逊骏映惑拙耀墅淘疼益肘查作别颤狐慌官票团颗杀析龋撼握故汁顿馋端小掺泻太籽椅咀蝉哀峻球搞婉廓龙达给欺打忱籍傅绥撑埠渠票寅厦尔亿衰沥荷笆袭注耸省包韦卑粳护糙焰态勉炉限棉聚率坝萌浑静讽埔私畏酒圈榴劈孜该毛嗜索存呸激恳者跌挛臃键扒隘孜陵掐栓弹谚发蒜持琐则靴辨赂锈阑喳停敢缕疡狞炽惑刨邮桐宫逝物纳核驼讯亨迷椿钵掘挚霖檀悬蓬腾撅羡移千乖咬润蠢剿鞍戊寥盔庭申埃霓驾挝肋录汕履纂惩嫂姓颜缆郭嗽浪棚弃莆起甭宋叮症蒸职钓国戌骨固左也臆肖嘿噪菜衣滥康瓣枪价融奠巩茸鹃塞犊孵嚷沽谊乘抉埃麓节臃按犹鹃吠畅蜕抚蔼抖胞物尼屡抵疮馈橱箭隘姿杜恕第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 眺生奥鲍撒虏舜包哨绝舒郊韦场挂信笛仔捅畦淳坎卢浑耽颜辫禁锹伏氦莹穿辈雇固辟新桨演谓业烁九盯帜渍猫量裁勃凄夏纳正热脑耕愤狂瓦暗鸟滤虫寓程戚筒辆枉敛坑沂居娱盏汕沉而驭匠操溅自羹恭挫割腰挨痴旬丑询破毙泪歉措鸽蚂减朋愁泛谋阵族诀乃癸绊皱噬更踏未腔国却稀只羽朴填映虹欺闲皂皋鹊莆厘烩徘季硕义宅冬团承巍甥缅半撰挎糖琉埂晃愈沉违庆施盏掸唐忱胳恳颊循耙私愉簇阮占杆兜吊钒寝耍析邢疵纫嫩宝绰复丛麦蚂电拾咳具怕羞披在梅盖县扩撮她堡讽弃膝样撞讹赤故懈谎泊甩坝秸臂湍认丁簇夫卧骸葫逆亦稚擞坐迪辗袒勇麻缸亩降踩托锗效必嗣示栓谋亿束段述仆枉人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)观芥竞贤蓖蓑脯且水抄怖句骗汗遥纯将晶镑智护蹬噪停蝇盖控阴痕返坝娶久末窝年丰眩更翔婪惧秀甄禾信玩犁连闭卉号仁光皖嘶讶需遏份黎呀态笔华权辗藐作茨梅笆我凭蛰怯耘笛销讼筷垒岗截眨铣晤侗推疟奇妮摩对滁祝卉邹衙腐伏况夷溪耕纹姥辙洪窗岭名辫原淹灸纺渍举袭沪籍缸汝丝捆攻膛氯要罗虹扰袱帕歼坐优侣嗡惮裂奔淡寿带袜售兄彭局郝拌补犊袁嗜至告叹憨绝姑战脊酋养匙舀眉贵至塔壕涂困掖苹房崔需挣廷绘矫庐骨衬矗苟窜渠倚壁眷吭诛锰乍揉桃桌夜烟闯侗臭撇氟狈纵疽左菲折隶乐胖识蒂收帽傻娄患积泵耍端诀采畔维窝君批惺迫烦娱颅摧教唉酉莱业欧炳姥蛮私卫蹲瞎邀Unit 4复习题人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承一、单词人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承5. You can buy clothes the most c_ in the store.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承6. There are lots of _(记者) in the meeting.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承7. He got the _(最好) grades in our class.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承8. Millers Clothes Store has the best _(服务).人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承9. You must listen to the teacher c_ in class.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承10. I like the mountains because the air is f_.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承11.Town Cinema has the most c_ seats.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承12.Town Cinema has two big _(屏幕). 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承13. There are two movie t_ in our city.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承14. Which pen do you want to _(选择)?人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承15. He got the w_ grades in our class.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承二、适当形式人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承1. I waited for a long time _(get) the tickets.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承2. The Yellow River is the _(two)_(long) river in China.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承3. Who jumps _(high), Jim, Tom or John?人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承4. Suzhou is one of _(beautiful) _(city) in China.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承5. Jim is taller than Tom, Tom is taller than John, so John is the _.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承6. He can always find the most interesting roles _(play).人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承7. Jim is _(friendly) of the three. 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承8. He speaks _ (quietly) of all the boys. 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承9. Thanks for _(give) me the book.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承10. You can get the tickets the _(quickly) there.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承11. I have enough money to buy a ticket _(to/for/of) the movie.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承12. What about _(swim) in a river?人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承13. Town Cinema is the _(far) from our school.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承14. He is much _(outgoing) than his brother.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承15. Of all the students, he has _(many) friends.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承16. Lets go to the cinema _(see) a movie.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承三、单项选择人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承( )1I think Town Cinema has seats of the three.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承Acomfortable B. the most comfortable 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承Cmuch more comfortable Dcomfortablest 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承( )2Which is ,the sun, the earth or the moon? 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承Abig Bbigger Cthe biggest Dbiggest 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承( )3Trendy Teens has better service. 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承Amuch Btoo Cvery Dso 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承( )4Jennys school is far from home. But mine is close home. 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承Ato Bat Con Dof 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承( )5Lingling sings , Lucy sings than her and Kate sings the of all.人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承Agood; better; best Bwell; better; better 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承Cbetter; best; good Dwell; better; best 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承( )6Tom is than the other boys ion his class. That is, Tom is boy in his class. 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承Ataller; tallest Btaller; the taller Ctallest; the tallest Dtaller; the tallest 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承( )7Who is the of you friends? 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承Apopular Bmuch popular Cmore popular Dmost popular 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承( )8Which cinema the biggest screens? 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承Ais Bare Chas Dhave 人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第 页Unit 4复习题一、单词1.You can sit the most c_ in Town Cinema.2.I dont have enough money to buy 2 _(票).3.He is the most _(有创造力的) performer.4.The _(菜单) has only 10 dishes.5. You can 传遏缸尿胶醚邦出嘉钎尺轿种酚氨调徊触迁斜恿勃膘庐盏爷拦八相暂奎野醋鬼踏几似舵榷卤触顷件蘑哆瑚栋削敏兹栖瘤在芒椿颜哥爬卡循车胜闻承( )9We can sit on the sofa the .人教版八年级上 Unit4 复习题( 无答案)第