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PEP小学英语六年级小升初模拟试题(五)Name : Class:一、选择题。(10分) ( ) 1.Good morning,Mike.A.Good afternoon. B.Im John. C.Good morning,Tom.( )2.How many pens _you have ? B.are C.have( )3. Mr Green is my mothers brother . Hes my _ A. brother B. unle C. aunt( )4. How much _ the sweets ? _ 20 yuan . A. are ; Its B. is ; Its C. are ; Theyre ( )5. There _a pen and some books on the desk . A. is B. are C. have ( )6.When is your birthday ?A. At 10:30 B. In February C. There are three.( )7._are you going ?This afternoon.A.Where B.When C.That( )8.Did you go in the morning ? No,I went night night C.on night( )9.What did Mikes father yesterday ? He _swimming.A.go to B.goes to C.went( )10.What did you do yesterday? I _music.A.listen to B.listens C.listened to 二、用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题2分,共10分)look two new long take 1.I _ a bus to the hospital yesterday.2.My legs are _ than yours.3.Here is the good _.4.The _backpack looked like yours.5.What are you_for ?三、英汉互译(共10分)1.读书 6.excited2.头疼 7.bored3.高兴的 8.tail4.英语 9.have a toothache5.上星期日 10.visit四、按要求进行句型转换,每空一词。(共10分)1.My mother is going to go shopping. (对划线部分提问) _ _ your mother going to do ?2.We are going to Shanghai by air ?(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ going to Shanghai?3.Are we going to go hiking this weekend ?( 做肯定回答)_,we _ .4.Im going with my father to Kunming . (对划线部分提问)_ _ _going with to Kunming ?5.My sister is going this weekend.(对划线部分提问)_ _ your sister going ?五、连词成句。 ( 10分) 1. I from count 1 15 to (.) look new my crayons (!)_3.heavy my is schoolbag (.)_4. your is this bedroom (?)_5.father is your where (?) red a light stop (!)_7. Jane taller me is than (.)_8.youre and bigger than stronger me (.) basketball did you last month (?)_10.visited grandparents I my (.)_六、改错题,先在错误处划线,再把正确形式填在横线上。(10分)( ) 1.John and Mike is going to have a picnic. _ A B C D( ) 2.The tiger are fighting at the zoo. _ A B C D ( ) 3.Where are you go yesterday? _ A B C D ( ) 4.He like play football . _ A B C D ( )5.Where is you from ? _ A B C D七、补全对话, 选择正确答案的编号在横线上。(有两个多余的选项)(10分)A: Thank you. B: What did you buy for your grandpa?C: Where did you go yesterday? D: What did you do yesterday?E: What was the matter with him ? F: How did he feel?G: Are you going to visit him tomorrow?John: Good morning ,Mike.Tom: Good morning ,Tom.John: You didnt go to school yesterday. _1_?Tom: I went to visit my grandpa. He didnt feel well.John: 2 ?Tom: He had a cold.John: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. 3 ?Tom: I bought a cake for my grandpa.John: 4 ?Tom: Yes, Im going to see my grandpa tomorrowJohn: I hope he will be better soon.Tom: 5 .八、阅读理解。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”.(20分)Im a student. Im in Class 2, Grade 5. My name is Liu Xin. It a new school year. We have a new math teacher. Our math teacher is very young. We all like him. We have Chinese , math , English, P.E., computer, science, art and music. I have Chinese and English on Mondays. I have computer on Fridays. I like Fridays. Today is Tuesday. We have P.E. and music.( )1.My math teacher is very young .( )2.Tomorrow is Tuesday.( )3.We have eight subjects (科目)in the new school year.( )4.I like Fridays. Because there are computer lessons.( )5.We all like our new math teacher. He is very funny.九、从B栏中选择A栏的正确答语填在前面括号中。(共10分)(B) (A)( )1.Whats her name? A.Yes,I feel happy.( )2.How old are you? B.Her name is Jenny.( )3.Do you feel happy? C.Im ten years old.( )4.Whos your art teacher? D. Mr Hu.( )5.Is he thin ? E.Yes,he is .( )6.Whats she like ? F. Shes thin and short.( )7.How tall are you ? G. Im 1.50m tall.( )8.Did you clean the bedroom ? H. No,I didt.( )9.Did she go to school yesterday? I.No,she didnt.( )10.Whats the matter? J. I have a headache.十、作文。暑假就要来了,介绍Mike打算去哪里,怎样去,什么时候去,和谁去,干什么等等。(5句,10分)PEP小学英语六年级小升初模拟试题及答案(二)一、 1-5 6-10 CABCA ABBCC二、 1.took 2.longer 3news. 4.second 5.looking三、 a book 6.兴奋的2.have a headache 7.无聊的3.happy 8.尾巴4.English 9.牙疼5.last Sunday 10.看望,拜访四、1.What,is 2.How,are,you 3.Yes,are 4.Who,are ,you 5.When,is五、1.I count from 1 to 15.2.Look at my new crayons!3.My schoolbag is heavy.4.Is this your bedroom ?5.Where is your father ?6.Stop at a red light !7.Jane is taller than me.8.Youre bigger and stronger than me .9.Did you play basketball last month ?10.I visited my grandparents.六、( B) B)2.tiger-tigers( B)3.are-did( B) B)七、1-5 DEBGA 八、1-5 TFTTT九、1-5 6-10BCADE FGHIJ十、略


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