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虎妈战歌英语读后感Earlier this year, a book on parenting memoir of the tiger mother battle hymn sensation in the United States, sparking a heated debate about education thought idea, this also caused wide attention of the Chinese people. 今年年初,一本关于育儿的自传虎妈战歌轰动美国,引发一场关于教育思想理念的热议,这也引起了中国民众的广泛关注。The author Amy chua, a chinese-american, Harvard University, bachelor of arts and doctor of law, the Yale university professor. Approximate the sheep in Europe and the relaxation education situation, Ms. Chua in Chinese parents high expectations and strict parenting to two children本书作者蔡美儿,美籍华人,美国哈佛大学文学学士,法学博士,现任美国耶鲁大学终身教授。在欧美近似放羊的松弛教育态势之下,蔡美儿用华人家长的高度期待和严格教养方式培育两个孩子。Finally two children are outstanding, learning and music are all very good, is the envy of achievements, locally known as music child prodigy. The tiger mother warsong revealing the author experienced a course of raising two children and parenting experience. 最终两个孩子均出类拔萃,学习和音乐都非常优秀,取得引人羡慕的成绩,在当地被誉为音乐神童。虎妈战歌坦露了作者抚养两个孩子的心路历程和育儿的体验。Read the book, page by page feel Amy chua education childs real and true feelings, amazing chuas devotion and dedication, experience the extraordinary Cai Meier and absolute, step by step into the joys and sorrows of the author, Amy chua and her two children image lifelike show in sight. 读这本书,一页页感受蔡美儿教育孩子的真实和真情,惊叹蔡美儿的投入和执着,体验蔡美尔的超凡和绝然,一步步走进作者的喜怒哀乐,蔡美儿和她两个孩子的形象栩栩如生展现在眼前。Cai Meier writes: Become an expert, actually there is no fun at all. Any skills to master, must pay the hard work. And from the nature of children, never love. Therefore, the beginning dont give them opportunities to choose dont work hard, it becomes crucial. 蔡美尔在书中写道:“成为行家里手的过程,其实毫无乐趣可言。要掌握任何高超的技艺,必须付出艰苦的努力。而从孩子们的本性来讲,绝不会爱好努力。因此,一开始就不给他们选择不努力的机会,便显得至关重要。”Dont give children choose not to opportunity, became the basic idea and starting point of the Cai Meier parenting. Nothing is born like hard. The children more love with open arms to embrace. American education special emphasis on respect for the child, often give children the right to choose. As a result, many children will choose to give up very easily. And as a parent, the most unfavorable to protect the behavior of the childs self-esteem, is to see their children gave up the attempt in the face of hardship, but their inaction. “不给孩子选择不努力的机会”,这成为蔡美尔育儿的基本思想和出发点。没有什么人天生就喜欢努力。孩子们更是喜欢张开双臂去拥抱轻松。美式教育特别强调对孩子的尊重,常常把选择的权利交给孩子。结果许多孩子会很轻易选择放弃。而作为父母,最不利于保护孩子自尊的行为,就是眼看着自己的孩子在困难面前放弃努力,而自己无所作为。Dont give children choose dont work hard, is to help children choose to chance. Let the child choose a meaningful things, then concentration and strength to rush toward, perseverance. Actually, the process itself, the children can benefit from life. Develop children treatment enterprise concentration and strength to rush toward, perseverance attitude and will quality, this is the direction of chuas parenting. Dont give children choose dont work hard, this is really a parenting is the best choice. Strict management and supervision, it is Amy chuas parenting patterns, Chinese traditional education mode is Amy chua said. 不给孩子选择不努力的机会,就是要帮助孩子选择努力的机会。让孩子选择一项有意义的事情,然后专心致志,全力以扑,坚持不懈。其实这个过程本身,就能让孩子受益终身。培养孩子对待事业“专心致志,全力以扑,坚持不懈“的态度和意志品质,这正是蔡美儿育儿的大方向。不给孩子选择不努力的态度,这其实就是育儿最好的选择。严格管理和悉心督导,就是蔡美儿的育儿模式,也是蔡美儿所说的中国式传统教育模式。


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