【人教版】英语六年级上册:全册配套教案设计Unit 6 单元教案 3

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【人教版】英语六年级上册:全册配套教案设计Unit 6 单元教案 3_第1页
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【人教版】英语六年级上册:全册配套教案设计Unit 6 单元教案 3_第2页
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【人教版】英语六年级上册:全册配套教案设计Unit 6 单元教案 3_第3页
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精品资料Unit 6 How do you feel? Period 1 Lets learn Write and say 教师寄语:(Never say die! 永不气馁。)Learning aims(学习目标)1.能够听说读写单词:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy.2. 能认读句型:人+be+表示感受的形容词。 Important &difficult points(重难点)掌握四会单词并能用它们描述自己或他人的情绪。Learning steps(学习步骤)Step1预习温故. (用时5分钟)1. T: Im a teacher. What do you do? Ss: Im a student. T: What does he/ she do? Ss: He is a(n) fisherman/ T: Spell it. Ss: F-I-S-H-E-R-M-A-N/ 2. Do you know the facial expressions? (教师自画表情简笔画)Step2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)1. Learn: angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy T: Im happy. How do you feel? Ss: Im sad/ (多读多操练)2. T: Look at this picture. Who is she? How does she feel? Ss: She is Sarah. She is angry. (边做表情边读单词angry)。3.以同样的方法教学后面的单词afraid, sad, worried, happy.4. Listen to the tape and follow reading.5. 小组练习读单词、句子。Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)1. Ss: He/ She/ The cat/ is angry/ sad (教师事先准备图片)Eg: The dog is afraid.2. Finish write and say.3. 一个学生表演,其他学生说句子:He/ She is angry/ 表演的学生说:Yes, I am angry/ Step 4. 达标检测(用时8分钟)一 选出正确答案。( )1.高兴的 A. hobby B. happy C. head( )2.悲伤的 A. sad B. scientist C. ship( )3.生气的 A. ask B. angry C. afraid( )4.担心的 A. worker B. word C. worried( )5.害怕 A. attention B. amazing C. afraid 二 读一读,连一连。1. What are you going to do? A. 他们很高兴。2. Sarah and the cat are worried. B. 迈克喜欢制作机器人。3. They are happy. C. 你们要干什么?4. Mike likes making robots. D. 萨拉和猫很担心。三 用be的正确形式填空。 1. Sarah happy. 2. My father sad. 3. I worried. 4. Lily and Lucy angry. 5. They afraid.Step5.布置课后作业(用时2分钟)1.抄写并背诵单词 2. 用be的三种形式写一句话描述自己和他人情绪。学生小结:这节课我学会了 板书设计: Unit 6 How do you feel?angry afraid sad worried happyHe/ She/ Sarah is angry/ They are sad/ 教学反思:Period 2 Lets try Lets talk P58Learning aims(学习目标)1.能够听说认读单词:chase, mice, bad, hurt. 2. 能够听说读写句子:Theyre afraid of him. The cat is angry with them. 并能用be afraid of, be angry with造句。 Important &difficult points(重难点)掌握句型读懂对话。Learning steps(学习步骤)Step1预习温故. (用时5分钟)1. T: Lets do a chant. Angry, angry, I am angry. Afraid, afraid, T: How does he/ she feel? Ss: He/ She is sad/ T: Spell it. Ss: S-A-D/ Step2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)Learn : be afraid of, be angry with1. T: Who is he? Ss: He is Black Cat detective.(黑猫警长)T: Do you like this cartoon? Can you tell us something about it? Ss: 2.引出并操练短语be afraid of, be angry with .3. Listen to the tape of Lets talk and answer the question.4. Teach Lets talk.Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)1. Role play: Lets talk.2. 两人合作:Look at the pictures and make sentences: It makes me 3. Finish Lets try.Step 4. 达标检测(用时8分钟)一 重新组合下列单词。1. g-a-r-n-y 2. p-h-a-p-y 3. f-a-r-d-i 4. a-s-d 二根据首字母提示完成句子。1. Maybe our cat is chasing a m now. 2. - Whats w ? - Your father is ill.3. How do you f ? 4. You should take a deep b .5. The cat is a with them.三选一选,记一记。( )1. Theyre afraid of him. A. 他们喜欢他。 B. 他们害怕他。( )2. The cat is angry with him. A. 猫很生他们的气。 B. 猫很高兴他们。( )3. Because the mice are bad. A. 因为老鼠很坏。 B. 因为老鼠很好。( )4. They hurt people. A. 他们追逐人们。 B.他们伤害人们。( )5. Sarah is worried. A. 萨拉很高兴。 B. 萨拉很担心。Step5.布置课后作业(用时2分钟)熟读并抄写Lets talk.学生小结:这节课我学会了 板书设计: Unit 6 How do you feel?chase mice bad hurtTheyre afraid of him. The cat is angry with them教学反思:Period 3 Lets learn Play card games P61Learning aims(学习目标)1.能够听说读写短语:see a doctor, take a deep breath, count to ten,单词:wear, more 能听说认读:do more exercise, wear warm clothes2. 能够认读句子: What should I do? You should +V原形Important &difficult points(重难点)掌握四会短语并能用它们进行问答。Learning steps(学习步骤)Step1预习温故. (用时5分钟)1. Go over old words T: How do you feel? Ss: I am angryT: How does Sarah/ . feel? Ss: She/ He is sad/ 2. Write down the Chinese meanings and make sentences.be afraid of be angry withStep2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)Learn: see a doctor, take a deep breath, count to ten, do more exercise, wear warm clothes1. T: (做生病状) I feel so bad. Oh, what should I do? 引出短语:see a doctor.教读并多操练。2. 以同样的方式教学短语:take a deep breath, count to ten,do more exercise, wear warm clothes (多操练)3. Listen to the tape. 学生仿读。4. 开火车巩固短语。Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)1.小组合作对话:A: What should I do? B: You should 2. Finish Play card games.Step 4. 达标检测(用时8分钟)一读一读,译一译,记一记。see a doctor ( ) take a deep breath( ) count to ten( ) do more exercise( ) wear warm clothes( )二.填一填,读一读。1. You should (看) a doctor. 2. You should do (更多的)exercise.3. You should (穿)warm clothes. 4. You should take a deep (呼吸)and (数到十).三找朋友。1. What should I do? A. Theyre at home.2. Where are they? B. Because the cat is good.3. Why? C. He goes to work on foot.4. What will they do? D. You should wear more clothes.5. How does he go to work? E. Eat same fruit.Step5.布置课后作业(用时2分钟)抄写并背诵单词。学生小结:这节课我学会了 板书设计: Unit 6 How do you feel?see a doctor take a deep breath count to ten do more exercise wear warm clothesA: What should I do? B: You should see a doctor./ 教学反思:Period 4 Lets try Lets talk P60教师寄语:(Im the best!我是最棒的!)Learning aims(学习目标)1. 能够听懂,会说本课对话。2. 能够听,说,读,写句型: Whats wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor this morning. Dont be sad. 并能在实际情景中运用。Important &difficult points(重难点)掌握四会句型并能在实际情景中运用。Learning steps(学习步骤)Step1预习温故. (用时5分钟)Go over old words, phrases and sentences.T: I feel angry/ What should I do? Ss: You should take a deep breath/T: I say, you do. (教师说短语或者单词,学生做动作)Step2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)Learn: Whats wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor this morning. Dont be sad.1. T: (做悲伤状)What should I do? Ss: Whats wrong?T: My father is ill. Ss:He should see a doctor. Dont be sad.(操练句子)2. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.3. 教读对话。Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)1. Role play: Lets talk2. Act with your friends. (可选上)A: Im B: Dont be You should 3. Finish Lets try.Step 4. 达标检测(用时8分钟)一 重新组合单词。e-s-e m-r-o-e e-w-a-r b-e-t-a-r-h o-u-c-t-n 二 填一填,读一读。1. 你怎么了?Whats ? 2. 你的爸爸生病了。Your father is .3. 他今天早上应该去看病。He should _ _ .4. 不要伤心。Dont _ _ .5. 萨拉今天感觉怎么样? How Sarah today?三 连词成句。1. is/ Sarah/ very/ worried (.) _2. should/ I/ do/ what (?) _3. is/ the/ cat/ with/ angry/ them (.) _4. be/ dont/ sad (.) _5. he/ see/ should/ a/ doctor (.) _Step5.布置课后作业(用时2分钟)熟读并抄写对话。学生小结:这节课我学会了 板书设计: Unit 6 How do you feel?A: I am sad. B: Whats wrong? A: Your father is ill. B: He should see a doctor this morning. Dont be sad.教学反思:Period 5 Read and write Tips for pronunciation P62-63Learning aims(学习目标)1. 能够听说认读Read and write部分的短文和单词:sit, grass, hear, ant, worry, mud, pull, everyone,完成相应的活动。2. 掌握发音技巧。Important &difficult points(重难点)1、巩固本单元词汇和重点句型。2、理解短文内容。Learning steps(学习步骤)Step1预习温故. (用时5分钟)1. Go over old words, phrases and sentences.T: I am sad/ What should I do? Ss: You should T: I am angry/ Ss: Dont be 2. Translate and read.See a doctor take a deep breath count to ten 怎么了? 不要生气。Step2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)1. Draw faces for each word.2. Show the picture of Robin and the ant. T: Do you know them? Ss: T: There is an interesting story about them. Please read the passage and tell us “What does the story about?”3. Read the passage and finish the exercises with your partner. 教师解答疑难。4. Listen and read the passage. Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)1. Teach the passage.2. Role play the passage.3. Finish Number the pictures.(可选上)4. Finish Tips for pronunciation.Step 4. 达标检测(用时8分钟)一 选出你听到的句子(老师可读任一项)。 ( ) 1. A. The cat is a police officer. B. The cat is a pilot.( ) 2. A. They are afraid of him. B. They are angry with him.( ) 3. A. You should do more exercise. B. You should see a doctor.二 选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1. 我们下次去。 A. We can go next time. B. We can go this time. ( ) 2. 让我们去医院吧。 A. Lets go to the cinema. B. Lets go to the hospital. ( ) 3. 你怎么了?A. Whats wrong with you? B. Whats wrong with him? ( ) 4. 她应该穿暖和的衣服。 A. She should take a deep breath. B. She should wear warm clothes.( ) 5. 我妈妈很生气。A. My mother is angry. B. My mother is sad.三选择合适的词填空。going to sit on sunny afraid hearsIt is a day. Robin is sit on the grass when he , “Wait!” It is a little ant. He is . “Dont worry, little ant. I wont you.”Step5.布置课后作业(用时2分钟)熟读短文,完成相应练习。学生小结:这节课我学会了 板书设计:Unit 6 How do you feel? A: I am sad/ What should I do? B: Dont be sad/ You should sit grass hear ant worry mud pull everyone教学反思:Period 6 Main picture Lets check Lets wrap it up Story time P56-57 P64-65Learning aims(学习目标)1.复习本单元重点单词和句型。2.能够独立完成Lets check Lets wrap it up的活动。3.理解Story time中的故事。Important &difficult points(重难点)巩固本单元词汇和重点句型。Learning steps(学习步骤)Step1预习温故. (用时5分钟)1.Go over old words, phrases and sentences.T: I say, you do. Sad, angry/ T: Spell the words. S-A-D/ (看谁写得又快又准确)T: I am What should I do? Ss: You should 2. Read and speak out their Chinese meanings.see a doctor do more exercises wear warm clothes count to tentake a deep breath Dont be sad be afraid of be angry withStep2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)1Main picture P56-57(1)Listen to the tape and read after it(2)Role play 2Finish Lets check.3. Finish Lets wrap it up. (可选上)Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)Story time: 1. Listen to the tape and find out the key sentences: I cant wait. Im so happy. Where is he? Im a little worried. What are you doing here? Dont be angry! Count to ten and take a deep breath.2. Teach Story time.3. Role play Story time.Step 4. 达标检测(用时8分钟)一连词成句。1. is/ my/ mother/ ill(.) _2. go/ the/ to/ hospital/ lets(.) _3. she/ do/ exercise/ should/ more(.)_二阅读理解。 Many students are not well today. The teacher is making a report to the head teacher. Sue is ill today. She doesnt feel well. She should see a doctor. Bob feels cold. He should wear warm clothes. Whats wrong with Tom?He is angry, because he wont go to the zoo tomorrow. What should he do? He should take a deep breath and then count to ten. Mary is weak. She should do more exercise. I hope they will be better soon.( )1. Sue should . A. see a doctor B. wear warm clothes C. count to ten( )2. wont go to the zoo tomorrow. A. Bob B. Tom C. Mary( )3. Mary is . A. not well B. ill C. weak( )4. The teacher is making a report to . A. Sue B. the head teacher C. students( )5. Bob feels . A. warm B. hot C. coldStep5.布置课后作业(用时2分钟)1. 读Story time. 2.复习本单元单词和句型。学生小结:这节课我学会了 板书设计: Unit 6 How do you feel?I cant wait. Im so happy. Where is he? Im a little worried. What are you doing here? Dont be angry! Count to ten and take a deep breath.教学反思:


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