2020年【冀教版】七年级上册:Unit 3 Lesson 14 Colours and feelings教案

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2020年精编冀教版英语资料Lesson 14 Colours and feelings1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明这节课主要谈论感受,但是本课有个很好的切入点,就是用蓝色来谈论伤心、绿色谈论生病、黄色谈论害怕、红色谈论生气,这样学生就能有兴趣学习了。所以在该课的设计上我也力求体现新颖,拓展部分用了表示颜色的词的固定用法。同时这课还有一个点,就是文化渗透,红色在中国是幸运色。这点不能忽视。新课标指出:学生应该有较为明确的英语学习动机和积极主动的学习态度。能就有关熟悉的话题陈述并参与讨论;能就日常生活的各种话题与他人交换信息并陈述自己的意见。本节课的话题就是日常生活中的话题。2.教学背景分析教学内容分析:本课是在学完了上一课描述外貌特征之后继续描述人的感觉、感受的文章,出现了四个在英语中表示颜色的词汇来表达感受的不同,之后又讲了红色在中国是喜庆的颜色,所以要注意中西方文化的渗透。文化小贴士又补充了白色的含义。学情分析: 颜色对于七年级学生来说并不陌生,但是用颜色表达感受就是新鲜的了,学生会很感兴趣,这是一个很好的切入点,就是以头脑风暴让学生总结颜色和感受的词汇来引入,然后再环环紧扣,步步深入学习该课内容。3. 学习目标分析1.帮助学生了解不同的颜色如blue/ green/ yellow/ red表达的感情色彩,并会用see red等表达自己的情感。学生在本课结束时能够掌握黑体词的用法及短语句型的用法,并了解三会词。 2.帮助学生了解生活中如何用英语表达自己的感受。3.了解自己学习中的进步与不足并积极改进。4.教学重点、难点分析 教学重点:1. 词汇:question, sick, smile, mean短语和句型:listen to.; wave ones hand; see red2. 用英语较为流畅地表达自己的感受。教学难点:用正确恰当的方式表达自己的感受,并能适当调节。5.教学过程设计Step 1 Greetings:Greet the studentsStep 2 Warm-up: Brainstorm:Write down as many words about colours and feelings as they can. (写出关于颜色、感觉的词汇)设计思路:利用头脑风暴让学生以最短的时间写出关于颜色和感觉的词汇,利于后面的新知学习。Step 3 Learn the new words.Show the students some pictures and sentences and help them to learn how to use the words and phrases correctly and freely. singer s n. 歌手 Michel Jackson is one of my favorite singers. He sang a lot of songs, like The earth song, Thriller, We are the World and so on.feeling fi:l n 感觉;情感(常用作复数) Whats your feeling? I feel hot and I want to eat an ice cream. questionkwestn n. 问题 The girl wants to answer the teachers question. She is really active.sick sik adj. 病的;生病的 The child feels sick. He has a bad stomachache. scared sked adj. 恐惧的 -What are you scared of? -Im scared of scary animals. smile smail n. &v. 微笑 A girl shows a board with a smiling face during an activity to celebrate the upcoming World Smile Day at No. 10 Middle School in Xingtai, north Chinas Hebei Province, May 7, 2009. The World Smile Day falls on May 8. wave weiv v. 挥手;招手 Santa Claus is waving his hand to us. He is saying hello.mean mi:n v. 意思是 adj.刻薄的 1. What do you mean by saying that? 2. Dont be so mean to others, or youll lose friendship.* Whats the meaning of this word? (设计意图:通过图片展示新词,突出重点、突破难点;通过语篇进行解释,使学生利用语境记单词和短语的含义。)Step 4 Remember the new words as quickly as possible. Then fill in the blanks with the new words and expressions. singer s n. 歌手 feeling fi:l n 感觉;情感(常用作复数) questionkwestn n. 问题 sick sik adj. 病的;生病的 scared sked adj. 恐惧的 smile smail n. &v. 微笑 wave weiv v. 挥手;招手 mean mi:n v. 意思是 adj.刻薄的 Ask the students to have a competition, see which student can remember the most new words. 设计思路:通过竞赛激发兴趣,通过展示音标帮学生正音。通过趁热打铁及时练习,掌握新词汇,为新授课打基础。Step 5 Listen and answer the questions:1. What does green mean?2. What does yellow mean?3. What is Li Ming doing? 设计思路:锻炼学生通过听力捕捉重要信息的能力。Step 6 Read the lesson and do the following exercise.Four words in this passage are NOT right. Circle them and write the correct words on the blanks below.Its my birthday today. I am so angry! All of my friends will come to my house. But my friend, Jenny, doesnt feel well. She is happy and she cant come. That makes me feel tired. I really want her to be here. But its OK. I know she wants me to have a sad birthday. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _设计思路:通过读课文,掌握大意及细节信息,通过找错误,捕捉关键信息。Step 7 Strike while the iron is hot.1. My mom and my aunt are both _(sing).2. These q_ are easy to answer. 3. You can see many s_ people in the hospital.4. Look! The little baby _(smile).5. Expensive _(意思是) dear. 6. I like _(听) music in my free time.7. Dont _(火冒三丈). She is only a child.8. When you say goodbye to others, you often _(挥手).9. can, how, a, feel, you, colour _?10. in, happy, China, is, red, a, colour _.11. Hes not mean. (英译汉)_.12. I feel blue.(写出同义句)_. 设计思路:通过练习,掌握词汇及文中重点知识。Step 8 Work in pairs. What do you like or not like to do? What makes you feel happy, sad, angry, scared or sick? Talk about it, write it down and draw a picture.Example: I like to play with my friends. It makes me feel happy. I dont like to watch scary movies. It makes me feel scared. 设计思路:通过两个人一个小组的合作,描述自己喜欢做的和不喜欢做的,突破难点。Step 9 拓展:1. black sheep _2. black tea _3. a white lie _4. the White House _5. white elephant _6. out of the blue _7. black and blue _8. in the red _9. in the pink _10. pink eye _ 你还知道其他跟颜色有关的短语的含义吗?跟大家一起分享! 设计思路:通过拓展跟颜色相关的俗语,扩大学生的知识面,同时激发兴趣,也关注了中西方文化的差异。Homework:1. Read the text fluently and remember the expressions about colors and feelings. 2. Do the exercises 1 and 2 on Page 37. 3. Listen and read the passage “Bringing Color to Life and Tears to Eyes With a Natural Dye” to know more about colors.6.教学评价设计Self-evaluation(自我评价):1. 我能够听懂本课语段,识别主题并获取主要信息。 2. 我能就本课话题进行简单地交流和书面表达。 3. 我能够记住红色、蓝色、白色、绿色和黄色的含义。 4. 这节课我很有收获。 新课标指出:英语课程评价体系要有利于学生综合语言运用能力的发展,采用多元化的评价方式,注重形成性评价,鼓励学生开口说英语。同时最后的自我评价,能使学生了解本课的学习效果。7.教学反思 本课教学以颜色话题展开感觉、感受的主题,本身课的设置就利于学生产生兴趣,我这个设计又本着以学生的学习实际为基础,比如以他们熟知并喜欢的迈克尔杰克逊等展开新词的教学,他们觉得很有吸引力,同时各环节设置考虑了学生的实际生活,通过合作,猜词义,拓展等形式来多角度分析课文,利于学生接受。作业中设计了拓展的课外阅读,对学生是一种导向。


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