【人教版】七年级上册英语:Unit 2 教案教案三

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精品资料第1课时 Unit 2 Is this your pencil?(总第7课时)Section A 1a 1c【学习目标】:1、掌握词汇pen,pencil,book,ruler,eraser,backpack,pencil case, pencil sharpener,dictionary 等 2、学会句型:Is this/that-?以及回答Yes,it is./No,it isnt. 从而掌握指示代词:this,that【学习重点】: 掌握指示代词:this,that的用法【学习过程】: 一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.) 学习任务一: 熟练掌握词汇pen,pencil,book,ruler,eraser,backpack, pencil case, pencil sharpener,dictionary 等 1.认真观察1a的图画,将词语与图中物品搭配.小组讨论,并核对答案. 2. 个人试读,组内相互纠正发音. 3. 老师领读,学生纠正自己的发音. 4.自己读并记住汉语意思,组内检查. 5.小组竞赛,看谁记得多而快. 学习任务二: 学会句型:Is this/that-?以及回答Yes,it is./No,it isnt. 从而掌握指示代词:this,that 1.先唱以下歌谣:我的my,你的your,男的his,她的her 名词前面常站岗,限定所属有功劳.复习my,your,his,her 2.利用实物引入句型:Is this/that-?使用不同的物品来练习my,your,his,her eg.T:This is my pen.Is this your pen? S1:No,it isnt.Its your pen. etc. 3.听录音,给1b对话编号 4.练习1b的对话,利用自己所有的物品小组编新对话. 5.小组竞赛,展示对话交际. 二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. ) 小组讨论this和that的具体用法(从位置上区分) 三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.) 自己编写一个确认物品的对话. A: B: A: B: 四、诊断评价 (一)英汉互译 your dictionary_ his backpack_ my ruler _ _ 一块橡皮_ 我的铅笔盒_ 他的卷笔刀_ 她的书_ _(二)选择 1.This is _eraser. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.Is that your book? _. A.That isnt B.It isnt. C.Yes,that isnt D.No,it isnt. 3.This _ my key. A.is B.isnt C.not D.no 4.Is this your backpack? _. A.Yes,it is. B.Yes,it isnt. C.No, it is. D.It isnt.(三)试翻译下列句子 1.这是一本书._ 2.那是你的尺子吗?_ 是的,它是._ , _ 3.这是她的字典吗? _ 不,它不是.这是我的字典._ , _. Its _.(四)句型拓展 1.My name is Gina. (对划线部分提问) _ _ your name? 2.Its an orange. (对划线部分提问) _ _ this? 3.Is that your notebook? (做否定回答) _ ,_. 五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)任务熟练掌握基本掌握没掌握任务一任务二 第2课时Unit 2 Section A 2a2c (总第8课时) 【学习目标】:1、掌握本节课的4个单词和2个短语 2、熟练运用识别物主的句型【学习重点】: 学习识别物主的句型【学习过程】: 一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.) 学习任务一: 会读写8页上的单词及短语 过程:(1)个人自读并记忆单词3分钟 (2)两人一组,相互检查读音 (3)某号展示,对抗号纠正,其他同学默写在学案上,同桌互查单词:橡皮 _ 铅笔盒_ 课本 _ 尺子 _ 双肩背包_ 铅笔_短语:打扰了_ 谢谢_ 我的铅笔_ 她的尺子_ 你的橡皮_他的钢笔_学习任务二: 听录音,练习对话 过程:(1)听录音,完成2a (2)再听一遍录音,完成2b (3)听录音并跟读,实践录音 (4)组内交流,理解对话(成员各抒己见) (5)学生展示,其他学生质疑或补充,教师点拨 (6)学生背诵此对话,然后结合2b图画两人一组自编对话 (7)展示成果(对抗成员竞争展示) 二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. ) 学会了询问物品主人的句型后,你会用his/her做替换练习吗?三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.) (1)这节课你学会了哪些有关物品的名词 (2)总结一下询问物品主人的句型 四、诊断评价(教师寄语:No pains, no gains) 1、根据句意及首字母补全单词(1)Is that her e_ (2)This is a pencil c_ (3)Whats this ? Its a r_ (4)E_me. Is this your pencil?2、选择(1)Is this your eraser? _A.Yes, its . B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, is. D. It is.(2)Is that _ pencil sharpener?A. he B. him C. his D. you(3)This is _ bag.A. me B. I C. my. D. you(4) Is that his case? _.A.Yes, that is . B. Yes, it isnt. C. No, it is. D.No, it isnt.3、完成下列句子(1)_ _(这是) your pencil ?_ , _ _(是,它是)(2)_ _(那是)his book?_, it _(不,它不是).It is_(我的)book.4、翻译下列句子(1)这是你的字典吗?不,它不是。 (2)这是他的钢笔吗?是,它是。 (3)那是她的课本吗?不,那是 我的课本。 五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)任务熟练掌握基本掌握没掌握第3课时 Unit 2 Section A 3Section B 2c (总第9课时) 【学习目标】:1、熟练掌握本课13个单词. 2、掌握句型:Whats this in English? Ita /an How do you spell it? 3、能听懂有关谈论物主的对话并进行自由交际. 【学习重点】: 确认物主关系以及拼读单词的句型. 一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.) 学习任务一: 熟练读写本课13个单词. 1、个人自读,记忆本课单词 2、小组互相检查单词读写情况 3、 完成P10, 1a 将词语和图中物品搭配 学习任务二: 运用句型:Whats this in English? Ita/an How do you spell it? 进行自由交际 1、预习P9 , 3,试着说出图中出现的5中物品名称. 2、学习对话:Whats this in English?:Its a pen. : How do you spell it? :P-E-N. :Is this your pen? :Yes,it is./No,it isnt. 1) 自读并试着理解对话. 2) 小组讨论对话意思. 3)组内练习对话并背诵. 3、利用3和1a中出现的物品,两人一组,练习新的对话. 4、对抗组竞赛,展示对话.学习任务三: 听听力,完成Section B 1a ,2a,2b 1、听录音,圈出1a中你所听到的物品 2、听录音,在表中填出你所听到的物品. 3、再次听录音,完成下列对话(KelseyK TeacherT) K:Im looking for my_. T:OK. Is this your _? K::No, it _.Thats my_. T: _ you are. K::And thats my _ _ T: OK.Whats your _? K:Kelsey 2) (MikeM TeacherT) M: Thats my _. T: This? M: Yesand thats my _. T: All right.Whats your _? M: Mike. T: OK.Heres your _. M: Thank you. 二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. ) 这节课我们学习了几个句型?你能自己做个对话吗? 三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.) 总结一下我们学了哪些物品名词?你能写出来吗? _ 四、诊断评价 1、 翻译下列短语 1)用英语 _ 2)卷笔刀_ 3)电子游戏_ 4)一张身份证_5)你的橡皮_ 2、 根据句意及首字母补全单词。 1)Is that her e_? 2)How do you s_ pen? 3)Whats this in E_? 4)Is that a pencil c_? 5)That is my c_ game. 3、选择 1. Is that your book? _. A.That isnt. B. It isnt. C.Yes, that is. D. No, it isnt. 2. This is _ eraser. A. a B. an C. the 3._ do you spell eraser? E-R-A-S-E-R. A. What B. Whats C. How D. Who 4.Whats this _ English? Its a hat. A. on B. to C. in D. at 五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)第4课时 Unit 2 Is this your pencil? (总第10课时)Section B 3a4 【学习目标】:1、熟练掌握本课10个单词. 2、能读懂并写会写寻物启示和失物招领。 【学习重点】:学 写寻物启示和失物招领。 一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)学习任务一: 熟练掌握本课10个单词.1、个人自渎,记忆本课单词2、小组互相检查单词读写情况3、根据汉语写出下列英语单词并展示学习任务二: 能读懂并写会写寻物启示和失物招领。1、 让学生阅读3a 广告牌上的圈出1a 中出现的词语。 2、 自读3a了解大意。跟读听力纠正发音。 小组讨论互相解疑。 3、 教师讲解。并引导学生归纳如何写寻物启示和失物招领。4、 完成3b 。 并写出自己的寻物启示和失物招领。 二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )小组讨论书写寻物启示和失物招领的要点(如名字)。三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.) 寻物启示: 物品一串钥匙, 失主Steven 电话793-4567 失物招领: 物品电子游戏, 找John 领取 电话698-1456四、诊断评价:(一)翻译下列短语 ()失物招领()学生证_()电子游戏()一串钥匙_(二)根据句意及汉意写出下列单词 ()“Is this your ID card ?” “Yes, _.” ()“Is that her ring”“No , It _.” ()How _you spell watch? ()Whats your phone number ? _890-5827. (5 ) Is it in the lost and _case . ( 6 ) I lost a set of _ (钥匙) (7 )_(打电话) Alan at 285-6548. (三)选择 1. This _a book . That _a ruler A. am, is B. is, is C. is, am D. are, are 2. Is this _pencil? Yes, _ A. your, it is B. you, it, is C. your, its D. you, its 3. _that your backpack? No, _. Its his backpack . A. is, it isnt B. Is, it isnt C. Are, it is D. are, it is 4.Whats this _English? Its _eraser . A. in, a B. with, an C. in, an D. With, a 5.Whats this in English? Its _ A. a key B. key C. watch D. clock 6. Call Alan _994-5863. A in B. with C. on D. at 7Is this _ruler? Yes, its her ruler. A. my B. her C. his D. your (四) 翻译下列句子。 1、这是你的笔记本吗? 是, 它是。 _2、那是你的学生证吗? 不, 不是。 是她的。 _3、失物招领箱里的那个电脑游戏是你的吗? _4、请拨打456-1234 找小明。_ (五) 下列各句中各有一错误找出来划上横线并在后面改正。 1. I eraser is white . 2. This is a English book . 3.It is his dictionary? Yes, it is. 4.Is it his watch? Yes, its .5.Is that you book?No, it isnt. 五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves) 第5课时 Unit 2 Self-check (总第11课时) 【学习目标】:1、复习掌握本单元的40个单词和6个短语 2、熟练运用句型Is this/that-?来确认物主关系 3、会写失物招领和寻物启示【学习重点】: 会写失物招领和寻物启示【学习过程】: 一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.) 学习任务一: 读、记本单元的40个单词和6个短语自测: 橡皮_直尺_ _双肩背包_字典_ 这;这个_那;那个_拼写_手表_棒球_钥匙_学校_笔记本短语: 打扰了_电子游戏_一套钥匙_失物招领 谢谢 给某人打电话_学习任务二: 根据所学内容进行交际 1.自我总结本单元的重点句型 2.两人一组练习下面的对话 A: Excuse me. Whats this in English? B: Its an eraser. A: How do you spell it ? B: E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser. A: Is this your eraser ? B:Yes, it is. Its my eraser. A: Thank you. 3.替换练习,进行交际练习 4.组内交流并展示,对抗成员竞争展示学习任务三:练习写寻物启示和失物招领 二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. ) 小组讨论句型Is this/that-?是否能用Yes, its.来回答? 三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)1.本单元你学会了哪些有关物品的名词2.总结一下询问物品主人的句型四、诊断评价(教师寄语:Nopains, no gains.)1.根据汉语意思及首字母写出下列单词(1)Whats this in E_?(2)Is that her e_?(3)This is his w_.(4)How do you s_ pen?(5)Is this your c_ game?(6)I lost a s _of keys.(7)Whats this? Its a pencil s_.(8)Is it in the lost and f_ case?2.翻译句子这是你的铅笔盒吗? 那是一本课本。 这是什么?是棒球。 那用英语怎么说? 你怎样拼写“铅笔”? 3.用方框中所给的词或词组填空。A: Whats this _?B: Its a _.A: How do you _?B: R-U-L-E-R.A: Is it _?B: No, _.4.写作假如丢了一串钥匙,请你为他写一份启示,联系方式:576-9982 _ 五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)通过本节课的学习,我最大的收获是 感到自己有待加强的是 Unit 2复习检测题一、翻译下列短语(10分) an ID card_ in English_ call sb. at_ excuse me_ his notebook_ 一块橡皮_ 我的笔记本_ 电子游戏_ 一套钥匙_ 失物招领_ 二、选择(10分) 1. Is this your backpack ? _. A.Yes, its B.Yes, it is. C. No, it not. D.No, its not. 2. How do you spell pen ?_. A.This is a pen . B.Its a pen C. P-E-N D. Yes, P-E-N 3. Please call me _9354256. A. in B. of C. at D. for 4. This is _eraser and thats _ring . A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D. an, a 5.Whats this _Chinese ? Its 谢谢. A. in B. at C. for D. of 6. Sorry, this is not _ruler. A. my a B. a my C. an D. my 7.Whats this in English ? _ A.Yes, its a map. B. No, it isnt an egg. C. Its an orange. D. Its English car. 8. _. Is this your ruler ? A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. Im sorry D. Hello 9. Your watch is very nice. _. A. No,it isnt . B.Yes. C. Thank you . D. Sorry 10._Gina, this is _book. A. Im; my B. Im; an C. Shes; his D. Hes; her 三、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词(5分) 1. This is an e_in the pencil case. 2.What is this in E_ ? Its a pen . 3. Is that your c_game in the lost and found case? 4. This is a w_. 5. I lost my s_ ID card.四、根据汉语完成句子 (5分) 1.这是一个钟表。 This is _ _ 2.失物招领箱里的那个电子游戏是你的吗? Is that your _ _in the lost and found case? 3.这不是书,是字典。 This isnt a book. Its _ _. 4.你怎样拼写铅笔? _do you _pen ? 5.请拨打532-9764 找Alan. Please _532-9764 _Alan.五、补全对话(10分) A: _,zhang Ming . B: Hello, Li Ying . How are you ? A: Fine , thank you . And you? B: Im fine, too. Excuse me, _ this a car(小汽车) ? A: Yes , it is . B: Is it _ Chinese car? A: No,_ _. _ a Japanese (日本的)car. B: And whats that? A: _a jeep(吉普车). B: _ do you _ it? A: J-E-E-P. B:_you.1_2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._六、阅读理解(5分)My name is Ken Jordan. My first name is Ken. My family name is Jordan. My phone number is 303-6574. This is my basketball. Whats that? Its a notebook. It isnt my notebook.Its her notebook.1. My last name is _. A. Ken B. Jordan C. Ken Jordan2. My _ is 303-6574. A. telephone number B. name C. family3. It is _ basketball. A. your B.my C.her4. Whats that ? Its a _. A. basketball B. book C. notebook5. It isnt _notebook. A. her B. my C.his七、作文(5分)假如Jim拾到了一串钥匙,请替Jim 写一份启事,电话:3539495 _ _ _ _ _ _


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