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5Dinner Table of the World READING FOR LEARNING 2 READING FOR DONING 3 GUIDED WRITING4 AUDIO/VIDEO LAB5 WARM-UP1 WARP-UP6WARM-UPTask 1Look at the dinner tables around the world. How manykinds of food can you name in the pictures?Possible answers Picture A: beer; juice; oranges; bananas; bread; meat; lettuce (生菜;莴苣); tomatoes; pizza; carrots; etcPicture B: rice; fish; roast meat; bananas; watermelon; sauces; etcPicture C: coke; juice; pizza; potatoes; onions; grapes; bacon; meat; etcPicture D: spring onions (小葱); carrots; etcWARM-UPTask 2Work with a partner. Think about food eaten in Chinesefamilies. What food would be on the table? Write your own list.Possible answers jiaozi; noodles; rice; tofu; roast duck; steamed bread; soybean milk; fish; sweet and sour spare ribs (糖醋排骨); pork balls stewed in brown sauce (红烧狮子头); Kung Pao Chicken (宫保鸡丁); Chinese fried twisted dough-rolls (中式油条); mushrooms; green tea; etcWARM-UPTask 3Work in small groups. How many kinds of food can youwrite for each letter of the alphabet in two minutes?Possible answers a-apple; avocado (牛油果)b-banana; bread; bean; butter; beef; biscuit; baconc-carrot; cake; cherry; coconut; crab; chicken; cheese; cucumber d-duck; date; dumpling; durian (榴莲)e-egg; eggplant (茄子) f-fish; fillet steak (菲力牛排); fig (无花果)g-grape; ginger h-ham; hot dog; hamburger; herring (鲱鱼)i-ice cream; ice tea; ice lolly (棒冰)j-juice; jam; jellyk-kiwi; ketchupl-lemon; lichee (荔枝); lobster (龙虾)m-melon; mango; milk; mutton; mandarinn-nuts; noodleso-orange; onion; octopus (章鱼)p-pear; pineapple; pumpkin; potato; pastaq-quince (柑橘); quiche (a French pie)r-ribs; rices-sugar; salt; sandwich; strawberry; shrimp (对虾)t-tea; toast; tomato; turkey; tuna (金枪鱼)u-ugli fruit (丑橘)v-vinegar; vanilla (香草)w-watermelon; wonton (馄饨) y-yoghurt; yamz-zucchini (西葫芦) Using key words to identify cause and effect (利用关键词分辨因果利用关键词分辨因果)在某些文章中,会重点陈述某事物产生的原因或由它带来的结果。阅读这类文章时,我们可根据一些关键指示词,如as a result, lead to, therefore, thus 等帮助我们快速定位并找出事物之间的因果关系。READING FOR LEARNINGTask 1Read the text quickly. Answer the questions about theeffects of these things.1 What is the effect of more and more people living in cities?2 What are the benefits of vertical farming?3 What do the conditions in space result in?READING FOR LEARNINGFeeding the World 译译文文In the last 60 years, the worlds population has tripled from 2.5 billion in1950 to over 7 billion. Food became a big problem as we were not able to feedeveryone. Now the worlds population is forecast to continue growing andmay hit 11 billion by 2100. So in a world where nearly 1 billion people alreadydo not have enough food, can we really feed another 6 billion?养活全世界养活全世界过去60 年,世界人口增长了三倍,从1950 年的25 亿增长到70 多亿。粮食问题已经成为一个大问题,因为我们一直没办法养活所有人。据预测,目前世界人口正持续增长,到2100 年,人口数量将达到110 亿。所以在世界范围内,已经有近10亿人口没有足够的口粮,我们能否真的再养活60 亿人口呢?Feeding the World 译译文文Changing DietsPopulation growth is not the only reason for food shortages. Our diet is also to blame for it. Nowadays, with increasing numbers of people living in cities, we tend to eat more meat. To produce meat we have to use a lot more land and water to grow the food for the animals. And we also need more energy to process the meat. As a result, we are using more land and resources to actually produce less food. We could feed the growing population easily if everyone became a vegetarian. But who would make this change? Would you give up meat to feed others?改变饮食改变饮食人口增长并不是造成粮食短缺的唯一原因。我们的饮食(习惯)也难辞其咎。现在,越来越多的人居住在城市,人们吃肉越来越多。为了生产肉类,我们必须用更多的土地和水,以种植喂养动物的粮食。加工肉类也要消耗更多的能源。结果是,我们使用了更多的土地和资源,却生产出了更少的食物。如果每个人都变成素食者,我们就能轻松养活不断增长的人口。但谁愿意作出这种改变呢?你愿意放弃吃肉来养活别人吗?Feeding the World 译译文文Growing DifferentlyInnovative solutions to this problem are being used and researched aroundthe world. One idea being tried is vertical farming, which is to build farms invery tall buildings in the centre of cities. Such farms require less space. Theyalso reduce the distance the food needs to travel to reach most people.改变种植方式改变种植方式为了解决粮食问题,全世界都在使用和研发创新方案。这种农场占用空间更少,同时还缩短了把食物运送给大多数人的距离。一个正在尝试的理念是垂直农场,即在位于市中心的高楼里建造农场。Feeding the World 译译文文Another innovative idea is the “seeds in space” project organised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 2011, researchers sent seeds into space on the Shenzhou 8 spacecraft. It is thought that the conditions in space help produce huge fruit and vegetables with higher vitamin content. While the science is not yet fullyunderstood, it seems that the conditions in space may help make the seeds more productive. So could space seeds reallyprovide the answer to the worlds food problem?2011 年,研究人员通过神舟八号飞船把种子送上太空。虽然人们还未完全掌握这项科学,但似乎太空环境可以使种子更加高产。所以,太空种子真的能解决世界粮食问题吗?另一个创新的理念是由中国科学院组织的“太空种子”项目。人们认为太空环境有助于产出维生素含量更高的巨型水果和蔬菜。Feeding the World 译译文文From sending seeds into space to asking people to change theirdiet, these are all ways of solving the worlds food problem. Whichever methods countries and individuals choose, we still have a long way to go.从发射种子到太空,到改变人们的饮食习惯,这些都是解决世界粮食问题的方法。无论国家和个人选择哪些方法,我们仍任重道远。New Words Phrases and Expressions feedpopulation # tripleforecast growth blame energyprocess # vegetarian innovative solution vertical reducetend to as a resultProper Names # seed spacecraft condition vitamin productivewhicheverfeede.g. Some insects feed on a wide range of trees and shrubs . 一些昆虫以各类树木和灌木为食。v. 为提供食物Back to Vocabularypopulatione.g. The entire population of the town was at the meeting. 全镇的居民都出席了集会。n. 人口数量;人口Back to Vocabularytriplee.g. He received triple wages for all his extra work. 因为加班的缘故,他领取了三倍的工资。v. ( 使)增至三倍Back to Vocabulary-double-quaforecaste.g. Rain is forecast for the weekend. 预报本周末会下雨。 v. 预报;预测Back to Vocabularygrowthe.g. There has been a sharp slowdown in economic growth. 经济增长的速度明显放慢。n. 增加;增长Back to Vocabularyblamee.g. If their forces were not involved, then who is to blame? 如果他们的军队没有参与,那么谁应该受到指责呢?v. 指责;责怪Back to Vocabularyenergye.g. She is possessed of an extraordinary fund of energy. 她的精力异常充沛。n. 能量;能源Back to Vocabularyprocesse.g. Goats cheese may be processed in many ways. 可以采取很多方法加工山羊奶酪。v. 加工;处理Back to Vocabularyvegetariane.g. She became a strict vegetarian two years ago. 两年前,她成为严格意义上的素食主义者。n. 素食( 主义) 者Back to Vocabularyinnovativee.g. This company has producing plenty of innovative products. 这家公司一直在生产大量富有创意的产品。adj. 革新的;创新的Back to Vocabularysolutione.g. There is no simple solution to the pollution problem. 没有解决污染问题的简单办法。n. 解决方法Back to Vocabularyverticale.g. The gadget can be attached to any smooth vertical surface. 这小玩意儿可以粘在任何光滑垂直的表面上。adj. 垂直的;竖立的Back to Vocabularyreducee.g. Small business must reduce costs in order to survive. 小企业要想生存,必须削减成本。v. 减少;缩小Back to Vocabularyseede.g. Farmers began by scattering seed and putting in plants. 农民从播种和栽苗开始。n. 种子Back to Vocabularyspacecraft e.g. The spacecraft made a successful reentry into the earths atmosphere. 宇宙飞船成功地重返大气层。n. 航天器;宇宙飞船Back to Vocabularyconditione.g. Some people are living in appalling conditions. 有些人的生活条件十分恶劣。Back to Vocabularyn. 环境;条件vitamine.g. Orange is rich in vitamin and it gives us energy and vitality. 橘子含有丰富的维生素,能给我们补充能量和注入活力。Back to Vocabularyn. 维生素productivee.g. Our discussions were amicable and productive. 我们的讨论气氛非常友好并且富有成果。adj. 多产的Back to Vocabularywhichevere.g. Whichever book do you like? 你到底喜欢哪一本书? det. 无论哪个Back to Vocabularytend toe.g. I tend to get very uptight during a match. 比赛时我总会紧张得不行。趋向;偏重Back to Vocabularyas a resulte.g. Some rivers are facing ecological catastrophe as a result of pollution. 由于污染造成的恶果,一些河流正面临生态灾难。结果;因此Back to VocabularyChinese Academy of Sciences中国科学院Back to VocabularyNow the worlds population is forecast to continue growing and may hit 11 billion by 2100.据预测,目前世界人口正持续增长,到2100 年,人口数量将达到110 亿。1句中forecast是过去分词表被动。forecast 和forecasted均可作为forecast一词的过去式和过去分词。e.g. Rain was forecast for the weekend. 预报说周末有雨。 It was forecast that the economy would grow by 2%. 预测经济将增长2%。So in a world where nearly 1 billion people already do not have enough food, can we really feed another 6 billion?所以,在世界范围内已经有近10 亿人口没有足够的口粮,我们能否真的再养活60 亿人口呢?2句中where作为关系副词,引导定语从句,修饰先行词world。where引导从句时,用法如下:1) where引导定语从句 where引导定语从句时,其先行词是表示地点的名词,在定语从句中作地点状 语,此时where 相当于at/in/on+which。如: e.g. This zoo is not the only place where the animal can be seen. 这个动物园并不是唯一能够看到这种动物的地方。2) where引导状语从句 where引导状语从句时,相当于in/at the place where。如: e.g. My father grew up where he was born. 我父亲是在他出生的地方长大的。3) where引导名词性从句 where引导的名词性从句主要有宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句以及同位语从 句,此时where 相当于the place where。如: e.g. Can you tell me where you found it? 你能告诉我你是在哪儿找到它的吗?One idea being tried is vertical farming, which is to build farms in very tall buildings in the centre of cities.一个正在尝试的理念是垂直农场,即在位于市中心的高楼里建造农场。3句中的being tried是现在分词的被动形式,作后置定语修饰名词idea。现在分词的被动形式:being + 过去分词,表示其逻辑主语(被修饰的名词等)为现在分词动作的承受者。e.g. 正在建的那栋楼是我们的图书馆。The building being built is our library.正在被质问的那栋人是我们的搭档。The person being questioned is our partner.While the science is not yet fully understood, it seems that the conditions in space may help make the seeds more productive.虽然人们还未完全掌握这项科学,但似乎太空环境可以使种子更加高产。4句中while是连词,引导让步状语从句,意思是“虽然、尽管”,且多放于句首。e.g. While he loves his students, he is very strict with them. 他虽然爱他的学生,但对他们很严格。句中while也是连词,引导并列状语从句,意思是“而,然而”,且多放于从句之首,引出与主句内容相对比的信息。e.g. One of them laughed at me while the others pointed their guns at me.其中一人而其他人So could space seeds really provide the answer to the worlds food problem?所以,太空种子真的能解决世界粮食问题吗?5provide sth to/for sb:“向某人提供某物”,也可用provide sb with sth结构。这两者意思相同,可互换,但介词不可混淆。e.g. They provided some necessary support for the sufferers.他们为受难者提供了一些必要的援助。We provide legal advice and services to our clients.我们向客户提供法律建议和服务。The lecture provided him with an opportunity to meet one of his heroes.这个讲座能让他见到自己心目中的一位英雄。Whichever methods countries and individuals choose, we still have a long way to go.无论国家和个人选择哪些方法,我们仍任重道远。6whichever 与 no matter which 用法的区别:1) 两者都可以引导让步状语从句,表示两者“无论哪个”。e.g. Whichever (No matter which) day you come, Ill be pleased to see you.无论你哪天来,我都很高兴见到你。2) whichever还可引导名词性从句,但是no matter which不可以。 e.g. Whichever team gains the most points wins. 哪个队得分最多,哪个队就赢。Task 1Read the text quickly. Answer the questions about theeffects of these things.1 What is the effect of more and more people living in cities?2 What are the benefits of vertical farming?3 What do the conditions in space result in?Possible answers1 With more and more people live in cities, people tend to eat more meat.2 Vertical farming requires less space and reduces the distance the food needs to travel.3 In space huge fruit and vegetables with higher vitamin content are produced. So the conditions in space may help make the seeds more productive.READING FOR LEARNINGReading and Understanding Task 2Read the text. What do these numbers refer to?2.5 billion refers to the population of the world in 1950.7 billion refers to the world population now.11 billion refers to the possible world population in 2100.1 billion refers to the number of people without enough food.Reading and Understanding Task 3Put the facts into three columns: PAST, PRESENT or FUTURE. Some can be put into more than one column.1 Most people live in cities.2 People dont eat a lot of meat.3 Vertical farms in cities provide us with a large amount of food.4 Food from space is regularly eaten.211;3;4Reading and Understanding Task 4Complete the sentences with ideas from the text.1 To produce meat, we use more _, _ and _ than when we grow vegetables.2 Vertical farms use less _ than normal farms.3 The “seeds in space” project is managed by _.4 The food problem is not going to be solved _.landwaterenergylandthe Chinese Academy of SciencessoonReading and Understanding Task 5Translate the sentences into Chinese. 1 Now the worlds population is forecast to continue growing and may hit 11 billion by 2100._ 2 As a result, we are using more land and resources to actually produce less food._ 3 It is thought that the conditions in space help produce huge fruit and vegetables with higher vitamin levels._ 4 Whichever methods countries and individuals choose, we still have a long way to go._据预测,目前世界人口正持续增长,到2100 年,人口数量将达到110 亿。结果是,我们使用了更多的土地和资源,却生产出了更少的食物。人们认为太空环境有助于产出维生素含量更高的巨型水果和蔬菜。无论国家和个人选择哪些方法,我们仍任重道远。Vocabulary FocusTask 1Change the parts in italics with words from the boxes.productiveinnovativeresourcessolutionconditionsVocabulary FocusTask 2Read the 10 verbs and match each of them to a function. Morethan one verb is possible for each function.1 triple 2 decrease 3 increase 4 grow 5 incorporate 6 rise 7 include 8 reduce 9 change 10 adaptVocabulary FocusTask 3Complete each sentence with a phrase from the boxes and averb from Task 2.1 People _ _ their diet when they move into cities. They eat more meat and less vegetables.2 The world population continues to _, _ of which we need to think of new ways of producing food.3 _ tackle (应对) world food shortage, some people think we should _ the amount of meat we eat.tend tochangeincrease/growas a result In order toreduceGrammar Focus: can, could, be able toTask 1Read the example sentences from the text and complete the rules that follow with can, could, is/are able to or was/were able to.Food became a big problem as we were not able to feed everyone.Can we really feed another 6 billion?So could space seeds really provide the answer to the worlds food problem?1 We use _ and is/are able to to talk about ability in the present and the future.2 We use could and _ to talk about ability in the past.3 _ is used to talk about ability in the past and possibility in the future.canwas/were able toCouldGrammar Focus: can, could, be able toTask 2Look at the pictures. Describe them to your partner and write sentences using can or cant. The first one is already done for you.She cant play the violin.She can sing.He cant open it/the jar.Grammar Focus: can, could, be able toTask 3Complete the sentences with was/were (not) able to orcould (not). 1 I _ swim a mile easily when I was a child. 2 She _ rescue the man from the sea. 3 I _ contact him. His phone was off. 4 They _ play the piano when they were young. 5 I _ pass the exam after a lot of hard work. 6 I _ speak another language until I was 15.could/was able towas able towasnt able tocould/were able towas able tocouldnt/wasnt able toBeyond the TextTask 1Look at the dinner tables from different periods in Chinas history. Match the pictures to their descriptions.1 In the 1960s, people didnt have enough food to eat; starving (饥饿) was not strange to many people.2 In the 1980s, people had just enough food to eat.3 In the years around 2000, people had lots of food and sometimes ate too much; increases in peoples weight and wasted food were common.4 People today put more emphasis on healthy dieting habits.DCBABeyond the TextTask 2Look at the pictures in Task 1 again and discuss the questions.1 What do you know about peoples lives in the four periods?2 How do the changes in food reflect development in society? Why do we have those changes?Beyond the TextTask 3Besides food, what changes have the Chinese people experienced in clothing , housing and transportation over the past half a century? Share your opinions in small groups.Possible answersClothing: Before the reform and opening-up, everyone dressed in blue, grey or black clothes. Since the reform and opening-up, the colour and style of clothes are more diverse, and great changes have taken place in fabric and texture. The pursuit of individuality and fashion has become the new fashion.Housing: Before the reform and opening-up, living conditions remained poor, with little decoration inside houses. Since the reform and opening-up, living conditions have improved significantly. Many people live in spacious buildings.Transportation: Before the reform and opening-up , the countrys transportation resources were extremely limited, with only buses and bicycles. The few bus lines were often crowded. Since the reform and opening-up, traffic conditions have been improved that railways, roads and airlines are growing rapidly. Bus routes are increased with improving facilities; taxis, private cars, subways, light rails (轻轨)and other new vehicles appear.Task 1Look at the pictures of some foods. Guess and match the foods tothe countries they are typically eaten in. Check your predictions after reading the text.READING FOR DOING1 jiaozi2 cotechino con lenticchie (green lentils with sausage)3 herring4 vasilopitta5 green bean casseroleTask 2Do the foods in the pictures in Task1 have special meaning? Readthe text and find out.READING FOR DOINGBreakfast eaten quickly before the journey to college or work, lunch eaten while we work, dinner as a takeaway they probably sound quite normal to many people. For them food is just functionalsomething to fit in to the busy day. However, many foods also carry meaning andmean something greater. Here we look at the meaning of some foods around the world.Foods with Meaning译译文文More information有意义的食物上学或上班前匆匆吃个早餐,边工作边吃午餐,晚餐是外卖食品这对很多人来说也许听上去再正常不过了。对于他们来说,食物仅仅是功能性的,是繁忙的一天中必可不少的一部分。然而,很多食物也是有意义的而且意义深远。现在,就让我们一起来看看大千世界中一些食物的意义。WealthJiaozi are traditionally eaten at a family dinner on the eve of Chinese New Year. It symbolises wealth and prosperity for the coming year. A popular New Years meal in Italy is cotechino con lenticchie (green lentils with sausage). The shape of the lentils and the fact that they grow in water symbolises wealth. In Germany, Poland and Scandinavia, its believed that eating herring at midnight will ensure a year of wealth.Foods with Meaning译译文文财富财富在中国,除夕年夜饭吃饺子是一个重要的传统。它象征了来年的财富和繁荣。扁豆配香肠是意大利深受欢迎的新年食物。扁豆形状细长,又生长在水中,故而象征着财富。在德国、波兰和斯堪的纳维亚地区,人们认为午夜吃青鱼能确保一整年都很富有。ProgressIn some countries, including Cuba, Spain, Portugal, Hungary and Austria, pigs symbolise progress. Its not limited to pork, even biscuits and cakes shaped like a pig are thought to be symbols of progress.Foods with Meaning译译文文进步进步在包括古巴、西班牙、葡萄牙、匈牙利和奥地利在内的一些国家,猪象征着进步.(这一象征)并不仅限于猪肉,甚至是猪形状的饼干和蛋糕都被视为是进步的象征。LuckIn Greece, people eat a round cake called vasilopitta, which is made with a coin baked inside. Whoever gets the coin is lucky throughout the year. In countries such as Spain, Portugal and Peru, at New Year people eat 12 grapes at midnight to symbolise having 12 lucky months in the coming year.Foods with Meaning译译文文幸运幸运在希腊,人们会吃一种被称作希腊年糕的圆形蛋糕,蛋糕里面放有一枚硬币,得到硬币的人一整年都会有好运气。在西班牙、葡萄牙和秘鲁等国家,人们会在新年的午夜时分吃12 颗葡萄,以象征未来12 个月里都会有好运相伴。While many foods carry meaning, some “traditional” celebratory dishes were simply invented by companies to make money. One example is the green bean casserole traditionally eaten at American Thanksgiving celebrations. It is not a centuries old recipe, but one invented by the Campbell Soup Company in 1955. Although these foods do not have actual meaning behind them, today we could not imagine celebrations without them.Foods with Meaning译译文文虽然很多食物都有意义,但一些“传统的”庆祝菜肴其实只是公司为了挣钱发明出来的,其中一个实例便是美国人庆祝感恩节会吃的绿豆砂锅。绿豆砂锅并不是一个有百年历史的老食谱,而是由金宝汤公司在1955 年发明的。虽然这些食物背后并无实际意义,但如果没有它们,难以想象今天的我们该如何庆祝这些节日。New Words Phrases and Expressions #takeaway functional eve symbolise prosperity #lentil #sausagefit in on the eve ofProper Names #herring midnight ensure #pork #biscuit coin bakeinside throughout celebratory #casserole #Thanksgiving celebration recipetakeawaye.g. Lets have a takeaway tonight. 咱们今晚叫外卖吃吧。 n. 外卖食品Back to Vocabularyfunctionale.g. The mirror is functional yet decorative. 这镜子能照人,也有装饰作用。 The two departments have slight functional differences. 这两个部门功能稍有不同。adj.实用的;有功能的Back to Vocabularydesigned to be useful rather than beautiful or attractiveevee.g. The evening party will take place on New Years Eve. 晚会将在除夕那天举行。n. (节日等的)前夜;前夕Back to Vocabularysymbolisee.g. What do these strange marks symbolise? 这些奇怪的符号象征什么?v. 象征;代表Back to Vocabularyprosperitye.g. Our futures prosperity depends on economic growth. 我们未来的繁荣昌盛依赖经济的发展。 n.成功;繁荣;兴旺Back to Vocabularylentile.g. My aunt made a lovely lentil soup. 我的阿姨做了一份好吃的扁豆汤。 n.小扁豆Back to Vocabularysausagee.g. The sausage began to spit on the grill. 架子上的香肠开始滋滋作响。 n. 香肠Back to Vocabularyherringe.g. Smoked herring is a local delicacy. 烟熏鲱鱼是当地的一种美食。n.鲱鱼;鲱鱼肉Back to Vocabularymidnighte.g. The singing and dancing did not end until after midnight. 人们唱歌跳舞,一直持续到后半夜。n.子夜;午夜Back to


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