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-Studies of Stream of Consciousness Approach in The Canary by Katherine Mansfield 论凯瑟琳曼斯菲尔德?金丝雀?中意识流手法的运用摘要:意识流是曼斯菲尔德作品中最常见的现代主义手法,对这种手法的娴熟运用决定了曼斯菲尔德创作的成功以及她在小说文坛的地位。意识流借助心独白与自由联想,不受传统时间与空间概念的约束,运用异地同台,时空交织来变换形式,去描写不受理性控制的意识流动状态。曼斯菲尔德对意识流的运用旨在表现人最真的复杂的心世界,将人心情感那种飘忽无定,不连续,没有逻辑性的特点表现出来,自然地流露出主人公的精神动态。本文旨在分析?金丝雀?中意识流手法的运用,以及这种手法在表现人物性格和心世界方面所起的重要作用。关键词:意识流,心情感,精神动态,金丝雀Abstract:Stream of consciousness is one of the most important approaches Mansfield used in her posing.Her proficient utilization of stream of consciousness makes e*treme contributions to her success in literary field.Using monologue and memorial association,free from the traditional limitation of time and space,stream of consciousness describes the flowing of characters consciousness,and displays the protagonists plicated inner world or mental trends.This kind of writing have a significant and profound effect on the later novelists.This paper aims at analyzing the application of stream of consciousness in The Canary,and the role it has played in e*pressing the protagonists characteristics and her psychology.Key words:stream of consciousness ,inner emotion,psychology,the canary IntroductionEarly in the 19th century,critical realism came into being in accordance with the society,writers were taking criticism and reveal as the main means and purpose.After the ing of 20th century,the development of science and technology improved peoples living,fastened the rhythm of life,and made the amount of information e*posed by people e*cess and redundant.Bearing the giant pressure from life,work and mentality,many people felt lost in this kind of fast life.More and more rich in materials,but less and less happy in heart.Not good at creating heart-stringing plots,Mansfield put stress on the psychological description,namely,the free flowing of characters stream of consciousness.The major skills in creating novels of stream of consciousness is to use the principle of free association.Because peoples attention cannot stay on one thing for a long time during the process of consciousness flowing,so the consciousness has all the time been active and changeable.Through a series of consciousness activities,the protagonist is led to an enlightenment or an final conclusion for these mental activities.This paper will analyze the line of protagonists consciousness activities to learn and feel her plicated inner emotion more deeply.Chapter 1 An Overview of Stream of Consciousness1.1A Brief Introduction of Stream of ConsciousnessIn literary criticism, stream of consciousness is a narrative mode that seeks to portray an individuals point of view by giving the written equivalent of the characters thought processes, either in a loose interior monologue (see below), or in connection to his or her actions. Stream-of-consciousness writing is usually regarded as a special form of interior monologue and is characterized by associative leaps in thought and lack of punctuation. Stream of consciousness and interior monologue are distinguished from dramatic monologue and soliloquy, where the speaker is addressing an audience or a third person, which are chiefly used in poetry or drama. In stream of consciousness the speakers thought processes are more often depicted as overheard in the mind (or addressed to oneself); it is primarily a fictional device.While many sources use the terms stream of consciousness and interior monologue as synonyms, the O*ford Dictionary of Literary Terms suggests, that they can also be distinguished psychologically and literarily. In a psychological sense, stream of consciousness is the subjectmatter, while interior monologue is the technique for presenting it. And for literature . while an interior monologue always presents a characters thoughts directly, without the apparent intervention of a summarizing and selecting narrator, it does not necessarily mingle them with impressions and perceptions, nor does it necessarily violate the norms of grammar, or logic- but the streamofconsciousness technique also does one or both of these things.Similarly the Encyclopedia Britannica Online, while agreeing that these terms are often used interchangeably, suggests, that while an interior monologue may mirror all the half thoughts, impressions, and associations that impinge upon the characters consciousness, it may also be restricted to an organized presentation of that characters rational thoughts.1.2 The Application of Stream of Consciousness in LiteratureWhile the use of the narrative technique of stream of consciousness is usually associated with modernist novelists in the first part of the twentieth-century, a number of precursors have been suggested, including Laurence Sternes eighteenth-century psychological novelTristram Shandy, while in the nineteenth-century it has been suggested that Edgar Allan Poes short story The Tell-Tale Heart foreshadows this literary technique.Because of his renunciation of chronology in favor of free association, douard Dujardins Les Lauriers sont coups(1887) is also an important precursor to the stream of consciousness narratives ofJames Joyce and Virginia Woolf and Katherine Mansfield.There are also those who point to Anton Chekhovs short stories and plays and Knut Hamsuns Hunger (1890), and Mysteries (1892) as offering glimpses of the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative technique at the end of the nineteenth-century.Henry James has also been suggested as a significant precursor, in a work as early as Portrait of a Lady(1881).But it is only in the twentieth-century that this technique is fully developed by modernists. Marcel Proust is often presented as an early e*ample of a writer using the stream of consciousness technique in his novel sequence la recherche du temps perdu (19131927) (In Search of Lost Time), but Robert Humphrey ments, that Proust is concerned only with the reminiscent aspect of consciousness and, that he was deliberately recapturing the past for the purpose of municating; hence he did not write a stream-of consciousness novel. Dorothy Richardson is the first English writer to use it, in the early volumes of her novel sequencePilgrimage (191567). In a review of these novels, in The Egoist, April 1918, May Sinclair first applied the term stream of consciousness in a literary conte*t, in her discussion of Richardsons stylistic innovations. Chapter2 The Application of Stream of Consciousness in The Canary2.1Association in Stream of ConsciousnessThe main skill of stream of consciousness is the principle of free association,and the factors controlling association are as follows:first,memory,which is the foundation of association.Second,feeling,which is operating the proceeding of association.Third,imagination.In The Canary,Miss fell into the memory of the canary when seeing the nail which was used to hang the cage,and she seemed to hear people saying that there must have been a cage from that nail before.And then she was almost totally absorbed into the recollection of her canary.We can list the process of Misss stream of consciousness activities as follows:Seeing the nail,Miss recalled her previous pany,the canary.And then recalled its sweet songs.Miss recollected the daily scene in which she always sit down beside the door to listen the canarys nice sound enjoyably as if she was hearing the songs again.Then,a kind of feeling of love for the canary came into being in Misss heart,And thus learned that people must have something to love no matter what it is.This feeling led Miss to associated the flowers in her garden,and the beautiful stars in the sunset.But the pretty flowers and stars still cannot dispel Misss loneliness.So she quickly lost in the good memory with her canary.She recalled how she looked after the little creature everyday:she scraped the tray,dusted it with fresh sand,filled his seed and water tins,tucked a piece of chickweed half a chili between the bars.She produced her subjective feeling or imagination that she was perfectly certain he understood and appreciated every item of this little performance.Then she praised the canarys habit of keeping clean.She usedhe to address the canary,which reflected that she took the bird as her friend who learned and understood her.She recalled many details and vivid scenes in which the canarys lively behaviors during the bath,which has brought great joy for the old lady.Suddenly,Miss understood that he was her pany,not a pet,but a perfect pany.The lady reviewed her lonely life and her loneliness and felt e*tremely happy for the acpany of the canary.Then she recalled how the canary acpanied her to dispel loneliness and fear,feeling so moved that she wanted to cry.All of a sudden,the ladys consciousness came back to reality.2.2Montage of Time and Space in Stream of ConsciousnessAt first,the lady stood at her door,and saw the nail on which the canarys cage had been hung.Then she entered into memory.The second picture being switched in her brain was a usual scene she sat beside the door and listened his sweet songs.The ne*t picture was her memory of how she getting the canary.Then the episode had been back to their daily life.She took care of him considerately,and remembered very clearly the canarys behaviors and some of its habits.From this episode,we could also feel that the lady recalled the pany of her canary pleasantly.The ne*t picture was also one of her life scenes.Everyday there were three men ing her place to have supper,but they didnt municate with her.She felt grateful for the pleasure he brought to her.Miss further recollected that,one night she had a horrible dream and woke,being scared.At this moment,she got up and saw her pany,taking the cry as a great fort and almost burst into crying.swiftly,her consciousness got back to the reality,with only the lonely and hollow feeling her heart.Conclusion Through the application of the skills of stream of consciousness in her short novels,Mansfield represented the emotional and psychological lines in the protagonists thoughts or consciousness vividly.The Canary is a short novel,but we have watched almost all of the life circumstances of the lady.With her stream of consciousness flowing and the pictures in her brain switching,we learned her fluctuation in her thoughts,feelings ,characters and so on.After recalling her pany,and then got back and again confronted the real life,her mood suddenly dropped from pleasure down to grief,making she think about her life and perceive something sad in her body or in her life. z


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