【精校版】人教版高中英语必修一 Unit4语法填空自然灾难篇 题型专项突破 Word版含答案

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【精校版】人教版高中英语必修一 Unit4语法填空自然灾难篇 题型专项突破 Word版含答案_第1页
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【精校版】人教版高中英语必修一 Unit4语法填空自然灾难篇 题型专项突破 Word版含答案_第2页
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人教版精品英语资料(精校版)题型专项突破-Unit4 语法填空(自然灾难篇)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。My name is Mahnaz Bibi and Im from a village of Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir. We used to live 1. _ happy and comfortable life. I had my husband Mukhtar Ali and a son Mushahid Ali. Mushahid was the whole world for me.On October 8, after feeding Mushahid I came out of my house to do some work outside. I 2. _ (work) when the earth started shaking. I had never felt this kind of earthquake before, which made me quite 3. _ (frighten). When I came to my senses I ran back to my house to save my son, 4. _ was sleeping in the room. There was nothing 5. _ the debris (残骸) of my house. I started crying 6. _ (loud) and asked the neighbors 7. _ (help) search for my son. Some villagers came to his 8. _, but after hours of hard work, I lost my whole world. We buried him on the 9th of October and the area suffered 9. _ heavy rain for the whole night.A few days later we left our village, because there was nothing 10. _ was left for us. We traveled a long distance over the mountains. In the end, we reached Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir and got shelter in the Ajaz Gillani Relief Tent Village.二、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Earthquake-proof buildingsThere are a number of ways in which buildings can be made to better withstand earthquakes. The cheapest way is to make 1. _ stronger. A building strong enough not 2. _ (destroy) by a large earthquake, however, would probably look 3. _ like a bunker (地堡)than a nice place to live in. So engineers have looked for 4. _ ways. One way is to make the building flexible so that it swings from side to side rather like a tall plant in the wind. Another way is to design it so that it doesnt sit directly on the ground 5. _ . On something that allows it to move a bit with the earthquake and absorb its shock. If only a small part of a building 6. _ (fall) down in an earthquake, damage can be 7. _ (great) reduced, so buildings are often designed to do this as well. 8. _ is expensive to make new earthquake-proof buildings. However, making old ones earthquake-proof costs even more. 9. _ (need) to say, such prices are too high for poor nations. That is 10. _ engineers suggest reinforcing (加固)their buildings with steel rods or bars.参考答案:一、1. a 2. was working 3. frightened 4. who 5. but6. loudly 7. to help 8. rescue 9. from 10. That二、 1. them 2. to be damaged 3. more 4. other 5. but 6. falls 7. greatly 8. It 9. needless 10. why


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