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Day12Name六年级英语 情景交际 专项练习小学英语历年考题 情景交际 (一)1.你想知道别人星期日干什么 ,你应该问 :()A.What are you going to do this Sunday ?B.What do you do on Sundays ?B.C. What do you have on Sundays ?2.你想知道别人上什么课你应该问 : ( )A.What classes do you like ? B.What class are you in ?C.What do you have onSundays3.你想知道该不该上课了 ,你应该问 : ( )A.It s time for class . B.Is it time to have class ? C.When does the class begin ?4.如果你想告诉别人 ,班上新来的男孩很滑稽 ,你应该说 : ( )A.The boy is funny .B.The boy is happy .C.Theboy is young .5.把东西给别人 ,你应该说 : ( )A.Give you . B.Here you are . C.Get it down .6.怎样询问别的长相或性格()A.What does she like ? B.What she like ? C.What does she like to do ?7.另 U 人说: Letplaycomputer games .你回答:()A.Good idea . B.No ,thanks . C.Yes ,please .8.询问时间应该说:()B.what is the date today ? C.What time is it now11.当你的朋友建议和你一起去公园时 ,应该说:()A.Do you like the zoo ? B.I would like to .C.Lets go to the zoo .12. 当你想知道另人的卧室怎么样时,你应该问:()A.Whatsyour bedroom like ? B.What about your bedroom ?C.May I see your new bedroom ?13. 你想问另人午饭吃什么时 ,你应该问:()A.What do you have for lunch ? B.What would you like for lunchC.What do you have for dinner ?14. 你想知道谁的生日在三月 ,你会问:()C.Who has a birthday in MarchA.Whatstime is it ?9.初次见面时怎样问好B.When do youknow ?:( )B.Nice to meetyou .C.Do you have awatch ?C.Nice to meet youA.Whatday is itA.When is your birthdayB.Is your birthday inMarch)B.When do you go to Hongkong)Day12Name15. 你想问什么时候去香港 ,你会问:(A.When is the best time to Hongkong ?C.When is the best time to Macao ?16. 当你需要考虑下回答时 ,你会说:(A.Letshave a look . B.Let me see . C.Lets go to school .17.如果你是超市工作人员 ,看到顾客进来 ,你应该说:()A.Welcome !How are you ? B.Can I help you ? C.See you later .18.如何表达你想尝试做一件事情:( )A.I like it very much .B.I would like to have a try .C.It s good .19.你想知道新来的老师是谁 ,你应该问 : ( )A.What s your new teacher ?B.Who s your new teacher ? C.What s you new teacher小学英语历年考题 情景交际 (二)1.你想知道别人最喜欢的季节 ,你应该问 : ( )A.What do you like ?B.Which season do you like best ?C.What s your favourite sport2.你想知道 Rabbit 的房间有什么 ,你应该问 : ( )A.What sthe rabbit room like ?B.What can you see in rabbit s room ?C.What s in the rabbit s room ?3.别人不小心撞到你 ,你应该说 : ( )A.You are right .B.It doesn t matter .C.I am angry .4.你想了解别人爸爸身体怎样你应该说: ( )A.How is your father ?B.What s your father doing ? C.What s your father ?5.过马路 ,你叫别人小心 ,你应该说 : ( )A.Watch out . B.Look at me . C.Don t go .6.你想知道别人是否会游泳 ,你应该说 : ( )A.Can you swim ?B.Are you swimming ?C.What can you do ?7.你介绍你朋友给爸爸认识你应该说: ( )A.I have a new friend .B.My friend s name is Jack . C.This is my friend .8.如你在电话里介绍自己 ,你应该说 : ( )A.I am John .B.My name is John .C.This is John .9.如果介绍 Mike 给你妈妈认识 ,你应该说 : ( )A.This is my mom ,Milk .B.Mom ,this is Mike .C.Do you know Mike10.打电话时你想知道对方是谁 ,你应该问 : ( )A.Who are you ?B.Who is that ?C.What are you ?11.如果你想请某人随便吃你应该说 : ( )A.Help yourself .B.please eat .C.Enjoy yourself .12.如果你想告诉别人 ,你来不及了 ,应该说 : ( )A.I can t wait .B.I don t want to wait .C.I can hardly wait .13.想知道别人以什么方式上学 ,应该问 : ( )14.如果你想知道别人怎样去 Australia 时 ,应该说 : ()B.How do you go to Australia ? C.Where is Australia15.你想知道今天的天气你应该问 : ( A.What sthe weather like today ?C.What sthe weather like in Beijing ?16.做错了事要表示歉意时 , 应该说 : (A.I am ok . B.Sorry . C.Excuse me .17.你叫妹妹把衣服放好 ,你应该说 : ( )A.Put on your clothes . B.Put down your clothes . C.Put away your clothes .18.如你想知道 Mr Black 会不会使用电脑应该问 : ( )A.Can you use a computer ?B.Let suse the computer .C.Here s a computer .19.你想询问客人是否需要喝杯果汁你应该说: ( )A.Do you like a glass of Juice ? B.Would you like a glass of juice ? C.Would you like to juiceA.How do you go to schoolB.When do you go toschoolC.How do you doA.Doyou go)B.What s the weather)小学英语历年考题 情景交际 (三)1.你想看看别人新的 MP3 你请求说 : ( )A.I want to see your new MP3 . B.May I have a look at your new MP3 ?C.Give me your MP32.你想为校报采访校长 ,你应该说 : ( )A.Certainly .B.Can I interview you for the school newspaper ?C.Can I sperk to you ,principal ?3.圣诞节朋友对你说 : Merry Christmas ! 你应该说 : ( ) A.Thank you . B.Youre the same .C. Merry Christmas !4.怎样提醒别人记住交通规则 ? ( )A.Look at the traffic lights .B.Remember the traffic rules . C.Go at a green light .5.别人跟你说 Happy new year ! 你应该说 : ( )A.No ,thanks .B.The same to you .C.Happy birthday .6.别人打电话找你妈妈 ,你接电话时应说 : ( )A.Hold on ,please .B.No ,she isnt .C.I don t want to speak to you .7.打电话的时候 ,你介绍自己应该说 : ( )A.I am Mike .B.That s Mike .C.This is Mike .8.你想和 Tom 通话 ,你应该说 : ( )A.Can I spent to you ?B.Can I sperk to Tom ?C.Are you Tom ?9.当你想买一双新鞋时 ,你应该说 : ( )A.Can I help you ?B.I am going to the shoe store .C.I want to buy a pair of new shoes .10.当你想吃薯条时 ,问道 : ( )A.Can I have some French fries ?B.Have some French fries . C.I want some French fries .11.Mike 告诉你他今天不舒服 ,你应该说 : ( )A.You don t feel well today .B.I am sorry to hear that .C.You are so bad .12.你想知道 Mike 妈妈的职业 ,你应该说 : ( )A.What s your mom like , Mike ?B.What does your mom like , Mike ?C.What does your mom do , Mike ?13.你问 Mike 长大了想做什么 ,该说 : ( )A.What are you going to do ?B.What do you do ?C.What do you want to be ?14.你想知道别人的假期过得如何 ,你可以问 :()A.How was your holiday ? B.When was your holiday ?C.How was you holiday ?15.看见某人不舒服 ,应该问 : ( )A.What are you doing ?B.What do you feel ?C.What s wrong ?16.你想告诉别人 ,你爸爸比妈妈年龄大 ,应该说 : ( )A.My father is heavier than my mother . C.My father is older than my mother . 小学英语历年考题 情景交际 (四)B. My father is funnier than my mother .1.当别人告诉你他数学不及格你应该说: ( )A.Oh ,good !B.I am glad to hear that .2.当别人生气 ,你该怎样安慰别人 ? ( )A.Are you relly angry ?B.I am glad to hear that .3.想知道对方的爱好应该问 : ( )C.I am sorry to hear that .C.Take it easy .A.What your like ?4.你是医生,你应该怎样问病人?A.What the matter with you ?5.想知道北京的天气如何应该问B.What does you like to do ? C.What your hobby ?()B.Stay in bed for a few days ? C.Why do you come here ?()A.Where is Beiji ng ?B.What the weather like in Beiji ng ?C.When is the best time to Beiji ng ?6.打电话时你如何介绍自己?()A.Hello ,this is Mike .B.Hello ,1 m Mike .7.买香蕉时,询问价格应该说:(A.How many bananas are there ?8.你想询问别人将来干什么你应该说A.What are you going to be ?9.你想知道报纸多少钱你应该说A.How many is the n ewspaper ?C.How long is the n ewspaper ?10.你告诉售货员你决定买这些书你会说A.I will take it . B.lll take them .11.别人说话你没听清楚,你应该对他说A.No ,l can hear you . B.What ?12.你的朋友要去旅行,临走时你对他说A.Help yourself . B.Enjoy yourself .13 有事请别人帮忙你对他说:(A. Can I help you ,Madam ?B. C.Could you help me ,Madam ?14.当你扮饥饿时,你会怎样表达?C.My name is Mike .)B.How many do you want ? C.How much are they ?:()B.What are you goi ng to do ?C.What do you want to do ?:()B.How much is the n ewspaper ?:()C.I will buy them .)C. Pardon ?:()C.Take care of you .)B.Where are you from ,Madam ?C.I am very hungry ,I can eat a horse .)C.Help !A.I am very thirsty . B.l am very tired .15.如果你遇见坏人我们应该怎么喊?(A.How do you do ?B.Excuse me .16.Whe n do we begi n our class ?()A.lt eight ten . B.ln eight ten .17.请别人喝茶时,你可以说:()A.Here is some tea .B.Ca n you drink the tea ?C.Would you like some tea ?D.Give me some tea .18.当有人在屋子里吸烟,你应对他说:()A.Ope n the wi ndow . B.Go out .C.Please don smoke here . D.Go on .19.当你想知道这些物品是谁的时候:()A.Whose are these ? B.Whose are those ?20.Hello ,Jim .How are you ?()A.Hi ,nice to see you .B.l am fine ,thanks .C.Yes ,l am very well.D.What about you ?21_ , is this Park School ?A.Pardon .B.Sorry。22.Good morning ! _A.Tha nk you .B.Good morning .C.At eight ten .C.Excuse me .C.HelloC.Who are they ?D.Hi


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