2. He gave a concert(combine) classical music with Chinesefolk music.3. As a musician, (play) the same music in different citiesof the world is very boring.4. his mother was a great music lover, he lived with musicfrom birth.5. His mother couldn?t buy him a piano he was seven.6. She had to draw piano keys on a piece of paper so that he could learn to play as early as (possibly).7. He was made to practise the piano so much at times, hethought about giving up.8. Because Kong?s talent and hard work, he became famousworldwide.9. This is he went back to hhis roots and rediscovered thebeauty in Chinese folk music.10. Kong?s new experiment in Chinese folk music isimportant that he even changed his appearance.11. Kong is changing his appearance or transforming hismusic, he is a pioneer in music today.12. The concert was such a(succeed) that Kong?s Dream Tourconcert is expected to run for the next two years.Kong xiang dong, the famous _1_(class) pianist gave a concert by combining classical music_2_ Chinese folk music. As a musician, He felt_3 (play) Chinese folk music on the pianocan help bring it to the rest of the world.He lived with music from birth as his mother was a music lover. His mother drew piano keys on paper so that he could learn to play as early as _4_ (possibly). In fact, as he _5_ (make) to practice so many times, he once thought about_6_ (give). However, he didn?t quit and became a great pianist. At 18, he became the _7_ (young) in an international competition in Moscow. After that he continued to win awards in competitions across the world.After years of performing, he felt that in some ways he had lost his identity, _8_ he went back to his roots and rediscovered the beauty in Chinese folk music. He began experimenting with different styles, he even changed his _9_(appear) to go with thenew style. He is _10 success in music today.答案:一 .重点单词1. title 2. destination 3. exit 4. historical 5. pack 6. dip7. millionaire 8. classical 9. identity 10. rediscover 11.appearance 12. transform二单句语法填空1. surprised 2. combining 3. playing 4. As 5. until6. possible 7. that 8. of 9. why10. so11. Whether 12. success三课文语法填空1. classical 2. with3. playing 4. possible 5. was made6. giving 7. youngest8. so 9. appearance 10. aModule 5Unit13 peopleLesson 1 EQ:IQ一.重点单词1.紧急情况 n.2.祈祷,祷告 vi.3.有天赋的 adj.4.精确的,准确的 adj.5.描述,形容 n.6.academic adj.7.预言,预测 vt.8.应得,值得 vt.9.失败 n.10.错误的 adj.11.因此 adv.12.可能性 n.13.残疾,无能力 n.14.完全地 adv.15.控告,谴责 vt. 二单句语法填空16.association n.1. They feel that their IQ is determines how well they aregoing to do in life.2. However, new research into EQ suggests that success otsimply the result of a high IQ.3your IQ tells how intelligent you are, your EQ tells youhow well you use your intelligence.4. Professor Salovey, invented the term EQ, gives thefollowing description.5. It is IQ gets you hired, but it is EQ that getsyou(promot).6. (support) by his academic research, professor Saloveysuggests that when(predict) someone?s future success, theircharacter might actually matter more than their IQ 。7. Perhaps their (fail) is because their low EQ.8. People are often mistaken in (think) that those with highIQs always have high EQs as well.9. is generally believed that people with high EQs are opento new ideas.10. There is little doubt that people with low EQs often have problems (get) on with other people and dealing with difficult siuuations.11. Some are trying to study the ( 可能性 ) of improving aperson?s EQ, especially in terms of “people skills”.12. They also showed better understanding of the disabledstudents?feelings (compare) to students who had not beeninvolved in the study.13. (get) ahead in the world and lead a happy successful lifemeans getting on with other people.14. The fact it might be possible to raise EQ (mean)that schools need to make sure that their students are receiving theeducation they really need.15. Their students know that their futures are not (entire)determined by their IQs.Most students feel that their IQ is _1_ determines how well they are going to do in life. However, new research into EQ suggests that success is not_2_ (simple) the result of a high IQ._3_ your IQ tells how intelligent you are, your EQ tells you how well you use your intelligence. Professor Salovey, _4_ invented the term EQ, gives the following description. At work, It is IQ_5_ gets you hired, but it is EQ that gets you_6_(promot). He also suggests that when_7_(predict) someone?s future success, their character might actually matter more than their IQ 。Professor Salovey may be correct. People are often_8_ (mistake) in thinking that those with high IQs always have high EQs as well. This _9_(associate) can exist, but it is just as possible for someone with a low IQ _10_ someone with a high IQ to have a low EQ.答案:一 .重点单词1. emergency 2. pray 3. gifted 4. accurately 5. description6. 学术的 7. predict 8. deserve 9. failure 10. mistaken 11. thus 12. possibility 13. disability 14. entirely 15. accuse 16. 联想,协会 二单句语法填空1. what 2. is 3. While 4. who5. that, promoted6. Supported, predicting 7. failure 8. thinking 9. It 10. getting 11. possibility 12. a , compared 13. To get 14. that, means 15. entirely三课文语法填空1. what 2. simply 3. While 4. who 5. that 6. promoted 7. predicting 8. mistaken 9. association 10. orLesson 4.重点单词1.过敏的 adj.2.忧虑,担心 n.3.复习 n.4.口头的,口述的 adj.5.怒视,瞪 vi.6.部分 n.7.撇一眼 vi8.证实 v.9.叹息,叹气 vi.10.感激的,感谢的 adj.11.不安的,有罪的 adj.12.想象的 adj.13.缺点,短处 n.14.(银行)账户 n.15. literary adj.16. librarian n.二单句语法填空1. The day that I met my best friend the first time, I wasfull of anxiety.2. I was getting more and (annoy).3. The upset I got, the less I was able to concentrate.4. The singing was loud that I could even recognise thesong.5. I am surprised there was not steam (come) out of myears.6. I still hate( think) of that moment.7. Because I left the library in such hurry, I left my mostimportant textbooks.8. It was only when I got home two hours later I realized Ihad forgotten it.9. After (confirm) that I was, Jenny said that she hadnoticed I had left my book in the library.10. I sighed with ( relieve) and agreed to meet her at theconvenience store down the road.11. When I recognized her in the convenience store, I was filled shame and apologized several times for my rudebehaviour.12. I could not help (laugh) at this and I invited her back tomy apartment for a quick cup of tea.13. be honest, I trust her more than anyone else.14. Jenny had not been a kind person who was willing toforgive my shortcomings, I would never have experienced such true friendship.The day that I met my best friend _1_ the first time, I was full of _2_(anxious). Because I would attend an important oral exam. In the local library, people keep _3_(disturb) me and made me feel so upset that I could not concentrate _4_ my study. The girl behind me sang so loud , making me even _5_(angry).I left the library in such _6_ hurry, I left my mostimportant textbooks in the library and the library was closed. But it was Jenny_7_ called to say she would bring my book to me.I sighed with_8_(relieve) and agreed to meet her at the convenience store down the road. When I realized Jenny was just the girl I shouted at, I felt_9_(guilt) and apologized for my rude_10_(behave), but Jenny just laughed. I couldn?t help_11_(laugh) at this and I invited her to my apartment for a cup of tea.She and I are very much alike. I trust her very much. Hadn ?t Jenny12_(forgive) my shortcomings, I would never haveexperienced such true friendship.答案:一重点单词1. allergic2. anxiety3. revision4. oral 5. glare6. section7. glance8. conform9. sign10. grateful11. guilty12. alike13. shortcoming14. account15. 喜爱文学的16. 图书管理员二单句语法填空1. for 2. annoyed 3. more 4 . so5. coming 6. to7. thinking 8. a 9. that 10. confirming 11. relief12. with 13. laughing 14. To 15. If 三课文语法填空6. a 7. who8. relief9. guilty10. behaviour11. laughing12. forgivenUnit14 careersLesson3 Nine to Five重点单词1. 低级的 adj.3. 羽毛 n.5. 理解,抓牢 vt.7. 不合法的,违法的 adj.9. 尽责的 adj.11.荣耀的事,值得骄傲的事13. 在底下 prep.15. 舞台,阶段 n.2. 宇宙 n.4. 战胜,克服 vt.6. 审查 v.8. 投入 vt.10. 生活,存在 n.n.12.不断地 adv.14. 弯腰,倾身 v.16. 犹豫,踌躇 v.17. 旋转,转动 vt.二单句语法填空1. As a child, Wang Jun yan never dreamed of(become) afamous person on TV.2. I never thought about going on TV because my family didn ?t even have one I was in junior high school.3. (be) curious, working hard, and believing in what was true made her the success she is today.4. It was my mother taught me to be curious.5. After(graduate) from university, Wang Jun yan became areporter for a local newspaper.6. Her report helped the people had been affected and it alsohelp the government inspect the company and catch the guilty people.7. This paid because she won an award for the report.8. I discovered then that as long as I am (commit) and nevergive up, I will be able to produce high quality reports.9. Although there wasn?t much glory in a reporter?s(exist),she found it interesting and challenging.10. She was (constant) challenged to learn new things.11. Finally, I asked her if after years she still felt(curiosity).12. (smile) brightly, she told me, “Nothing that I learned frommy mother has ever left me”.13. She taught me to be(interest) in mankind and nature,everything from plants insects.14. She worked (extreme) hard to support me through school.15. Her attitude life will never stop(influence) my thoughts and actions.三课文语法填空The road to successBeing curious, working hard, and believing in _1_was true made her the success. Now, she a famous person on T.VShe explained that it was her mother_2_ taught her to be curious. When she was young, she had a great love of everything in the universe and her mother taught her to be_3_(interest) in mankind and nature, her mother had a strong _4_(characteristic). Although there were lots of difficulties5(overcome), shenever let problems defeat her. Besides, her mother worked _6_(extreme) hard to support me through school. In a word, her mother?s attitude_7_ life will never stop_8_(influence) her thoughts and actions.After_9_(graduate) from university, Wang Jun yan became a reporter for a local newspaper. Although there wasn ?t much glory in a reporter?s_10(exist), she found it interesting and_11(challenge). She discovered that as long as she am _12(commit) and never give up, she will be able to producehigh quality reports. 答案:一 .重点单词1. junior 2. universe 3. feather 4. overcome 5. grasp 6. inspect 7.illegal 8. commit 9. committed 10. existence11. glory 12. constantly 13. beneath 14. bend 15. stage16. hesitate 17. twist单句语法填空5.graduating1. becoming 2. until 3. Being 4. who6. who7. off8. committed9. e


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