高中英语人教版 必修2教师用书:unit 5 SectionⅡ Warming UpReading — Language Points Word版含答案精修版

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人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Section_Warming Up & Reading Language PointsA:根据所给词性和汉语意思写出单词1musician n音乐家music n音乐musical adj.音乐的2passerby n过路人;行人passersby (pl.)3actor n男演员;行动者actress n女演员act v行动;表现;起作用4humorous adj.幽默的;诙谐的humour n幽默5attractive adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的attract v吸引attraction n吸引力;名胜B:根据英文释义和首字母提示写出单词6familiar (adj.) wellknown to sb.; often seen or heard and therefore easy to recognise7extra (adj.) more than or beyond what is usual8earn (vt.) to get money from work that you do9form (vt.) to begin to exist and gradually develop into a particular shape10attach (vt.) to fasten or join one thing to another11pretend (v.) to behave in a particular way in order to make other people believe sth.that is not true12instrument (n.) an object used for producing music13broadcast (v.) to send out radio or television programmes14millionaire (n.) someone who is very rich and has at least a million pounds or dollars1pretend vt.& vi.假装;假扮背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)Do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan?你唱卡拉OK时是否假装自己就像是宋祖英或刘欢一样著名的歌星?(鲜活例句)Shes not really hurt shes only pretending.她不是真的伤心,她只是在假装。归纳拓展全析考点pretend to do sth.假装做某事pretend to be doing sth. 假装在做某事pretend to have done 假装做过某事pretend to be sb./sth. 假装是某人/某物pretend that . 假装Dont pretend to know what you dont know.不要不懂装懂。When I entered the room, she pretended_to_be_sleeping.当我走进房间时,她假装正在睡觉。He pretended_to_have_been there three days ago.他假装三天前去过那里。I pretended that I had understood what she meant.我假装已经理解了她的意思。2attach vt.& vi.系上;缚上;附加;连接背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.说实在的,很多人把名和利看得很重要。(鲜活例句)Dont worry. Hell attach the label to your luggage.不用担心,他会把标签系在你的行李上。归纳拓展全析考点(1)attach .to认为有(重要性);附上; 连接attach importance/value/significance to 认为有重要性/有价值/有意义(2)be attached to 附属于;连在上Attach a stamp to the envelope before you post your letter.寄信前在信封上贴上邮票。This middle school is_attached_to a normal college.这所中学附属于一所师范学院。All of us attach_great_importance_to the safety of school buses.我们大家都非常重视校车安全。3form vt.(使)组成;形成;构成 n形态;形状;表格背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)But just how do people form a band?那么人们又是怎样一起组成乐队的呢?(鲜活例句)A solution began to form in her mind.一个解决方法在她脑海中形成。(鲜活例句)Trains are a very costeffective form of transport.火车是一种很划算的运输方式。归纳拓展全析考点(1)form the habit of养成的习惯(2)in the form of 用的形式fill in/out the form 填表格He has formed the habit of getting up early.他已经养成了早起的习惯。She expressed her feelings in_the_form_of poetry.她用诗的形式表达她的情感。You should fill_in/out the personal information form first.你首先要填这张个人信息表。4earn vt.赚;挣得;获得背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)Sometimes they may play to passersby in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments.有时他们可能在街上或地铁里为过路者演奏,这样他们可以为自己或自己要买的乐器多挣一些钱。(鲜活例句)He earned the teachers praise for his hard work.他的勤奋学习使他受到了老师的表扬。归纳拓展全析考点earn money make money挣钱earn ones respect/reputation 赢得尊敬/名誉earn ones living make a living 谋生He takes three jobs to earn enough money to support his family.为了挣足够的钱养家,他干了三份工作。His achievement earned his respect and admiration.他的成就赢得了人们的尊敬和赞美。She earned_her_living/made_a_living by singing in the street.她过去靠在大街上唱歌来谋生。5performance n表演;演奏背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid in cash.后来他们可能在酒吧或俱乐部演出,并为此得到现金报酬。(鲜活例句)Yang Yangs performances are very popular with young people.杨洋的表演极受青年人的青睐。归纳拓展全析考点(1)give performances表演;演出put on performances 表演;演出(2)perform vt.& vi. 表演;履行;执行perform an operation/experiment 做手术/试验perform ones duty/promise 履行职责/诺言performer n. 表演者;执行者Some musicians travelling everywhere like to give performances to the passersby.一些到处旅行的音乐家喜欢给路人表演。They put on a song and dance performance to welcome the guests.他们表演歌舞欢迎来宾。He performed very well in the speech competition.他在演讲比赛中表现得很好。Each member of the family has to perform_his_or_her_own_duty.家里的每个成员都应履行自己的职责。The famous doctor is going to set out to perform the operation, so please keep calm.这位著名的医生将要开始做手术,因此请保持镇静。.单句语法填空1The man standing over there is a musician (music), who is known at home and abroad.2Perhaps most of us want to become millionaires (million)3The famous band from the US will give their performance (perform) in the Capital Concert Hall.4I went and sat in a caf and watched the passersby (passerby). 5His father was an actor (act) in an opera company.6He was quite humorous (humor), and I liked him very much. 7Shes a very attractive (attract) woman and we all like her. 8The Chinese government attaches great importance to quality education. .完成句子1Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request in_the_form_of_a_question (以一个问题的形式)2We have made up our minds to send you to perform_the_task (执行这次任务)3Nowadays it is not easy for a young man to earn_enough_money (挣足够的钱) to buy his own house.4As a matter of fact, Chinese people attach_great_importance_to_education (很重视教育)5The girl pretended_not_to_see_me (假装没看见我) when I said hello to her.1dream of梦见;梦想;设想2to be honest 说实在地;实话说3attach .to 认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接4in cash 用现金;有现钱5play jokes on 戏弄6rely on 依赖;依靠7be/get familiar with 熟悉;与熟悉起来8or so 大约9break up 打碎;分裂;解体10make records 制作唱片1dream of梦见;梦想;设想背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music?你是否曾梦想过在音乐会上面对成千上万的观众演唱,观众欣赏你的歌唱为你鼓掌吗?(鲜活例句)I never dreamed of seeing you here.我做梦也没有想到会在这里遇到你。(鲜活例句)She dreams of running her own business.她梦想自己开公司。归纳拓展全析考点dream about dream of梦见;梦想;设想dream that . 梦见;想到dream a .dream 做一个的梦I dreamed about my old home last night.昨天夜里我梦见了以前的家。I dreamed_a_sweet_dream just now.刚才我做了一个甜美的梦。2to be honest说实在地;实话说背诵佳句培养语感(鲜活例句)To be honest, I am not quite satisfied with what you said and did.说实在的,我对你的所作所为不是很满意。(鲜活例句)To be honest, I dont like the heavy fog here.老实说,我不喜欢这里的浓雾。归纳拓展全析考点to tell you the truth说实话;说真的honestly speaking 老实说Honestly speaking, I dont think his work is good.坦率地说,我认为他的工作做得不好。To_tell_you_the_truth,_your plan is very attractive, but it doesnt seem to be practical.说实话,你的计划很吸引人,不过似乎不太实际。3play jokes/a joke on戏弄背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles.组成乐队的音乐人演奏音乐,还彼此打趣逗笑。这些玩笑和音乐大多都在模仿“甲壳虫”乐队。(鲜活例句)April Fools Day is a time to play jokes on friends or relatives.在愚人节这一天,人们与朋友或亲戚开玩笑。归纳拓展全析考点play a trick/tricks on sb.捉弄某人make fun of 捉弄;取笑make fool of 愚弄;戏弄laugh at 嘲笑Why did you play a trick on such a poor child?你为什么捉弄这个可怜的孩子呢?Most of us dont like being_laughed_at by others.我们大多数人不喜欢被别人嘲笑。4rely on/upon依赖;依靠 depend on/upon背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)As some of these actors could not sing well enough, they had to rely on other musicians to help them.因为这些演员中有些人唱得不是很好,他们不得不依靠队里的其他人帮助。(鲜活例句)The success of the project relies on everyone making an effort.本项目的成功全靠诸位的努力。归纳拓展全析考点(1)rely/depend on sb.for sth.某事依靠某人rely/depend on sb.to do sth. 依靠某人干某事rely on it that .相信;放心(2)That/It (all) depends. 视情况而定。As a student, he relies/depends entirely on his parents for food and clothes.作为一名学生,他衣食全依赖父母。You can rely_on_me_to_help you when in trouble.You can rely_on_it_that I can help you when in trouble.你可以相信当你有困难时我会帮助你。Whats your plan for this weekend?这个周末你的计划是什么?That/It_depends. If weather permits, I may go for a picnic.视情况而定。如果天气允许的话,我可能去野餐。点津rely on it that .结构中it为形式宾语。5be/get familiar with熟悉;与熟悉起来背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them.他们非常走红,使得歌迷为了更加熟悉他们而成立了俱乐部。(鲜活例句)I can be your guide because I am familiar with this area.我可以当你的导游,因为我对这个地方非常熟悉。明辨易混防范失误比较be familiar with, be familiar tobe familiar with主语是人,表示熟知某人或某事be familiar to主语是物,表示对于某人来说某事是很熟悉的用with和to填空He is always willing to help others, so everyone here is familiar with him. He is always willing to help others, so he is familiar to everyone here.他总是乐于帮助他人,因此大家都熟悉他。6break up打碎;分裂;解体;(关系)毁坏;破裂;结束背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)The band broke up about 1970, but happily they reunited in the mid1980s.这支乐队大约在1970年左右解散,但是令人高兴的是,到20世纪80年代中期他们再次聚首。(鲜活例句)She admitted that she broke up the cup.她承认她打碎了杯子。(鲜活例句)Police were called in to break up the meeting.出动了警察将集会驱散。(鲜活例句)As far as I know, their marriage is breaking up.据我所知,他们的婚姻就要破裂了。归纳拓展全析考点break away from .从中脱离出去break down 出故障;失败;(身体)垮下来;分解break into 强行闯入break out burst out 突然发生;爆发A war broke out between the two countries in 1890.1890年,两国间爆发了一场战争。His car broke_down on the way, and that was why he was late for the meeting.他的车在路上出故障了,那就是他开会迟到的原因。.单句语法填空1The relationship between the two countries broke up for the spy event.2When she was a little girl, she dreamed of becoming (become) a dancer.3He always relies on his teacher for advice on how to learn English well.句型转换1People make fun of her because she wears such a strange hat.People play_ jokes_ on her because she wears so_ strange_ a hat.2We are all familiar with Liu Qian for his excellent magic performances.Liu Qian is_ familiar_ to all of us for his excellent magic performances.3Honestly speaking, she is clever as well as beautiful.To_ be_ honest_,_she is not_ only clever but_ also beautiful.句型转换1People make fun of her because she wears such a strange hat.People play_ jokes_ on her because she wears so_ strange_ a hat.2We are all familiar with Liu Qian for his excellent magic performances.Liu Qian is_ familiar_ to all of us for his excellent magic performances.3Honestly speaking, she is clever as well as beautiful.To_ be_ honest_,_she is not_ only clever but_ also beautiful.1句型展示Sometimes they may play to passersby in the street or subway so_that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments.有时他们可能在街上或地铁里为过路者演奏,这样他们可以为自己或自己要买的乐器多挣一些钱。典例背诵He got up early so that he could catch the early bus.他很早起床以便赶上早班车。2句型展示The musicians were to_play_jokes_on_each_other_as_well_as play music, _most_of_which was based loosely on the Beatles.组成乐队的音乐人演奏音乐,还彼此打趣逗笑。这些玩笑和音乐大多都在模仿“甲壳虫”乐队。典例背诵They have many things to do now, the most important of which for them is to make a plan first.现在他们有很多的事情要做,对他们来说最重要的是首先来制订一个计划。3句型展示They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking_for rock musicians, but they could only find one who was good enough.他们在报纸上登了一则广告,想招摇滚乐手,但他们只招到一个满意的。典例背诵There is a note beside the grassland saying that everyone should keep off the grassland.草地边上有个警示牌,告诉人们勿踏入草地。The musicians were to_play_jokes_on_each_other_as_well_as play_music, most of_which was based loosely on the Beatles.组成乐队的音乐人演奏音乐,还彼此打趣逗笑。这些玩笑和音乐大多都在模仿“甲壳虫”乐队。(1)不定式to play jokes on each other as well as play music作were的表语,其中play music与play jokes on each other并列,由as well as连接。不定式作表语常用来表示按计划安排将要发生的动作或用来解释主语(计划、目的、工作等)的内容。What I love best now is to have a relaxing holiday.我现在最喜欢的是过一个轻松的假期。My wish is to_be_a_doctor.我的愿望是当一名医生。(2)most of which引导非限制性定语从句,意为“其中大多数”。which指jokes和music。先行词表示人时用most of whom。此结构中不定代词还有all, none, both, neither, each, many, some等。I have many foreign language books, most of which are worldfamous works.我有许多外语书,大多数是世界名著。The old man has a daughter and two sons, none_of_whom is kind to him, which makes him very disappointed.这位老人有一个女儿、两个儿子,没有一个人对他好,这使他非常失望。.单句语法填空1I have to study hard so that I may not fail in the examinations.2My wish is to_do (do) what my country needs me to do.3I picked up some apples, two of which were bad. 4She can speak Japanese as well as English. 5It was at the request of his mother that he was accepted into the club.6The Greens have two daughters, both of whom are college students.完成句子1My job is to_look_after_my_sister (照看我妹妹)when mom is cooking.2The old man has three children,two_of_whom_work_in_Beijing (其中两个在北京工作)3Three serious earthquakes happened in China,one_of_which (其中之一) was in Yushu.4I received his short message telling_me (告诉我) that he would come here tomorrow.5Id like to arrive 20 minutes early so_that_I_can_have_time_for_a_cup_of_tea (以便有时间喝一杯茶).单句语法填空1You may rely on it that he will come here to give us a hand.2The couple attach much importance to the education of their children. 3He pretended to_be_studying (study) when his father stepped into his room. 4To_be (be) honest, I dont think highly of the school bus security in China.5After the foreign guests got familiar with the Chinese traditional festivals, they liked to live in China.6These robots will be designed to look like people to make them more attractive (attract) and easier to sell.完成句子1To_be_honest/Honestly_speaking,_I dont think this problem is difficult to solve.老实说,我认为这个问题不难解决。2I dont know why he attaches_great_importance_to this research.我不知道他为什么认为这项研究十分重要。3My dream is to_become_an_astronaut.我的梦想是成为一名宇航员。4Always quarrelling led to their marriage breaking_up.一直争吵导致了他们的婚姻破裂。5Not having found a better way, we had to rely_on_him_to_make the design.由于没有找到更好的方法,我们不得不靠他来制作这个设计。6You are old enough to_earn_your_own_living.你足够大了,可以自己谋生了。7Because of the traffic jam, he has formed_the_habit_of starting out early.由于交通拥挤,他养成了早动身的习惯。8There were a lot of boys in the field (who_were)_playing_football.旷野里有许多男孩子在踢足球。.阅读理解AWhat do you think of 80s pop music? Do the names George Michael, Madonna and Michael Jackson sound familiar? Well, these are just some of the names that were wellknown in the music scene of the 80s and early 90s.The 80s pop music scene was an important step to the popularity (普及) of presentday music.A new wave in the music scene was introduced, which made such music styles as punk rock, rap music and the MTV popular.Although it was an end to the old 60s and 70s styles, it was also the beginning of something big.The popularity of music videos meant that artists now replaced their guitarbased music with visual displays.A new wave of artists came on the scene and the entire industry developed quickly.The most famous 80s pop music video is Michael Jacksons Thriller.Introduced in 1982, few people can forget the video not only because of its neverbeforeseen images, but also because of the popularity it received.Think too of how 80s pop music changed the lives of people who grew up in the 80s.Ask a young man today to tell you the names of the “New Kids on the Block” and he will start talking about the neighbor kids who just moved in.These are not the answers you might have heard in the 80s.Though todays young men do not recognize how cool 80s pop music was, most people will always remember it for what it was and these are happy memories they will always love.Some of the 80s pop music legends (传奇人物) include Madonna, U2, AeroSmith and of course the King of Pop Michael Jackson.Lets not forget Prince, Tina Turner, Phil Collins and Motowns Lionel Ritchie.Some of these musicians played music that has stood the test of time.Undoubtedly, the 80s pop music scene will live on for many more years to come.语篇解读:20世纪80年代,庞克摇滚乐、说唱音乐和MTV纷纷涌入乐坛。那些在80年代长大的人对此记忆犹新,他们的生活也深受影响。1What is the text mainly about?AThe characters of 80s pop music.BThe effects of 80s pop music.C80s pop musics steps to popularity.DWhat made 80s pop music popular.解析:选D主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了20世纪80年代的音乐流行的原因。故选D项。280s pop music mainly includes the following styles EXCEPT _.Arap musicBthe MTVCguitarbased music Dpunk rock解析:选C细节理解题。从第一段的“A new wave in the music scene was introduced, which made such music styles as punk rock, rap music and the MTV popular”可知,八十年代出现的新的音乐形式有punk rock, rap music and the MTV。再由“artists now replaced their guitarbased music with visual displays”可知选C项。3Michael Jacksons Thriller impressed people so deeply mainly because _.Ait was made into a music videoBhe sang it in a special styleCit changed the lives of peopleDit left people with happy memories解析:选A细节理解题。从第二段的“Introduced in 1982, few people can forget the video not only because of its neverbeforeseen images”可知,因为MTV的引进,使得这首歌曲深入人心。故选A项。4The purpose of the last paragraph is to tell readers that _.A80s pop music is now out of dateB80s pop music has many faultsC80s pop music is and will remain popularDwe shouldnt forget the great musicians of the 80s解析:选C段落大意题。根据最后一段的“Undoubtedly, the 80s pop music scene will live on for many more years to come”可知,作者最后一段的写作目的在于告诉读者八十年代的音乐将依旧散发出它的光芒。故选C项。BRock and roll music developed in the United States in the early 1950s. It was based on the music called rhythm and blues that was performed by African American musicians.Early rock and roll singers developed their own kinds of music. Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, the Beach Boys, and Bob Dylan were the most popular rock and roll musicians in the early 1960s. All were American. Then, in 1964, a new rock and roll group from England invaded America: the Beatles.Some people say the Beatles music shook America like an earthquake. The Beatles changed rock and roll forever. Their early songs were influenced by American rock and roll musicians, including Chuck Berry. But the Beatles looked different and sounded different from any musical group before them.The Beatles released their first album in the United States in 1964, when all of the top five records in America were by the Beatles. In 1967, they released an album called Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. It was one of the first “concept” albums. That is, all the songs were linked by a common story or idea.The popularity of the Beatles led the way for more rock and roll bands from England to become popular in America. The Rolling Stones was the most important of these bands. The Rolling Stones is one of the few groups from the 1960s that is still performing and recording today. In 1965, the group recorded one of its most famous songs, Satisfaction.The musical instrument most linked to rock and roll is the guitar. Experts say Jimi Hendrix was one of the most influential guitar players in rock and roll during the late 1960s. His Purple Haze was liked by many people.By the 1970s, rock and roll music became known as rock music. It expanded into many new forms. For example, there was country rock, hard rock, acid rock, heavy metal rock, punk rock, jazz rock, and glitter rock. In the middle 1970s, experts say rock music regained some of the energy of early rock and roll. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band became popular with their album Born to Run. Springsteens music was like the lively rock and roll music of the early 1960s. Many of his songs were about social issues. He sang about the effects of unemployment and the war in Vietnam. 5The main topic of this passage is _.Athe history of American musicBthe development of rock and roll musicCthe famous rock and roll groupsDthe new forms of rock and roll music解析:选B主旨大意题。文章的主题或中心主要是在第一段,所以结合第一段可知,本文是关于摇滚音乐的发展历史的。6Whats the meaning of “concept” in Paragraph 4?AConcert.BRecord.CIdea. DCompany.解析:选C词义猜测题。根据第四段最后一句可知,这种专辑里的音乐都与某个故事或想法有关。因此idea与concept“概念”意义相近。7Which of the following matches is NOT true?Athe Beatles Chuck BerryBthe Rolling Stones


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