年Unit 4 Global WarmingPeriod 2 Learning about LanguageUsing Language 课时精练人教版选修6课标通用

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2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 4 Global Warming Period 2Learning about Language & Using Language 课时精练(人教版选修6,课标通用)时间:30分钟.短语填空1The school _ a new policy on the cell phone.2Various factors _ his downfall.3We can overcome any difficulties _ we are closely united.4Youd better get up early._,youll be late for school.5The company _ 20 years ago.6_ the class I would like to thank you all.7_, a powerful earthquake occurs less than once every two years.8My opinion is _ the same as yours.9I wont _ her rudeness any longer!10_ should you lend him any money .答案1.carried out2.contributed to3.as long as4If not5.came into existence6.On behalf of7.On average8.on the whole9.put up with10.Under no circumstances.完成句子1如果你那样做,影响就大了。(make a difference)If you do so it will _ _ _ _. 2这个班的学生平均年龄是15岁。(average) _ _ _ _ the students in this class is 15.3请接受我代表酒店向您道歉。(on behalf of) Please accept my apology _ _ _ _ _.4我们不得不忍受不便之处。(put up with) We had to _ _ _ _ _.5你决不可以离开你的岗位。(under no circumstances)_ _ _ _ _ _ your position .答案1.make a great difference2.The average age of3.on behalf of the hotel4.put up with the inconvenience5.Under no circumstances must you leave.单项填空1Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving license reached 200,000, a(n)_of 40,000 per year.Aaverage Bnumber Camount Dquantity答案A考查名词辨析。句意:去年毕业时就有驾照的学生数量已达到20万,平均每年4万。average“平均,平均数”;a number of“大量,许多”,修饰可数名词;an amount of“大量,许多”,修饰不可数名词;a quantity of“大量,许多”,修饰可数和不可数名词,根据句意选A项。2The space age has_a whole new body of scientific and technical words_.Abrought; into existence Bcome;into existenceC brought; in existence Dcalled;in existence答案A句意:太空时代使得一些全新的科技单词产生了。bring into existence使产生;come into existence为不及物动词短语,不能分开使用,C、D两项搭配不对。3It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine._, wed better take it to the garage immediately.AOtherwise BIf notCBut for that DIf so答案D考查省略结构。句意:听起来好像汽车引擎出故障了。如果这样的话,我们最好立即把它送到汽修厂。otherwise否则,要不然;if not如果不这样的话;but for that要不是因为那样;if so如果这样的话。根据句意可知D项符合句意。4Its great contribution_the development of a modern China will never be forgotten.(2013临汾检测)Aby Bto Cfor Dwith答案B考查介词。句意:我们永远不会忘记它对一个现代化中国的发展的巨大贡献。contribution to表示“对的贡献”,故选B项。5The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise,if_regularly,can improve our health.Abeing carried out Bcarrying outCcarried out Dto carry out答案C考查非谓语动词作状语。句意:试验表明,如果有规律地进行适量的锻炼,就能够改善身体健康状况。由句意可知exercise与carry out之间构成动宾关系,应用被动形式,排除B、D两项;A项表示动作正在进行,与语境不符。故选C项。6Due to the widespread_of this medical technology, more diseases can be discovered and treated at an early stage.(2013黄岗检测)Apresentation BapplicationCqualification Dappreciation答案B考查名词辨析。句意:由于这种医疗技术的广泛应用,更多的疾病能在早期被发现和治疗。presentation“显示;演出;颁发;介绍”;application“应用”;qualification“资格;资格证书”;appreciation“感激;欣赏”。根据句意选B项。7In fact,this is just a_gettogether,so there is no need to be so particular about your clothes.Acasual Bformal Cconcrete Ddesperate答案A考查形容词辨析。句意:事实上,这只是个很随意的聚会。因此,没有必要注重着装。casual随便的,漫不经心的。formal正式的,正规的;concrete具体的;desperate绝望的,拼命的。故A项符合句意。8It doesnt_to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good as that one.(2013黄岗检测)Amake a difference Bmake outCmake sense Dmake up答案C考查make短语。句意:买那件贵大衣没意义,因为这些便宜的大衣和那件贵的一样好。make a difference“关系重大,重要”;make out“理解;明白”;make sense“有意义,有道理”;make up“组成,化妆,编造”。故根据句意选C项。9I am_the government as well as to the general public for just treatment_peasantworkers who have made a great contribution to the improvement of city life. Aasking; on behalf ofBapplying; in the name of Cdemanding; in the name of Dappealing to; on behalf of 答案D考查动词及介词短语辨析。句意:我代表农民工呼吁大众和政府要公平地对待他们,他们对我们城市生活的提高已做出了巨大贡献。appeal to呼吁;on behalf of代表;in the name of以的名义。10Consistently the Chinese government_dialogues on the basis of equality to improve human rights development around the country.Ahad advocated BadvocatedCis advocating Dhas advocated答案D句意:中国政府一贯地提倡以平等为基础在全国就人权的发展进行对话。根据时间状语consistently( 一贯地,始终如一地)可知,此处应用现在完成时。.阅读理解ASeveral years ago, the mayor of Chicago, Illinois, visited Germany, a leader in green roof design. Mayor Richard Daley later decided to have vegetation planted on Chicago City Hall. Today, the tops of many other buildings also look like parks. In Canada, the Coast Plaza Hotel in Vancouver has a forest on its roof. New York City has an unusual demonstration farm for hydroponics. The farm is on a boat called the Science Barge. Rainwater and purified river water are used to grow lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. The farm shows the possibilities for designing rooftop systems.Green roofs are designed to save energy and capture rainwater. Rooftops covered with plants help keep buildings cool. They can extend the life of a roof. And they can reduce water running off into streets and storming water systems.Experts say green roofs usually do not get much above twentyseven degrees Celsius. So temperatures might not be a problem for growing. But rooftop gardeners have to be careful not to put too much weight on the roof. This is true whether plants are grown in soil or water.Earlier in 2008, researchers in Texas reported that green roofs can reduce a buildings air conditioning costs by about onefifth compared to blacktop roofs. But they also reported that not all green roofs perform equally well. They found that designs differ in their ability to keep buildings cool and to capture rainwater. The researchers put experimental roofs on top of metal insulated boxes, to recreate green roof conditions. The study compared products from six companies to help businesses understand how to improve their designs.Each rooftop had sixteen different kinds of plants native to Texas. The researchers say the presence of native plants likely helped all the green roofs capture water better compared to sedums. Sedums are plants that need little water and often are used on green roofs.The native plants could take in more water and release more of it to the atmosphere.【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了一种新的环保模式绿色屋顶。1The author gave Paragraph 1 to_.Atell us what is green roof designBtell us Germany is the country that leads or guides the green roof designCintroduce some famous hotels in the worldDlead to the topic of the passage答案D推理判断。根据全文内容可知,第一段通过举例引出“绿色屋顶”的话题,为进一步阐述该话题作准备。2The underlined word“storming”in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by_.Aattacking Bcontrolling Cattracting Dmanaging答案A词义猜测题。根据句子结构分析,and连接两个并列成分,前面的running off into stress可知这里的storming也用作动词,意为“侵袭”。3The advantages of green roofs are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT_.Achanging the local weatherBprolonging the roofs lifeCkeeping the house coolDreducing the houses air conditioning costs答案A细节理解题。根据第二段中的Rooftops covered with plants help keep buildings cool. They can extend the life of a roof可知 B、C两项正确;根据最后一段首句可知D项正确。A项文中未提及。4According to the passage,which conclusion is WRONG? ASometimes green roofs may break down the house.BNot all the green roofs can reduce the buildings air conditioning costs equally.CDifferent designs of green roofs have different effects on buildings.DSedums are a kind of plants of native to Texas. 答案D细节理解题。根据第三段中的rooftop gardeners have to be careful not to put too much weight on the roof可推出A项正确;根据最后一段中的But they also reported that not all green roofs perform equally well可知 B项正确;根据最后一段中的They found that designs differ in their ability to keep buildings cool and to capture rainwater可知C项正确;根据最后一段倒数第二、三句可知sedums不是Texas当地的植被。BMore than three billion people are at risk from indoor air pollution because of the heating or cooking fuels they use. Most live in Africa, India and China. They use biomass fuels like wood, crop waste, animal waste or coal. These solid fuels may be the least costly fuels available. But they are also a major cause of health problems and death.The Aprovecho Research Center has been designing cooking stoves for the developing world. People having less money use wood or biomass for cooking; the richer people use oil and gas. Its been estimated that wood is running out more quickly than oil and gas. The group has made stoves using mud, bricks, sheet metal, clay, ceramics and old oil drums. Most of the stoves look like large, deep cooking pots. They have an opening at the bottom for the fire and a place on top to put a pot.In the late nineteen seventies, Aprovecho produced a popular stove called the Lorena. The Lorena was very good at reducing smoke and warming homes. But new tests years later found that it was not very efficient. The Lorena used twice as much wood as an open fire, and took much longer to heat food. Since then, they have experimented with countless other designs.Their goal is to make a very inexpensive stovelets say five dollarsthat makes very, very little smoke, so its safe for health and global warming and deforestation(采伐森林). Aprovecho has now partnered with a stove manufacturer in China. The company is making Aprovechos first mass produced stoves. They are said to use forty to fifty percent less wood than an open fire, and produce fifty to seventyfive percent less smoke. A company called StoveTec is selling them through its Web site for less than ten dollars. Dean still says that more than one hundred thousand have been sold so far.【语篇解读】 本文介绍了Aprovecho研究中心卓有成效的设计一种价格优廉、效率高、低碳、清洁的炉子。5The underlined word“biomass”in Paragraph 2 refers to_.Aoil and gas BwoodCcoal Dcrop waste or animal waste答案D词义猜测题。根据the richer people use oil and gas可以排除A选项。第一段中介绍发展中国家的人们使用wood,crop waste, animal waste or coal,而biomass所在的句子为People having less money use wood or biomass for cooking,故可排除B选项,煤炭也是需要花钱的,因此最便宜的燃料除了木头就是crop waste, animal waste。6The following sentence is taken from the passage, it should be placed at the end of_.The World Health Organization estimates that over 1,500,000 people a year die from breathing smoke from solid fuels.AParagraph l BParagraph 2CParagraph 3 DParagraph 4答案A推理判断题。由第一段最后一句But they are also a major cause of health problems and death可知这些燃料会产生很多健康问题甚至造成死亡,而题干中的句子是以具体举例来说明这些燃料的危害的,所以选A项。7Which of the following about the Lorena mentioned in Paragraph 4 is WRONG?AIt was a popular stove which began to be produced in 1970.BIt was able to be used with less smoke.CIt was good at heating houses.DIt needed more fuels than an open fire.答案A细节理解题。根据第四段中的In the late 1970s, Aprovecho produced a popular stove called the Lorena可知,A项表述错误。也可以运用排除法得出答案。8Stoves designed by the Aprovecho Research Center should be_.luxuriouscostlyefficientlowcarboncleanerA B C D答案B推理判断题。根据文章第五段内容可知,该研究中心设计的炉子应该具有价格优廉、效率高、低碳、清洁的特点。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。A close friend of mine lives with six hundreds wild animals on an island.Ever since he left school,he traveled all over the world,collect animals for his own zoo.He writes books about his travels and about the wild and wonderful animals what he collects.The money from the books helps to pay for the food that these animals eat.My friend told to me that when he was out looking for water last week,he found oil.He need money for his travel and for his zoo and a few oil would buy enough water for a life time,however he knows that if he tells somebody else about it,it would be the end of his zoo and his lifes work.So she will not tell anybody about what he foundbecause oil and water do not mix.答案A close friend of mine lives with six wild animals on an island.Ever since he left school,he traveled all over the world, animals for his own zoo.He writes books about his travels and about the wild and wonderful animals he collects.The money from the books helps to pay for the food that these animals eat.My friend told to me that when he was out looking for water last week,he found oil.He money for his travel and for his zoo and a oil would buy enough water for a life time, he knows that if he tells else about it,it would be the end of his zoo and his lifes work.So will not tell anybody about what he foundbecause oil and water do not mix.


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