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UNIT ONEText 1 This Year Its Going to Be DifferentObjectives1. In this unit, the students continue to learn the essential elements of narration, such as “time sequence, suspense, tone and style” etc.2. Help the students to appreciate the use of various rhetorical devices that create the comic effect in the story. 3. Let the students grasp the basic language points in this article.Teaching steps1. Pre-reading activities:Starting from the Interaction Activities on page 16, ask the students to talk about their new terms resolutions. Conclusion: Its often easier to make resolutions than to carry them out. 2. The main idea (timed reading)Ask the students to go over the text once without worrying about the new words and phrases, the n discus the main idea of it. 3. Vocabulary4. A topic outline of Text 1I. Anxious to carry out his new years resolutionsII. Disappointed by the result in every effortIII. The ironic end5. Explanation of language points and Analysis of the text6. Exercise in the workbookBackground knowledge1. Hippie member of a youth movement of the late 1960s that was characterized by nonviolent anarchy, concern for the environment, and rejection of Western materialism. Also known as flower power, the hippie movement originated in San Francisco, California. The hippies formed a politically outspoken, antiwar, artistically prolific counterculture in North America and Europe. Their colorful psychedelic style was inspired by drugs such as the hallucinogen Lysergic Acid Diethylamid (LSD). This style emerged in fashion, graphic art, and music by bands such as Love, the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, and Pink Floyd.2. Popular Music,musicproducedforand sold to a broad audience. Types of popular music include jazz, music from motion pictures and musical comedies, country-and-western music, soul music, and rock music. Shaped by social, economic, and technological forces, popular music is closely linked to the social identity of its performers and audiences. Early musical styles were also very influential in shaping popular music.Thelate1960swasaperiod of corporate expansion and stylistic diversification in the American record industry. A new youth-oriented popular market was defined by a broad category of rock music that included the influential studio experiments of the Beatles, San Francisco psychedelia, guitar heroes such as Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton, Southern rock, hard rock, jazz rock, folk rock, and other styles. Soul music, the successor to rhythm and blues, covered a wide range of styles, including the gospel-based performances of Aretha Franklin, the deep funk and virtuosic stage techniques of James Brown, and the soulful crooning of Marvin Gaye. Country and western musicnow firmly centered in Nashville, Tennesseehad a new generation of stars who combined elements of old country-and-western music standards with rock and roll and mainstream popular song. Country singers Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, and Dolly Parton helped contribute to the rising popularity of country-and-western music.Inthe1970sthemusic industry further consolidated its power and once again sought to mass-produce music styles that had originally been highly individualistic. Corporate rock, the singer-songwriter genre, and slick varieties of soul and country-and-western music featuring glamorous superstars playing to massive crowds in sports arenas defined a new mainstream. Although a number of distinctive stylesdisco, glam rock, punk rock, new wave, reggae, and funkwere pioneered by independent labels and marginalized musicians, the music of the 1970s is generally viewed as less individualized. The music industry became cautious due to a drop in sales of recorded music by almost $1 billion between 1978 and 1982 and a similarly precipitous decline in income from live concerts.Anumberoffactorscontributed to an economic revival in the music industry during the mid-1980s. The advent of the music videomarked by the debut in 1981 of Music Television (MTV), a 24-hour music video channeland the introduction of the digitally recorded compact disc (see Sound Recording and Reproduction) in 1983 stimulated demand for popular music. The Album Thriller (1982) by Michael Jackson became the biggest-selling record in history up to that time, and it established a pattern by which record companies relied upon a few big hits to generate profits. The other big hits of the 1980s came from a new set of charismatic personalities, each of whom appealed to mass audiences by extending across traditional social boundaries. Popular musicians of this period include Bruce Springsteen, the working-class bar-band hero; the artist formerly known as Prince, whose 1984 single “When Doves Cry” was the first song in more than 20 years to top both the mainstream pop charts and the black music charts; and Madonna, the ambitious performer from a working-class background who remade herself as a pop icon.Thelong-standingstruggle between the tendency of the music industry to centralize music and the stylistic diversity of artists continues in the popular music of today. The history of American popular music may be seen as a relationship between a centerlocated since the 1880s in New York City, with secondary branches in Los Angeles and Nashville, Tennesseeand various marginal zones, located throughout the United States and outside the mainstream of the music industry. Whereas the mainstream music industry reproduces music, establishes stars, and generally attempts to ensure profits, those in the margins typically include entrepreneurs who run independent labels, and musicians who provide impetus for new styles, which are then sometimes pulled into the center and promoted to a mass audience. The mainstream success of “grunge,” a hard-edged alternative rock style from Seattle, Washington, which was quickly picked up by the major record labels in the early 1990s, is one example of this process.Althoughtherehavebeen significant changes in the technology used to produce popular music, some of the aspects of popular music have changed relatively little. Most American popular music still draws upon elements of popular song forms and the smooth, romantic vocal style of the 1920s Tin Pan Alley; the strong grooves, backbeats, call-and-response textures, and emotional intensity of African American music; and the poetic themes and ballad forms of Anglo-American music. The identification of musical styles with complex patterns of social identityage, race, and classalso continues to shape American musical tastes. Although music styles, recording stars, and hit songs change constantly, strong continuities remain within American popular music.Language points1. resolution n (1) If you make a resolution, you decide to try very hard to do sth. e.g. Im always making resolutions, liking giving up smoking.(2) Resolution is the determination to do sth. or not to do sth.(3) a formal decision taken at a meeting by means of a vote e.g. Congress passed a resolution accepting his services.More collocations: break ones New Years resolutions 没做到determined/unshakable/inflexible resolution 坚定的决心good resolutions 做好事(改好)的决心 e.g. Shes always making good resolutions but she never carries them out.talk sb out of his resolutions 说得某人拿不定主张resolute a. sb who is resolute shows great determination not to change their mind or not to give up a course of action. e.g. Shes best remembered for her resolute commitment to womens equality.2. You use judging from or judging by to mention the reasons that cause you to believe sth.e.g. There was some great national celebration in town, judging by the firework displayed everywhere.He was extremely handsome, to judge from the newspaper photographs.Judging from what you say, he ought to succeed.To judge from the evidence of the experts, the victim was still alive at 3 oclock.3. If you put in an amount of time or effort doing sth, you spend that time or effort doing it.4. selfSelf do, self have.自作自受be beautys self 美的化身ones better self 人性中高尚的一面ones old self 原样more words beginning with “self”:self-assured: showing confidenceself-centered self-confident self-defense self-employedself-governmentself-interestself-conscious: easily embarrassed and nervous because they feel that everyone is looking at them and judging themself-evident: so obvious, no need for proofself-imposed (task, condition): you deliberately accepted for yourselfself-indulgent: you allow yourself to have or do things that you enjoy very muchself-made: become successful through their own effortsself-righteous: be convinced that they are right and others are wrongself-sacrificeself-satisfied: so pleased about their achievements or their situation that they do not feel there is any need to do anything now.self-serviceself-sufficientself-induced catastrophesself-locking door5. You use blessed to describe sth. that you think is wonderful, and you are thankful for or relieved about. e.g. Blessed freedomblessing n sth. good that you are thankful for e.g. Health is a blessing that money cannot buy.If sth. is done with sbs blessing, they approve of it and support it. e.g. She did it with the full blessing of her parents.A blessing in disguise: it caused problems and difficulties at first but later realized that it was the best thing that could have happened.A mixed blessing has disadvantages as well as advantages6. boundless: a word used esp. in literature meaning having no limite.g. A man stares at the boundless sky and his mind is set free. Her appetite for life, boundless energy and numerous accomplishments made her a perfect traveling companion.limitless: sth. such as an amount of sth. that has no limit, usu. with the result that there is a large amount of it.limitless resources/beer/variety of goods7. A community is made up of the people who live in a particular area.e.g. the local communitycommunity affairscommunity service: unpaid work that criminals sometimes do as a punishment instead of being sent to prison.8. everything /all but the kitchen sink: humor. A very large amount, esp. more than is thought necessary. e.g. Hes only staying 3 days, but he arrived here with everything but the kitchen sink.kitchen-sink drama: a serious play about working-class home life, esp. as written in Britain in the late 1950s and the 1960s.9. tiptoe: walk very quietly on your toes.pad: to walk quietly and steadily, without shoes or with soft shoes, or on a soft surface.creep: to walk quietly, slowly, and carefully, esp. so that no one notices you.sneak: to walk quietly, trying to hide from sb, esp. because you doing sth. Wrong and do not want to be caught.10. spontaneous acts are not planned or arranged, but are done because sb. suddenly wants to do them. spontaneity: spontaneous, natural behaviore.g. The audience broke into spontaneous applause.Politicians are saying that the riots were not spontaneous, but were carefully planned by activists.impromptu speech/performance/meeting/party is done/happening without any preparation.11. affection: a feeling of fondness and caring e.g. She gazed with deep affection at him.I remember my grandma with deep affection.affectionate a.affectation: attitude that is not genuine or natural, but which is intended to impress other people.12. shriek: to make a sudden short screaming sound, because of fear, excitement, pleasure or amusement shriek with excitement/laughterscream with terror/ excitement/painscream your head off: to scream loudlyscreech: to make a long, unpleasant, very high screaming sound, esp. because you are angry.squeal: esp. a child makes a sudden very high screaming soundyelp: to give a short cry because you have just hurt yourself.13. If you are sincere, you say the things that you really mean or believesincerity n. 14. compliment is sth. that you say to sb. to show that you admire them.e.g. He has just been paid a great compliment.If you take sth. that sb. does or says as a compliment, you regard it as an indication that they admire you. e.g. She took his acceptance as a compliment.complimentary a. complementv. n. if one person/thing complements another, they increase each others good qualities when they are brought together.complementary a.15. escapement is the part of a clock a watch which controls the moving parts inside摆轮16. mechanism is a part of a device or machine that does a particular task.机件17. If your mind wanders or your thoughts wander, you stop concentrating on sth. and start thinking about other things. e.g. When she was alone, she would let her mind wander.18. When you wind a clock/watch, you turn a knob, key, or handle on it round and round in order to make it operate.wind back/forward a tapewind down/up the window of a carwind up a business/activity: stop/finish it19. Sb. who is jovial behaves in a cheerful and happy way. a jovial man/smilejoyful thing causes happiness and pleasurejoyful person is extremely happyjoyous: extremely happy and enthusiastic20. When people swarm somewhere, they move there quickly in a large group.A swarm of bees/people is a large group of them moving about quicklyThe white house garden was swarm with security men.21. If you rap on sth. or if you rap it, you hit it with a series of quick blows. e.g. He rapped on the table and called for silence.22. pajamas: a pair of pajamas consisting of loose trousers and loose jacket that people, esp. men, were in bed.23. robe: a loose piece of clothing which covers all of your body and reaches the ground. e.g. priests and archbishops in their ceremonial robes24. If sth. eases a problem or an unpleasant situation, it makes it less difficult or less unpleasant e.g. a powder that eased the pain25. sb. Who is defensive is behaving in a way that shows that they fell unsure or threatened26. zest is a feeling of pleasure, excitement, and interest in what you are doinge.g. be full of zestHe felt that some of the zest had gone out of his life.Lose zest in readingHe works with great/keenest zest.He entered into a piece a work with zest.27. Sb. who is sarcastic says or does the opposite of what they really mean in order to mock or insult people.Sarcasm is speech or writing which actually means the opposite of what it seems to say. e.g. The children kept coming out with sarcasm remarks like : Delicious!” “Ive never tasted anything so good.”ironic: funny, but in a sad or unexpected way because it is caused by the opposite of what should happen.e.g. How ironic! He was just telling us to be careful when he fell and broke his leg.28. If you have a conversation with sb., you talk to them. If you have to make conversation, you have to talk to sb. in order to be polite and not because you really want to.strike a bargain or deal with sb.: come to an agreement with themstrike a balance you do sth that is halfway between extremesWhen you strike up a conversation or friendship with sb., you begin it.29. If people have a rapport with each other, they have a relationship in which they are able to understand each other very well. e.g. There is insufficient rapport between the company and its employers.30. dread: feel very worried about it because you think that it will be very unpleasant.e.g. Fanny dreaded seeing Thomas again, but felt that she had to.If you say that you dread to think what is happening, you mean that you think that it is probably unpleasant or undesirable.31. If you say that a situation or task is over and done with, you mean that it is finished and you can forget about it.You say done when you are accepting a deal or a bet. e.g. “Shall we say 200 pounds?”-“Done!”32. If you describe sb. as impossible, you mean that they are very difficult to deal with, usu. because of their bad behavior or strong views.33. whittle (down, away): to cut (wood) to a smaller size by taking off small thin pieces.e.g. Lack of sleep whittled his strength away.34. nerve is the courage and determination that you need in order to be able to sth, esp. sth. difficult or dangerouse.g. Nobody had to nerve to remind him that he was several hours late.35. cross-examine: to question sb. very closely or severely, esp. in order to compare the answers with other answers given before.36. Commotion is a lot of noise, confusion, and excitement. e.g. Suddenly there was a commotion at the other end of the bar.37. If you do not bother to do sth. You do not do it, because you think it is unnecessary or would involve too much effort.I never bother to iron my shirts.Why bother learning foreign language?Dont bother with the washing-up.If sth bothers you or if you bother about it, you are worried, concerned, or upset about it.38. When people or things assemble or are assembled, they gather together in a group, usu. for a particular purpose.e.g. If we can assemble everybody then we can leave pupils assembled for lessons at 8 oclock.39. A gathering is a group of people who are meeting for a particular purpose.40. If you are uneasy, you feel anxious that sth. may be wrong or that there may be danger. e.g. She had an uneasy feeling that sb. was following her.41. Sb. who is considerate pays attention to the needs, wishes, or feelings of other people.42. When you steady sth. or when it steadies, you stop shaking or moving about. When you steady yourself, you control your voice or expression, so that people will think that you are calm and not nervous. e.g. He drew a deep breath to steady himself.43. brush: remove by pushing/touching it lightly while passing it44. If you are sprawled somewhere, you are sitting or lying with your legs and arms spread out in a careless way. Organization and developmentText 1 is a narrative organized according to a time sequence. The writer achieves coherence1. By stating in the introductory paragraph a “list of “things that are going to be different, thought not actually mentioning what the exact “thins” are.2. By carrying out the things one after another.3. By putting his resolutions in brackets for the readers to see what some of his original intentions were, thus referring back to the introductory paragraph.By reiterating his determination “to be different” which intermingles with the family members negative reactions; and finally he returned to his old self and everything became normal again.UNIT TWOText 1AEnglishesObjectives1. To let the students be acquainted with the writing of an exposition.2. To inform the students of the subject matter of the text; the style of the English language.3. To learn to use English language appropriately according to context and the use of euphemism in EnglishTeaching steps 1. Pre-reading activitiesIt is suggested the teacher start the text , especially the pre-reading activities, before the student has a chance to look at the text.- A discussion of the title to predict what the text is about; what types of reading is the text likely to be; why does the writer use “English” in its plural form.- What is the subject matter of the text?- What area of study does the text belong to?- A discussion on the style of English language: What do the students know about the style of language? Which is the most familiar and frequently used style among the students? Is it important to distinguish one style from another and use the various styles of language in various situations appropriately?2. Reading the text (2 minutes)Students should be asked to read for ideas /content/the story/ without taking too much car


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