人教版高中英语必修一 Unit5完形填空人物篇 题型专项突破 Word版含答案精修版

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人教版高中英语必修一 Unit5完形填空人物篇 题型专项突破 Word版含答案精修版_第1页
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人教版高中英语必修一 Unit5完形填空人物篇 题型专项突破 Word版含答案精修版_第2页
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人教版高中英语必修一 Unit5完形填空人物篇 题型专项突破 Word版含答案精修版_第3页
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人教版英语精品资料(精修版)题型专项突破-Unit5 完形填空(人物篇)一、 完形填空1. Alfred Hitchcock is one of the best-known filmmakers in the world. This gentle-looking and overweight Englishman has connected the (1) audiences with most of the mysterious and frightening films (2) made.The 39 Steps made in 1939 was the (3) which made him famous outside (4) . He received many (5) from Hollywood, where he went to make Rebecca. This was the most expensive film he has made, (6) over a million dollars. This was (7) in Britain, (8) the budget (预算)was very small. But as soon as he started on Rebecca, the Second World War started. Like many (9) film people, Hitchcock decided to (10) in America,and was sometimes (11) a traitor (叛徒)at home. But he was too old to (12) ,and the British film industry had (13) down. He finished Rebecca and got (14) first Oscar, for the Best Film of the Year. He was (15) the first film director to (16) a TV star. In 1962, he started a TV (17) which showed mysterious and frightening stories, called Alfred Hitchcock Presents. This was a new (18) , for most of the Hollywood people hated television and didnt think it was worth trying at all. The audience loved Hitchcock, however, and he made more shows. These shows gave him more (19) to try a new idea and produce more and more (20) .(1) A. theatreB. cinemaC. sportsD. music(2) A. everB. neverC. stillD. yet(3) A. bookB. storyC. playD. film(4) A. AmericaB. FranceC. BritainD. Australia(5) A. offersB. emailsC. lettersD. telegrams(6) A. spendingB. costingC. takingD. wasting(7) A. possibleB. easyC. impossibleD. interesting(8) A. whyB. whereC. thereD. here(9) A. anotherB. the otherC. the sameD. other(10) A. leaveB. stayC. fightD. love(11) A. madeB. forcedC. calledD. destroyed(12) A. fightB. eatC. talkD. sleep(13) A. startedB. begunC. closedD. put(14) A. herB. theirC. hisD. its(15) A. alsoB. bothC. allD. neither(16) A. becomeB. remainC. getD. stay(17) A. stationB. showC. factoryD. farm(18) A. ideaB. nationC. shapeD. attention(19) A. chancesB. timeC. moneyD. directions(20) A. playsB. storiesC. poemsD. problems 2. Mark Twains works are enjoyed worldwide. His (1) name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens and he was born (2) November 30, 1835, in the village of Florida, Monroe County, Missouri. After his fathers death in 1847, Twain was apprenticed (当学徒)to a printer and (3) for his brothers newspaper. Later, Twain worked as a licensed Mississippi riverboat pilot, (4) his name from the (5) (“Mark twain!”meaning by the mark of :two fathoms) used when sounding (探测)river (6) . After the Civil War (7) an end to the steamboat traffic, Clemens moved to Virginia City. On February 3, 1863, “Mark Twain” was born when he (8) a humorous travel account with his (9) name.In 1864, Twain went to San Francisco to (10) as a reporter. He traveled in France and Italy (11) his experiences were recorded in 1869 in The Innocent Abroad, (12) brought him (13) popularity, and (14) both American and European prejudices (偏见)and manners.In 1870, he (15) Olivia Langdon. Together they relocated to Hartford a year later. (16) Twain continued to lecture in the United States and England. Between 1876 and 1884 he published several masterpieces, (17) Tom Sawyer, the Prince and the Pauper, Life on the Mississippi, and Huckleberry Finn.In the 1890s, Twain lost most of his earnings in (18) speculations and in the downhill of his own publishing firm.The death of his wife and his second daughter brought a (19) of gloom in the authors later years, which is seen in (20) and his autobiography. Twain died on April 21, 1910. (1) A. first B. real C. pen D. false(2) A. on B. in C. of D. at(3) A. stood B. applied C. wrote D. printed(4) A. received B. accepted C. bringing D. adopting(5) A. words B. call C. depth D. width(6) A. shallows B. widths C. banks D. sides(7) A. took B. brought C. led D. carried(8) A. wrote B. worked C. signed D. translated(9) A. original B. old C. given D. new(10) A. act B. work C. travel D. live(11) A. but B. or C. while D. and(12) A. that B. where C. which D. when(13) A. abroad B. narrow C. wide D. widely(14) A. made fun of B. have fun with C. play a fun at D. make laugh at(15) A. married with B. got married C. be married D. married(16) A. However B. Meanwhile C. Therefore D. Thus(17) A. included B. contained C. including D. containing(18) A. political B. educational C. physical D. financial(19) .A. sense B. thought C. feeling D. understanding(20) A. essays B. writings C. newspapers D. reports参考答案:1. 答案:(1)-(5) BADCA (6)-(10) BCBDB (11)-(15) CACCA (16)-(20) ABAAB解析:文章大意:本文主要介绍英国导演-希区柯克。(1) 根据首句 Alfred Hitchcock is one of the best- known filmmakers in the world.可知应选 cinema。(2) 副词ever在这里意为“曾经”,修饰过去分词 made。(3) 根据希区柯克的职业可知,三十九级台阶是一知电影。(4) 根据第一段中的 This gentle-looking and overweight Englishman可知应选C。这部影片使他在英国以外的国家扬名。(5) 出名之后,他收到许多来自好莱坞的聘请。(6) cost意为“花费(钱)”,常用物或事情,作主语。spend作“花费”讲时, 要用人作主语;take 一般不用于表示“花钱”,waste意为“浪费”, 也与文意不符。(7) 这里表示在英国花这么多钱拍电影是不可能的,因为在英国拍电影的预算都非常少。(8) 关系副词where引导一个非限制性定语从句,在定语从句中作地点状语,相in Britain。(9) 句意:像许多其他电影人一样,希区柯克决定呆在美国。(10) 根据上题分析可知应选B。(11) 在国内,人们有时称他为叛徒。be called意为“被叫做”。(12) 句意:但是他的年纪太大了,已经无力去战斗。(13) 固定短语closedown意为“停业,停户”。(14) 希区柯克凭借蝴蝶梦赢得自己的第一个奥斯卡最佳影片奖项。(15) 希区柯克也是第一个由电影导演成为电视明星的人,also表示“也”的意思。(16) 根据上题分析可知应选A。(17) a TV show意为“电视剧”。(18) 由空格后面的for most of the Hollywood people hated television and didnt think it was worth trying at all.可知,这是一个新的想法,故用idea。(19) 这些电视剧让他有更多的机会去尝试新的想法,有机会制作更多的神秘而又惊悚的故事。(20) 根据上题分析可知,选B。play戏剧,poem诗歌,problem难题均不符合题意。2. 答案:(1)-(5) BACDB (6)-(10) ABCDB (11)-(15) DCCAD (16)-(20) BCDAB解析:文章大意:马克吐温是一位在世界范围内极具影响力的作家,他的作品广受欢迎。本文对他的生平作了简单的介绍。(1) real意为“真实的”,强调人或物的真实存在,而不是虛构的。real name意为“真卖姓名”。(2)指在具体的某一天要用介词on。in后面接一段过间,at后面接某一时刻。(3) write for意为“为撰稿”,此处指马克吐温为他哥哥的报纸写文章。stand for意为“代表”; apply for “申请”,均与句意不符;D项中的print 通常不与for连用。(4)空格处所填分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致,所以应该用现在分词adopting,意为“采用”。(5) call此处意为“(引起他人注意的)呼喊声”。(6) shallows是“浅水区、浅滩”。Mark Twain是水手们探测河流浅水区的深度时经常喊的话,意思 是“两浔的标记”,即水深两浔(约等于37 米),这是轮船安全通过的必要条件。(7) 固定搭配bring an end意为“使结束”。(8) sign意为“署名”,空后的account意为“报道”。他在一篇幽默的游记上署了新的名字。(9) 在此之前,Mark Twain这个名字没有被用过,故选new“新的”。(10) work as “做工作”,as后接从事的职业。(11) 空格前后的两个分句之间为并列关系,因此用连词and接接。(12) which在此处引导非限制性定语从句,指代空格前面马克吐温的作品。(13) wide在此处强调范围,wide popularity意为“广泛的欢迎”。abroad和widely为副词,不能修饰名词;narrow语意不通。(14) make fun of 意为“嘲笑”。(15) marry为及物动词,后直接接宾语。be married和get married表示“与 结婚”时,均需要接介词to。(16) 根据下文 Twain continued to lecture in the United States and England.可知, marry和relocate这些行为与lecture并没有冲突,这些动作几乎是在同一时期发生的,因此应选择B项。(17) including 用作介词,意为“包括”。include (have . as a part of a whole)绳调被包含的东西本身是其一部分。contain (have / hold . within itself)强调包含不属于本身、的其他东西在里面。(18) 根据上文lost most of his earnings和下文的speculations 可知此处选 D。financial speculation意为“金融投机”。(19) a sense of.意为“一种 感觉”。feeling后常接介词on或about。(20) writings指某人书、小说等著作,符合题意。essays指关于政治、社会等的小品文或散文。文中 没有提到 newspapers和reports。


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