反意疑问句课件 (2)

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Tag Questions反意疑问句反意疑问句1.Its a nice day, isnt it?2.We are at school, arent we?3.She is a teacher, isnt she?4.You look tired, dont you?5.Mary has a pen, doesnt she?6.They havent seen the movie, have they?7.This was a great party, wasnt it? 反意疑问句反意疑问句 1. She is a student, isnt she? 2. We speak Chinese, dont we?一、定义:一、定义:当我们陈述了一个事实,而又不是很当我们陈述了一个事实,而又不是很有把握,就可以在陈述句后加一个简有把握,就可以在陈述句后加一个简短问句,称为反意疑问句。短问句,称为反意疑问句。例:例:二、结构:二、结构:结构一:结构一: 前肯,前肯,+ 后否后否 eg. She is a student, isnt she?结构二:结构二: 前否,前否,+ 后肯后肯 eg. She isnt a student, is she?三、反意疑问句的解答步骤三、反意疑问句的解答步骤一判定一判定:当陈述部分有:当陈述部分有no,not,never,seldom(很少很少), hardly,few,little,nothing,nobody 等否定意义的等否定意义的词时,后面的反意疑问句则用肯定形式词时,后面的反意疑问句则用肯定形式1.There are few apples in the basket,_ _ ? 2.He can hardly swim,_ _? 3.There is little water in the glass,_ _?are therecan heis there注意注意:当陈述句中有带:当陈述句中有带否定前缀(否定前缀(un-,dis-,im-)un-,dis-,im-)或或否定否定后缀后缀(-less)(-less)的单词时,整个句子仍视为肯定句,反意部的单词时,整个句子仍视为肯定句,反意部分用分用否定形式否定形式。Lily is Lily is unhappyunhappy,_ _ ? isnt she二:找动词。二:找动词。 2.Tom can swim very well, _? 3.You have been to Beijing,_ ?1. He is your uncle, _?isnt hecant hehavent you2.陈述句部分没有陈述句部分没有be动词动词/助动词助动词/情态动词,情态动词,加相应的助动词加相应的助动词(do/does/did):1. He has an apple, _?2. The plane took off an hour ago, ?didnt itdoesnt he3. 陈述部分是陈述部分是There be 句型的,反意句型的,反意疑问部分用疑问部分用. there?1 .There is a pen on the chair,_?2 .There will be a party in our class, _?isnt therewont there4. 4. 陈述部分是陈述部分是I am,I am,反意疑问句部分用反意疑问句部分用arentarent I?eg.I am a teacher, _ arent I三:换代词三:换代词1.This / that it2.These / those theyThis line is moving slowly, isnt it?Those are Jennys socks, arent they?3.everyone everybodysomeone somebody no one nobody nonethey/he4.everything anythingsomething nothing itEveryone is here, arent they/isnt he?Something is in that bottle, isnt it?注意注意1:祈使句的反意疑问句祈使句的反意疑问句, 一律用一律用 will you ?1 Dont be late, _ _?2 Have a rest, _ _?will youwill you注意注意2. Lets.的反意疑问句的反意疑问句shall we Let us .的反意疑问句用的反意疑问句用will you Lets have a rest, _? (包括听话者包括听话者) Let us have a rest, _? (不包括听话者不包括听话者)shall wewill you注意注意3 3:含有:含有thinkthink、believebelieve等等的宾语从句的宾语从句主语为第一人称主语为第一人称I/We thinkI/We think,肯肯/ /否否看看主句主句,反意疑问句主语反意疑问句主语看看从句从句:I / We think he is a teacher, isnt he?I dont think he is a teacher, is he?主语为其他人称主语为其他人称She/He thinks.She/He thinks.,肯肯/ /否及反意疑问句主语否及反意疑问句主语都看都看主句主句:She thinks he came back last night, doesnt she?They thought we went to Beijing in 2007, didnt they?四四.反意疑问句的回答反意疑问句的回答不管陈述句是肯定的还是否定的不管陈述句是肯定的还是否定的,回答时回答时事实是肯定的事实是肯定的, 就用就用yes; 反之反之, 则用则用no.It will rain tomorrow, _ it? Yes, it will.是的是的,会下雨。会下雨。 No, it wont.不,不会下雨不,不会下雨It didnt rain last week, _ it? Yes, it did.不不,下雨了。下雨了。 No, it didnt.是的是的,没下雨。没下雨。didwont1.找出错误并改正找出错误并改正1)Tom is a worker, isnt Tom?_2)You can swim, can not you?_ 3)He had lunch, doesnt he?_isnt he ?cant you ?didnt he ?五:当堂检测五:当堂检测二.单选 1.Mr Green went to Shenzhen last week,_? A.isnt he B.doesnt he C.didnt he D.hasnt he 2.He has a sister,_? A.has he B.hasnt he C.does he D.doesnt he 3.He has never been to Beijing,_? A.has he B.hasnt he C. does he D. doesnt 4. There are few people in the street,_? A. arent there B. are there C. are they D. arent they CDAB1. John had a short walk after lunch, _?A. did he B. didnt heC. had he D. hadnt he 2. You come from England, dont you? . How do you know that?A. No, I do B. No, I dont C. Yes, I am D. Yes, I do1. I am on duty,_?2. Your mother is a doctor ,_?3. The weather here is very hot ,_?4. Thats a Japanese car ,_?5. Miss Gao teaches English ,_?6. She doesnt like apples ,_?7. Tom had supper yesterday ,_?8. She had to get there early ,_?9. Mary cant ride a bike ,_?10. There is some milk in the glass ,_?arent I isnt sheisnt itisnt itdoesnt shedoes shedidnt hedidnt shecan sheisnt there11. There will be no rain tomorrow ,_?12. My father never went to Xian ,_?13. Nothing can stop him learning English ,_?14. Something is wrong with your pen , _?15. everyone is here ,_?16. Dont be late for class ,_?17. Lets go to the cinema ,_?18. Let us go out for a walk ,_?will theredid hecan itisnt itisnt hewill youshall wewill you19. I dont think she will come here ,_?20. I think it rained last night ,_?21. He thinks its a wrong answer ,_?22. The girl was unhappy yesterday ,_?23. You must study hard ,_?24.Doing morning exercises is good for you ,_?25. John is reading books ,_?will shedidnt itdoesnt hewasnt shemustnt youisnt itisnt heSummary我学会了我学会了. 1.什么是反意疑问句?什么是反意疑问句?2.反意疑问句的结构。反意疑问句的结构。3.反意疑问句的解答三步曲反意疑问句的解答三步曲 第一步:第一步:. 第二步:第二步:. 第三步:第三步:.4.反意疑问句的注意事项。反意疑问句的注意事项。Thanks for listening!


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