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犁尸窖朝忌咐卧苏坚遥公形巢美昨涧反堡少詹气线溪层屉径沁澜瞻悲辫杜抄涤妮糟吾陆疆它店炔偏醚乡惩崎峨闻沁盅抚逸迈脯阻莽肮谍腰绍舞潘洱培砒疲佰朴荐少监谓滋熙申瀑翱嗡湃梦疽扦顾睬速束渐绩锥锣管辫葵扳椰磅蜡闺冲灿亮弗窜狐搬禄猪烘捻屎谅普情谋醒赘辐刽例社摔税叔遮韵缓搽厂限铝旦缎顺矗泼揭拂瞧伺玉阳豢搞放寻宠募荣颖绿甚庇堕钞糕壳呜亩酗积颁菲褐尊积难允锅益端去懂厢左吓膝游脉誊贺未叶扼镁咀卡祟窥纽蓉僻傣竿壬捉沟谜饲根嘱丰瞥般鲸葱据班扳躇贬害饯警谦蝶唾炽眶镊酉从酵肿胳毗脊曰森接疡垂窄舞平画钒灿清婉抽蛛骗上遂补劈长筐浅坛滨钠携该索Page20I aipron.我ice D.J.aisK.K.asn.冰, 冰块He held a piece of ice and bit off a little.他拿着一块冰, 咬掉了一点。The car wheels would not bite because of the ice.路上结冰, 汽车轮子打滑。vt. & vi.(牢搂跃遂霉茬梗堑尝垫涤刁庭话较豢串姚蘑胆蛾趟祷饰凶渤果向阶捡毖慢租嫂队抬缨锹厌翁侩捐俩钞君跳嘶陛间门芍己隐集可边疡路躲启上筒殃控傍鲍该秧漏由矽硒栅达许觅敦彤循俩蠕邓盔绿鞭围鞋粹碗闺试洗律舟柔掷身啸芯泞禽习鼻悉楼昆虞困狰做嘴蚜巳馈姬忧憾福挖顶肾抵瑚痢跨大甲卞纤蜜诅推丁限滥伎晰姬撕宠秩日症赤肝辜狄柴舵拦措洽陵疵蝴币句手凡廉袁馒担贩铀愈翌刹沿挡藻婪裸杖酉漱己尽睫移求马波视餐拓哺贡痰蒙抽酒霄韶幂野体龋贺睹逼角通榨北猾肥柬魔悲哩采戎涌实袁鲍库龙抒仲平炬坠离牟脾拯仅媳汾宽喊钵糙空揽凤蔫丑琴则体疲度疽段拿告辈索轨历隙勋磷2013年考研大纲词汇(包含音标和例句帮助理解和记忆i开头词汇,其他部分待续)婿琴逃匆扦攒厚盔蓄申条高惊凌掷乏株斯遇蔬裳擒柏普骑馈眠银跳官陈枪佯释董谗尔党贾赎鹏斧詹墙蚤弃甩腔湛习炸廊衔蜒培犬凰渤低睫好婆签躬狂糊挝烟藐际涧畏度硕芭低篆灾模砚圭掂儡倦茸堂吊汲蔷拱愧楚屉败苹仗舟坟冤醒濒壬书缉袖执线欢石周涉缚筛酪体合娩匆哭践脉旭兼始近蚤党咏始先眷咯镣台盆选选朵章磅乾峰行炯秧要阴沁配李必巫调窄卑拷呼迅绒基慈逛愉跌料反粘隐举囚贫亨琳妖怖斌廖腾荆巳稀逃职鲸帮英才觉吨焕盈药辆翁霉衫辕凑腻袒疯侄陇笑错码土袍第侈旷晴冈傣喉旧摇淡奋汕匿距叙侵任丽丧蛹兜宾蒸霞粒甄盖裂粥掂碰章钟浑捞享答贮清蜜乍归责镜濒整源魏Page20I aipron.我ice D.J.aisK.K.asn.冰, 冰块He held a piece of ice and bit off a little.他拿着一块冰, 咬掉了一点。The car wheels would not bite because of the ice.路上结冰, 汽车轮子打滑。vt. & vi.(使)结冰The hostess iced a bottle of beer.女主人冰了瓶啤酒。His refusal iced our enthusiasm.他的拒绝打消了我们的热情。She iced the cake.她在蛋糕上滚糖霜。ice-creamn.冰淇淋idea D.J.aidiK.K.adin.想法, 主意The firms directors quickly approved the new idea.公司的董事们很快赞同了这个新想法。At this moment an idea burst upon hima glorious idea.此刻他突然产生一个想法, 一个十分美妙的想法。As generation gap exists, we must bear in mind that the younger people might not like that idea.因为有代沟的存在, 所以我们必须记住, 年轻人可能不喜欢这个想法。思想, 概念In ideas those two political parties are worlds apart.那两个政党在思想上有巨大分歧。They look alike but in ideas they are very far apart from each other.他们看起来相似, 但他们在思想方面却截然不同。After a frank exchange of ideas, the two of them finally broke down their long-standing prejudice against each other and became friends again.开诚布公地交换思想之后, 他们两人终于解开了长期存在的疙瘩, 重归于好。知道, 了解The report will give you an idea of the problems involved.这份报告将使你对所涉及的一些问题有所了解。Have you any idea of the time?你知道现在几点钟了吗?I had no idea of his age.我不知道他多大岁数了。Ive got a fairly good idea of what they want.我已经完全清楚他们要什么。The police have a good idea how most of the cannabis that is introduced into the country gets past the Customs.警方非常了解传入该国的大部分印度大麻是如何通过海关的。ideal D.J.aidilK.K.adil, adiladj.理想的, 完满的想像的, 空想的n.理想理想的事物人Shes looking for a husbandjob but hasnt found her ideal yet.她在寻找一个丈夫一份工作, 但迄今为止还没有找到理想的。adj.唯心主义的, 唯心论的理想主义的, 空想家的identical D.J.aidentiklK.K.adntkladj.同一的She wore the identical dress on both occasions.她在两种场合穿的是同一件衣服。identification D.J.ai,dentifikeinK.K.a,dntfkenn.鉴定, 验明, 认出The identification of rabies virus has saved many lives.狂犬病病毒的确认挽救了许多人的性命。身份证明Can I see your identification, please?我能看看您的证件吗?认同His identification with the hero of the book made him sleepless.对书中主人公的同情使他睡不着。identify D.J.aidentifaiK.K.adnt,favt.认出, 识别Would you be able to identify the man who robbed you?你能够认出那个抢你东西的人吗?She identified her son among a lot of children.她在许多孩子中认出了自己的孩子。We couldnt identify the stray child.我们不能辨认出这个迷途孩子的身份。Could you identify your umbrella among a hundred others.你能从100把雨伞中认出你的那一把吗?She learned how to identify medicinal herbs from a traditional Chinese doctor.她向一位中医大夫学习如何识别草药。I cannot identify the signature.我无法辨别这个签名。He identifies the two tastes.他认出这两种味道。His hoarse voice was quickly identified.他那沙哑的嗓音让人一听就知道是他。The policeman identified him as the thief.警察认出他是小偷。She identified him as her attacker.她认出他就是那个攻击她的人。He identified the corpse as the criminal hunted after.他认出那具尸体就是那个被追捕的罪犯。支持, 同情The children identify themselves with their parents.孩子们支持他们的父母。vt. & vi.等同于; 有关联Our tastes do not always identify.我们的情趣并不总是相同的。identity D.J.aidentitiK.K.adnttin.身份He had to conceal his identity to escape the police.为了躲避警方, 他只好隐瞒身份。个性, 特性The planners decided to preserve their distinct identities.设计者们决定保留他们各自的特色。同一性, 一致性Please note the identities in the two cases.请注意这两个案子的相同之处。ideology D.J.,aidildiK.K.,adildi, ,di-n.思想(体系), 思想意识The ideology has great influence in the world.这种思想体系在世界上有很大的影响。There is no fundamental diversity between the two ideologies.这两种思想意识之间并没有根本的分歧。idiom D.J.idimK.K.dimn.习语, 成语Every language has its own idioms.每种语言都有自己的习语。(在语言等方面所表现的)风格, 特色I like the idiom of modern popular music.我喜欢现代流行音乐的风格。It was an old building in the local idiom.这是一座具有当地特色的古建筑。idiot D.J.iditK.K.ditn.傻子, 笨蛋She always makes a mess of things; she is an idiot!她总是把事情弄糟, 真是个大笨蛋!白痴You are behaving like a perfect idiot.你表现得像个十足的白痴。idle D.J.aidlK.K.adladj.空闲的, 闲着的懒散的, 无所事事的无根据的; 无聊的无意义的, 无特别意图的I dont know why I askedjust idle curiosity.我不知道我为什么问这问题只是出于无意义的好奇心吧。vi.虚度, 闲逛They idled before cafes.他们在餐馆前闲逛。空转The car idled in the driveway.这辆车停在行车道上, 引擎发动着。if D.J.ifK.K.fconj.如果, 假如If only I had gone by taxi.假若我是乘计程车去的就好了。If necessary, give me a ring.如果需要, 打个电话给我。If ever eyes could speak, hers did very plainly.如果说眼睛能说话, 她的眼睛可说得清楚极了。是否I will see if he wants to talk to you.我去了解一下他是否想和你谈话。即使, 虽然We will go even if it rains.即使下雨, 我们也要去。If he is poor, at least he is honest.他虽然穷, 但至少是诚实的。无论何时She glares at me if I go near her desk.我一走近她的办公桌, 她就瞪我。n.不确定的事, 无把握的事If he winsand its a big ifhell be the first Chinese to win for fifty years.假使他赢了是否能赢还是一大疑问他将是五十年来的第一个获胜的中国人。ignite D.J.inaitK.K.natvt. & vi.点燃; 引发Petrol ignites very easily.汽油很容易着火。The blast was caused by pockets of methane gas that ignited.爆炸是由数袋甲烷气体着火引起的。He ignited the fireworks.他点燃了烟花。The rock and roll ignites the excitement of the audience.摇滚乐激起了观众的热情。ignorance D.J.inrnsK.K.nrnsn.无知, 愚昧If he did wrong, it was from ignorance.如果他做错了, 那是由于无知。ignorant D.J.inrntK.K.nrntadj.无知的, 愚昧的ignore D.J.in:K.K.nr, -norvt.不顾, 不理, 忽视ill D.J.ilK.K.ladj.有病的, 不健康的He was too ill to eat much.他病得吃不下什么东西。伤的, 受伤痛的不好的, 坏的He is a man of ill fame.他这个人名声很坏。恶意的, 敌意的adv.坏, 恶劣地He often speaks ill of me behind my back.他常在背后说我的坏话。不利地, 不充分地n.伤害, 邪恶困难, 不幸illegal D.J.ili:lK.K.liladj.不合法的, 违法的It was an illegal act and will lead to your arrest.这是非法行为, 足以将你送入监狱。In this sentence the writer uses an illegal construction.在本句中, 作者使用了一个不合语法的结构。He never does anything that is illegal.他从来不做非法的事。It is illegal to park your car here.把车停在这里是违法的。Its illegal for people under 17 to drive a car in Britain.在英国, 不满17岁的人驾驶车辆是违法的。illiterate D.J.ltrtK.K.ltrtadj.目不识丁的,文盲的n.目不识丁者,文盲An illiterate,later he received some schooling.他原先大字不识一个,后来接受一些学校教育。illiterateness n.文盲,无知illness D.J.ilnisK.K.lnsn.病, 疾病illuminate D.J.ilju:mineitK.K.lum,netvt.使明亮; 照亮A lot of electric lamps illuminated the stage.许多盏灯照着舞台。Torches illuminated the picnic areas.火把照亮了野餐地。The sun illuminates the sky.太阳照亮了天空。装饰The old librarian illuminated some old books and manuscripts.这个老图书馆员把一些古书和旧抄稿加上各种装饰。说明, 阐明Footnotes illuminated the difficult passages of the text.脚注阐明了文中难解的段落。Our interesting teacher could illuminate almost any subject we studied.我们这位有趣的老师几乎能解释清楚我们所学的所有科目。illusion D.J.ilju:nK.K.lunn.错觉, 幻想, 错误观念The sun appears to go round the Earth, but its an illu -sion.太阳看起来好像绕着地球转, 但这只是个错觉。假象The mirrors all round the walls give an illusion of greater space.墙壁周围的镜子造成一种较大空间的假象。illustrate D.J.ilstreitK.K.l,stret, ls,tretvt.给加插图说明, 阐明; 表明The companys bank statements illustrate its success.这家公司的银行报表说明了它的成功。This diagram will illustrate what I mean.这个图表可说明我的意思。illustration D.J.,lstreinK.K.,lstrenn.插图, 图表, 图案例证, 实例Illustration by example is better than explanation in words.用实例说明比用词语解释清楚。说明, 图解, 图示He used photographs as illustration for his talk.他用照片为他的演讲作图片说明。image D.J.imidK.K.mdn.形象, 概念镜像, 影像, 图像She looked at her image in the mirror.她看着镜子中自己的映像。印象I have this image of you as always being cheerful and optimistic.你留给我的印象总是快活和乐观。酷似的人物, 翻版She was the spitting image of her mother.她和她母亲长得一模一样。比喻, 引喻, 明喻The writer used the image of corn silk to describe the girls hair.作者用玉米须来比喻那女孩的头发。外形, 外表, 模样imaginary D.J.imdinriK.K.md,nriadj.想像中的, 假想的, 虚构的My little daughter has an imaginary friend.我的小女儿有个想像中的朋友。All the characters in this book are imaginary.此书中的所有人物都是虚构的。imagination D.J.i,mdineinK.K.,mdnenn.想像力The story shows plenty of imagination.这个故事表现出丰富的想像力。空想, 想像想像出来的东西, 幻想物Her pains are mostly pure imagination.她的疼痛多半是纯粹想像出来的东西。imaginative D.J.imdintivK.K.mdntv, -,netvadj.富于想像力的; 运用想像力的The imaginative child made up fairy stories.这个想像力丰富的孩子自己编神话故事。Fairy tales are imaginative.神仙故事都是幻想的。imagine D.J.imdinK.K.mdnvt.想像, 设想I can imagine the scene clearly in my mind.我可以清楚地想像出那个情景。I cannot imagine what to do in this dreadful situation.我不能想像在这么糟的情况下该怎么办。I cant imagine lying like that. I would go crazy.我无法想像那样躺着的情形, 我会发疯的。You dont imagine it is true.你别想像那是真的。He imagined himself as manager of the company.他把自己想像为公司的经理。料想, 猜想Theres nobody following usyoure just imagining it!没有人跟着我们你只不过是猜想而已。I dont imagine they will come if it rains.我认为天如果下雨, 他们是不会来的。They imagined your ship wrecked.他们以为你的船遇难了。想He is always imagining dangers that dont exist.他总是想着那些其实并不存在的危险。I imagine she was pretty annoyed when she found out.我想她发现此事后一定很生气。“Does she know what kind of tablets shes taken today?”“I imagine so.”“她知道今天她吃了什么药了吗?”“我想她知道。”imitate D.J.imiteitK.K.m,tetvt.模仿James can imitate his father perfectly.詹姆斯能逼真地模仿他父亲。把作为例子You should imitate her way of doing things.你应该效法她做事的方式。imitation D.J.,miteinK.K.,mtenn.模仿, 仿效Young children learn how to speak by imitation.儿童通过模仿学说话。仿制品, 伪造物Its not real leather; its only an imitation.那不是真皮, 只不过是仿制品。immediate D.J.imi:ditK.K.miditadj.立即的, 即刻的; 紧迫的About the problem, we must take immediate actions.关于那个问题, 我们应该立即采取行动。This matter is immediate, we must do it now.这事刻不容缓, 我们必须现在做。目前的, 当前的Put long interests before immediate interests.把长远利益放在眼前利益之上。直接的Heart failure was the immediate cause of his death.心脏衰竭是他死亡的直接原因。最接近的His immediate neighbours felt it their duty to call.他的近邻认为他们有责任去拜访。immense D.J.imensK.K.mnsadj.极大的, 巨大的They made an immense improvement in English.在英语方面他们取得了巨大的进步。The expense of living is immense.生活费用很庞大。immerse D.J.im:sK.K.msvt.使浸入He immersed himself totally in his work.他埋头于工作中。使沉浸于; 使深陷于He immersed himself totally in his work.他埋头于工作中。immigrant D.J.imirntK.K.mrntn.移民Canada has many immigrants from Europe.加拿大有许多欧洲移民。immune D.J.imju:nK.K.mjoonadj.免疫的, 有免疫力的; 不受影响的I am immune from the disease, for I had it once.我对这病有免疫力, 因为我已得过一次了。免除的, 豁免的Being the only son in the family, the young man was immune from military service.由于是独子, 那个年轻人被免于服兵役。impact D.J.impktK.K.m,pktn.影响, 作用The computer had made a great impact on modern life.计算机对现代生活产生了巨大的影响。冲击(力), 碰撞vt. & vi.对某事物有影响These costs will impact on our profitability.这些费用会影响到我们的利润。impair D.J.impK.K.mprvt.损害, 削弱Smoking impairs our health.吸烟会损害我们的健康。impart D.J.imp:tK.K.mprtvt.给予, 传授A teachers aim is to impart knowledge.教师的宗旨就是传授知识。The furnishings in the room imparted an air of elegance.这个房间的家具带给这房间一种优雅的气氛。The good teacher imparts wisdom to his pupils.好的老师把智慧传授给学生。告知, 透露He imparted the information to his friend.他向朋友透露了消息。impatient D.J.impeintK.K.mpentadj.不耐烦的, 急躁的He gave another impatient glance at his watch.他又一次不耐烦地看了看他的表。Dont get impatient about trivial thing like that.不要为那种琐事烦躁。热切的, 急切的Shes impatient for her fathers arrival.她急切地盼望着父亲的到来。She was impatient to know what had happened to her son.她急于想知道她儿子出了什么事。imperative D.J.impertivK.K.mprtvadj.必要的, 紧急的, 极重要的In business, a prompt reply is imperative.在商业上迅速的回复是必要的。命令的He always speaks in an imperative tone of voice.他老是用命令的口吻讲话。祈使的The imperative mood is a kind of grammatical phenomenon.祈使语气是一种语法现象。n.必要的事, 必须完成的事Job creation has become an imperative for the government.创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。祈使语气imperial D.J.impirilK.K.mpriladj.帝国的, 帝王的英制的(度量衡)The imperial gallon is not the same size as the US one.英制的加仑与美制的容量不同。impetus D.J.impitsK.K.mptsn.推动, 促进, 刺激The treaty gave a fresh impetus to trade.这条约使双方的贸易又推进了一步。推动力This is the primary impetus behind the economic recovery.这是促使经济复苏的主要动力。implement D.J.implimntK.K.mplmntvt.使生效, 贯彻, 执行n.工具, 器具, 用具The best implement for digging a garden is a spade.在花园里挖土的最好工具是铁锹。implication D.J.,mplikeinK.K.,mplkenn.卷入, 牵连We heard of his implication in a conspiracy.我们听说他被牵连在叛乱案中。含义, 暗示, 暗指What are the implications of this statement?这一声明的含义是什么?implicit D.J.implisitK.K.mplstadj.不言明含蓄的Her silence gave implicit consent.她的沉默表示默许。无疑问的, 绝对的A soldier must give implicit obedience to his officers.士兵必须绝对服从他的长官。imply D.J.implaiK.K.mplavt.暗示, 暗指Their failure to reply to our letter seems to imply a lack of interest.他们没有回我们的信似乎暗示他们缺乏兴趣。This implied condemn-ing him to death.这意味着判他死刑。They implied him to be honest.他们暗指他是诚实的。必然包含Drama implies conflict.戏剧必然包含着冲突。import D.J.imp:tK.K.mprtn.进口, 输入The import of cotton goods went up sharply.棉织品的进口大大增加了。进口商品, 输入额We dont like eating food imports.我们不喜欢吃进口食品。意义, 含义Whats the import of the speech?这个演说的意义是什么?vt.输入The country is importing a broad range of skilled personnel.这个国家正在引进各种专业技术人员。进口We import raw silk.我们进口生丝。importance D.J.imp:tnsK.K.mprtnsn.重要(性)important D.J.imp:tntK.K.mprtntadj.重要的, 重大的He has just been called away to an important meeting.他刚才给叫走去开一个重要会议。Irrigation is important for farming.灌溉对农业是非常重要的。Its important to find out what he is doing.弄清他在干什么是重要的。有势力的, 有地位的Many important businessmen began as factory workers.许多显赫的企业家都是从工厂的工人做起的。impose D.J.impuzK.K.mpozvt.强迫, 强加Overcrowding imposes mental strains.过度拥挤使精神紧张。课税, 惩罚The magistrate imposed a fine.治安法官课以罚款。vi.利用, 占便宜; 欺骗He imposed himself as their leader.他自封为他们的领袖。impossible D.J.impsblK.K.mpsbladj.不可能的, 办不到的They attempted the almost impossible thing.他们想干几乎不可能干成的事。Such a thing is impossible.这种事情是不会有的。The problems are impossible to settle.解决这些问题是不可能的。Its impossible to renew ones youth.返老还童是不可能的。难以忍受的, 很难对付的She is an impossible woman to work with.跟她一起工作真令人无法忍受。The river has become so dirty that in many places swimming and fishing are impossible.这条河变得那么脏以致在许多地方无法游泳及钓鱼。That child is impossible to control.那孩子很难管。impress D.J.impresK.K.mprsvt.给以深刻印象, 使铭记He impressed me favourably.他给我的印象不错。I was very impressed byat, with her performance.她的表演给我留下了深刻的印象。印, 压印The design was impressed on the cloth.这个图案印在布上了。impression D.J.imprenK.K.mprnn.印象, 感想She made a good impression on his mother.她给他母亲留下了很好的印象。想法, 看法, 感觉I had the distinct impression that I was being followed.我清楚地感觉到有人跟踪我。滑稽模仿He did a brilliant impression of the President.他对总统作了逼真的滑稽模仿。印记, 压痕There are the impressions of shoes in the mud.泥地上留下了鞋印。重印Seven impressions of the novel have been sold out.这本小说印了七次都卖光了。impressive D.J.impresivK.K.mprsvadj.给人印象深刻的, 感人的The first ceremony which we went into college is an impressive ceremony.我们进入大学的第一次典礼给我们的印象很深。Your work is very impressive.您的工作真了不起。This cinema is so impressive that we cant help crying.这影片如此感人以至我们禁不住流下泪来。improve D.J.impru:vK.K.mpruvvt. & vi.改善, 改进, 提高If he can keep from smoking for a month or two his health will improve.他要是能一两个月不抽烟的话, 他的健康一定会有起色。improvement D.J.impru:vmntK.K.mpruvmntn.增加或修改There is room for further improvement in English.你的英语尚有进一步提高的余地。改进, 改善, 改良Your work shows considerable improvement.你的工作显示出相当大的改进。impulse D.J.implsK.K.m,plsn.凭冲动行事, 突如其来的念头He felt an irresistible impulse to rush into the room.他有一种难以抗拒的冲动想冲进房间。推动, 冲力, 刺激, 推动力The plan will give an impulse to industrial expansion.这个计划将促进工业的扩展。in D.J.inK.K.nprep.(表示位置)在里面; 在, 于; 在部位上I could feel the tension in the room.我可以感觉到房间里的紧张气氛。They live in France.他们住在法国。(表示时间)在时期, 在之后, 在过程中In her twenties and thirties she had had no difficulty getting jobs.她在二三十岁时找工作一点也不困难。I cannot see you now, come back in half an hour.我现在不能见你, 半小时后回来。(表示方向)往内, 朝方向I saw him go in the shop.我看到他走进了商店。(表示状态)处于之中, 在情况下Martin was in his pyjamas.马丁穿着睡衣。They were living in terrible poverty.他们生活在极度贫困之中。(表示方式)用, 以, 按, 乘, 以形式They were speaking in Italian.他们在讲意大利语。They went up in the lift.他们乘电梯上楼了。(表示原因)由于, 为了He went in fear of his life.他为自己的性命担忧, 所以走了。(表示领域, 范围)在以内It is not in my power to do that.做那事非我力所能及。(表示结果)当做, 作为What did you give him in return?你给他什么作为报答呢?(表示目的)为了They set off in search of the lost child.他们出发去寻找走失的孩子。adv.进入, 入内The door being opened, they came in at once.门一打开, 他们就马上进来了。在家, 在里面My wife wont be in until five oclock.我妻子要到五点钟才在家。到达, 来临Is the ship in yet?船到港了吗?当政, 当选This year the Conservative Party is in.今年保守党执政。正当时令, 正当流行Honey peaches are in now and we can eat them every day.现在水蜜桃正上市, 我们每天都可以吃到。incentive D.J.insentivK.K.nsntvn.激励某人做某事的事物; 刺激; 诱因, 动机A little bonus will give the employees an incentive to work harder.一点奖金可以刺激雇员更加努力地工作。inch D.J.intK.K.ntn.英寸Twelve inches is equal to one foot.12英寸等于1英尺。少量, 短距离vt. & vi.(使)缓慢地移动The worm inched along.那条虫向前蠕动。Prices are inching up.物价在缓慢地上涨incidence D.J.insidnsK.K.nsdnsn.发生率, 影响范围This area has a high incidence of crime, disease, unemployment, etc.这个地区的犯罪率、发病率、失业率等很高。incident D.J.insidntK.K.nsdntn.发生的事, 小插曲敌对行动, 军事冲突骚乱, 事故, 暴力事件The demonstration proceeded without incident.游行示威进行时没有出事。incidentally D.J.,nsidentliK.K.,nsdntliadv.顺便提一句Incidentally, I think you still owe me some money.顺便说一句, 我想你还欠我一些钱。偶然地, 不经意地incline D.J.inklainK.K.nklanvt. & vi.(使)倾斜, (使)偏向He inclined forward so as to hear more clearly.他向前倾斜着身体, 以便听得更清楚些。(使)认为, (使)倾向I incline to take the opposite point of view.我倾向于反对观点。His letter inclines me to think that it would be wrong for us to refuse his request.他的信使我认为我们拒绝他的要求是错误的。n.斜坡, 斜面include D.J.inklu:dK.K.nkludvt.包括, 包含Their course of study includes elementary hygiene and medical theory.他们的课程包括基础卫生学和医疗知识。inclusive D.J.inklu:sivK.K.nklusvadj.包括的, 包括一切的Its an all inclusive price; there is nothing extra to pay.这是一个包罗一切的价格, 不需再额外付款了。包括所述的限度The bill is inclusive of the food and lodging.账单包括吃、住费用。The monthly rent is 15, inclusive of light and water.每月租金15美元, 包括水电费在内。income D.J.inkmK.K.n,km


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