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国际商务英语函电试题题库一览表一、建库时间:2005年10月二、适用范围:适合高职高专使用?国际商务英语函电?教材的学生由21世纪高职高专新概念财经类系列教材编委会组织,以粱晓玲为主编2005.8对外经济贸易大学出版社出版。三、使用效果:我们在?国际商务英语函电?这本书中,大量补充了经贸活动的实例,例如:各种单证和票据的制作、合同的填制、信用证的审核和修改、 的撰写等,弥补了原来教材的欠缺和缺乏。同时教材中的模拟教学和案例教学,让学生以“业务员、单证员、货代员、报关员、质量检验员的身份参与学习与训练,单独筹划交易,进行经贸活动等,刻意营造一种仿真情境,让学生在“训练中中学习,在“情境中增长才干和积累经验,有效地将知识转变为专业性的技能和技巧,提高其解决和处理实际问题的综合能力。经过几年年的使用能够收到检测学生学用结合的综合能力。国际商务英语函电试题题库一、短语互译:I. Translate the following terms:外贸术语翻译(1) From English into Chinese 1. shipping marks 2. be assured that 3. date of shipment4. protect from 5. Shortage Risk 6. faulty packing 7. duplicate order 8. .inclusive of9. short delivery10. in advance11. documentary L/C12. entrustwith13. business lines 14. so as to15. invoice value 16. competitive and acceptable17. take delivery of 18. state-operated corporation19. refer to 20. in accordance with21. enjoy popularity 22. expand ones market23. .place the order24. outstanding order 25. Beneficiary26. in consequence 27. book ones order 28. at both ends 29. a purchase contract 30. import and export 31. for our file 32. heavy demand 33. acquaint sb. with sth.34. within the framework of 35. usance (time or term ) L/C 36. payment terms37. be seriously damaged 38. in consideration of39. ocean bill of lading40. reduceby 4%41. sendby airmail 42. acquaint sb. with sth.43. sight L/C 44. sales confirmation 45. make sb. an offer 46. be subject to47. on consignment48. benefit from 49. remain valid50. in terms of51. be reluctant to 52. measure up to53. usance (time or term ) L/C .54. payment on D/P basis55. open up a market56. compete against57. initial order 58. the captioned shipment 59. shipping instruction 60. on board61. blank endorsed62. in transit63. inner packing 64. in connection with 65. be conducive to 66. shipping container67. punctual shipment68. involvein 69. survey report 70. Commodity Inspection Bureau 71. competitive and acceptable72. in view of 73. trading company 74. shipping advice 75. delivery date 76. the subject goods 77. insurance policy 78. short weight 79. in ones favor 80. make up 81. as requested 82. by separate mail83. documentary L/C 84. CIC85. brisk demand86. document against acceptance87. look forward to 88. payment terms89. be susceptible to 90. in transit91. first enquiry 92. supply sb. with sth93. the captioned goods 94. acknowledge 95. be packed in 96. facilitate doing sth.97. applicant 98. refrain from 99. lodge a claim100. result in101. lined with 102. on behalf of 103. kraft paper bags 104. financial Standing 105. CFR 106. European Main Ports 107. insurance certificate 108. warehouse entry109. improper packing 110. steam ship 111. without previous notice 112. freight rebate 113. subject to 114. Guangzhou Spring Fair 115. refer to 116. without delay 117. take note of 118. in due course119. fall within the scope of our business activities 120. execute an order121. in due course 122. cannot but 123. business background 124. on the strength of 125. establish business relations126. the time of shipment127. letter of credit 128. status enquiries 129. shipping container 130. expand our business 131. FPA 132. Stipulation 133. reference 134. general idea 135. illustrated catalogue136. in confidence137. loading and unloading138. shipping documents 139. consignor 140. warehouse entry141. suspend an order142. in urge need of143. in transit144. air-tight 145. port of destination 146. on receipt of 147. involvein 148. transit trade 149. warehouse to warehouse clause150. freight charge 151. payment terms 152. be susceptible to 153. punctual shipment 154. first enquiry 155. supply sb. with sth 156. the tie-up of funds157. additional risk 158. be seriously damaged 159. in consideration of160. from stock161. as a rule162. see ones way163. Turnover164. thanks to 165. indication of price166. Cargo167. survey report 168. with franchise of 5 %169. as usual 170. gross weight171. settlement of Claim 172. facilitate loading 173. expire174. bona fide holder 175. involvein 176. for the amount of177. sole agency 178. as usual 179. shipping marks 180. act as(2) From Chinese into English 1. 草拟 2. 另函3. 生效4. 建立业务关系5. 详细条款 6. 如下 7. 会签 8. 盼望9. 最新的商品目录 10. 信汇11. 随附请查12. 调查,探究13. 供某人详阅14. 装货港 15. 随后的修改16. 商务参赞处17. 弥合差距18. 议付银行 19. 协议草案 20. 营业额21. 运费表 22. 由“胜利轮卸下 23. 轻工产品 24. 预约保险单 25. 折扣 26. 保险单 27. 装运期 28. 取消订单 29. 续订 30. 向某人报价31. 海运提单32. 运费 33. 给某人带来不便34. 装货费 35. 办理 36. 总计,共达37. 保险条款38. 占压资金 39. 根据合同规定40. 短重41. 合理的价格 42. 独家代理人43. 凭单付款 44. 签订合同 45. 水渍险 46. 改证 .47. 战争险 48. 大量存货 49. 状况良好 50. 以为受益人51. 清洁提单 52. 有经验的工人 53. 支付款项 54. 渗漏险 55. 产地证明书 56. 就此意思 57. 运费预付 58. 借方通知 59. 商品检验局 60. 客观资料61. 发票副本 62. 转口贸易 63. 附加险 64. .温控的65. 由某人支配处理66. 装运须知 67. 正被谈论的;所涉及的 68. 总计,共达 69. 保险范围 70. 一切险71. 预先72. 毫不迟疑 73. 影响 74. 可供现货 75. 本钱加保险费、运费 76. 在此情况下 77. 便于装载 78. 寄售 79. 减价百分之四80. 详细条款81. 发票金额82. 预先83. 供你方参考84. 商品交易会85. 在前的 86. 权力与义务87. 提货 88. 一致同意 89. 重复订单 90. 替代产品91. 发票金额 92. 会签 93. 保险单 94. 运费表95. 给某人带来不便 96. 现货/动用库存 97. 空白背书 98. 运费回扣99. 执行定单 100. 品质证明书二、单项选择题(在每题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题干的括号内)。1.The analysis of the first shipment is not_certified by China Commodity Inspection Bureau. A. satisfy B. satisfied C. satisfactory D. satisfaction 2.We regret the need for you to write to us and hope the steps we are taking _the safe arrival of all your orders in future. A. ensure B. assure C. insure D. sure 3.Will you_a gift for your mother this coming Mothers Day? A. buy B. sell C. trade D. exchange 4.If you will send us a catalogue by air, we shall_very much. A. be indebted B. be grateful C. thank D. appreciate it 5.While we appreciate your order,_we very much regret that we are unable to accept any fresh orders at present owing to heavy commitments. A. and B. but C. /D. nor 6.If you should_able to reduce your price by 3%,we could probably come into business. A. be B. been C. being D. are 7.Should your L/C_us at the beginning of May, we shall be able to ship your order. A. arrive B. reach C. come D. get 8.In reply, we have the pleasure of informing you that an L/C has been opened amounting_2,000. A. at B. to C. up D. for 9.Your delay in shipment will_us in great difficulty. A. cause B. lead C. conclude D. involve 10.Regarding insurance, the coverage is for 110% of invoice_up to the port of destination. A. worth B. value C. price D. cost11. Contracts must be renewed one week _ their expiration. A on B against C the moment of D before 12. The commodities you offered are _ line with the business scope of our clients. A outside B out of C out D without 13. We are arranging for an inspection tour of _ the material was processed. A place B the place C where D there 14. We are reconsidering those trade terms _ might be adverse to the interest of our principals. A whatB that C when D where 15. Information indicates that some similar goods of Indian origin have been sold here _ about 30% lower than yours. A with a level B at something C at quotation D with a figure 16. As we are _ of these goods, please expedite shipment after receiving our L/C. A in badly need B badly in need C urgent in need D in urgently need 17. We give you on the attached sheet full details regarding packing and marking, which must be strictly _. A observed B abide by C submitted D seen 18. We _ to allow you a special discount if you increase your order to 5000 pairs. A have prepared B are prepare C are prepared D were prepared 19. The importance of delivery on time _ overstressed, because failure to receive goods or services will cause serious inconvenience to the end-users. A can B should be C cannot be D could be20. We wish to stress that shipment must be made within the prescribed time limit, as a further _ will not be considered by our end - users. A prolong B protract C extension D expansion 21. With computer users linked to the Internet growing _ every year, business is trying to cash in on the worldwide network. A at million B with a million C with one million D by millions 22. We regret having to remind you that 30% of the freight is still _. A owned B owning C outstanding D understanding 23. It should be _ if you could immediately _ what quantity you can supply us at present. A thankful, advise B appreciate, advise C appreciated, advise D appreciating, inform 24 No discount will be granted _ you place an order for more than 1000 dozen. A.if B.unless C.whether D.but for 25 When _ the contract, please include the arbitration clause. A.draft B.drafting C.to draft D.drafted 26 We have received news _ that the wool market on your side is showing signs of recovery. A.to an effect B.to this effect C.to that effect D.to the effect 27 Please open your L/C immediately to facilitate _. A. our shipping arrangement B. for shipment C. to arrange shipment D. us to arrange shipment 28 _ an order for 100 pieces or more, we allow a special discount of 5% for payment by L/C. A. At B. In C. OnD. From 29 If you can improve your price by 3%, we shall be prepared to _ for 5,000 metric tons. A. book with you an order B. book your order C. be in the market D. place a order with you 30 We suggest that you _ our representative in Beijing for your requirements. A. will contact B. contacting C. contact with D. contact 31 _ crowded orders, we have sold out all the goods scheduled for shipment within this year. A. As a result of B. In result of C. With the result of D. As result of 32 Under no circumstances, _ goods on their own account. A. the middlemen will buy B. will the middlemen buy C.the middlemen would buyD. will buy the middlemen 33 This agreement shall be cancelled in case the second party fails to sell the agreed quantity_ within six months. A. up to B. to C. at D. with34 We are pleased to inform you that the item you requested can be supplied _ stock. A. upon B. out C. in D. from 35 We look forward to _ the goods in the fourth quarter. A. the delivery of B. your delivery C. deliver D. delivery 36 We are glad to receive your telegraphic order of May 6, _ regret that we can not supply the goods _ the end of May. A. but, by B. and, by C. but, for D. and, for 37 We have lodged a claim _ the seller for the shortage of shipment _ S.S. DONGFENG. A. against, ex B. with, under C. on, as per D. with, to 38 The introduction of containers in transport greatly _ carriage of goods. A. facilitate B. speeds C. facilitates D. economizes 39 We have _ at 30 days sight for the amount of the invoice. A. written to you B. called on you C. sent to you by air mail D. drawn on you 40 We will _ you as soon as the new crop comes to the market. A. contact with B. contact C. contact to D. get contact 41 we confirm _ your order No. 7891 dated May 10, 1990. A. to have received B. having received C. receiving D. to receive42 We have made _ that we would accept D/P terms for your present order. A. clear B. it is clear C. that clear D. it clear 43 We _ some brochures _ to illustrate the types of materials we manufacture. A. enclose, - B. enclose, you C. enclose, to you D. enclose you, -44 The consignment certainly does not match the samples _ you sent us last month. A. these B. - C. what D. when 45 Your firm has been recommended to us by the James Olivier & Co. _ we have done business for many years A. which B. with whom C. whom D. with which 46 We will not be held responsible for any damage which results _ rough handling. A. from B. off C. in D. to 47 We are willing to renew the agreement on the same terms _ last. A. like B. as C. with D. to 48 We _ your letter of Nov. 3 asking us to make a quotation.a. go over b. have read c. refer to d. check up49 Because of the _ nature of the agreement, I was reluctant to discuss with him in office.a. confidential b. delieate c. secret d. sophisticated50 A 3% discount will be granted only _ your order exceeds US $ 12,000.a. depends on b. for condition that c. on condition that d. subject to51 As requested, we are sending you by airmail the samples of mens shirts, _ you will find them satisfactory.a. hope b. to hope c. hoping d. hopefully52 _ compensation trade, we mean to pay for your machines with articles produced.a. With b. Of c. By d. For53 The_has been shipped on S.S. “Tiantaishan for transshipment at Hongkong per S.S. “Flying Cloud.A. produceB. product C. cargo D. manufacture54 The direct steamer sailing_your port calls at our port only around the end of the month.A. under B. on C. with D. for55 Your quotation of bicycles is_high to be acceptable.A. tooB. so C. such D. as56 It is beyond question_we can get the necessary import license from our authorities.A. which B. that C. when D. where57 We shall be glad if you will agree to ship the goods to us_before on Cash Against Documents Basis.A. for B. because C. since D. as58 As this item falls_the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you at an early date.A. with B. without C. within D. in with59 The manufacturers are heavily committed for many months to come and are unable to supply your requirements_.A. in caseB. in a case C. in the caseD. in this case60 Such a growing demand can only result_increased price.A. in B. from C. to D. for61 Please_your utmost to expedite shipment, so that we may execute the order smoothly .A. do B. get C. take D. make62 Please arrange shipment of the goods booked by us with the_possible delay.A. most B. least C. latest D. worst63 We _ if you would give us a quotation per metric ton CIF Lagos. A. could oblige B. could oblige it C. should be appreciated D. should appreciate it64. Please expedite the establishment of the relative L/C _. A early B. soonest C. as much as possible D. as soon as possible65. The goods will have to be transshipped _ Japan. A. from B. at C. in D. by66 . The socks are packed _ cartons _ 100 pairs each. A. inof B. offor C. withof D. tofor67 .We have the pleasure_you a firm offer. A.in making B.of making C.having madeD.being made68 .The extra charges should be _ the buyers account. A. with B. for C. of D. to69. Please see to _that the L/C should be opened not later than December 31. A .itB. themC.the matter D. your way clear70. As we are satisfied with your goods ,we shall _ for 2000 cases. A. book your order B. booking C. book with you an order D. booking with you 71.We believe the goods will reach you _ . A. in good conditions B. in good condition C. in a good condition D. under good conditions 72.You may_ assured that we will carry out your order immediately. A.rest B.berest C. are D. rested73. We have covered insurance _ the goods _ 110% of the invoice value _ all risks. A. on forfor B. toofwith C. forforwith D. on foragainst74. The quality of our products is better than _ of others. A. that B those C. this D. it75. We should appreciate your prompt reply so that we could put the offer out _ your not being interested. A. if B. in the event of C. in the case of D. in event of76. _ our customers are making a complaint against your poor packing. A. Much B. However much C. Much as D. Despite77. The contract provides that the goods _ before June 28. A. will be shipped B. will ship C. are shipped D. be shipped78. They complained _me _your delay in delivery of the goods. A. to; of B. to; for C. against; of D. against; for79 .We shall_ a claim against you . A. take B. lay C. rise D. do80 .We should claim US$23456_ you for the loss. A. against B. of C. for D. from81. You should be responsible _the damage of the lot. A. for B. of C. with D. at82 .Such goods are susceptible _ damage by moisture. A. to B. of C. for D. at83 .We are _1000 pieces of Cashmere Sweaters. A. in badly need of B. badly in need of C. great in need of D. urgent in need of84 .This will facilitate_ the matter. A. us to settle B. us to settlement C. our settling D. our settlement85 .We _ your covering L/C. A. are in receive of B. are in possession C. are in receipt of D. are in receipt 87 .We have quoted you our most favorable prices, _ which we have closed considerable business with other clients _ your end. A. in , of B. at , at C. from , in D. for , on88 .Under the circumstances , we are sorry that we cannot do but_ the shipment of your order _ the covering L/C arrives. A. stop , after B. postpone, when C. effect , until D. hold, until89 .Taking _ consideration the transport condition in your place , we have improved our packing so as to avoid damage _ the goods. A. for , for B. up , to C. into , to D. into , of90 .As we are _ the goods , we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotation. A. in the market for B. on the market for C. entering the market for D. at the market for91 .Please note that we require the amendment _ L/C by January 31. A. to B. for C. of D. in 92 .Please do your best to arrange _ by the first available steamer. A. the goods shipped B. the goods to ship C. for the goods to ship D. for the goods to be shipped93 .As agreed ,the buyers request for additional insurance can be _ on condition that such extra _ should be _ by the buyer. A. covered, premium, borne B. accept, premium, born C. met with , charges, borne D. accepted, premium, borne94. We hope to _ terms with you in this trial purchase.a. come to b. arrive at c. transact d. conclude95. The price is said _ by 5% during last month. a. being increased b. to have increased c. to increase d. to be increasing96 . Through mutual efforts, we have succeeded in putting _ the business. a. forward b. up c. down d. through97. We confirm the sale to you of 100 metric tons groundnuts resulting _ cables exchanged. a. in b. to c. for d. from98. Your price is _ on the high side, so we are afraid we cannot accept your offer. a. rather b. fairly c. quite d. very99. Payment is to b


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