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2013-2014学年第二学期期末考试七年级英语试题(满分120分,时间100分钟)第二部分:(笔试部分,满分100分).选择填空(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)1.-_you from Australia ? -Im from Canada. A. Can B. Are C. Do D. Where are2.-You speak very good English. -_. A. Thanks a lot B. Yes C. No D. Not good 3.-_ ? -He lives in Bozhou. A. Where are you from B. Where is he live C. Where does he live D. Does he live in Bozhou 4.Liu Mei is short. So she sits _the class. A. in the front of B. in front of C. in the front D. behind5.Theres _apple on the table. I like it very much. A. an B. a C.不填 D. the6.-Why _Kate like pandas ? -Because its very cute. A. do B. does C. is D. are7.Do you want _? A. a teacher B. to be teacher C. to be a teacher D. be a teacher8.-_does your mother work ? -She works in a hospital. A. What B. How C. Where D. When9.Mike and I _in the library now. A. read B. are reading C. is reading D. am reading10.Look ! Mr Wang _his students A. talks to B. talking with C. talks with D. is talking with11.Thank you_ us the story. A. for telling B. telling C. for tell D. to tell 12.Look at the_! It _hard now. A. snow ;snow B. snow; snowing C. snowing ; snowing D. snowing ;snowy13.-What does your brother look like ? A. He is very kind B. He is very friendly C. He is very tall D. He is funny14.Would you like some_? Oh, yes, just a little. A. apples B. orange juice C. oranges D. carrots15.-_are they ? -Just $30. A. How much B. How many C. What D. How16.-Where did you go last week ? -I _to the park. A. went B. go C. will go D. did go17.-_ your weekend ? -It was great. A. What is B. What was C. How is D. How was18.-_do you _of the sports shows ? -Theyre interesting. A. How ;think B. How; about C. What ; like D. What ;think19.-_play in class ! A. Not B. Dont C. No D. Doesnt 20. -_did you go last Saturday ? - I went to the zooA. How BWhen C Where DWhy.、完形填空(共10题,每题2分,计20分)It was sunny and hot all day. I went to the beach with my friends. We had a lot of fun _21_at sea(大海).In the afternoon, we_22_. There _23_many people in the museum. It was crowded, so I_24_ really enjoy it. _25_home. I found a little girl _26_in the street. She _27_and I helped her _28_her mother. It made me feel very happy. I didnt any money _29_a taxi, so I walked back home. I was really_30_. 21. A. swim B. to play C. running D. swimming22. A. went shopping B. stayed at home C. visited a museum D. read books23. A. are B. is C. was D. were24. A. / B. didnt C. dont D. cant25. A. In my way B. At my way C. On my way D. On my way to26. A. cried B. crying C. is crying D. cries 27. A. lost B. is lost C. was lost D. has lost28. A. found B. to visit C. find D. with29. A. by B. take C. in D. for30. A. relaxing B. unhappy C. tired D. awful、阅读理解:(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分)ABilly and Sam were twins. They were in the same class. They were both very happy. One day their teacher asked the class to write a composition(作文)“My Mother”. Sam wrote one, but Billy was lazy. He just copied his brothers. The next day, the teacher asked Billy why his composition was the same as Sams. “We have the same mother, dont we?”answered Billy.根据短文内容判断句子正误,正确的填T,错误的填F。31Sam was older than Billy.32Sam and Billy were in different classes33The name of the composition was “My Mother”34Billys composition was the same as Sams35Billy was not lazy. He was very cleverB.There is an elephant and a monkey. Theyre friends, but one day they want to know who is stronger(更壮). One of them says, “Who can get apples over there, who is stronger.”There is a river over there. Monkey says, “I cant swim.” Elephant says “I can swim. Please sit my back.” They go across the river. The apple trees are very high. The elephant cant reach(够着) the apples. The monkey climbs(爬)up the tree and gets many apples.Now they know they should help each other.36The elephant and the monkey want to know_Awho is smarter Bwho is higher Cwho can swim Dwho is stronger37_ cant swim.AThe elephant BThe monkey CThe big animals D. The small animals 38_cant reach the applesAThe elephant BThe monkey CThe high animals DThe short animals39At last the monkey goes across the river with the help of_.Athe elephant Bthe monkey Can animal Da boat40From the story we should(应该)_.Alean from the elephant Blearn from the monkey CA and B Dhelp each other、用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分,每题1分)41.They like _(eat)different kind of food.42. What day _(be)it last weekend?43.She can _(speak) much English.44. Its cold outside. _ _(not open) the door, please.45. Peter_ _(see) an interesting talk show on TV now.、句型转换。(5分,每题1分)46.Mike went there by bus(改为一般疑问句)_Mike _there by bus?47.Its Sunday today(对划线部分提问)_ _is it today?48.Did they go out for a walk after supper?(作否定回答)No, _ _49. What animal do you like best?(同义句转换)_is your _animal?50.The boys went to play soccer last week.(改为现在进行时) The boys_ _soccer now.、书面表达(20分) 今天是星期天,爸爸带我去动物园。动物园里有许多人,他们也是去看动物的。动物园里有许多动物,有老虎、熊猫、大象、狮子、长颈鹿等,他们十分可爱,我非常喜欢它们,我最喜欢熊猫。但我认为这些动物生活得不愉快,它们应该生活在森林中(in the forest)。._七年级英语期末试卷答案听力部分15 CAEDB 610 BCCAB 1115 CACAB.选择填空(20分)1234567891011121314151617181920DACAABCCBDABCBAADDBC. 完形填空(20分) 21222324252627282930DCDBCBCCDC. 阅读理解(20分) 31323334353637383940FFTTFDBAAD.用所给词的适当形式填空.(10分) 41.eating_42_was_43_speak_44Dont open 45.is seeing 句型转换(10分)46.Did,go 47.What day_48.they didnt 49.What favorite 50.are playing.书面表达(20分) Today is Sunday, my father takes me to the zoo. There are many people in the zoo, they go to see the animals, too. There are many kinds of animals in the zoo. They are tigers, pandas, lions, elephants and giraffes. They are very cute, I like them very much. My favorite animals are pandas .But I dont think these animals are happy, they should live in the forest.


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