人教版高中英语必修五 Unit1核心词汇综合达标 词汇训练 Word版含答案精修版

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人教版高中英语必修五 Unit1核心词汇综合达标 词汇训练 Word版含答案精修版_第1页
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人教版高中英语必修五 Unit1核心词汇综合达标 词汇训练 Word版含答案精修版_第2页
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人教版高中英语必修五 Unit1核心词汇综合达标 词汇训练 Word版含答案精修版_第3页
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人教版英语精品资料(精修版)词汇训练-Unit 1 核心词汇综合达标一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. After studying all the materials thoroughly, they c that he was guilty.答案:concluded2. We felt proud because we d their team by ten points in the match.答案:defeated3. Sorry, Mr. Smith has an important meeting to a right now. Shall I ask him to call back an hour later?答案:attend4. Being e to the sun is harmful to your skin.答案:exposed5. The only effective way to c a backache is to rest.答案:cure6. John Snow wanted to face the c and solve the problem.答案: challenge7. No one knows who killed her, but the police s her husband.答案: suspect8. It is Mary rather than you who is to b for the broken window.答案: blame9. Ways must be found to prevent the rivers from being p .答案: polluted10. If you cant h the job, I will get someone else to do it.答案: handle11. The government a that they would go to war against the enemy.答案: announced12. So many rich people choose to c money to charity at Christmas.答案: contribute13. It was hard for me to r my familys religious belief.答案: reject14. Lets a the problem and see what went wrong.答案: analyse15. We can plant more trees because trees a carbon dioxide in the air to produce oxygen.答案: absorb二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 1. When (参加) networking events, ask others what they do and think about how you can help them.答案:attending2. The police tried to get some clues from the (嫌疑犯), but he remained silent.答案:suspect3. He did not want to (显露) his fears and insecurity to anyone.答案:expose4. It is a great (挑战) for him to govern the country well.答案: challenge5. We can (推断出) from what he has said that he is a good manager.答案: conclude6. He is extremely (谨慎的) about the use of words.答案: cautious7. To our surprise, the old doctor (治愈) my cousin of her cancer.答案:cured8. Many people (责备、指责) this change on gases such as carbon dioxide.答案:blame9. Companies that (污染) Chinas ocean waters usually feel little pressure from the government.答案:pollute10. Having (分析) the results, Dr. Snow drew a conclusion that water had caused the disease.答案:analysed11.The army was well-trained and well-armed, and had little difficulty (战胜) their enemy.答案: defeating12. Fresh air and exercise (有助于) to good health.答案:contribute13. I cant carry the bucket if the (把手) is broken.答案:handle14. Ladies and gentlemen, I come here to (宣布) the winner of the competition.答案:announce15. She is kind-hearted. You shouldnt (拒绝) her offer.答案: reject三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 1. (我需要把我的手表指针往前拨)。 It os 10 minutes slow.答案:I need to put forward my watch2. After the heated discussion, we (得出结论) that the experiment was sure to succeed.答案: drew a conclusion3. She (建议班会在周六举行)。答案: suggested that the class meeting (should) be held on Saturday4. It seemed that (水是罪魁祸首).答案: the water was to blame5. The water companies were instructed (不再让人们接触被污染的水)。答案:not to expose people to polluted water any more


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