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剑桥少儿英语词汇表 (三级)Aa.m. 上午a few adj 少许, 少数a little det+pron 少许, 少数a piece of adj 一块across prepadv, prep 横过;到对面;在对面a bridge across the river 一座横跨河上的桥 Erna Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow.欧娜.哈特准备明天游泳横渡英吉利海峡。the house across the street 街道对面的房子We swam across the river. 我们游到河对岸actor n演员actress n女演员address n地址;住址ago adv, adj 以前(的),以往(的)She left 30 minutes ago. 她30分钟前离开了。Long, long ago there lived a king. 很久很久以前,那里住着一位国王。agree v agreed, agreeing 同意; 赞成;答应She agreed to my idea. 她同意我的想法。 I quite agree with what you say. 你所说的我很赞成。air n空气 天空;空中 航空fresh air 新鲜空气Birds fly in the air. 鸟在空中飞翔。 by air 乘飞机airport n航空港,飞机场all right adv安全地(的);健康地(的)Are you all right? 你好吗?(你没事吧?)Is it all right with you? 这对你方便吗?already adv已经She had already gone when I arrived. 我到的时候她已经走了。He has seen that film twice already. 那部电影他已经看过两次了。Twenty people had already left. 二十人已经离职。also adv adv 也;同样We also went to see the film. 我们也去看了电影。He also asked to join the army. 他也要求去参军。ambulance n救护车anyone pron任何人;无论谁anything pron any任何+thing事 东西;任何事物Is there anything in that box? 在那盒子里有什么东西吗?He will do anything for a rich life.为了过上富裕的日子他什么都愿意干;他千方百计要过富裕的生活。无论什么 Anything will do to keep the door open. 随便什么东西都能把门弄开。anywhere adv在什么地方;在任何地方Did you go anywhere yesterday? 你昨天去没去过什么地方?Sit anywhere you like. 随便坐哪儿都成。到任何地方;无论何处You can go anywhere you like. 你可以去你喜欢的任何地方。April narrive v到达;抵达 to arrive home 到家to arrive at a port 抵达港口 At what time did you arrive at the station? 你是几点钟到火车站的?art n美术 艺术 artist n艺术家I am an art student. 我是个学美术的学生。ask (for) v问,询问ask him a question 向他问个问题Who are you? she asked. “你是谁?”她问。They asked me the time. 他们向我打听时间。 请求ask her a favor 请他帮个忙ask her for the money 向他要钱August nautumn n秋季,秋天 (亦作: fall)away adv离开 Go away! 走开!Several children are away from school because of illness. 几个学生因患病而没有来校上课。As she walked away, I followed her out of the fair. 我跟着她走出了集市。He will be away for two months. 他将外出两个月。Bbegin v开始It began to rain. 天开始下雨。The film begins at two oclock. 电影两点钟开始。After running half a kilometer, I began to feel tired. 跑了500米之后,我开始感到累了。believe v相信;信任 to believe sb. 信任某人I dont believe you. 我不信你说的话。You cant believe anything she says. 你不能相信她说的话。Most people believe that the strike will last for at least a week.多数人相信,罢工至少会延续一个星期。I believe him (to be) right. 我认为他是对的。belt n 腰带I need a belt keep up my trousers. 我需要一条腰带系裤子。Betty nbicycle n自行车,脚踏车 She goes to work on/by her bicycle. 她骑自行车上班。bin n垃圾箱 dust bin 垃圾箱biscuit n饼干bookshop n书店boring adj 令人厌烦的break v打破;碰破;折断;打碎 broke, broken, breaking The stone broke the window. 石头打坏了窗子。The cup broke on the floor. 杯子摔碎在地板上了。Youll break your neck if you arent more careful! (喻)你如果不加倍小心,你会摔死的!bridge n桥a bridge across the river 架在河上的桥Dont cross the bridge until you come to it.(谚) 不要杞人忧天。;莫自寻烦恼。bring v 拿来;带来Bring me the book. 把那本书带给我。Why dont you bring you favourite girl along?你为什么不带你最喜欢的女儿一块儿来呢?Bring the children back from the kindergarten at four oclock.下午四点把孩子们从幼儿园接回来。When you go to the post office, will you please bring some stamps back for me? 你去邮局时能不能给我带些邮票回来?brush n and v 刷子, 用刷子刷business n职业;职务; 买卖;交易Business has been bad this year. 今年生意很糟糕。 职责;本分Its a teachers business to make children learn. 使学生学习是老师的责任。businessman/woman nburn v燃烧 The house is burning. 房子烧起来了。bus stop n公共汽车站butter n黄油 peanut butter 花生酱butterfly n 蝴蝶Ccafe/caf n. 咖啡馆, 小餐馆call (what is X called?) v 称呼Ill call you back soon. 我会很快给你回电话的。Call me (up) this afternoon. 今天下午给我打个电话。MY mother is calling me.Our school is called TSH International Experimental School.camel n骆驼camp v野营地card n卡片a membership card 组织成员卡明信片 Christmas card 圣诞贺片castle n城堡 In this old castle you can see cannons from the 17th century.在这座古老的城堡里你可以看到十七世纪的火炮cave n洞;穴;地窖;窑洞century n世纪;百年 一世纪;一百年It was built in the 19th century. 它是19世纪建造的。cheap adj便宜的;廉价的A bicycle is much cheaper than a car. 一辆自行车比一辆小汽车便宜多了。 Bread is cheap in this supermarket because they bake it themselves.这家超市的面包是自制的,所以便宜。Fresh vegetables are very cheap in the autumn. 新鲜蔬菜在秋天很便宜。chemist n化学家 药剂师chocolate n巧克力 巧克力糖 chocolate cake 巧克力蛋糕 Id like a piece of chocolate. 我想要吃块巧克力。chopsticks n筷子When you go to a Chinese restaurant you have to use chopsticks instead of a knife and fork. 到中国餐馆用餐时,不用刀叉而得用筷子Christmas n圣诞节 (= Christmas Day) Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕We sent a card with Christmas greetings. 我们送了一张圣诞卡,表示祝贺。We always go to my parents house on Christmas Eve.我们总是到我父母家里度过圣诞之夜。circus n马戏团 Last Christmas, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, decided to take some presents to a childrens hospital.去年圣诞节,马戏团老板吉米.盖茨决定给一家儿童医院送些礼物。clever adj 聪明的;伶俐的;灵巧的 My brother is clever at dealing with business.我弟弟善于经商。 (我弟弟的生意做得很精/机灵。)熟练的 a clever worker 熟练工人closed adj 关闭的 不公开的;只限少数人的;保密的 a closed ballot 秘密投票club n俱乐部 a football club 一个足球俱乐部college n学院;大学 The college is located next to the airport. 学院在机场旁边。Their son will start college in January. 他们的儿子将于一月份开始上大学。comb n+v 梳(头发);刷(毛)Have you combed your hair? 你梳过头发了吗?Boy, your hair needs a good comb 小伙子,你的头发要好好梳一梳了。competition n比赛;竞赛 角逐He takes part in a swimming competition. 他参加游泳比赛。 cook n炊事员;厨师 Peters a cook in a hotel. 彼得在一家大酒店当厨师烹调;煮;烧(饭、菜)I havent cooked the dinner. 我还没做饭呢。Does he cook well? 他做饭做得好吗? corner n角The table stood in the corner of the room. 桌子在房间的角上。 (街道等的)拐角;壁角to stand at a corner of the street 站在街道拐角处could v动词 can 的过去式I could run faster then. 我那时能跑得更快一些。(表示与事实相反的设想)能;可以I could come tomorrow if you like. 如果你愿意,明天我可以来。(委婉语)能Could you do sth. for me? 你能替我做件事情吗?cut v切;割 to cut a cake 切蛋糕He has cut his leg, and it is bleeding. 他把腿割破了,腿在流血。Ddangerous adj危险的,不安全的This lake is dangerous for swimmers. 在这个湖里游泳危险。dark adj黑暗的It was getting dark, so we hurried home. 天黑下来了,我们急忙往家赶。It was a dark, moonless night. 那是一个漆黑无月的夜。date n日期;日子What is the date today? 今天是几号?David n戴维(男子名)dear adj亲爱的;可爱的He is my dearest friend. 他是我最亲爱的朋友December n十二月decide v(常与to, that, on, about用)决心;决定to decide where to go 决心去哪儿The boy decided not to become a sailor. 那孩子决定将来不当水手。dentist n牙科医生diary n日记 日志 ;日记簿dictionary n词典;字典dinner n正餐 晚宴Shall we have chicken or duck for dinner? 正餐我们吃鸡还是吃鸭?dinosaur n恐龙doctor n博士 医生drum n鼓dry adj干的This coat will keep you dry in the rain. 这件外套将使你在雨中不被淋湿。 干燥的;无水的a dry well 枯井during prep在期间;在期间的某一点They swim every day during the holidays. 他们在假期天天游泳。The sun gives us light during the day. 太阳在白天给我们阳光。He fell asleep during the lesson. 他在上课时睡着了。Eeach pron+adj 每,各;各自的Give an apple to each child. 给每个孩子一个苹果。 You may find that each child in the kindergarten gives a different answer to the question. 你会发现幼儿园里的每个孩子对这个问题的回答都不相同。early adj+adv早,早一些The ship arrived 30 minutes early. 船早到了30分钟。Easter n复活节eighteenth adj eighty num eleventh adjelse pron别的,其他,此外What else do you want? 你还要什么?Emma nempty adj空的 an empty box 空匣子The house is empty, no one is living there. 这座房子是空的,没有人住。end n+v 终点,末端 It was the end of a dream. 美梦告终。尽头He is down at the end of the garden. 他在花园的尽头的那边。Room 121 is at the end of the corridor. 一二一室在走廊结束;完成 The party did not end until midnight. 晚会到半夜才结束。engineer n工程师 机械师 a civil engineer 木工程师 Tim is an engineer. 蒂姆是位工程师。enough adj+pron 足够的 enough food 足够的食物envelope n 信封environment (the) n环境,周围环境home environment 家庭环境The children have a happy environment at school. 孩子们在学校有一个快乐的环境。ever adv曾,曾经Have you ever been there? 你曾到过那里吗?Have you ever been to Lodon? 你曾到过伦敦吗?everyone pron Everyone in the class passed the exam.everything pron每件事;每件东西;一切I got everything I needed in the market. 我在市场上买到了我需要的每件东西。Everything is ready now for the journey. 外出旅游的一切都已准备妥当。everywhere adv到处,处处We have looked everywhere for you. 我们到处找你。exam (examination) n考试Did you pass your chemistry exam? 你化学考试及格了吗excellent! Inter 优秀的;杰出的This is excellent work. 这是出色的工作。expensive adj费钱的;昂贵的It is expensive to travel by plane. 坐飞机旅行很费钱。The trip was expensive and uncomfortable. 这次旅行既昂贵又受罪。explain v解释;辩解Can you explain why you were late? 你能解释一下你为什么迟到吗?extinct a dj已熄灭的 an extinct volcano 死火山Ffactory n工厂fall v The book fell off the shelf. 这本书从架子上掉了下来。The price of food has fallen. 食品价格下跌了。fall asleep 入睡 fall ill 病倒far adv+prep to travel far from home 离家去远处旅游The new music teacher lives far away. 新来的音乐教师住得很远。 farmer n经营农业者,农场主,农夫fast adj+adv快的;迅速的He is a fast runner. 他是跑得很快的运动员。走得快的(钟表)The clock is a minute fast. 这钟快了一分钟。Im afraid my watch is fast. 我的表快了。February n二月feel v感觉,觉得,感知 feel (like) vfeel cold 觉得冷I feel as if it were going to snow. 我觉得好象要下雪了。I feel that we shall win. 我认为我们将获胜。I feel that he doesnt like me. 我看他不喜欢我。fetch v取来,拿来;叫来Fetch the doctor! 快去请医生来!Will you fetch some water? 你给拿点儿水来好吗?few det 少的,不多的Who has fewest mistakes? 谁的错最少?Few people like snakes. 很少有人喜欢蛇。fifteenth adj fifty numfinish v结束What time does the concert finish? 音乐会何时结束?When do you finish your college course? 你什么时候大学毕业?Finish the work off before you leave for your holiday.你去度假前应先把工作做完。fire n火,火焰 set on fire 放火He set fire to the dry grass. 他点燃了干草。The grass caught fire. 草燃着了。The grass was on fire for a short time. 草烧了一会儿。炉火;烽火 There is a fire in the sitting room. 客厅里有炉火。fireman/woman n 消防员 fire station n 消防站flag n旗帜 the national flag 国旗flour n面粉 Bread is made from flour. 面包是用面粉做的。fog n雾The fog was so thick that I could not see my way. 雾真大,我都看不见路了。foggy adj有雾的 a foggy night 一个大雾的夜晚follow v(常与after连用)跟随The children followed their mother into the room. 孩子们跟着母亲进了房间。football n足球;足球运动 橄榄球;橄榄球运动footballer n 足球员, 足球选手for prep给;为a present for Mary 给玛丽的礼物Ive got a little present for your birthday. 我有一件小礼物送给你过生日。I can do it for myself. 我自己能做这件事。forget v(常与about连用)忘记,忘掉She forgot to post the letter. 她忘记寄这封信了。Ill never forget meeting my school headmaster for the first time.我永远忘不了和我小学校长初次见面的情景。忘记带;忘记买Dont forget the cases. 别忘了带箱子。不放在心上;不去想 Dont forget the tickets and an umbrella. 别忘了带戏票和雨伞。Im sorry I broke your teapot. Forget it. “对不起,我打破了你的茶壶。”“别往心里去fork n 叉子;肉叉;餐叉We use a fork to eat food. 我们用叉子吃东西。forty num fourteenth adjfriendly adj友好的;朋友般的He is friendly to us all. 他对我们大家都很友好。A friendly dog came to meet us. 一条友好的狗出来迎接我们。from prep从,自from the beginning to the end 从头至尾a letter from Mary 玛丽来的信The train goes from Paris to Rome. 火车从巴黎开往罗马。front n前面,前部The teacher called the boy to the front. 老师把男孩叫到前面。I went out by the front door. 我从前门出来。 I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside.我坐在公共汽车的前部,以便饱览农村风光。full (of) adj a full train 挤满人的火车The cup is full it is full of milk. 这个杯子满了,装满了牛奶。Her eyes were full of tears. 她的眼里充满泪水。future n 未来;前途 I wish you a happy future. 祝你前途美好。GGeography n地理;地理学 (我们正在地理课上学习有关河流的知识。)In our geography class, we are learning about rivers. get v得到,收到;经历Did you get my telegram? 你收到我的电报了吗?获得,取得I must get some fruit in the market. 我得在市场上买点水果。Ill get sth. to eat before I got out. 我出去之前要找点东西吃。get off v 下车 get on v 上车 get to v 到达glass n 玻璃杯glove n手套Excuse my gloves. 对不起,没脱手套。glue n+v胶,胶水go out v出去 going to vgold n+adj金子,黄金golf n高尔夫球group n组;群 集团;团体A group of girls was waiting by the school. 一群女孩子在学校旁边等着。guess v猜测;推测Just guess what is in the parcel. 猜猜看包裹里面是什么东西?Hhalf n半数,一半We had half each. 我们每人有一半。Half of them are here. 他们有半数人来了。Wait half a moment. 等一等。 Half a moment! 稍等片刻!happen v发生The accident happened outside my house. 这个事故发生在我家房子的外面。What will happen to the children if Peter and Alice break up?如果彼得和爱丽丝离婚孩子们将怎么办?It happened quite by chance. 此事纯属偶然。A funny thing happened in the subway yesterday.昨天地铁里发生了一件有趣的事。hard adj+adv坚硬的This ground is too hard to dig. 这块地硬得挖不动。 The snow has frozen hard on the road. 路上的雪已经冻得很硬了。困难的,难的hard questions 难题Is science harder than English? 自然科学比英语难学吗?Harry nhate v 憎恨;憎恶My cat hates dogs. 我的猫恨狗。The kindhearted people hate violence. 善良的人们憎恨使用暴力。不喜欢I hate to trouble him. 我真不想去麻烦他。hear v听见,听I heard a loud noise. 我听见一声巨响。听说;得知I heard that he was ill. 我听说他病了。 I heard that his son had gone to London. 我听说他儿子到伦敦去了。heavy adj 重的, 沉重的How heavy was the baby when he was born? 这个婴儿出生时有多重?What heavy traffic! 交通多拥挤啊! heavy rain 大雨Helen nhigh adj高的;高大的a high mountain 高山The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。The plane is high in the sky. 那架飞机在高空飞行。hill n小山;丘陵I climbed up the hill and ran down the other side. 我爬上了小山,又从另一面跑下来。History n历史;历史学a history lesson at school 学校里的历史课History is my favourite subject at school. 历史是我在学校中最喜爱的学科。horrible adj恐怖的;可怕的There was a horrible accident here yesterday.昨天在这里发生了一起可怕的事故。令人讨厌的;极丑陋的 What horrible weather! 这鬼天气!What a horrible building! 多难看的一座建筑物!hotel n旅馆;大旅社hour n 小时He went away for half an hour. 他离开半个小时了。 An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.(谚) 一日之计在于晨。时间,时刻the lunch hour 午饭时间Our business hours are 9.30 to 20.30. 我们的营业时间是九点半到二十点半。 Seize the day, seize the hour! 要只争朝夕。(要抓紧每日每时。)Whats the hour? 现在几点钟了?一小时的路程 Its only an hour away. 那只有一小时的路程。 固定的时间或时期Our breakfast hour is at seven oclock. 我们吃早餐的时间是七点钟。 The darkest hour is that before the dawn.(谚) 黎明之前天最黑。某一段时间;时光to spent happy hours together 一起度过了幸福的时光 The hours I spent with you in the university were happiest of my life.和你在大学一起度过的时光是我一生中最幸福的时光。重要的时刻,重要的时间 No one helped me in my hour of need. 在我困难的时候没有人帮助我。hundred numa hundred cows 100头奶牛 two hundred cows 两百头奶牛husband n husband and wife 夫妻Iice n冰She put some ice in her drink. 他往饮料里加了点冰。There is ice on the lake in winter. 冬天湖上有冰。一份冰淇淋 Three ices, please. 拿三份冰淇淋。if conj如果;假如If you ask him, he will help you. 如果你向他请求,他会帮助你。If need be, well work all night. 如果需要,我们就干个通宵。即使;虽然Well go even if it rains. 即使下雨我们也要去。是否 She asked if that was enough. 她问那是否够了。 ill adj生病的;不健康的She cant go to school because she is ill. 她不能上学了,因为她病了。 Her mothers seriously ill in hospital. 她母亲在医院里病得很重。important adj(常与to连用)重要的;重大的important decisions 重要的决定insect n昆虫interesting adj有趣的 Some of the most interesting names came from American Indian languages. 有些最有趣的名字来自美国印第安人的语言。into prep进入之内;向里Come into the house. 到房屋里来。Throw it into the fire. 把它丢在火中。It was raining, so they went into the house.天下雨了,所以他们走进了房子里。Jjam n 果酱January n一月,元月 I was born on 3rd January. 我生于元月三日。job nMy mother does all the jobs about the house. 我妈妈做家里所有的活儿。职业;工作;职位She has a good job in a bank. 她在银行有份好工作。What is your job? 你的工作是什么?The teachers job is very important. 教师的工作很重要。journalist n新闻工作者;记者,报人July n七月 June n 六月just adv刚才,方才just after New Year 新年刚过Theyve just arrived. 他们刚刚到达。The bell just rang. 铃刚响过。正好;恰好It is his birthday; he is just ten years old. 今天是他生日, 他正好10岁。That is just what I think. 那正是我所想的。Its just three oclock.KKaty key n钥匙We have a key for the door of the house and a key for starting the car. 我们有房间门的钥匙和发动汽车的钥匙。kilometers n 公里kind adj仁慈的;善良的;好心的Be kind to animals 爱护动物She was kind to me when I was unhappy. 当我不高兴的时候,她对我很好。knife n knives 刀Llanguage n语言 (不同国家的人说不同的语言。)People in different countries speak different languages. late adj+adv I was late for school. 我上学迟到了。 I got up late. 我起晚了。It is very late - I should be in bed. 天很晚了,我得上床了。later advBut some time later it began to rain. 但过了些时候开始下雨了。Ill tell you all about it later on. 晚些时候我再把有关这一切告诉你leave v前往;离开We leave tonight. 我们今晚走。 The car left the road. The train leaves (the station) in five minutes. 火车五分钟后开车。left adj+n向左 Turn left at the corner. 在拐角处向左拐。 left n 左侧,左方The school is on the left of the road. 学校在马路的左边。let v允许,让My mother wouldnt let me go to the film. 我妈妈不会让我去看电影的。放开;释放Let each man decide for himself. 让每个人自己决定。lie (down) v躺,卧He was lying in the shade of the tree. 他正躺在树荫下。She lay down on her bed. 她躺在床上。 保持;处于(某一位置)The factory lies to the west of town. 工厂在小镇的西边。The plates lay on the table. 盘子在桌上。light n光,光亮The sun gives us light during the day. 白天太阳给我们光亮。light adj浅色的;淡色的 a light blue sky 淡蓝色的天空little adj小的 We live in a little house. 我们住在一间小房子里少;小 You eat very little. 你吃得很少。I have too little time to finish this work. 我的时间太少了,不能完成这项工作London n伦敦(英国)long adv adv 长久地;长期地He said hed waited so long that he couldnt stay any longer. 他说他已经等了这么长时间了,不能再等了。Not long after that, he got married. 过了不多久他就结婚了。You can go out as long as you promise to be back before 8. 如果你保证八点以前回来,你可以出去。He died long ago. 他很久以前就去世了。look for v 寻找 look like v 看起来像lose vI cannot find my watch;I must have lost it. 我找不到手表,我一定把它给丢了。Our team lost the football match. 我们队足球比赛输了。lovely adj美丽的;迷人的 The house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden.这幢房子有很多大房间,并有一个惹人喜爱的花园。愉快的 a lovely meal 愉快的一餐 a lovely cool drink 沁人心脾的冷饮low adj低声的;轻声的 a low voice 低声 a low price 便宜的价格Mmagazine n杂志womens magazines 妇女杂志make vThis spade is made of iron. 这把铲子是用铁做的。He made a model plane out of wood. 他用木头做了一架模型飞机Have I made myself clear? 我讲清楚了没有?His terrible stories made our blood freeze. (喻)他讲的恐怖故事吓得我们浑身冰冷。She will make him happy. 她将使他幸福。many adj许多的How many bananas are in the basket? Were there many people at the play? 看戏的人多不多?March nmarried adj已婚的 与结婚的;密切结合一起的Hes married to his work. 他一心扑在工作上Maths n数学 May n梅(女子名);五月may v可能;也许It may rain today. 今天可能下雨。可以;允许You may come if you wish. 假如你愿意的话,你就来。祝;愿 May they live long. 祝他们长寿。(表示目的)(以便)能;欲Write to him at once so that he may know in time. 立刻写信给他,好让他及时知道。meal n一餐;一顿(饭)I always enjoy my evening meal. 我总是喜欢晚餐mechanic n机械工;机修工medicine n药 医学A person who wants to become a doctor has to study medicine. 一个想当医生的人得学习医学。meet n+v相逢;遇见At Boston University, he met his wife, Coretta.在波斯顿大学,认识了他的妻子科利塔。He studied at Morehouse College where he met many outstanding men.他在墨哈斯学院读书,在大学期间,他认识了许多杰出的人士。I met my teacher in the street today. 我今天在街上遇见了我的老师。meet with 偶遇;碰到I met with a friend in the train yesterday. 昨天我在火车上遇到一位朋友。meeting n 会议;集会 (很多人来参加在大厅里举行的会议。)Many people came to the meeting in the hall. I was late for the meeting so they started without me.我开会迟到,因此他们就先开始了。 meta


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