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国家开放大学电大本科人文英语3期末试题及答案(试卷号:1379)2022盗传必究一. 交际用增(共计1。分,电小18 2分)151:堆择正折的阔旬完成下列M话并将答)8序号写在答1!岖上1. Wh r ir John J 1 njdldn (ind hitnA.Shr i、vrfy buny working in hin projcuIk I urn Murr v hul 1r hi nfraid I vnn * I ngf r will) you(I wu|)|io?tr hr cntild hnvi gnnr Id fhr HHMlifig nx)nt2. I io you hnvr nny oboui h“w t drlivcr u pfri h?A. Molly# Ate you rrady (or th,wrrkrnd speech?H. I Itt of speech in not totally dcpriHliriK on ihr conu nb( Firn! you should rernrrnher to keep ryr cuntArt with your HHihrnt r.3. Thflt Mnidt I Mtill ptvicr trndilionnl (orninl rducfttion if poiwibkaA. I柘 you do ny online ho|ipinK r IrnrninR?IL Yrnlu tlufi nr I? I fni iioitK t5. How dew* it rxplnin the couhcji (ur flic in( rrnntng juvrnilr crimen?It w ihnt.A part r| I hr rrnMan t* the inlluencr of Intvrnrt violenceH. a hridihy Intrrnvt ntirfing cnvironrnrnr i needed( iht oprriitiriK compnnirM dan*t filter ihr rontrni nnlinr二、顽iLl法(转什分小1 2分)fi-的句于从三个选项中选出一个入空白处的JB佳选单,并将答言序号可在答B6帐上.hohrlwrrn Uce ru-hcr UnchifiH nnl diinncr inluctiiion itre im rcminKlyblurrrd.A.而好.Ik boundfiriew liKtnncc7. T Mdvnerment i( ivrhrmlogy hz boa1rd thr pace of our llvru. mid rvquirr* m tn hsn 一 vvrry ihy |unt tu May current in thr workplncr.Mimrthinic nvwII new amcfhingC. rvrry nrw thirty* lh rrnnnckd lha*r inthnt thvir homm n;uld be mii open invitnnon (omminl.A. tmiiionHt aHcntionI Hrrtdancc9 Wt nil tend to think thnt wc wrr imfe in out homes, but . . niatiy homes are nol 倡 tnfc they nrc up|%oird tu Lr,A. huprlullyH, unfurtunnlelyC iurkilyI。,will not only mukc thrm (rcl godcl: by MixidrniE Hrtiplr ciltrn work ovrrtiniv Ih CiHiar ol too murh workin queuA tu br wAitvdBt wh( wnmnR12. I le niked hut ncighlHir tohl. bounc-z 虹叩 nn rye onB. keep their ryea ont krep eye* up n li13. Join a local support group if you are having trouble undrrMan.lmg h“w e dt!idplincA, peHorm玖C. practiceH. Whh the cob1 of livinK higher every mWe ysr hdV,n fl b,K ,,un,ly ,a r,longer ttuniidrrcd a pructic/il ppfioru( gelBr conf lined15. You may “y “m。“me,u 仙y with your Wee bur remember thr game. ahouldnfl be H. look atC. look up17. On September 13. 2013. the Stole Councd issued n 心仙港州drvclopmcnl ol Chinn eMrrly 顷e 眠rvim , 11 tn be ped UpA. to peed uplC by Bpeodinit upIS. The impact of technology on modern Mt i immrourtblr.A. hZEB won,tUihr qiinluy n( Crtrr you ion pvulr.H. Ihc brtthe hifiheMC. hn1! hyou know the pcrwnA. Bettrf* higherQ The betterthe highercurrent20. The Advancement of Mg 血 boatlrd .he RCt。项,岫 and rg.E 顾 learn omethlng new every d” 呻 e Uy thr workplace.A. apparentinv lC. applicRblc三qt解供计仲分小 I分)2I25牡:阅域短文,从AJh build un lhe loundaiion of the hort term ganls. fhry mU:ht dl w,h,rnn o( mbool or the ennrr school yrnr. or ihcy could rven extend (ar 心 endyw Any time you move a step nt . lirnr. you should never nllow yqurwelf to heronw diicaurrtRcd niplrtrd B. yuur Achirvvmrnt in A WCrkC current Aciivhieii25 When we compldr ench rdiiiK to ihr A. I.ifr i 11 tath fhiriH thus nevr ulluwinK lonu irnn ! In limitR. The lonir(Thr tnirrrriMiatr 申wig buihl nn rht |iin(hticH of the short irrm26-30 :文内容rmtft出的儡旬星否正S .正的写*广.住顿的写“F”弁箱答需其在 答u峨上.Pnisgr 2卜:nhwh in ii)Kkrn ar n ninivir Inn日uRr by around 37V million proplct hl * *rcnl InnuunKr by nround 376 nilllinn 叩ni the world. Spenkem olab * secondUngUAKr will NKin outnumber I hour who Mjwak it a . I prak Enlih nn m foreign InnMuaRe. Enghwh Iinh oflinftl or a penrtl tniut tn 75 countricM with a tolol populntion of nvrr ? billion.The domhution of the English InngUAKc globally it a ure thing# Kngliah ihr Innguiige ol intrrnnfionnl ctimmunu hIiod hHMt fouriiim cdurHnone riefuv , computer (crhnolagy. mctlia and the hncrncLHntish colnnmliam in thr 19th century and American capitalUm And technologicfll|irogmB in the 20th cvniury wrrr undouhtrdly thr rnnin cuc for thr spread l Enftlhh ihrouRhout the worlit From rhr fifiernth centtiryf the Britisli begun to n山 all over the world and brcnnie rxplarcrf colunht* and imprrinliMt*. Thry look thr Enitlhh lari|Kiae totnany places, For rhe lost hundred years* the USA has pkyed a leading rule in mont parlH of the world. 1 hr Hollywood film industry alno altracted many foreign anmts in quest of fame and lortunr and thfl number of American films produced every year soon flooded the market.Howrvcr the future of English os a global lanHuagc will depend very largely un thr pulibraL ecunomirt demographic and cultural trends in thr wcirid.26. English is spoken as a second language by around 377 million people in the worlds27. Sprakrnt of EnxIiMh a second language are more than those who spsk it as a first languflRet:?8. Il ih not surprising that 70% of all tnlormation atured in the iniernet is in EngliaL29. The preod of English throughout the world resulted from British cnloninlixm in thr 19th century and Amrncan cApttaiism nnd technological progress in the 20th century.30. h in definitely predicted that English will still act as a rIoLmI language m thr future.四.写作(一篇作文,共2。分)31. 根据要求写作文.Write speech about the captc of saving energy. You mny follow the ideas Riven.(1) People wamIc too much nowtidays both tn tile and al work.(2) Offer a few ideas about how to save energy.Saving energy is importAnt.试题答案及评分标准:-,交际用语(共计I。分.每小题2分)J-5g:iX择正的语句完成下列可话.并将答案序号写衣答题蜓上。L C2. C3. B B5. A二、切汇语法(共计30分,每小建?分)6-20 8:88读下面的句子.从A.H,C三个迭项中堆出一个能境入空白处的正确选项.井将答案 序号写在答篷纸上。6. B7. A8. C9. B10-AH. C12. A11 BH. B15.V16. A17. A18. C19, C知,B三. 阅读理解(共40分,每小趣4分)21-25题:阅读短文,从AJIJ三个选项中迭出一个正晴答案.并将答案序号写在答题纸上。21. B 22. A 23. C 2. C 25. A暮仁w题:根据帽文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“r”.错误的写井将答案写在 答题蜓上。26. F27. F2& F2如 T30. FBk写作(我2。分)31.嵌抠要求写作丈,答案


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