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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上湘少版小学三年级英语下册检测试题 听力部分(40分)一、听一听,选出你所听到的单词,并将其选项填在题前括号内。(10分)( A )1、A. thanks ks 谢谢 B. pink pk 粉红色 C.book buk 书籍(C )2、A. please pli:z 请 B .dress dres 连衣裙 C. coat kt 上衣(B. )3、A. car k: 小汽车 B. bicycle baisikl 自行车 C. Bus bs 公共汽车(C )4、A.drink drik 喝酒;饮水 B. food fu:d 食物 C. Like laik 喜欢(B )5、A. cold kuld 寒冷 B.cloudy klaudi 多云的 C. hot ht 热的Windy wndi 有风的 snowy sni 下雪的sunny sn 晴朗的rainy reini 下雨的二、听录音,选出相应的图片,并标出序号15。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )bikebaik自行车、fks狐狸、vase vz花瓶、wall wl墙壁、egg eg 鸡蛋三、听句子,选择合适的答语,并将其选项填在题前括号内。(10分)1、How are you?2、Good night.3、How many pens are there?4、 What do you like?5、 Whats your number ? What colour is this? What time is it?(A )1、A. I m fine, thanks. B. I am sorry. C. Youre kind.(B )2、A. Look at the T-shirt. B. Good night. C. Its sunny.(A )3、A. There are ten pens. B. Its an orange. C. Its red.(B )4、A. I dont like the rainy days. B. I like ice-cream. C. Its very nice.(A B C )5、A. My number is five. B. Its yellow. C. Its 10 oclock.四 、听句子,排出序号15。(10分)( 4 )How old are you? 你多大了?( 1 )My number is five. 我的号码是五( 2 )Pleaser count the rulers. pli:z 喜欢kant 计数rl 直尺人喜欢计数的统治者( 3 )This is a market mkt 市场,its not a classroom. 这是一个市场,它不是一个教室。( 5 )I like ice-cream. askrim 我喜欢冰淇淋。笔试部分(60分)5、 选出每组中意义不同类的单词,并将选项填在题前括号内。(10分)1、(B )A. banana bnn 香蕉B. face fes 脸 C.lemon lemn 柠檬2、(B )A.T-shirtti,t T恤衫 B .orange rn(d) 橙色 C.dressdres 连衣裙3、(A )A. leg leg 腿 B. yellow jel 黄色 C. red red 红色4、(C )A.windy wnd 有风的 B.sunny sn 阳光 C.bigbi 大的5、(C )A. ship p 船 B.plane plen 飞机 C. hair he 头发六、选择最佳答案,并将选项填在题前括号内。(10分)( B )1、-Is this a mango?- A. Yes ,it isnt. B. No ,it isnt. C. No ,it is.(A )2、- is the weather like? we 天气-It is a sunny day.A. What B. How C. Do(C )3、-What colour is this balloon?- .A. It is your shirt. B. I like the book. C. Its blue.(A )4、I go to Shanghai ship.A. by B. on (on foot) C.at(A )5、-How is he? 他怎么样?- .A. He is sick. 他生病了 B. He is nine. 他九岁了 C. Sit down, please. 请坐下七、连线,将图片与相应的单词连线。(10分)shortsts 短裤 eighteen eti:n 十八 Mango mg美芒果 traintrein列车 ox ks牛八、选择与图片相应的句子回答问题。(10分)(C )1.- What is the time? - It is . A. ten oclockB. eleven oclock.C.twelve oclocktwelv 十二(A )2.-What is your number? -My number is . A. sevenB. seventeenC. zero zr 零点(B )3.I go to Beijing by .A. taxi tks乘出租车B. planeplen 飞机B. busbs 公共汽车(C )4.-What shape is this? ep 形状 - It is a . A. circlesk()l 圆形B. triangletral 三角形C. squareskwe 正方形(B )5.- Whats the weather like? 天气怎么样? -It is . A. sunnysn 阳光B. windywnd 有风的C. cloudyklad 多云的 9、 根据图片,选择相应的单词,并将它抄写在四线格上。(10分)1A. dayB. night2A. drinkB. fooddrik 喝酒;饮水 fud 食物3A. a dressB. a coat4A. an appleB.a pineapplepanp()l一个菠萝5A. trousersB. shortstrazz 长裤ts 短裤10、 按顺序写出26个字母的大小写。(10分)专心-专注-专业


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