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2019 年 12 月英语四级阅读练习题及答案 (3)Section CDirections : There are 2 passages in this section. Eachpassage is followed by some questions or unfinishedstatements. For each of them there are four choices markedA ),B , C andD . You should decide on the best choiceand mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with asingle line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.Educators today are more and more often heard to say thatcomputer literacy is absolutely necessary for collegestudents. Many even argue that each incoming freshman shouldhave permanent access to his or hcr own microcomputer. Whatadvantages do computers offer the college students?Any student who has used a word processor will know onecompelling reason to use a computer : to write papers.Although not all students feel comfortable composing on aword processor, most find revising and editing much easier onit. One can alter, insert, or delete just by pressing a fewkeys, thus eliminating the need to rewrite or re-type.Furthermore, since the revision process is less burdensome,students are more likely to revise as often as is necessaryto end up with the best paper possible. For these reasons,many freshman English courses require the use of a wordprocessor.Computers are also useful in the context of languagecourses, where they are used to drill students in basicskills. Software programs reinforce ESL(English as a SecondLanguage ) instruction, as well as instruction in French,German, Spanish, and other languages. By using these programson a regular basis, students can improve their proficiency ina language while proceeding at their own pace.Science students take advantage of computers in many ways.Using computer graphic capabilities, for example, botanystudents can represent and analyze different plant growthpatterns. Medical students can learn to interpretcomputerized images of internal body structures. Physicsstudents can complete complex calculations farmore quickly than they could without the use of computer.Similarly, business and accounting students find thatcomputer spreadsheet programs are all but indispensable tomany aspects of their work, while students pursuing careersin graphic arts. marketing, and public relations find thatknowledge of computer graphic is important. Education majorslearn to develop grading systems using computers, whilesocial science students use computers for analyzing andgraphically displacing their research results.It is no wonder, then, that educators support thepurchase and use of microcomputers by students. A versatiletool, the computer can help students learn. And that is,after all, the reason for going to college.56. The word literacy (Line 1, Paragraph 1)means_.A the ability to read and writeB the ability to useC literatureD the knowledge of language57. The main purpose of this passage is to _.A persuade the educators to increase computer use in theirown classroomB analyze advantages and disadvantages of computer useamong college studentsC identify some of the ways that computers benefit collegestudentsD describe how computers can be used to teach foreignlanguages58. According to the author, a word processor can be used to_.A revise papersB retype papersC reduce the psychological burden of writing papersD improve the writing skills of a student59. In this passage, the writers argument is developedprimarily through the use of _.A cause-effect analysisB comparison and contrastC inductionD examples60. According to the author, the reason for students to go tocollege is_.A to learn somethingB to perfect themselvesC to improve computer skillsD to make the best use of computersPassage TwoQuestions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.Language is, and should be, a living thing, constantlyenriched with new words and forms of expression. But there isa vital distinction between good developments, which add tothe language, enabling us to say things we could not saybefore, and bad developments, which subtract from thelanguage by rendering it less precise. A vivacious, colorfuluse of words is not to be confused with mere slovenliness.The kind of slovenliness in which some professionalsdeliberately indulge is perhaps akin to the cult ( 迷信) ofthe unfinished work, which has eroded most of the arts in ourtime. And the true answer to it is the same that art isenhanced, not hindered, by discipline. You cannot carvesatisfactorily in butter.The corruption of written English has been accompanied byan even sharper decline in the standard of spoken English. Wespeak very much less well than was common among educatedEnglishmen a generation or two ago.The modem theatre has played a baneful ( 有害的) part indimming our appreciation of language. Instead of theimmensely articulate dialogue of, for example, Shaw (who wasalso very insistent on good pronunciation),audiences are nowsubjected to streams of barely literate trivia, oftendesigned, only too well, to exhibit lack of communication,and larded ( 夹杂) with the obscenities ( 下流的话) andgrammatical errors of the intellectually impoverished. EmilyPost once advised her readers : The theatre is the bestpossible place to hear correctly-enunciated speech. Alas,no more. One young actress was recently reported to be takinglessons in how to speak badly, so that she should fit inbetter.But the BBC is the worst traitor. After years of verysuccessfully helping to raise the general standard of spokenEnglish, it suddenly went into reverse. As the head of thePronunciation Unit coyly ( 含蓄地) put it, In the 1960s theBBC opened the field to a much wider range of speakers. Tohear a BBC disc jockey talking to the latest ape-like popidol is a truly shocking experience of verbal squalor. Andthe prospect seems to be of even worse to come. Schoolteachers are actively encouraged to ignore little Johnnysincoherent grammar, atrocious spelling and haphazardpunctuation, because worrying about such things might inhibithis creative genius.61. The writer relates linguistic slovenliness to tendenciesin the arts today in that they both _.A occasionally aim at a certain fluidityB appear to shun perfectionC from time to time show regard for the finishing touchD make use of economical short cuts62. Art is enhanced, not hindered, by discipline (Lines 6 7, Paragraph 1 ) means _.A an artists work will be finer if he observes certainaesthetic standardsB an unfinished work is bound to be comparatively inferiorC the skill of certain artists conceals their slovenlinessD artistic expression is inhibited by too many roles63. Many modem plays, the author finds, frequently containspeech which_.A is incoherent and linguistically objectionableB is far too ungrammatical for most people to followC unintentionally shocks the audienceD tries to hide the authors intellectual inadequacies64. The author says that the standard of the spoken Englishof BBC_.A is the worst among all broadcasting networksB has raised English-speaking up to a new levelC has taken a turn for the worse since the 1960sD is terrible because of a few popular disc jockeys65. Teachers are likely to overlook the linguistic lapses intheir pupils since_.A they find that children no longer respond to this kind ofdiscipline nowadaysB they fear the children may become less coherentC more importance is now attached to oral expressionD the children may be discouraged from expressing theirideas【参考译文】56 现在,越来越多的教育专家认为大学生一定要懂电脑。甚至还有很多人认为每个大学新生都应该随时能使用自己的电脑。那么,电脑能够给大学生带来什么好处呢 ?任何一个使用过 word 程序的人都知道使用电脑的一个必要原因:写论文。58 虽然并非所有学生都喜欢在 word 文档里写东西,但是绝大部分学生都发现在电脑上实行修改和编辑更加容易。只需按下几个键,你就能够修改、插入或者删除,无需重写或重新输入。此外,因为这种修改并不怎么烦累,学生更有可能经常修改,从而完成一篇质量的论文。所以,很多为大一新生开设的英文课程都要求学生使用 word 程序。电脑对于语言课程也是非常有用的,它们能协助学生训练基本的语言水平。软件程序为非母语英语课程,同时还有法语、德语、西班牙语以及其他语种的课程的教育带来了方便。通过定期使用这些程序,学生能够根据自己的进度提升语言水平。理科类学生能够用电脑做很多事情。比如,利用电脑的绘图功能,生物专业的学生能够描述和分析不同植物的生长模式。医学专业的学生能够学会利用电脑合成的图片来了解人体的内部构造。使用电脑,物理专业的学生实行复杂的计算能够比在没有电脑时快得多。同样,商务和会计专业的学生会发现,他们作业的很多方面都离不开电脑上的电子制表软件;而想从事平面造型艺术、市场营销和公关工作的学生会发现懂电脑绘图很重要。教育学专业的学生学习用电脑开发评分系统,而社会科学专业的学生使用电脑对研究结果实行分析,并将研究结果以图表的形式表现。综上所述,难怪教育专家会赞成学生购买和使用个人电脑。 60 作为一种多功能工具,电脑能堡协助学生堂习。毕竟,这也就是读大学的原因。【答案解析】56B定位:根据题干信息可将答案直接定位到第一段第一句。解析:literacy 最基本的意思是 tlle ability to read and write ,但在本文中的 literacy 出现于第一段:Educators today are more and more often heard to say thatcomputer literacy is absolutely necessary for collegestudents 所以,此处 literacy 引申为“使用的水平”。故选 B。57C定位:根据题干信息 main purpose of this passage 可知解答本题需要通观全文。解析:在文章开头处作者提到:“现在,越来越多的教育专家认为大学生一定要懂电脑。甚至还有很多人认为每个大学新生都应该随时能使用电脑。那么,电脑能够给大学生带来什么好处呢 ?”显然,作者下面要讲的就是拥有电脑对大学生的多种好处。故 C为准确选项。 B项也比较有迷惑性,但文章并未提到 disadvantages 故排除。58A定位:根据题干信息 wordprocessorcanbe usedto 可将答案定位到第二段第二、三句。解析:第二段提到:“虽然并非所有学生都喜欢在 word 文档里写东西,但是绝大部分学生都发现在电脑上实行修改和编辑更加容易。只需按下几个键,你就能够修改、插入或者删除,无需重写或重新输入。”可见,word 程序能协助学生编辑论文。故选 A。59D定位:根据题干信息 the writer s argument is developedprimarily through 可知解答本题需要通观全文。解析:作者为了说明自己的论点,即“拥有电脑对大学生的多种好处”,举了很多例子:他首先指出电脑在写论文时的用途,接着说明电脑在语言学习中的用途,然后又说明了电脑对理科学生的重要性,最后还说明其对商务专业、会计专业、教育学以及社会科学等专业的学生有何协助。故选 D。因果分析、比较对比、归纳总结等写作方式不是本文的主要写作方式。60A定位:根据题干信息 the reason for students to go to college 可将答案定位到文章最后一段。解析:文章在举例说明了电脑对各专业学生的协助之后,再次回到首段中提到的观点,即教育专家为什么支持学生使用电脑。作者总结道:“作为一种多功能工具,电脑能够协助学生学习。毕竟,这也就是读大学的原因。”可见上大学的终极目标也就是学习。故选 A。Passage Two【参考译文】语言是而且也应该是活的,持续有新的词汇和表达形式来使其丰富完善。但是发展有好有坏,两种发展有着很大区别。前者为语言注入新的东西,让我们能够表达出之前不能表达的东西,而后者就不一样了它通过减弱语言的精准度而降低语言层次。对词汇灵活、生动的使用同对词汇邋遢、马虎的使用是不可混为一谈的。 61 有些语言工作者有意大量以邋遢、马虎的方式使用词汇,他们的这种做法同狂热地迷信艺术品不需要润饰的做法很相似,而艺术品不润饰的做法也逐渐毁掉了我们这个时代的艺术品。 62 对于这种见象。解决的方法同艺术创作是一样的:规则是对艺术的促动,而不是对艺术的防碍。用黄油来雕刻永远也做不出令人满意的艺术品。伴随着书面英语的惨淡现状,英语口语的水平更是大大降低了。我们现在说的口语要比一两代之前接受普通教育的英国人差很多。我们对语言的欣赏水平越来越差,这个点,现代剧院难辞其咎。63 相比以前吐字极为清晰的戏剧语言,倒如萧伯纳戏剧的语言 ( 他本人说话时也坚持良好的发音 ), 现代观众不得不接受的是勉强识字的人所袁述的信息,而且常常被拙劣地设计成“ ( 现代人) 沟通缺乏”的体现,很多时候还夹杂缺乏教养的下流言语和语法错误。埃米莉 波斯特曾建议她的读者:“剧院是你最有可能听得到清晰纯正发音的场所了。”唉,如今已然不是了。最近有报道称,为了在表演中更入戏,一名年轻女演员正在上专门教授低劣言辞的课。但最糟糕的背叛者要数 BBC了。64BBC 曾多年如一日地协助提升英语的口语标准。并且卓有成效 但是随后它就突然倒行逆施了。诚如英国发音部门负责人所含蓄表示的那样:“ 20 世纪 60 年代。BBC亚丝向更广泛的讲话者人群开放。”听 BBC音乐节目主持人与猿猴一般的最新流行偶像做访谈节目,绝对是一场震撼身心的言语悲剧。不但如此,将来的情形似乎更糟。 65 现在学校都积极鼓励老师们不要苛责小孩子语法不连贯、拼写糟糕、发音蹩脚。因为他们担心那样做可能会扼杀孩子的创造天赋。【答案解析】61B定位:根据题干信息词slovenliness 和 arts 可将答案定位到第一段第四句。解析:该句提到:“有些语言工作者有意大量以邋遢、马虎的方式使用词汇,他们的这种做法同狂热地迷信艺术品不需要润饰的做法很相似。”可见二者的共同点在于都不追求完美。故选B。62A定位:根据题干信息可直接将答案定位到第一段倒数第二句。解析:第一段倒数第二句提到: And the true answer to it is thesame that art is enhanced ,not hindered ,bydiscipline 从字面理解这句话,其意为:“ 规则是对艺术的促动,而不是对艺术的防碍。”即:没有规矩,不成方圆;遵守规范,才会有更好的艺术。紧接着的下一句“ You cannot carve sailsfactorilvinbutter ( 用黄油来雕刻永远也做不出令人满意的艺术品。 ) ”将此意说得更明白透彻。故选A。63A定位:根据题干信息 modemplays可将答案定位到第三段第二句。解析:本题是问现代戏剧语言具有怎样的特点。第三段第二句提到:“相比以前吐字极为清晰的戏剧语言,现代观众不得不接受的是勉强识字的人所表述的信息,而且常常被拙劣地设计成 (现代人 ) 沟通缺乏的体现,很多时候还夹杂着缺乏教养的下流言语和语法错误。”故 A为准确答案。 incoherent 和 linguistically objectionable 是对文中 streams ofbarely fiterate trivia 的同义转述。64C定位:根据题干信息词BBC可将答案定位到最后一段前半部分。解析:原文提到, BBC曾多年如一日地协助提升英语的口语标准,并且卓有成效,但是随后它就突然倒行逆施了。自 20 世纪 60 年代起,BBC开始向更广泛的讲话者人群开放。听 BBC音乐节目主持人与猿猴一般的最新流行偶像做访谈节目,绝对是一场震撼身心的言语悲剧。可见,BBC主持语言的水平从 20 世纪 60 年代起就急转直下,故选 C。65D定位:根据题干信息 teachers 和 linguistic lapses in theirpupils 可将答案定位到文章最后一句。解析:文章最后提到:“现在学校都积极鼓励老师们不要苛责小孩子语法不连贯、拼写糟糕、发音蹩脚,因为他们担心那样做可能会扼杀孩子的创造天赋。”也就是说,老师们害怕过多地纠正小学生的语言问题会使他们不再勇于表达自己的观点。故选 D。


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