高三英语人教版一轮课时提能练:5 必修1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero Word版含解析

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高三英语人教版一轮课时提能练:5 必修1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero Word版含解析_第1页
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高三英语人教版一轮课时提能练:5 必修1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero Word版含解析_第3页
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课时提能练(五)Unit 5Nelson Mandela a modern hero课时作业A:基础层面.语境语法填空ALadies and gentlemen, its time for us 1.to vote (vote) to choose the star in our community. One candidate is called Amy. 2.Having devoted (devote) most of her time and effort to 3.educating (educate) deaf children, she 4.has been rewarded (reward) with many titles. The other candidate is Tommy, an antiterrorist expert. He has managed to prevent terrorists from 5.attacking (attack) public places like hospitals and schools several times. OK. Now lets begin.BHiller received his 6.education (educate) in Britain. In his 7.youth (young), his ambition was to help blacks gain 8.equality (equal), freedom and justice. At that time, deliberate 9.cruelty (cruel) to blacks was common. He himself witnessed much 10.violent (violence) behaviour to blacks. With his 11.guidance (guide), black people fought for their human rights in a 12.peaceful (peace) manner. He worked very hard and his 13.devotion (devote) to his career won him great honour.CWhen I was out 14.of work, I felt depressed because I had no one to turn 15.to for help. My husband encouraged me never to lose heart. One day Wu Dong dropped in. As 16.a matter of fact, he was my husbands best friend. He set 17.up a company a few years ago, making childrens clothes 18.of high quality. He asked me to work in his company, saying that I should be equal 19.to this job. How grateful I was to him! He was bound to get something 20.in reward for his kindness.语境短文改错根据P38课文内容,对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。Robben Island was a frightened place where Elias spent a hardest four years of his life. There Nelson Mandela begins a school for many prisoner and even the guards. Elias learned such hard that after he finished the four years in prison, he found a job in an office because of he was well educated. However, he lose the job soon because the police told his boss that he has been in prison for blowing up government buildings. Lucky for him, when Nelson Mandela came power, he gave him a job showing tourists around the old prison on Robben Island.答案Robben Island was a place where Elias spent hardest four years of his life. There Nelson Mandela a school for many and even the guards. Elias learned hard that after he finished the four years in prison, he found a job in an office because he was well educated. However, he the job soon because the police told his boss that he been in prison for blowing up government buildings. for him, when Nelson Mandela came power, he gave him a job showing tourists around the old prison on Robben Island.根据提示补全句子1这是一个没有收音机、没有电话,也没有电视的时期。(This was a time when)This was a time when there were no radios,no telephones or no TV sets.2只有在那时我才意识到与所有的朋友脱离关系,从不与他们联系是多么地傻。(only引起的倒装句)Only then did I realize that it was foolish of me to break away from all of my friends and never contact them.3我第一次在会议厅演讲时非常紧张。(the first time)I was very nervous the first time I gave a speech in the meeting hall.4当他的亲戚朋友向他求助时,他总是乐意帮助他们。(turn to; willing)When his relatives and friends turn to him for help, he is always willing to give them a hand.5这座古庙见证了过去二百年里这个村庄的巨大变迁。(see)The old temple has seen great changes of the village in the past two hundred years.课时作业B:能力层面.阅读理解A(2019陕西省部分学校摸底检测)Thomas Hardy, probably the most searching and knowledgeable novelist of his time, was born on June 2,1840, in Dorsetshire, England. He died on January 11,1928. In his youth, Hardy read much and dreamt of becoming a poet, but he studied and practiced architecture as an assistant to a London architect, winning a prize for design. The fine descriptions of structure in his novels were probably somewhat due to his architectural training.For five years Hardy worked hard to practice writing poetry, but when he was twentyseven, he turned to fiction. His first novel finished by 1867, but according to the advice of George Meredith he decided not to publish it. After he abandoned his first novel, his another novel Desperate Remedies, appeared in 1871. During the next twentyfive years he published ten more novels and two collections of short stories.Under the Greenwood Tree(1872) was never surpassed(超越) in happy and delicate perfection of art. This and his next novel, A Pair of Blue Eyes(1873), began to show deep irony(讽刺) which is so obvious throughout Hardys writings.Far from the Madding Crowd(1874) was his first popular success. It shows Hardys amazing power of describing nature as symbolic background for his characters, an organic part of the action of his story. This was the earliest of what he called his novels of character and environment, which included The Return of the Native, Tess of the dUrbervilles, his masterpiece, and Jude the Obscure. Not until he was fiftyeight years old was his first collection of poems published, and he was sixtyfour when the first part of his drama The Dynasts surprised the literary world.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作家Thomas Hardy和他的一些作品。1How did Thomas Hardy benefit from his architectural career?AHe could practice writing while working.BHe made a lot of money to support his writing.CHe found material for his novels and poems.DHe applied architectural knowledge in his novels.D细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“The fine descriptions of structure in his novels were probably somewhat due to his architectural training”可知,在他的小说中细腻的结构描述可能得益于他在建筑方面的学习训练,即他把建筑知识应用到了他的小说中。故选D项。2What is Thomas Hardys Under the Greenwood Tree considered to be?AOne of his masterworks.BHis first popular success.CHis best novel in perfection of art.DOne of his best collections of poems.C细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Under the Greenwood Tree(1872) was never surpassed(超越)in happy and delicate perfection of art”可知,绿树林下在艺术的恰当和熟练方面从未被超越。3Which of the following is one of his novels of character and environment?ADesperate RemediesBA Pair of Blue EyesCTess of the dUrbervillesDThe DynastsC细节理解题。根据第四段第三句“This was the earliest of what he called his novels of character and environment, which included The Return of the Native, Tess of the dUrbervilles, his masterpiece, and Jude the Obscure”可知,Tess of the dUrbervilles是性格和环境小说,故选C。4What type of writing is this text?AA novel.BA biography.CA book review.DA news report.B推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了作家Thomas Hardy和他的一些作品,属于人物传记,故选B。B(2019大连市一模)Rich as a KingWilliam, who conquered England some 950 years ago, had wealth, power and an army. Yet although William was very rich by the standard of his time, he had nothing like a flush toilet(抽水马桶), paper towels, or a riding lawn mower(割草机). How did he get by?History books are filled with wealthy people who were poor compared to me. I have storm windows, Croesus did not. Entire nations trembled before Alexander the Great, but he couldnt buy cat food. Czar Nicholas lacked an electric saw.Given how much better off I am than so many famous dead people, youd think Id be content. The trouble is that, like most people, I compare my wealth with that of living persons: neighbors, school classmates, famous TV people. The greed I feel toward my friend Howards new kitchen is not reduced by the fact that no kings ever had a refrigerator with glass doors.There is really no rising or falling standard of living. Over the centuries people simply find different things to feel sad about. Youd think that simply not having disease would put us in a good mood, but no, we want a hot bath too.Of course, one way to achieve happiness would be to realize that even by todays standards the things I own are pretty nice. My house is smaller than the houses of many investment bankers, but even so it has a lot more rooms than my wife and I can keep clean.Besides, to people looking back at our era from a century or two in the future, these bankers fancy counter tops and my own worn Formica will seem equally shabby. I cant keep up with my neighbors right now. But just wait.【语篇解读】本文主要通过同富有的古人对比启迪读者:生活没有必要攀比,要知足常乐。5What does the underlined phrase “get by” in the first paragraph mean?ASucceed as a king.BDeal with complaints.CLive in a satisfactory way.DGet some extra money.C词义猜测题。根据第三段第一句“Given how much better off I am than so many famous dead people, youd think Id be content”,并结合对第一段第二句的理解可推知,没有现代这些便利的生活设备,富有的威廉一世如何才能生活得称心如意呢?由此可推知,画线短语表示“以一种令人满意的方式生活”,故选C。6How many historical figures are mentioned to compare lives in the past and present?A3.B4.C5.D6.B细节理解题。根据对第一段和第二段的理解可知,古今生活对比中作者列举了四个历史人物,他们分别是:William , Croesus, Alexander the Great和Czar Nicholas。7According to the passage, the author intends to Atell us to be content with lifeBwarn us to live in a simple wayCteach us to learn lessons from lifeDencourage us to struggle for wealthA写作意图题。根据文章的标题Rich as a King,并结合对全文的整体理解可推知,作者通过古今生活对比,告诉我们要知足常乐。8Whats the authors attitude towards life?ADoubtful.BOptimistic.CUncaring.DCautious.B观点态度题。根据最后两段,尤其是最后一段最后两句“I cant keep up with my neighbors right now. But just wait”可推知,作者对生活持乐观的态度。.阅读七选五(2019沈阳市教学质量监测一)Whoever wrote the song “Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” must have never experienced the holiday blues. Fortunately, psychological research suggests some effective ways you can use to beat the holiday blues. The key point is that sadness and other tough emotions are not what we should try to avoid. 1 . Here are four strategies to help you make your own happiness recipe this holiday season.Dont force cheerAt family gatherings with cousins you secretly cant stand, you tend to put on a happy face. Indeed, that might even seem like the most mature responseno drama, no conflict. But a 2011 study followed dozens of bus drivers, looking to see when they gave forced or honest smiles at their passengers. The results showed when the drivers pretended to have a good mood, their actual moods got worse. 2 Let out sadnessThe results of the busdriver study can be explained by researchers, who find that negative feelings like sadness or anger only increase when we try to control them. 3 . We dont like contradictory behavior.Respond cautiouslyRecently, scientists have been paying special attention to the benefits of caution. When you respond cautiously to an emotional trigger, you pause rather than react at once. 4 . Besides, it is associated with less anxiety, and may even carry physiological benefits. 5 Of course, the holidays will bring a mix of highs and lows, but the most important lesson to keep in mind is that this variety of emotions might be the best thing possible for your overall wellbeing. In other words, sadness, anger, and other difficult emotions are nothing to fear. Just make sure youre balancing them with lighter experiences. And dont forget to give yourself a break.ARelax your mindBEnjoy a mix of emotionsCWe tend to deny the important function emotions serveDInstead, they can help contribute to a healthy and happy lifeESo trying to force happiness seems to have the opposite effectsFA cautious response to a negative event reduces sadness we experienceGWe feel bad when our appearance contradicts how we truly feel inside【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了缓解假期忧郁的四种策略。1D承接上文“The key point is that sadness and other tough emotions are not what we should try to avoid”可知,负面情绪不是我们应该试图避免的,且与下文中的“Here are four strategies to help you make your own happiness recipe this holiday season”衔接,并结合下文介绍的策略可推知,此处表示负面情绪反而有助于健康、快乐地生活,故选D。2E结合本段小标题Dont force cheer和对本段的整体理解可推知,强颜欢笑会适得其反,故选E。3G根据上文中的“negative feelings like sadness or anger only increase when we try to control them”和下文中的“We dont like contradictory behavior”可推知,此处表示当我们的外表和内心的情感不一致时我们会感觉不开心,故选G。4F根据本段小标题Respond cautiously以及空前一句中的“When you respond cautiously”和空后一句“Besides, it is associated with less anxiety, and may even carry physiological benefits”可推知,F项符合语境,其中的“cautious response”也是提示。5B根据空处所在位置可知,空处是段落小标题;根据对本段的整体理解可推知,本段主要讲的是享受混合情绪,故选B。.语法填空(2019惠州市第二次调研)One habit of those people who are smarter than everyone else is to stay up late. In movies, the creative genius always works late into the midnight hours by candlelightand perhaps this style 1. (root) in fact.A study 2. experts from the London School of Economics and Political Science found that people who tend to go to bed later have 3. (high) IQs. 4. study authors believe the root of why this is lies in our evolutionbecause nighttime was a more dangerous time, and our ancestors who were to stay up instead of going to sleep 5. (need) to be more intelligent. Also, 6. (stay) awake into the night was a new idea 7. was attractive to curious minds.Today,our varying living rhythms may still reflect this. “Perhaps some smart people stay up later because their internal clocks are 8. (simple) different,” Dr. Wai says. “Or, perhaps they stay up later because they tend to be alone, and like being up late at night without distractions to think and solve their 9. (problem)” But if you are a night owl, still remember 10. (get) your seven to nine hours of sleep.【语篇解读】研究表明,有熬夜习惯的人有更高的智商。1is rooted考查固定用法。根据语境可知,这种电影的情节可能来源于真实情况。be rooted in sth.“起源于某事物”是固定用法,且此处叙述的是一般情况,应用一般现在时,故填is rooted。2by考查介词。根据语境可知,此处是说一项由专家所作的研究,故填by。3higher考查形容词比较级。根据上下文及空前的“go to bed later”可知,这里是说睡觉更晚的人有更高的智商,故此处用high的比较级higher。4The考查冠词。这里特指上文提到的研究的作者们,故用定冠词The。5needed考查动词的时态。根据语境可知,此处叙述的是发生在过去的事情,应用一般过去时,故填needed。6staying考查动名词。分析句子结构可知,此处为动名词短语作主语。7that/which考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词a new idea,在从句中作主语,故填that/which。8simply考查副词。修饰形容词应用副词,故用simple的副词形式simply修饰其后的different。9problems考查名词的单复数。根据句意“也许他们熬夜是因为他们倾向于独处,喜欢深夜不分心来思考和解决问题”,且problem为可数名词可知,此处应用problem的复数形式,故填problems。10to get考查非谓语动词。remember to do sth.“记得去做某事”为固定用法,故填to get。.书面表达(2019洛阳市、许昌市第一次质检)假定你是李华,外国交换生Tony想参加你校的社团以学习中国文化。请你给他写封邮件,内容包括:1校社团情况介绍;2活动的时间、地点;3报名方法。注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【参考范文】Dear Tony,Im glad to learn that youre interested in our school clubs. Here are the brief introductions. There are four clubs with the themes of Chinese culture for lovers of kung fu,cooking,paintings and handwriting in our school. Each club provides regular training courses. The clubs can not only enrich your knowledge of Chinese traditional culture,but also make your school life colorful and interesting. The activities start at 3:00 pm. and last 1.5 hours every Friday in Teaching Building 1. If you are interested in any club above, just sign up on our school website before 18th,October. Welcome to join us.Yours,Li Hua


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