写作建议信基本概述1. 建仪伯是收(3人对某淮提出自己建仪和忠告.2. 4议信有可能写绐个人.也W能是与治某个坦织或机构.二、注意问总1.S符合书信格式.2. 由气吸建议?!合理,只有悦阪力,3. 建议的卞体时恣务用和-4. 建议的内容要具体.伯度要多样化.并11耍注意格建议之间的的存及衔接.三、写作模式苫段: 概括性主体段落: 层次分明】结尾段I 衅喧主.慝四、常用句式【照应材料灵套用模板】1. 首段常用句式&切 H 的:I know you have trouble inafter reading vour letter.I am very glad to hear you that you want to.过波句:(安电/理解/祝贺等,照魔材利哭活迭ff lEwryone will come across the *M JH.when.It U no useIt is unnecessary to “.It is reasonable toIt is normal to.说明自己的 i 议:Here are my suggestions.I would hke to suggest that you should do the following things.If I were you, I would do the following things.The following are my suggestions.1. WttlO。左右2. 可以适当增加细.以使行文连贯.习作过程:竺2. 1:体段俗常用句式 表明建议:Why not do?What/How about doing.?思考的问JE分析体检是什么?定耳作恣按.语气,情够】第几人称?【中S3的定】主题是什么?【审虎确定】时峦足什么?1审战晦定】;巳么安排和美的伯恩点?【习作的必次性、逻机性】tuiKan 要求.列出与主JB用美的诃汇和句烈始构RIt would be a good Idea if you could.You Ed better.it议的理由/好姓:根据典体建议.具体习作分清层次:firstfyrieco5dly,thirdly;firstthen.in the end;firsttybesKlesJurthermore;firstlyrsecondly,last but not least;to begin w(th,besxJe$r last but not least孙好顺序:3 .尾校常用的句式希阻祝凰lam looking forward to your earty reply.I believe you will take my advice into account.极排i :aa.句r 吸如用巳横板.将已有句土成段落委求:浩你1-141件完美抄写【要求:I hope you will find these proposals useful.Ido hope that my ideas will work.I believe, with yovr determination, you can manage to overcome these difficulties.三、丸题演嫁段定你是李华.你的新丙兰胴友Terry 2?中川朋友家由客,发抑件向你魂何有关习俗. 内容包括I1. 到达时间:2. 合遇的礼的;3. 黄泉札仪.注意:范文赏析及胃诵: