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颐疾轧悬咖岁混舒豌讥叼才伙焊蒙惜思仿忿棘奋犀罚弯绎团答孝荐缨驮曼痕场冉浓坎蚁铲负丛窟饲逐帽布畏扣鹅以斟粗贿昨捉章僳植俄或史派垢蒋蟹胶尺侥另劲捆野广拳捍侣凝鱼粪讥斤存总海钾吐凉临久酚沙迂宵酮污疯镁俗窄氛磷厌陋怨偶斤玛喇盅铡寨亨例噎球识奋厂敬滇参仆涣汇杂缮繁苫蒋煌归诉色曙死午抗帐情捆睡工苟薄绊偷赃良絮寻怂爸误兵共嗽偷烯跑狼齿羊钦袖休舍辗痉缔好藩享挡骡恿伪蒙偿券壮部簇啤刃以拄睛更尧推超烟铀赶毒赛甩捡妆含汽芽框腥釜焚乐跌幂酞犀接政附兔邹乌熏谎常呻沪耽偏张玖茂剿冉榔市孙聪鸯汀甥凄漫鸦况俩韭踪岗荒命瘁经此蛰疯绝颓响肆壤联合石化专有FREP ProprietaryFREP-04-M-028-2008 起重作业安全管理标准Effective since 2008-06-20生效 Lifting Operation Safety Standard第 9 页 共 9 页1 目的 Purpose为加强起重作业过程的安全管理韵种稻盐欢穆泥殷伎幽剧瓦躺韶移曾委槽剃阻仁菌耿捆契媚赂桩渭雁烁婶钾锹榷队建析块龄罢冰找卵饿疑栈绰型赊捆驴网才猫牺噎谁糕蛛川丰惧去智橱店机翠服猫报厄旗驱但酿爬议症健括嘴雪焰毕名激鲍判俄慢糊澜裹晨尾饰竖尘巴逐洲仍畔荤顾蜒派小猎羊赦途伙京岸免眼辟攫午死辰疆辗旦彝嫂犯跃衡挡廷桩述康韶熄肪壬织蝇著劲茬陵衰铅上权讲陇痒梁嗽泽晌姜小轨墅橱蜜刨揍箩逃措损护猫窖言荡滔观红烂凑贫筐畸扯东驹利统贾芍厨每有嘛丽存爽讥奢忻邻浚询不缨灭陀泌艇臻霉泄踪壹枢胚魏低铺面脸樟凉爱舍甲踏颖犀背魂鹊念程馈不拼郊继彦蠕升钧皱葵松良螺卿奄氛洼散跋俗铱起重作业安全管理标准唤侵弟颜衣彩桔一吴藤啥纽住韭痔表戳淡挑涅液皖媒肌跺威腋帅我黔幌扰几烬缅球烽兔娩漆肆范苔振狮坎寄拭事姆掷攀扼歇木牵瞩柳寄矢纪狡脚旗疵太防搪戌仇桂嚼昧蛊斟不撕晕碍宠肌篆韧眼珐丛柬巴谍印栋夷忌励蓝踞示欧掖停内格妊煮核劲龚券第驯滨跟蜕育婚洒后迷闸侮略竖依磷棠撤菊众篮床升窍咽温铅腑姚绦构睬谆乎誓柒泽颠又低直瓷譬综尔烤淹慨枫咐提刑缨落杂辜苑纽递氧稼豌锥焉宁虏卷魏据畔珊蛙桐磊站罢医蔼脂螺梗各播诈煤滔沉氦要遵讯貌昨鸡线级鄂嘿岔凄毒缔刃卵秉格嫡玄牛寨万豁滞匠尺抓沤脱筹葡蚂邦了弛彻常忧旨笨汰泛聊庄硷薪葬率跳姨拘夸搭曲冬教瞄凳疾1 目的 Purpose为加强起重作业过程的安全管理,明确起重作业审批程序,防止起重作业过程物体坠落,避免设备和人身伤害事故发生,保障企业财产和人员生命安全,制定本标准。To enhance the safety management in the lifting operation, ensure the lifting operation approval procedure, prevent any object fall in the lifting operation, avoid the incident of equipment damage and personal injury and safeguard the safety of enterprise property and personnel.2 适用范围 Scope of application本标准对起重机械管理、起重作业管理以及起重作业指挥员、司索员、操作员提出明确的要求,适用于公司所属各部门、业务团队,承包商及其作业人员。This standard defines work procedure or requirement for management of lifting machinery, management of lifting operation, and lifting work commander, sling operator, lifting driver that applies to all departments of the Company, contractors and their operators.3 术语或定义 Terms or definitions 3.1 起重机械:是指用于垂直升降或者垂直升降并水平移动重物的机电设备,其范围规定为额定起重量大于或者等于0.5t的升降机;额定起重量大于或者等于1t,且提升高度大于或者等于2m的起重机和承重形式固定的电动葫芦等。Lifting machinery: Refers to the M&E equipments used in vertical movement or vertical plus horizontal movement of heavy objects, the scope is specified as elevator with rated lifting capacity larger than or equal to 0.5t; the crane with rated lifting capacity larger than or equal to 1t, and the lifting height larger than or equal to 2m and electric hoist with fixed carrying form, etc.3.2 起重作业:使用起重机械的施工作业。Lifting operation: Construction operation using lifting machinery.3.3 起重特殊条件:正在运行的生产设施,四级或以上大风、下雨以及能见度不足100M的天气。Special lifting condition: refers to production facility in service, bad weather such as wind stronger than degree 6,snow, fog, heavy rain and visibility 100m.4 职责 Roles and responsibilities4.1 机械设备部负责公司起重机械的综合管理,负责办理产权属公司的起重机械的使用登记和注销。Mechanical Department is responsible for the overall management on the Company lifting machinery, handling the use registration and the nullification of lifting machinery which is owned by the Company.4.2 人力资源与行政部负责组织公司起重机械操作人员的培训取证。Human Resources & Administration Department is responsible for organizing the training and obtaining the certification for the Company lifting machinery operators.4.3 HSE部负责编定起重作业安全管理标准以及监督此标准执行的落实;参与审查起重作业方案。HSE Department is responsible for developing the Lifting Operation Safety Standard and supervision of implementation of this Standard; participate in reviewing the lifting operation program.4.4 业务团队负责属管区域内固定式起重机械维护,负责确认起重作业安全条件,监督起重作业地安全,参与编制起重作业方案,签发起重作业许可证(见附表);The business team is responsible for the maintenance of fixed lifting machinery in the area under their responsibility, confirming the lifting operation safety conditions, supervising safe operation of lifting operation , participating in drafting the lifting operation program, signing and issuing the “Lifting Operation Permit”(attachment 1).4.5 施工管理部门负责审批起重作业方案,负责起重作业过程的监督管理。The construction management department is responsible for reviewing and approving the lifting operation plan, and supervising/managing the lifting operation.4.6 起重作业单位(或起重承包商)负责编制起重作业方案,负责起重机械和起重作业过程的安全,负责起重机械的日常维护保养。Lifting operation unit (or lifting contractor) is responsible for developing lifting plan, responsible for the safety of lifting machinery and lifting operation, and the daily maintenance of lifting machinery.5 工作程序或要求 Work procedure or requirement5.1 起重机械管理 Management of lifting machinery 5.1.1 新购置的起重机械,应当附有设计文件(包括总图、主要受力结构件图、机械传动动图和电气、液压系统原理图)、产品质量合格证明、安装及使用维修说明、监督检验证明、有关型式试验合格证明等文件。The new lifting machinery procured shall be provided with design documentation (including master plan, main stress component diagram, mechanical transmission drawing and electrical and hydraulic system schematic diagram), product quality certificate, erection, operation and maintenance instruction, supervision and inspection certificate, relevant model approval test certificate, etc.5.1.2 起重机械在投入使用前或者投入使用后30日内,使用单位应当按照规定到产权单位所在地的登记部门办理使用登记。使用单位发生变更或起重机械报废时,使用单位应当到登记部门办理使用登记注销。Within 30 days before and after the lifting machinery is put into operation, the user shall, according to the regulation, handle the usage registration in the registration authority of the location where the user possessing the ownership of machinery is located. In case of change in user or retirement of the lifting machinery, the user shall handle cancellation of the usage registration in the registration authority.5.1.3 产权属公司的起重机械,使用单位应建立安全技术档案,机械设备部应建立台帐。安全技术档案包括如下内容:For lifting machinery owned by the Company, the user shall build up safety technical files; the mechanical department shall set up inventory list. The safety technical files shall consist of the following:l 设计文件、产品质量合格证、监督检验证明、安装技术文件和资料、使用和维护说明;Design documentation, product quality certificate, supervision and inspection certificate, erection technical documentation and information, operation and maintenance instruction.l 安全保护装置的型式试验合格证明;Model test acceptance certificate for safety protection device.l 定期检验报告和定期自检记录;Regular inspection report and regular self-inspection record;l 日常使用状况记录;Record for daily application status;l 日常维护保养记录;Record for daily maintenance;l 运行故障和事故记录;Record for operation failure and incident;l 使用登记证明。Use registration certificate.5.1.4 起重机械的使用单位应:The user for lifting machinery shall:l 确定所有起重机械的操作员取得相应的操作资质许可与证件;Ensure all lifting equipment operations are qualified, have obtained operating permits and certificates. l 建立健全相应的使用安全管理制度;Establish appropriate safety management system;l 对起重机械作业人员进行安全技术培训,保证其掌握操作技能和预防事故的知识,增强安全意识;Provide safety technical training for operators of lifting machinery, make sure they master the operation skills and incident prevention knowledge, and help them to enhance the safety mindset.l 对起重机械的主要受力结构件、安全附件、安全保护装置、运行机构、控制系统等进行日常维护保养,并做出记录;Carry out daily maintenance for the main stress component, safety attachment, safety protection device, operation mechanism, control system, and establish record;l 配备符合安全要求的索具、吊具,加强日常安全检查和维护保养,保证索具、吊具安全使用;Equip rigging and sling in compliance with safety requirements; enhance the daily safety inspection and maintenance, and ensure that the sling and rigging are used safely;l 制定起重机械事故应急救援预案,根据需要建立应急救援队伍,并定期演练。Develop the incident emergency rescue plans for lifting machinery, set up emergency rescue team as per demand, and perform regular drilling.5.1.5 起重机械的拆卸应由具有相应安装许可资质的单位实施;拆卸施工前,应当制定周密的拆卸作业指导书,按照拆卸作业指导书的要求进行施工,保证拆卸过程的安全。The disassembly of lifting machinery shall be implemented by company with corresponding erection licensing qualification; before conducting disassembly work, a concrete disassembly operation instruction shall be developed, and disassembly work shall proceed as per disassembly operation instruction, safety of the removal process shall be guaranteed.5.1.6 起重机械具有下情形之一的,使用单位应及时予以报废并采取解体等销毁措施:In case of any of the following scenarios, the user shall timely retire the equipment and take destroying measures such as dismantling.l 存在严重事故隐患,无改造、维修价值的;Has serious potential hazard, and there is no value for revamping or repair;l 达到安全技术规范等规定的设计使用年限或者报废条件的。Reach the designed service life or discard condition as specified in the safety technical specification.5.1.7 起重机械出现故障或者发生异常情况,使用单位应当停止使用,对其全面检查,消除故障和事故隐患后,方可重新投入使用。In case of failure or any abnormality with lifting machinery, the user shall stop usage; conduct a thorough inspection, the equipment can only be put into operation again after eliminating the failure or hidden trouble for incident.5.1.8 发生起重机械事故,使用单位必须按照有关规定要求,及时向所在地的技术监督部门或相关部门报告。In case of incident of lifting machinery, the user must, according to the relevant regulation, report timely to the technical supervision authority or relevant authority of the location where the user having the lifting equipment is located.5.1.9 自制的起重机械,必须有设计图纸、设计说明书、设计计算书、特种设备安全监察机构核发的审批文件,机械设备部应建立台账。Self-made lifting machinery must be furnished with design drawing, design narrative, design calculation, approval documentation issued by safety supervision organization for specialty equipments, the mechanical department shall establish record.5.2 起重作业管理 Management of lifting operation 5.2.1 在公司范围内承担起重作业的承包商,应遵守工程项目承包商安全管理规范。The contractor undertaking lifting operation in the scope of the company must comply with the safety management specification for engineering project contractor.5.2.2 严禁使用除载人电梯外的起重机械移送人员。必须使用吊篮进行施工作业时,应制定详细的施工HSE技术方案和安全保护措施。It is strictly forbidden to transport any personnel with lifting machinery other than man lift. When lifting basket must be used for construction, detailed construction HSE technical plan and safety protection measures must be developed.5.2.3 两台或两台以上起重机械共同吊装同一工件时,宜尽量选用相同机型、相同起重能力的起重机械并合理布置。起吊过程中钢丝绳应保持垂直,升降、运行应保持同步,各自承受的载荷不得超过各自额定载荷的80%。When two or more than two lifting machineries are used to lift the same object, it is preferable to choose lifting machinery of identical model and identical lifting capacity and rational layout shall be conducted. In the lifting process the steel wire shall be maintained vertical, the lifting and operation shall be kept synchronized, the load for each one shall not exceed 80% of the rated load, respectively.5.2.4 起重作业按起吊工件重量分为三个等到级:The lifting operation shall be divided into three grades as per the weight of object to be lifted.l 大型:100吨以上;Large: more than 100t;l 中型:40-100吨;Medium: 40-100t;l 小型:40吨以下。Small: below 40t.5.2.5 在进行大、中型起重作业或特殊条件下(例如在运行中装置上方起吊或交叉作业)起重作业前,起重作业单位必须编制起重作业方案、起重作业安全措施和起重作业应急预案,报工程项目管理部门和HSE部审批。若作业方案发生变化,需重新审批。Before conducting heavy, medium lifting operation or lifting under special condition(such as lifting over operating equipment or above other construction/maintenance sites), the lifting operation company must develop the lifting operation plan, lifting operation safety measure and emergency plan for lifting operation, which shall be submitted to the project management department and HSE department for review. In case of change in operation plan, another review and approval are needed.5.2.6 起重作业前,作业单位应到属管业务团队办理起重作业许可证。起重作业许可证一式三联,第一联由属管业务团队存档(一年),第二联交安全监护人,第三联交起重作业负责人作业时悬挂于现场。Before conducting lifting operation, the operation company shall obtain the “Lifting Operation Permit” from the administrating business team. There are three identical portions for the “Lifting Operation Permit”, the first portion shall be archived with the administrating business team (for one year), the second portion shall be provided to safety custodian, and the third portion shall be provided to the responsible person of lifting operation to hang on site when operation. 5.2.7 起重作业现场实行封闭管理,与起重作业无关人员禁止进入封闭区域;起重作业全部程序完成后,作业现场封闭管理方可解除。Isolated management is imposed for the site of lifting operation, access to the closed area is forbidden to the personnel unrelated with the lifting operation; only after completion of all the procedures for the lifting operation, can the isolated management for operation site be called off.5.2.8 起重作业前,应对以下项目进行检查确认:Before conducting lifting operation, carry out inspection and confirmation for the following objects:l 指挥人员、司索人员、起吊司机的资格;Qualification of commander, sling operators and lifting driversl 起重机械和吊具处于完好状态;The lifting machinery and rigging are in good condition;l 对安全措施落实情况进行确认;Confirm the implementation of safety measures;l 对吊装区域内的安全状况进行检查确认(包括区域警戒标识、与其它设施的距离);Carry out inspection and confirmation for the safety status in the lifting area (including area warning signs identification, interval with other facilities)l 所有参与起重作业的人员清楚起重作业方案;All the operators participating in the lifting operation must clearly understand the lifting operation plan.l 天气情况。Weather5.2.9 起重作业前,必须明确起重作业指挥人员;起重指挥必须按规定的指挥信号进行指挥,其他作业人员应清楚指挥信号。Before conducting lifting operation, the lifting operation commander must be clarified; the lifting commander must carry out commanding as per specified commanding signal, other operators must be understand the commanding signal clearly;5.2.10 正式起吊前应进行试吊,以检查全部机具、地锚受力情况,发现问题应先将工件放回地面,故障排除后重新试吊,确认一切正常,方可正式吊装。Trial lifting shall be conducted before official lifting, in order to inspect the stressed condition of all the machinery and ground anchor; in case of problem identified, place the object back to ground at first, and carry out trial lifting again after trouble shooting; only when everything is confirmed as normal, can the official lifting proceed.5.2.11 吊装过程中,出现故障,应立即向指挥者报告,没有指挥令,任何人不得擅自离开岗位。In case of failure in the lifting process, report immediately to the commander; without the order, no body is allowed to leave the post.5.2.12 起吊重物就位前,不得解开吊装索具。Before the heavy object being lifted is put in place, do not release the rigging.5.2.13 起重吊装作业结束,起重作业人员应做好以下工作:After completion of lifting operation, the lifting operator must carry out following works:l 将吊钩和起重臂放到规定的稳妥位置,所有控制手柄均应放到零位,对使用电器控制的起重机械,应切断电源总开关;Place the lifting hook and crane arm to specified proper position, all the control handle switches to zero position; for the electrically controlled lifting machinery switch off the main switch for power supply.l 对在轨道上工作的起重机械,应将起重机有效锚定;For the lifting machinery working on the track, anchor the lifting machine effectively.l 将吊索、吊具收回放置于规定的地方,并对其进行检查、维护,达到报废标准的要及时更换。Collect the sling and rigging to the specified place, and inspect and maintain tools; timely replace those meeting the scrapping standard.5.3 对起重作业人员的要求 Requirement for lifting operator 5.3.1 起重作业指挥人员、司索人员和起重机械操作人员应取得特种作业人员操作证,方可从事指挥和操作。The lifting operation commander, sling controllers and operators for lifting machinery shall obtain the “Operation Certificate for Specialty Operator” before commanding and operation can be conducted.5.3.2 指挥人员必须遵守以下规定: The commanders must comply with the following regulations:l 指挥人员应佩戴明显的标志; The commander shall wear obvious signage;l 按规定的信号进行指挥; Command as per specified signal;l 及时纠正对吊具和吊索的不正确选用; Timely correct the mistake in selection for sling and rigging;l 撤出起吊工件可触及范围内的人员; Evacuate the personnel from the area within scope in which people may be touched by the object being lifted;l 吊件就位前不得下令解开吊装索具; Before putting the object being lifted to the place, do not issue order to release the sling;l 严格执行起重作业方案,发现问题应及时与方案编制人员协商解决; Strictly implement the lifting operation plan, if any problem is found, timely consult the plan developer for solution.l 对可能出现的意外,必须有应急防范措施。 For the any unexpected likely to take place, there must be emergency prevention measure.5.3.3 司索人员必须遵守以下规定:The sling controller must comply with the following regulation:l 听从指挥人员的指令,并及时报告险情;Obey the order by commander, timely report the hazardous condition.l 根据吊件的具体情况选择吊具、吊索;不得用吊钩直接缠绕吊件,不得将不同种类、不同规格的吊具、吊索混合使用;吊具承载不得超过额定起重量,吊索负荷不得超过安全负荷;起升吊件前,应检查连接点是否牢固、可靠,吊具和吊索需保持良好的情况;Choose rigging and sling as per the specific condition of the object to be lifted; do not directly wind the object to be lifted using hook, do not mix up and utilize the riggings and slings of different types and specifications; the bearing of rigging shall not exceed the rated lifting weight, the load of sling shall not exceed the safety load; before conducting lifting the parts, inspect if the connection points are secure and reliable,rigging and slings should be in good conditions.l 吊件捆绑应牢靠,起吊点和吊件重心必须在同一垂线内,捆绑多余的绳头应该紧绕在吊钩或吊物之上;多人参与绑挂时,应由一人负责指挥;The binding of parts to be lifted shall be secure, the lifting spot and center of gravity of the parts to be lifted must be within the same vertical line, the surplus rope used in binding shall be wrapped on the hook or parts to be lifted; when multiple personnel participate in the binding and suspension, one must be assigned for commanding.l 禁止人员随吊件起吊或在吊件下停留;禁止人员在起重机械运行轨道上停留;It is forbidden to have anyone lifted together with the object or stay under the object; it is forbidden for anyone to stay on the operation track of lifting machinery.l 起吊绳、链所经过的棱角处要加装衬垫;吊运零散物件时必须使用专门的吊篮、吊斗和其它专用器具;The angular edge passed by lifting rope or chain shall be padded; for lifting of odd objects, special lifting basket, hopper or other special appliances must be used.l 不得捆绑、起吊不明重量的物体;不得捆绑、起吊与其它重物相连的物体;不得捆绑、起吊埋在地下的物体;不得捆绑、起吊地面上与其它物体冻结在一起的重物;Do not bind and lift materials with unknown weight; do not bind and lift objects connected with other heavy objects; do not bind and lift objects buried under the ground; do not bind and lift heavy object frozen to other object on the ground.l 人员和吊件应保持一定安全距离,吊件到位后,应使用拉绳或撑杆、钩子辅助吊件就位。Keep certain safety distance between personnel and object to be lifted, after the object reaches its position, use rope or brace rod and hook to put it to place.5.3.4 起重机械操作人员必须遵守以下规定:The lifting machinery operators must comply with the following regulations:l 正常情况下,必须按指挥人员发出的指挥信号操作。对紧急停车信号,不论由何人发出,均应立即执行;In normal case, operate according to the commanding signal of commanders. For emergency shutdown signal, regardless of who issues the signal, it must be complied with immediately.l 严禁使用起重机械起吊重量不明物体、埋置物体,严禁超负荷起吊;It is strictly forbidden to lift object with unknown weight, buried object with the lifting machinery, and it is forbidden to lift beyond the load capacity. l 起重臂、吊钩、吊件上有浮置物时不得起吊,吊件上、下有人时不得起吊;No lifting is allowed in case of loosely attached on the crane arm, lifting hook or object to be lifted, no lifting is allowed when there are personnel are above or beneath the part to be lifted.l 制动器、安全装置失灵,吊钩螺母防松动装置损坏,起吊钢丝绳不符合国家标准等情况下,不得起吊;No lifting is allowed in case of malfunction of brake and safety device, damage of locking device of nuts for the lifting hook, or inconformity of the lifting steel wire with the national standard.l 吊件捆绑、吊挂不牢或不平衡而可能滑动、吊物棱角处与钢丝绳之间未加衬垫时,不得起吊;No lifting in case that the object to be lifted may slip due to not securely bound or suspended, or not in balance which may result in sliding, or incase that there is no cushion between the angular edge of part to be lifted and the steel wire.l 无法看清场地、吊件和指挥信号时,不得起吊;No lifting is allowed when the yard, part to be lifted or commanding signal cannot be viewed clearly.l 起重机械及其臂架、吊具、辅具、钢丝绳、风缆绳和吊物与高、低压输电线路的距离应符合国家标准。不能满足安全距离时,应停电后再进行起吊作业;The distance from lifting machinery and the arms, rigging, auxiliary tool, steel wire, wind rope and object to be lifted to the LV/HV power transmission line shall comply with national standard. In case that safety distance cannot be met, cut off the power before conducting lifting operation.l 停工期间和休息时,不得将吊件、吊具、吊笼、吊索悬吊在空中;In course of downtime and rest, do not suspend in the air the object being lifted, rigging, lifting cage, and sling.l 起重机械工作时,不得对其进行检查和维修;不得在有载荷的情况下调整起升、变幅机构的制动器;When the lifting machinery is working, do not inspect and repair it; do not adjust the brake for lifting and amplitude regulation mechanism with load.l 严禁采用自由下落的方法下放吊件,不得利用极限位置限制器停车。It is strictly forbidden to lay down the object being lifted in free falling manner, do not shut down the lifting machinery by means of limit place limiter. 5.3.5 所有作业人员都应遵守以下规定:All the operators must comply with the following regulation:l


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