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高二英语期末测试一、单项填空1. Simon wont like it, you know. Can you change its color? ! I dont care what he thinks.A. No way B. By all means C. No problem D. Its out of question2. I would appreciate , to be frank, if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. A. it B. this C. one D. that3. Jim spends lots of time playing video games, but he still well in exams. Not all video games are bad. A. expands B. contributes C. performs D. responds4. Lets go out of the classroom to enjoy the fresh air and the sunshine at weekends, which is really to both our health and study. A. available B. adaptable C. alternative D. beneficial5. The hotels modern decoration, convenient location and considerate service could give you a(n) _of one great experience. A. guarantee B. procedure C. instruction D. consideration6. When we returned home, the house was in a mess and looked as if a bomb on it. A. drops B. had dropped C. has dropped D. dropped7. Mrs. Brown, this is Dr. Smith. How is that new tooth? Not so good, doctor. Thats Im calling about. It just doesnt seem to fit right. A. how B. why C. when D. what8. Our school is planning to hold an art festival from October 12th to 18th, a whole week. A. lasting B. to be lasted C. lasted D. being lasted9. As we can see from the survey, computers 5% of the countrys commercial electricity consumption. A. belong to B. let off C. account for D. assist in10. I saw him, I recognized that he was the very suspect the police were looking for. A. Currently B. Shortly C. Immediately D. Constantly11. Mary, Im terribly sorry. I really to hurt you. Shall we forget all about it? OK, we can drop it this time, but dont do it again. A. dont mean B. didnt mean C. wont mean D. havent meant12. It is said that 1,500 guests have already stayed in the 5-star hotel three times more than_. A. expecting B. being expected C. expected D. to be expected13. What a terrible accident! It led to 36 deaths. If everybody the rules, the roads would be safer. A. obeys B. will obey C. had obeyed D. obeyed14. the fact that trips to Korea are comparatively cheap, the country is very popular with Chinese tourists. A. Due to B. According to C. Apart from D. Regardless of15. both teachers and students raise safety awareness, an evacuation exercise (逃生演练) will be held in our school this Friday. A. Helping B. Having helped C. To help D. Helped二、完形填空I have eyes that are said to be “cow brown”, and my long golden hair is my best feature. Im relatively happy with my 16 , but where did I 17 it? Do I share the same features with some stranger? Oftentimes, while walking down the street, I 18 to pick out that stranger, 19 that one of the women I pass could possibly be my biological mother.I never 20 my birth mother. I was adopted the moment I was born, and I was taken into a wonderful family. I was never dissatisfied with my 21 ; I just never stopped 22 what it would be like to have been 23 by my biological mother.One day, I came across a poem on the nursery wall. It compared adoption to a 24 planted by one person and then 25 by another. The second person watered the seed and made it 26 to be tall and beautiful. I found it compared 27 to my situation.I realized that my mom had made me who I am today, no matter what either of us looks like. I started to 28 that we had the same personality and the same way of treating people, along with some other things. She held my hand every time I got a 29 at the doctors. Shed been smiling in the 30 for my first school play. Shed been there for everything that ever 31 , and what could compare to that? Shes my mom.Sometimes, people comment on how much we look alike, and we turn to each other and 32 , forgetting until that moment that it wasnt she who carried me in her body for ten months. 33 I may not know why I look the way I do, I know why I am who I am. The mom I have now is the 34 one I ever could have hoped for, not only because she gives me much unconditional love, but because she has 35_who I am today, my qualities and characteristics. 16. A. career B. appearance C. family D. education17. A. find B. collect C. get D. learn18. A. start B. promise C. ask D. try19. A. imagining B. agreeing C. proving D. stating20. A. expected B. heard C. lost D. met21. A. service B. arrangement C. life D. health22. A. saying B. wondering C. doubting D. demanding23. A. received B. improved C. raised D. helped24. A. seed B. tree C. vegetable D. garden25. A. made friends with B. taken care of C. caught sight of D. made fun of26. A. prepare B. choose C. increase D. grow27. A. finally B. frequently C. quickly D. perfectly28. A. allow B. believe C. notice D. joke29. A. shot B. pill C. prize D. present30. A. team B. crowd C. union D. queue31. A. mattered B. changed C. happened D. broke32. A. check B. laugh C. explain D. argue33. A. Unless B. Until C. Though D. Because34. A. best B. same C. luckiest D. oddest35. A. guessed B. trusted C. described D. shaped三、阅读理解AI have lived in books, for books, by and with books; in recent years, I have been fortunate enough to be able to live from books. I was perhaps lucky that for the first 10 years of my life there was no competition from television; and when one finally arrived in the household, it was under the strict control of my parents. They were both school teachers, so respect for the book was rooted in my family. We didnt go to church, but we did go to the library.The local high street included an establishment we referred to as “the bookshop”. In fact, it was a stationer (文具店) with a downstairs room, about half of which was given over to books. Occasionally, in another suburb or town, we might visit a “real” bookshop, which usually turned out to be a branch of WH Smith (史密斯连锁书店).I was allowed to choose my own books if I won a school prize. But I could choose them only from a selection available in a certain bookshop. It was, I later discovered, yet another part of WH Smith. Here were books of weight and worthiness, the sort to be admired rather than perhaps ever read. But I was still happy, because there was the excitement of possession. To own a certain book one you had chosen yourself was to define yourself.When I was still a young man, I became a tireless book-hunter, driving to the market towns in my car and loading it with books bought at a rate that far exceeded any possible reading speed. Nowadays, collecting has been changed greatly by the Internet. It took me perhaps a dozen years to find a first edition of Vile Bodies for about ?25. Today, 30 seconds with abebooks.co.uk will turn up two dozen first editions of varied conditions and prices.I became a bit less of a book-collector after I published my first novel. I even started to sell books, which once would have seemed incredible. But I still buy books faster than I can read them. And I remain deeply attached to the physical book and the physical bookshop.36. The author did NOT watch TV before he was ten, because . A. he didnt like any TV programs B. there was no TV set in his home C. his parents didnt allow him to watch it D. he went to the library only37. What kind of books could the author probably get as an award if he won a school prize? A. The books he was most interested in. B. The books owned by his parents. C. The books from a local stationer. D. The books having worth or value.38. How did the author feel when he owned those books chosen by himself? A. Excited. B. Upset. C. Unhappy. D. Tired.39. The underlined word “exceeded” in Paragraph 4 means “”? A. reached B. reduced C. was faster than D. was slower thanBEvery step you take could generate electricity thanks to a paper-thin new generator that stores the energy of your steps. So far, the generators can only create enough power to run a small LCD screen but work in the lab simply by tapping a finger on an electrode (电极). The key is that these are the worlds first “living” generators, using engineered viruses that change force into electricity. In the future, they could be used to power everything. Their generator could lead to tiny devices that harvest electrical energy from the vibrations (振动) of everyday tasks such as shutting a door or climbing stairs. It also points to a simpler way to make microelectronic devices. Thats because the viruses make themselves into an orderly film (薄膜) that enables the generator to work. “More research is needed, but our work is a promising first step toward the development of personal power generators,” says Seung-Wuk Lee, a scientist in Berkeley Labs Physical Biosciences (生物科学) Division.The M13 virus only attacks bacteria and is friendly to people. Being a virus, it reproduces itself by the millions within hours, so theres always a steady supply. Large numbers of the viruses naturally place themselves orderly to make films. The scientists further improved the system by piling films composed of single layers of the virus on top of each other. They found that a pile about 20 layers thick produced the strongest piezoelectric effect (压电效应).The only thing remaining to do was a test, so the scientists made a virus-based energy generator. They created the conditions for the viruses to naturally organize into a film that measures about one square centimeter. They connected two electrodes by wires to an LCD screen and then put the film between the two electrodes. When pressure is applied to the generator, it produces electricity which is enough to run the screen.“Because the tools of biotechnology (生物技术) enable large-scale production of genetically modified viruses, piezoelectric materials based on viruses could offer a simple route to new microelectronics in the future,” says Lee.40. The new generator . A. is able to make those viruses last long B. is considered to be the thinnest generator C. can create enough electricity for daily use D. is a living generator that turns force into electricity41. From the passage we can learn that . A. the new generator is not perfect and needs improving B. more viruses made in labs should be put into the new generator C. its a simpler method to make environmentally friendly generators D. scientists have to make the viruses into an orderly film ahead of time42. Which of the following is TRUE of the viruses?A. They are made by vibrations of everyday activities.B. They cannot naturally form well-ordered films.C. The number of them falls down after attacking bacteria.D. They damage bacteria and do no harm to humans.43. Which of the following shows the right order in which the test was done? a. An LCD screen was connected to the electrodes by wires. b. The scientists put the film between two electrodes. c. The generator produced electricity when being pressed. d. The viruses were naturally organized into a film. A. c, b, a, d B. d, b, a, c C. d, a, b, c D. c, a, b, dCDespite being a computer instructor, Brian Wayne Maki believes that technology has its place and should not intrude (侵入) into all areas of our lives. In One Innocent and Ordinary Life, he recalled special moments from his childhood and his young adult years, none of which refer to computers or the digital life. While many of Makis poems are nostalgic (怀旧的), they are never really sad. Many are very hopeful and they focus on happy experiences, moments of insight and lessons he learned.The book alternates between non-fiction short stories and poems. The stories recall lessons learned in his childhood and as a basketball player, while the poems, which make up the majority of the book, focus on a wide range of themes, including growing up, nature, death, pets and love. Maki is also one that believes in the need to be the best we can be. He proves his personal desire in his basketball stories as well as his daring to become a businessman.The poems and stories all have accompanying photos many are about nature, but the ones I like best are of Maki himself, including his sitting in his first office or his playing basketball as a boy. The photos add to the sense of innocence, nostalgia and hopefulness, and allow the reader to feel a more personal connection to the author.Finally, I especially appreciated Makis insight and reminders to us about technologys current role in our lives and how it has often separated, rather than brought people together. In the books title poem, The Ordinary Life, he states:We are now dominated by separation anxietySitting alone in a room, hall, meadow, or street Using devices to relate (叙述) feelings and emotionsMakis style is easy to read, his topics are not difficult to understand, but beneath them lies a challenge to appreciate be more conscious of the world around us and the magic it holds, and appreciate the people in our lives and believe in our own abilities. In todays stressful world, spending a couple of hours thinking about these things through the pages of One Innocent and Ordinary Life can make a difference.44. The author wrote this passage to _.A. introduce a computer instructor Brian Wayne MakiB. give his review of a book by Brian Wayne Maki C. tell the stories behind Brian Wayne Makis bookD. show his appreciation of literature45. What does the author think of the photos in the book?A. They make the readers feel more innocent, nostalgic and hopeful.B. They allow the readers to feel more connected to each other.C. They help explain Makis childhood more vividly.D. They make Maki himself more appealing to the readers.46. The poem The Ordinary Life expresses its authors idea that _.A. modern people are living quiet and happy livesB. computers are becoming more and more importantC. technology has kept people separated from each otherD. people now dont have enough friends accompanying themDEveryone knows about the disastrous trip of the Titanic. One hundred years ago, the great ocean liner sank, and more than 1,500 lives were lost. As terrible as the Titanic disaster was, this ship tragedy (悲剧) was one of the worst disasters in American history. That happened 147 years ago on the Mississippi River.On April 21, 1865, passengers boarded the Sultana, a steamboat on the Mississippi River in New Orleans, Louisiana. The ship was to travel to St. Louis, with stops along the way. Most passengers were men who had just finished serving in the Civil War. Tired, wounded, and weak, they had fought for the Union and were returning home. They did not realize that another tragedy was waiting for them.The boat was full. The Sultana was built to carry 376 people, including the crew of the ship. In Vicksburg, Mississippi, it stopped for repairs on its boilers (锅炉) after it set off. While the boat was docked in Vicksburg, more and more passengers came aboard. Most were soldiers just released from war prisons in Alabama and Georgia. So eager were the soldiers to return home that they packed the ship well beyond its capacity (容纳力). Some estimates say about 2,300 people were aboard when the ship left Vicksburg.The Sultanas journey up the Mississippi was slow and difficult. In addition to its overload of passengers, the ships boilers failed to work properly. The river itself was nearing its flood stage and its currents were strong. At about 2:00 on the morning of April 27, 1865, as the Sultana rounded a bend of the river a few miles north of Memphis, Tennessee, the boilers exploded. The ship caught fire. “Quickly following the explosion, the Sultana caught fire and soon she was turning into angry flames,” reported Capt. James R. Collins, a soldier from the Third Tennessee Cavalry and a survivor of the disaster.Many passengers were thrown into the water. Several men were so weak from their time in the war that they could not manage to stay afloat (漂浮着), even if they knew how to swim. One survivor later recalled, “Upon looking down and out into the river, I would see men jumping from all parts of the ship into the water until it seemed black with men, their heads bobbing up and down like corks, and then disappearing beneath the water, never to appear again.” Another survivor reported, “The water seemed to be one solid mass of human beings struggling with the waves.”About 1,700 people lost their lives that day. Most were Civil War soldiers. The exact number is not known, because there was no complete list of the passengers names as so many people boarded the ship so quickly.Surprisingly, the explosion and sinking of the Sultana did not receive much attention from the newspapers at the time. President Abraham Lincoln had been assassinated (暗杀) earlier that month. The day before the Sultana sank, Lincolns assassin, John Wilkes Booth, had been captured and killed.Today, the damaged ship still remains at the bottom of the Mississippi River. 47. The following factors contributed to the ship tragedy EXCEPT _.A. more passengers than its capacity B. the explosion of its boilersC. the captains incorrect instructions D. the river nearing its flood stage48. The three survivors words were quoted with the purpose of _.A. telling people how lucky they wereB. showing they were in great need of helpC. describing the terrible scene of the accidentD. expressing their sorrow at other passengers death49. Why did people pay little attention to this ship tragedy at the time?A. The Civil War had just ended at that time.B. There were not any reports on the ship tragedy.C. There were fewer deaths than those in the Civil War.D. They focused their attention on Abraham Lincolns death.50. Whats the best title of this passage?A. The Origin of Ship Tragedies B. A Ship Tragedy on the MississippiC. A Ship Tragedy in the Civil War D. The Worst Ship Tragedy in American History四、任务型阅读We often hear the word “location” in terms of finding a good home. Experts say that the design of the house is not that appealing, unless it is in a good location. It is also an important indicator of the price of the property (房产). If the neighborhood is great, the price is great too. Though no one can exactly explain what a good neighborhood is, yet the following requirements will help you get the picture of a good location.You can measure the quality of the location by the people who live there. A respectable neighborhood makes the neighborhood a good place to stay in. You will take pride in living among the people with good profession. If the potential house is next to a house owned by a doctor, it would make you feel secure.A good loc


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